Online Sunday Sermon Kids Resources March 29th John 5:1-9 – Jesus Heals a Man by the PoolVideo for Kids to Watch to Ask About the Story [Answers in the Parenthesis]What do you think the lame man was feeling after being healed? [Allow for answers.]Where did the healing come from, the water? or Jesus? [Jesus]Did the lame man ask to be healed? [No]Why do you think Jesus healed the man? [Allow for answers]Jesus has power over disease and sickness. What is neat about this event is that the lame man did not ask for healing. We don’t even know if he believed in Jesus or knew who He was. But Jesus healed him anyway. And the scriptures tell us that Jesus knew the man had been lame for 38 years. Isn’t nice to know that God knows how long you have suffered?Did Jesus ever do anything wrong? [No]Who was wrong? [The Jewish leaders]What were they doing that was wrong? [Allow for answers, lead the children to understand that making a lot of laws and obeying them does not make a man righteous. The Jews had made the following of laws more important than helping people in need.]Jesus was perfect, so He did not do anything wrong by healing on the Sabbath as the Jewish Leaders claim. The Jewish Leaders had so many laws that they tried to regulate and enforce, that they themselves could not keep them all. But they were quick to point out the failures of others and ignore their own.In another conversation Jesus pointed out that the Sabbath was made for man. Those Ten Commandments were given to man. God didn’t need them. Man needs them.Have you ever done anything wrong? [Yes]Which of the ten commandments have you broken? [Allow for answers]The Bible tells us that when we brake one of the laws, then we are guilty of breaking all of them. When people realize that they cannot follow the law perfectly, then they understand that they need a Savior.There is nothing we can do to earn a right relationship with God, or salvation. That lame man did nothing to earn his healing. Jesus chose to heal the man because He loved him, and that is why Jesus offers salvation to you today: He loves you! What is Jesus telling us with His words? Jesus told the lame man to sin no more. He also told the Jews that He was equal with God the Father. Only God can forgive sins. And only the Son of God can be equal to God. Jesus wants us to know that He is God in the flesh. Immanuel.Coloring Pages Down below Craft Activity: Healing at the Pool (John 5)Part 1left7874000Some crafts open our eyes to a point in the story we sometimes forget to really examine. This little scene shows Jesus finding the yet to be healed invalid by the pool. It opens us to questions about the other ill people who witnessed this encounter, to questions about how the pool was seen to be healing and how we sometimes give up on our dreams. It’s also a rare JWL craft that’s best printed without colour so the children can add their own details in.Materials: To make this craft you will need a pair of scissors, glue, and the printout. I also used a ruler to help make the folds, though any straight edge like (eg a craft stick) would work too!o cover our costs with a small donation?Start by adding your colour. I’d recommend the option where the people need colour added, this stops your kids from spending ages colouring the water! Once done cut out all 3 pieces – feel free to cut round the lady and Jesus roughly, it really looks ok and is much easier!Grab the big piece and get folding. First make sure the archways have been removed from one end. Then fold the one mountain fold along the top edge of the step into the water.All the reminding folds are valley folds, that means the coloured side will touch the coloured side and you won’t be able to see the line. I lined up a ruler and folded upwards.Start at the top with the column folds.Moving down the next fold is along the base of the other columns, this line is broken by people but just fold right over them!?The last fold is at the water edge this line is not clearly defined so just place it roughly where the stone and water meet.?The only folds left are on the two extra characters, fold their stands backwards.?Grab the glue stick and stick those columns in place, there are boxes on the floor to show where they go.Finish your scene by adding in the two remaining characters with a drop of glue.Link to Download the Craft Page With color: color: to the website with the craft HYPERLINK "" 2 This is the second craft for the Healing at the pool story, and both are very similar. Sometimes though it’s much more helpful o have a flatter version of a craft for kids to store or take away. This craft again features Bethesda pool and has a great story prompt by using the picture of the invalid before Jesus arrived printed on his mat ready to unfurl and tell his story.?To make this craft you will need a pair of scissors, glue, and the printout. I also used a pen to help me start the rolling.?Start by adding your colour if needed and cutting out the background. Put this to one side for later.?Take the second printout and cut out the invalid and his arm. A Jesus graphic is included but not needed for this craft, discuss with your group if you wish to use it or not!?Glue the two arm pieces together and trim if needed.Start at the top with the column folds.??Cut out the mat and roll it up tightly.??Glue the mat onto the healed invalid inside the box shown and along part of the arm.??Glue the invalid to the background, adding the Jesus character if you wishLink to Download the Craft Page With color: color: to the website with the craft ................

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