Tender Documents
Subject Pages
Instructions to Tenderers 02-06
Tender General Conditions 07-15
Particular Technical Conditions 16-17
Formats 18-24
Format of Tender Form Annexure 1 19-20
Format of Tender Bond Annexure 2 21
Format of Performance Bond Annexure 3 22
Schedule of Prices Annexure 4 23
Exception/Qualification, if any Annexure 5 24
Contract of Supply 25-32
Intructions to Tenderers
1. Documents Provided for Tender Purpose
1.1 The documents specifically provided for the purpose of tendering ( herein after called “the tender documents” ) comprises of the following.
Instructions to Tenderers 02-06
Tender General Conditions 07-15
Particular Technical Conditions 16-17
Formats 18-24
Format of Tender Form Annexure 1 19-20
Format of Tender Bond Annexure 2 21
Format of Performance Bond Annexure 3 22
Schedule of Prices Annexure 4 23
Exception/Qualification, if any Annexure 5 24
2- Submission of Tender
2.1The Tenderer must adhere to the conditions stated in the “Tender Documents”, and write the prices on the “Tender Form” on their company’s letter head ( Annexure 1) in accordance with the provisions of these documents. Any Tender Offer that does not comply with these provisions shall be considered null and void
2.2The Tenderer/Bidder must return the original “Tender Documents” duly filled in with the required information without any alterations. Should there be any comments, qualifications, reservations or amendments, alterations to specifications or conditions they must be stated in a separate letter
Qualifications/Exceptions-Annexure 5, attached to this Tender and indicated on the enclosed Tender.
2.3Tender offer must be submitted in (3) three separate waxed & sealed envelopes with clear marking on the envelope.
a) Tender Bond Envelope
b) Technical Envelope
c) Financial Envelope and
The envelope (a) and (b) should have no bearing of prices anywhere. The three envelopes must clearly bear on the cover the number of Tender, Name of Tenderer/Bidder, closing date of Tender and the Title of Tender
2.4 Alternate Options:The Tenderer/Bidder may submit alternative Tenders Offers in addition to the original Tender Offer should the “Tender Documents” so stipulate and if the Tenderer/Bidder deems it to be in the interest of the work or project financially or technically or with respect to completion period or for any other consideration.
These Tenders Offers will be presented in separate envelopes in the same manner as the original Tenders Offers enabling a comprehensive evaluation of the Tender Offer. and should be clearly marked as Alternate Tender Offer A , Alternate Tender offer B….. etc.
2.5 Tenderer/ Bidder must include the following duly filled in :
a.The “Tender Form” on the letter head of bidder duly signed and stamped by bidder’s authorized representative.
b.Tender Bond
c. Each page of “Tender Documents„ shall be initialed by the principal duly authorised to represent and bind the Tenderer/Bidder and stamped by the Tenderer/Bidder as token of their acceptance.
d. Qualification/exceptions - if any Annexure 5
f. Tenderers/Bidders shall be clearly stated in detail the time for fabrication, implementation & completion of the materials/ parts supply, the origin manufacturer, country of origin, packing details .
g.Tenderers/Bidders shall submit copy of Annual Accounts duly audited by professional certified accountants for proceeding three year.
anization chart, Indicating the name of companies and organizations which shall or may become responsible for the major activities.Site Organization chart indicating the number of personnel to be timely employed on Site.
i. Lay out and site installation camp including list of major equipment for the execution of design, materials supply.
j. Detailed diagram for training of Q.N.C.C./Purchaser personnel, if any .
h.The Tenderer/Bidder shall propose and implement the progress reporting on equipment,engineering,design, supply and commissioning.
3- Filling of Tender /Corrections & Adjustment of Errors
3.1 No rasing, alteration or additions shall be made by Tenderer/Bidder to the “Tender Documents„ ( other than filling in blanks where intended for that purpose),unless such alteration is made in accordance with an addendum issued as hereinafter described.
3.2 Should there be any erasure or scratching out on the Tender Offer, it must be signed and stamped by the Tenderer/Bidder .
3.3 Prices and their particulars must be typed or written in ink and should not be written in pencil. All pages of the tnder offer, especially those containing the total prices and their term must have the stamp of the company establishment , affixed to them.
3.4 The Tenderer/Bidder shall submit his tender in Qatari Riyals. The related breakdown of the lump-sum price and all other monetary statements in connection with theTender are to be in Qatari Riyals.
3.5 The name of the responsible person signing must be typed or printed below signature. The official stamp of the Tenderer/Bidder must be fixed.
3.6 In case of any differences, ambiguity or discrepancy between the original and other copies of the bid,the original documents shall prevail,
4- All questions/query or requests for clarifications pertaining to commercial, contractual or technical matters of this tender prior to submission of duly completed offer shall be addressed to address as per 5 below in writing , quoting tender number and title.
4.1 Tenderer’s/Supplier query shall reach to folllowing address at least 10 days before closure date. Queries raised therafter may be ignored.
5- Incase of any discrepancy, ambiguity, omission, conflict appearing in the contents of “Tender Documents”, the Bidder must notify Q.N.C.C./Buyer timely and in writing.
6- “Tender Documents” duly sealed should be returned /delivered to.
Chairman Purchase Committee
Qatar National Cement Co,
Cement Plant No. 2 , General Secretay Office
Tele (0974) 44712880, Fax (0974) 44712585
P.O.Box 1333, Doha, State of Qatar
The Tender Offer/Bid must be handed/delivered over to the General Secretary Purchase Committee before being deposited in the tenders box in the same time, the General Secretary Purchase Committee will issue a receipt against each received Tender, indicating the hour and date of receipt.
Tender General Conditions
1- Validity of Tender
1.1Tender Offers/Bids must remain valid for the acceptance for a period of 90 days from the date of fixed opening of tenders offers’s Technical & Bank Deposite envelopes.
2- Tender Bond
2.1 Tender Bond (Annexure 2) shall be enclosed with the tender offer in the form of Bank guarantee issued by one of the approved banks operating in State of Qatar equivalent to 2% or more of the tendered/bidded amount. It must be unconditional and valid for (120) days commencing from the date of opening Tender's Technical and Tender bond envelopes. The Committee reserve the right to exclude any Tender Offer which does not include the required tender bond, effective after 07(Seven) days from the closing date of this Tender.
2.2 The unsuccessful Tenderer/ Bidder tender Bond would be returned on allotment/finalization of Tender. Succesful Tenderer/Bidder’s Tender Bond would be returned on submission of Performance bond.
2.3 The Tenderer/Bidder may not withdraw his tender offer or amend his tender bid after the closing date of above Tender .In the event of his withdrawal his Tender Offer , bond would stand forfeited, without any contestation or claim from Tenderer/Bidder.
3- Expenses of tendering
3.1 Q.N.C.C. will neither be responsible for any expenses nor losses which may be incurred by any Tenderer/Bidder either in the preparation of his tender offer or in any way whatsoever arising out of the invitation and elaboration of tender offers for the equipments supply & erection .
4- Acceptance or Rejection of Tender Offer/Bid
4.1 Q.N.C.C has the right to cancel or postpone or retender the tender without giving any reason/s and/or award it by partial basis. The Tenderer/Bidder is not entitled to any compensation in such cases. The Tenderer/Bidder is expected and deemed to have agreed to supply part of tender in the same prices as offered.
4.2 Q.N.C.C is ‘Not’ committed to accept any tender offer/Bid with the least price.
4.3 Q.N.C.C has the right to exclude Tenders Offers who are not conforming to conditions of this tender and/or tender that are submitted after the closing date and/or submitted without tender bond.
4.4 Each Tenderer/Bidder must demonstrate , that he and his employees had previously supplied or executed other similar materials supply, together with evidence that these materials supply have continued to be successfully operative for a period of time.
5- Evaluation of Tender Offer All confirming & complete Tenders Offers submitted to Q.N.C.C. will be evaluated and the successful Tenderer/Bidder would be advised in writing of the awarding of tender subject to fulfillment of further formalities/conditions.
6- Performance Bond Annexure 3
Successeful Tenderer/ Bidder will be required to submit Performance Bond ( Performance Bond Guarantee - Annexure (3) ) amounting to ten 10 % percent of the total lump sum price , issued by a first class local bank operating in State of Qatar and acceptable to Q.N.C.C./ Purchaser. The Bank letter of Guarantee performance Bond shall become effective upon signing Contract and its validity period should covers the contract execution period and remain valid for 60 (Sixty) days from the date of recipt the complete material(s) in good order & condition. If Q.N.C.C./ Purchaser shall consider forfeiting the bond or guarantee he shall forthwith do inform the Supplier specifying the default of the Supplier. Upon which the Supplier shall remedy such default within thirty (30) days after registered mailing date of such notice or the Supplier guaranting the remedy of such default in a reasonable time acceptable by Q.N.C.C./ Purchaser, then Q.N.C.C./ Purchaser shall be entitled to require the Bond or Surety to be forfeited to the extend of the loss of the default.
7- Applicable Law
All disputes shall be as per jurisdiction of Qatari Courts.Tenderer/Bidder shall be fully conversant with the laws, regulations and practices prevailing in State of Qatar.
8- Language
The Language of the “Tender Documents„ shall be English. All correspondence in this connection should be in English / or Arabic the
Contract language shall be Arabic and the translation of Arabic in English, incase of any dispute the Arabic language shall only prevail.
9. Addenda means Instructions issued at any time prior to the date fixed for submission of the Tender Offer, Q.N.C.C. may issue Addenda in writing to the Tenderers/Bidders (by letter or fax) instructing them to delete , vary or extend any item or items into the “Tender Documents„ . Any such Addenda shall be construed as forming part of the “Tender Documents„ .
10.Examination of Tender Documents/Site Conditions /Site Visit
10.1Tenderers/Bidders are advised to examine and thoroughly acquanit themselves with the contents of the “Tender Documents„ and take all further steps necessary to ascertain for themselves , entirely at their own expense, any additional information necessory for submitting a tender and executing the materials supply.
10.2Submission of Tender Offer/Bid shall be deemed to indicate that Tenderer/Bidder has satisfied himself regarding and undertakes to accept and comply with all the obligations , liabilities , responsibilities and risks imposed upon him by these “Tender Documents„ . Submission of tender shall deemed to indicate that Tenderer/Bidder has made himself acquainted & satisfied himself with the prevailing risks associated with procurement, manufacturing, fabrication & transportation, customs etc associated with business in order to discharge his responsibilities/ obligation under these “Tender Documents„ .
10.3 Tenderers/Bidders at their own expences shall visit the site and obtain themselves all information which may be deemed necessary to enable them to submit a fully comprehensive and sufficient Tender Offer/Bid.
10.4 No claim whatsoever will be entertained araising out of Tenderer’s/Bidders failure to study/understand the material , risks , laws,duties,and taxes as well as specifications, drawings, existing facilities etc or to obtain reliable information in respect of equipment (s) supply and commissioning or otherwise.
11. The attention of the bidder is drawn to the fact that the Tender Offer/Bid has to be on Fixed price basis with no provision for price variations for labor, materials/Parts/ Equipments supply, currency variation, taxes and duties which may arise during the duration of the Contract.
12. Exceptions/ Qualifications
12.1 In the event of tender’s intention of non acceptance/non compliance/qualification of any of the condition/conditions as stated in “Tender Documents”, the same shall be listed clearly along with the changes proposed by him if any.
12.2 Any price implications arising out of such exceptions/qualifications shall be enumerated in Commercial proposal at Annexure 5
13. Correspondence/Notices would be done by Tenderers/Bidders on the address of Q.N.C.C. stipulated elsewhere giving Tender Number,Title of Tender . All Invoices /notices should mention the Tender Number, Title of Tender.
13.1 Q.N.C.C. shall issue/send correspondence/notices to the Representative(if so named) of Tenderer/Bidder as provided on the contract.
13.2 Q.N.C.C. and Tenderer/Bidder shall immediately notify each other incase of any change in such address for any reason whatsoever.
14. Programme
The Tenderer/Bidder shall submit with his tender offer a comprehensive bar chart indicating and distinguishing between the time for prepartion, mobilization,designing, amending and completion of complete project.The Tenderer/Bidder time schedule shall be subdivided in various sub activities.Time schedule will become part of contract. The Tenderer/Bidder should propose his shortest possible execution & Completion time .
15 Insurance
15.1 The Tenderer/Bidder would be solely responsible to the performance and conduct of their employees / sub-contractors / suppliers for any loss or damage arising to them for whatsoever reason. They should take their own insurance to cover damage to equipment, camp, employees or to the third party, or to any other property if any. Q.N.C.C./ Purchaser takes no responsibility towards these claims to the Tenderer/Bidder.
15.2The Tenderer/Bidder shall take fully responsibility to Q.N.C.C./ Purchaser for any loss or damage to property or equipment or personnel of Q.N.C.C./ Purchaser due to any fault negligence or act of Tenderer/Bidder sub-contractor, supplier or otherwise.
16. Tenderer’s / Supplier’s representative
16.1 Tenderer/Supplier shall employ one or more competent representative/s, whose name or names should previously been communicated in writing to Q.N.C.C./ Purchaser to plan /design/check/inspect/supervise/execute & coordinate the works or supply.
16.2 Any correspondence/notice /instructions/order which Q.N.C.C./ Purchaser may give to the said representative of Tenderer / Bidder / Supplier shall be deemed to have been given to the Tenderer / Bidder/Supplier.
17. Contract of Supply
17.1 Successful Tenderer/Bidder would enter in a contract with Q.N.C.C./ Purchaser outlining the conditions as enumerated in “Tender Documents” and with the Contract prices and additional conditions as agreed by either party to contract.
17.2 The Contract will be drawn up in two originals duly signed by authorized signatories and stamped by official seal of either party to Contract . Q.N.C.C./ Purchaser and Successful Tenderer/Bidder would each receive one copy of contract.
17.3 The contract shall be binding on the successor/s in the event of change in Ownership of either party.
17.4 Duly exceuted contract shall be legalized by either party’s embassy or foreign office at either party’s cost, in the event the Tenderer/Bidder is not legal entity/or registered in State of Qatar
18. Delivery of Material(s)
18.1The Tenderer/Bidder shall include for all cost including freight, and trasnport to the stores at Umm-Bab as per specifications, and conditions mentioned in this “Tender Documents”.
18.2The material(s) delivered should be covered in itemized delivey order, mentioning details of tender number and other relevant information & shall be acknowldged by the Q.N.C.C./ Purchaser .
19. Principals & Agents
In the event that Tenderer/Bidder is not a legal entity at State of Qatar,it may name the local agent if any.Incase of not having any local agent, the Tenderer/Bidder shall so inform. In case a local agent in bidding on behalf of any overseas entity, he should so inform.
20. National preference
In accordance with the policy of State of Qatar, the Tenderer/Bidder shall provide from within the State of Qatar such products and services as are naturally exiting or produced in state of Qatar provided the quality , quantity, suitablility, price and delivery makes it un pratical to use such domestic produced/available products.
21. Currency of bid
Unless specified otherwise , the Tenderer/Bidder shall submit his Tender Offer/Bid in Qatari Riyals.
22. Terms of payment
22.1 The payment shall be made by account payee cheque /bank transfer/or Letter of Credit to the Supplier on completion of material supply to the site as stated hereunder on providing the Original Invoices & supporting relevant documents to Q.N.C.C./ Purchaser. The Supplier,if so wish shall provide bank ] account number and name where the payment is required against invoice/invoices in the stipulated bank.
22.2 In case payment or advance (if any) is mutually agreed to be made by letter of credit, the letter of credit will be established on written request of Supplier along with the Proforma Invoice including name, address with telephone & fax number, bank account number, branch, name of bank, amount, date, description of material & validity required for the letter of credit.The letter of credit shall be non transferable and non divisionable.
22.3 Q.N.C.C./ Purchaser reserves the right to deduct or set off from the amount due to Supplier of any amount is payable to Q.N.C.C./ Purchaser provided Q.N.C.C./ Purchaser has so notified Supplier in writing, stating the reason of deduction if any.
22.4 Full Payment will be released as per following pattern :
22.4.1 Incase of Overseas Supplier
100% of the payment would be released by letter of credit in favour of supplier with following negotiation conditions :
• First negotiation of 80% of lc amount on production of supplier’s legalized ( qatar embassy , incase of non availability of qatar embassy in place of origin of shipment from any other arab embassy )
Commercial Invoice,
Cert of Origin,
Packing List: and Negotiable Clean Bill of Lading
• And 20% on production of supplier Invoice & Delivery Note duly signed by General Manager of applicant whose signatures are with Applicant’s bank, as a token of acceptance of complete material at Umm Bab on C.I.F, custom paid basis.
22.4.2 Incase of Supplier based in Qatar
100% of the payment would be released by Letter of Credit in favour of
supplier with following negotiation conditions:
• 100% on production of suppliers invoice & delivery note duly signed by genersl manager of applicant whose signatures are with applicant’s
bank , as a token of acceptance of complete material at umm bab on C.I.F,custom paid basis..
22.5 All exepenses of letter of cridet in Qatar would be to account of applicant , all expenses outside qatar would be to the account of beneficiary . LC extention, if any would be on account of beneficiary. LC would be non transferable.
23. Mistakes & Errors
1. The Tenderer/Bidder shall be responsible for any discrepancies, errors or omissions in the drawings and information supplied by him, whether they have been approved by Q.N.C.C or not.
23.2 The Tenderer/Bidder, however, shall be responsible for any misunderstanding or incorrect information obtained, except having received Seven 7 days a written interpretation about such conditions by Q.N.C.C.
23.3 The Tenderer/Bidder shall at his on expense carry out any alterations or remedial work necessitated by reason of such discrepancies, errors or omissions for which he is responsible and modify the drawings and information accordingly, or it the same be done by or on behalf of the Q.N.C.C./ Purchaser shall bear all costs reasonably incurred therein. The performance of his obligations under this clause shall be in full satisfaction of the discrepancies, errors or omissions.
Particular Technical Conditions
SUPPLY & DELIVERY of spherical roller bearing, housing & hydraulic adaptor sleeve.
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TENDERER/BIDDER NAME …………………………………………………………………………………………….SIGNATURE……………………………………………………….
DATE: / / 2011
Formats 18-24
Format of Tender Form Annexure 1 19-20
Format of Tender Bond Annexure 2 21
Format of Performance Bond Annexure 3 22
Format of Bill of Quantity Annexure 4 23
Exception/Qualification, if any Annexure 5 24
Format of Tender Form-Annexure 1
On the letter Head of Tenderer
Qatar National Cement Co. (S.A.Q) Date……..
Post Box 1333,
Doha , State of Qatar
Attn. : Chairman of Purchase Committee
Subject: General Tender No. 18/2011
Gentlemen :
Having examined the Tender Documents and having inspected the site and fully acquainted ourselves to the characteristics of the site , environment theron, responsibilites of the project , We undertake to execute and provide supply & delivery of supply & delivery of spherical roller bearing, housing & hydraulic adaptor sleeve and subject to the Terms and Conditions and other “Tender Documents” studied/accepted and signed by us for total Lump sum contract price of USD or QAR ………………..(in words…………………………….) Delivery on C.I.F at Umm-Bab, Custom Paid Basis.
We hereby acknowledge the receipt of following addenda (if any).
Reference Number of Addenda Date
…………………………………….. ……..……
…………………………………….. …………..
…………………………………….. …………..
We ,hereby undertake that our “Tender Documents” are complete in all respects and that any item not expressly stated in tender documents but necessary for the proper execution and completion of Materials/Equipment(s) supply , has been included.
We, hereby, undertake that if our Tender ffer/bid is accepted , we shall start/proceed the work in terms of “Tender Documents” immediately upon notification by Qatar National Cement Company.
We, hereby, undertake that if our tender offer/bid is accepted , we shall provide Performance Bond of 10% value of contract price , as stipulated in “Tender Documents”, within 07 (Seven) days of awarding letter from yourselves.
We, further agree that you are “Not” committed to accept any tender offer with least price.
We further confirm that we shall abide by our tender offer for 90 days from the opening date of Tenders’s technical & tender bond envelopes and it shall remain bindng upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiry of that period.
We enclose here with the following documents
a) Bank Tender Bond No…………….of QR/USD.……… in favour of Q.N.C.C/Onwer and valid for 120 days until :…../……/2011.
b) Latest Financial Report of the Company.
c) Others ………………….please specify
d) ……………………………………….
Company’s Name ……………….
Address: ………….…….
Tel:& Fax .……………….
Represented by: .………………
In the capacity. ……………….
Duly authorized to sign on behalf of the supplier .
Signature ……………………………
Witness by ……………………………
In the capacity of ……………………………
Address …….……………………..
Signature .….……………………….
Date ….….…………………….
Company Seal ….….…………………….
Format of Tender Bond-Annexure 2
On the letter head of Bank
M/s. Qatar National Cement Co. SAQ
Post Box 1333, Doha
State of Qatar
Subject: Tender Bond for General Tender ( 18/2011)
We are pleased to advise you that we hereby guarantees M/s……………………With an amount of ………………. to enable them to bid for the general Tender No.(18/2011)…………….. in the event of M/s……………………,Withdrawing their tender before the expiry of this guarantee or failing to submit the Performance Bond, within 07 (Seven) days from the date of being notified to provide such Bond which ever date comes earlier, we hereby undertake to pay the aforementioned amount of ………….. In cash, to Qatar National Cement Co. Upon their first demand & not withstanding any contestation by M/S. ……………………..
Knowing that the validity of this guarantee is 120 (One Hundred Twenty) days. Commencing from, the opening date of the Tender Offers’s technical & tender bond envelopes,.
We undertake to extend the validity of this tender bond upon your first demand & not with-standing any contestation from the Tenderer/Bidder.
Bank’s Signature & Stamp
Format of Performance Bond Annexure 3
On letter head of Bank
M/s. Qatar National Cement Co SAQ.
Post 1333, Doha
State of Qatar
Letter of Guarantee No………………………………………………………..
Upon request of M/s ……………………………………. We hereby guarantee to pay to you or to your legal representative an amount of QR/USD……. Upon first written demand not withstanding any contestation by the Supplier , in connection with Tender No.(18/ 2011) related to …………… This letter of guarantee shall be effective and in full force from …… and remain valid for 60 (Sixty) days from next date of receipt of complete material(s) subject to contract of supply in good order & condition and expire on …………...
As guarantee for the fulfillment of the obligations of the aforementioned contract by the Supplier in the establishment time and in accordance with the conditions and terms as specified in the contract.
In the event of extension the supply or execution period beyond the fixed date. This guarantee shall cover that extension.
Bank’s Signature & Stamp
Format of Bill of Quantities & Prices-Annexure 4
On the letter Head of Tenderer
|S.No. |Item Description |Qty. | |Total Amount |
| | | |Unit Price | |
| | | | | | | |
|1. |SPHERICAL ROLLER BEARING (FAG)23156K/C3/MB |4 NOS. | | | | |
|2. |SPHERICAL ROLLER BEARING (FAG)23152K/C3/MB |4 NOS. | | | | |
| |ROUND CORD (TS56) | | | | | |
| |ROUND CORD (TS52) | | | | | |
| | | |
|Total Price in words : | | |
Manufacture Name :………………………… Country of Origin :…………….………….
Delivery Period:…………… ( ) Month (s) Delivery to Umm Bab
Tenderer/Bidder’s name & signture Seal Date : …………
…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Qualifications/ Exceptions -Annexure 5
On the letter Head of Tenderer
We have following exceptions/qualifications on the above tender bid.
|SN. |Narration |Amount (+, -) |Time |
| | | |( +, -) |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| |Total | | |
Signed Date
|نموذج عقد التوريد |FORMAT OF CONTRACT OF SUPPLY |
| | |
| | |
| |It is hereby agreed on the ………………………. day of …………………………………..,by and |
|أنه في يوم ………..، الموافق ……….. قـد تم الاتفاق بين كل من : |between: |
|1- شركة قطر الوطنية لصناعـة الأسمنت(ش.م.ق) | |
|يمثلها السيد/ |1.QATAR NATIONAL CEMENT CO. (SAQ) |
|................................................................ | |
|ص.ب : 1333 الدوحة "كطــــرف أول" |Represented by Mr……………………………………….. |
| |P.O.BOX : 1333 -DOHA . as “ First Party” |
| | |
|2- السادة/ |2. M/S………………………………………………………… |
|.........................................................................| |
|.. |Represented by Mr. …………………………………. |
|يمثلها |P.O.BOX : - DOHA as “Second Party” |
|السيد/................................................................. | |
|ص ب: الدوحة ، "كطرف ثان" |On the Following:- |
| | |
|على ما يلي :ـ | |
|مقدمـــة |PRELIMINARY |
| | |
|حيث أعلن عن …………………...بموجب المناقصة العامــة رقــم (18/2011 ) كما هو |As it published for the supply …………………..gavin mentioned under article (2)|
|مذكور في المادة (4) من هذا العقد ، تقدم الطرف الثاني بعطائه في هذه |of this contract has been advertised for as per Tender No. (18/2011) in |
|المناقصة وتم إسناد عملية التوريد إليه بموافقة الطرف الأول ، وأخطر بذلك |the Second Party has submitted his Tender offer and was awarded this |
|بموجب الكتاب الترسية رقم المؤرخ / /2011 ، حيث قدم الطرف الثاني |tender upon the approval of the First Party and , has been informed vide |
|بتاريخ ………، بخطاب الضمان المصرفي صادر من بنك ………. بتاريخ ……… ، بمبلغ |Awarding letter ref. No. ( …………. ) dated …………., The Second party has |
|إجمالي قـدره =/……… (...……………) ، لصالح الطرف الأول ساري المفعول حتى |submitted Bank letter of guarantee on ………., issued by ……. Dated / |
|……….., ، وتعادل قيمته نسبة 10% من إجمالي قيمة العقد الماثل ، كضمان |/2011 of total amount …………. (…………… ……. only ), in the name of the First |
|لإنجاز الطرف الثاني كافة التزاماته التعاقدية . |Party, and it shall be valid till ……….., equal 10% of the Contract total|
| |value, as the Performance Bond for the Second Party's contractual |
| |obligations. |
| | |
|مادة (1) | |
| | |
| | |
| |Art. (1) |
| | |
| |The above Preliminary , all the documents of Tender No. ( 18/2011 ), |
|يعتبر ما جاء في المقدمة أعلاه ،وكذلك مستندات المناقصة رقم (18/ 2011 ) ، |and following documents of the Second Party Shall be considered as part |
|ومستندات الطرف الثاني التالية جزءا" مكملا" لهذا العقد : |of this Contract : |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| | |
|نموذج العطاء ، ومرفقاته، | |
|جدول فاتورة الأسعار والكميات ، | |
|ج - المواصفات الفنية والرسومات والكتالوجات |Form of the Tender & it's annexes, |
|إن وجد . |Schedule of prices & Quantitiesد, |
| |Tech. Specs, Drawings & Catalogues- |
| |if any. |
|مادة (2) | |
| |Art.(2) |
|يتعهد الطرف الثاني بتوريد المواد المطلوبة للطرف الأول طبقا" للمواصفات | |
|المتفق عليها والمبينة في مستندات المناقصة والعقد ، صنع شركة …………… ، |The Second Party undertakes to Supply of (material(s) required to the |
|ويكون إجمالي قيمة العقــد مبلغ قــدره =/…………… ريال قطري على أساس تسليم |First Party in conformity with agreed specifications as stated in the |
|مخازن في أم باب . |Tender documents accepted by the First Party, manufactured by ……………, for |
| |Total Contract Price of delivery to QNCC. Stores @ Umm-Bab. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
|مادة (3) |Art(3) |
|تسدد كامل قيمة العقد طبقا" لشروط الدفع المذكورة في المادة رقم 22 "بكراسة | |
|مستندات " المناقصة رقم (18/2011) . |Full value of Contract will be paid in accordance with Payment Terms are |
| |mentioned in Clause – 22 “Tender Documents” of this G.T No. (18/2011). |
| | |
| | |
|مادة (4) | |
| |Art. (4) |
| | |
|من المتفق عليه بين الطرفين أن سعر توريد المواد شاملاً كافة المصاريف ، | |
|ولا يتحمل الطرف الأول أية مبالغ إضافية من أي نوع كانت خلاف السعر المتفق |It is agreed between the both Parties, that the price given for the |
|عليه والوارد ذكره في المادة (2) من هذا العقد . |Supply of Materials is inclusive of all expenses, the First Party shall |
| |not bear, or be charged any additional amounts what so ever other than |
| |the approved Contract price mentioned herein above under Article (2). |
|مادة (5) |Art. (5) |
| | |
|يتعهد الطرف الثاني بتسليم المواد في موعــد أقصـاه ( ) يوما" من تاريخ | |
|توقيع هذا العقد . |The Second Party undertakes to deliver the supply of materials and it's |
| |Accessories subject of this contract not later than …….. ( ) days from |
| |the date of signing the Contract. |
|مادة (6) |Art. (6) |
| | |
| |Items shall be received on temporary basis by the storekeeper or other |
|يتم تسليم الأصناف الموردة استلاماً مؤقتاً بمعرفة أمين مخزن الطرف الأول أو |person nominated by the First Party, it is understood that such receipt |
|من يعينه لهذا الغرض ، ومن المتفق عليه أنه لا يترتب على هذا الاستلام |shall not affect the liability of the Second Party for any damage or |
|المؤقت أي أثر فيما يتعلق بمسئولية الطرف الثاني عن الأصناف الموردة حيث |defect which may occur to the items supplied until the Final Receipt. |
|تبقى تبعة الهلاك على عاتقه ، كما يظل ضامنا" لكافة ما يصيب الأصناف الموردة| |
|من فساد أو عيوب أخرى إلى أن يتم الاستلام النهائي . | |
|مادة (7) |Art. (7) |
| | |
| | |
|يتم الاستلام النهائي للأصناف الموردة بقبولها بعد فحصها بواسطة لجنة يشكلها| |
|الطرف الأول لهذا الغرض.يقوم الطرف الأول بإخطار الطرف الثاني كتابة بميعاد | |
|الفحص للمواد/ البضائع الموردة، وذلك لحضوره أو من ينوب عنه عملية الفحص ، | |
|ويوقع الطرف الثاني أو من ينوب عنه على محضر الفحص ، ويكون قرار اللجنة | |
|نافذاً في حقه حتى ولو لم يحضر عملية الفحص رغم إخطاره أو أمتنع عن التوقيع |Final receipt shall be acknowleged after inspection of the supplied items|
|على المحضر. |by Technical Committee ramed by the First Party for this purpose. The |
| |First Party shall notify in writing the Second Party with the date |
| |specified for the inspection of the items and require him to attend or |
|مادة (8) |quthorise any other person on his behalf to attend the inspection |
| |process. The Seconed Party or his legal representive shall sign the |
| |inspection report. The deision of this Technical Committee will be |
|يكون الطرف الثاني مسئولا" عن أية عيوب قد تظهر في الأصناف موضوع هذا العقد |effective against the Second Party whether he attended the inspection |
|بعد الاستلام النهائي إذا كانت هذه العيوب لم تظهر للطرف الأول عند الاستلام|or refued to sigh the inspection report. |
|نتيجة لغش من الطرف الثاني أو لعيب في التصنيع أو خلافه . | |
| | |
| |Art. (8) |
| | |
| |The Second Party shall be responsible for any defect which may appear in |
| |the items supplied after the Final Receipt if it appears to the First |
| |party that those defects have not been discovered at the time of receipt |
| |due to deception committed by the Second Party or a Manufacturing defect|
| |or others. |
| | |
| | |
|مادة (9) |Art. (9) |
| | |
| | |
|يحق للطرف الأول رفض كل أو بعض الأصناف المورد من الطرف الثاني إذا تبين له |The First Party reserves the right to accept or reject the whole supplied|
|من الفحص عدم مطابقة هذه الأصناف للمواصفات الواردة في مستندات العقد . |items or part thereof if after inspection they are found to be |
| |incompatible with the Contract specifications . |
|مادة (10) |Art. (10) |
| | |
| | |
|على الطرف الثاني سحب الأصناف المرفوضة من مخازن الطرف الأول خلال (15) |The Second Party shall withdraw any rejected items from the First Party |
|يوما" على الأكثر من تاريخ الفحص المشار إليه في المـادة (8) من هذا العقد ،|stores within (15) days from the inspection date indicated in Article (8)|
|وإذا فشل الطرف الثاني في تنفيذ ذلك ، يترتب عليه تحصيل مصروفات تخزين بواقع|of this Contract , failure to do so shall result in storage fees being |
|1% من القيمة الإجمالية للعقد عن كل أسبوع تأخير أو جزء من الأسبوع لغاية 30|charged for each week of delay or part thereof up to a maximum period of |
|يوما" على الأكثر ، وبعد ذلك يكون للطرف الأول الحق في بيعها وأن يخصم من |30 days, after which the First Party shall have the right to sell the |
|الثمن ما يكون مستحقا له ، ولا يكون الطرف الأول مسؤولا" عما قد يلحق |Items and deduct from the price any money due to him, the First Party |
|الأصناف المرفوضة من ضرر لأي سبب كان إلى يوم بيعها بمعرفته أو سحبها بواسطة|shall not be responsible for any damage which may occur to the rejected |
|الطرف الثاني . |items for any reason, until date they are sold or taken back by the |
| |Second Party. |
|مادة (11) |Art. (11) |
| | |
| | |
|إذا تأخر الطرف الثاني في توريد المواد عن الميعاد المحدد بالعقد ، ويدخل في|Should supply of material(s) be unduly delayed by the second party after|
|ذلك الأصناف المرفوضة ، يجوز للطرف الأول إذا رأى مصلحة في ذلك إعطاء الطرف |the date specified in the contract, and this also includes replacement of|
|الثاني مهلة إضافية للتوريد ، على أن توقع عليه غرامة تأخير بواقع 1% عن كل|rejected materials, the First Party may , if he thinks that it is in his |
|أسبوع تأخير أو جزء من أسبوع وبحد أقصى 10% من القيمة الإجمالية للعقد . وفي|interest do so, allow the Second Party additional period to supply such |
|جميع الحالات توقع غرامة التأخير دون الحاجة إلى إنذار أو إثبات وقوع الضرر |items provided that a penalty shall be imposed for at rate of 1% for |
|أو الإلتجاء إلى القضاء. |each week of delay or any part there of and up to a maximum of 10% |
| |of the total value of the Contract . In all cases, penalty for delay |
| |shall impose without notice or proof of damage or recourse to judicial|
| |proceedings. |
| | |
|[[ |Art. (12) |
|مادة (12) | |
| | |
|في حالة فشل أو تأخر قيام الطرف الثاني في توريد المواد في الميعاد المنصوص | |
|عليه في المـــادة (5) أو بعد انقضاء المهلة الإضافية حسب ما هو مذكور |In the case of failure to Supply of Materials in the time provided for |
|في المادة (10) من هذا العقد يحق للطرف الأول اتخاذ أحد الإجراءين |in Art. (5) or with in the additional period as indicate in Art. (10) of |
|التاليين : |this Contract, the First Party shall have the right to adopt one of the |
| |following measures : |
| | |
| | |
| |Purchase of the items which the second party failed to supply from any |
| |other source on his account, any increase in price and penalty imposed |
| |shall be deducted from the Performance Bond or from any money due to the |
| |second party with the first party or any other, if the purchase |
| |price be less than the agreed contract price, the second party shall |
| |not be entitled to claim the difference and at the same time the first |
|شراء الأصناف التي لم يقم الطرف الثاني بتوريدها من غيره ، وعلى حسابه |party shall have the right to impose delay penalty. The penalty for |
|ويخصم من ضمان التنفيذ المودع لدى الطرف الأول أو أية مستحقات أخرى ، قيمة |delay shall be imposed without notice or proof of damage or recourse to |
|الزيادة في الثمن ، وما يستحق من غرامة عن التأخير في التوريد ، وإذا كان |judicial proceedings. |
|سعر الشراء يقل عن السعر المتفق عليه في هذا العقد فلا يحق للطرف الثاني | |
|المطالبة بالفرق مع بقاء حق الطرف الأول في تحصيل قيمة غرامة التأخير | |
|المستحقة . | |
|توقع غرامة التأخير دون حاجة إلى إنذار أو إثبات وقوع الضرر أو إلتجاء إلى | |
|القضاء. | |
| | |
|ب ـ إنهاء العقد ومصادرة ضمان التنفيذ دون الإخلال بحق الطرف الأول في |b. Terminate the Contract forthwith the Performance Bond without |
|المطالبة بالتعويض , يحق للطرف الأول قصر إنهاء العقد على الأصناف التي لم |prejudice to his right to claim compensation for damage caused by reason |
|تورد فقط ، وإلزام الطرف الثاني بالاستمرار في تنفيذ العقد بكل شروطه |of such delay. The First Party shall have the right to limit termination |
|بالنسبة لباقي الأصناف ، وفي هذه الحالة تكون مصادرة الضمان على النحو |of the Contract to un supplied items only and allow the Second Party to |
|المشار إليه آنفا" بما يوازي 10% من قيمة الأصناف التي لم تورد، وذلك دون |proceed with the execution of Contract according to the conditions of |
|الإخلال بحق الطرف الأول في المطالبة بالتعويض . |Contract with respect to the rest, in this case, the confiscation of the |
| |Bond as indicated herein above shall be equivalent to 10% of the value of|
| |un supplied items without prejudice to the right of the First Party to |
| |claim compensation for damage caused by reason of such partial |
| |termination of the Contract. |
|مادة (13) |Art. (13) |
| | |
|يجب على الطرف الثاني تنفيذ العقد ، ولا يجوز له أن يتنازل عنه كله أو بعضه |The second party shall execute the contract himself and he shall not |
|أو أن ينيب عنه غيره في تنفيذه كله أو بعضه بغير موافقة الطرف الأول على ذلك|assign it in whole or in part or sub-let it wholly or partially without |
|مسبقا" . |the prior consent of the first party. |
| | |
|وفي حالة موافقة الطرف الأول على التنازل عن العقد كله أو بعضه يبقى الطرف |If permitted by the First Party to assign the whole Contract or part |
|الثاني ضامنا لحسن تنفيذ المتنازل إليه لالتزاماته العقدية بالتضامن معه في |thereof, the Second Party shall Guarantee the proper execution of the |
|ذلك وتسرى في شأن الإنابة أحكام الفقرة السابقة. |contractual obligations by the assignee, the Second Party and the |
| |assignee shall be jointly responsible for such execution, so previous |
| |rules shall be applicable on sub-letting. |
|مادة (14) |Art. (14) |
| | |
|ينتهي العقد تلقائيا" في حالة انقضاء الطرف الثاني ، وذلك مع مراعاة أحكام |The contract shall be automatically terminated if the second party is |
|القانون الخاص بهذا الشأن. |dissoved, that with due consideration to the rules of relevant Law. |
|مادة (15) |Art. (15) |
|لا يجوز للطرف الثاني أن يمتنع عن تنفيذ التزاماته الواردة في هذا العقد | |
|بحجة عدم وفاء الطرف الأول بالتزاماته . |The Second Party shall have no right to cease fulfillment of his |
| |obligations provided for in this Contract on the assumption that the |
|مادة (16) |First Party failed to do so. |
| | |
| |Art. (16) |
|تختص محاكم دولة قطر دون سواها بالنظر و الفصل في أي نزاع قد ينشأ بين | |
|الطرفين بشأن تنفيذ هذا العقد أو تفسير أي مادة من مواده | |
| |Any dispute or difference which may arise between the parties in |
| |connection with the execution or interpretation of this Contract shall be|
| |exclusively settled by the competent courts of justice in the State of |
| |Qatar. |
| | |
| | |
|مادة (16) |Art. (16) |
| | |
| | |
|تختص محاكم دولة قطر دون سواها بالنظر و الفصل في أي نزاع قد ينشأ بين |Any dispute or difference which may arise between the parties in |
|الطرفين بشأن تنفيذ هذا العقد أو تفسير أي مادة من مواده . |connection with the execution or interpretation of this Contract shall be|
| |exclusively settled by the competent courts of justice in the State of |
| |Qatar. |
|مادة (17) |Art. (17) |
| | |
|يحق "للشركة" خصم مقدار ضريبة الدخل المستحقة على المورد من قيمة هذا العقد | |
|، وذلك وفقاً للقانون رقم (21) لسنة/2009م ، فى حالة عدم تقديم المورد صورة |The company has the right to deduct from this contract value the income |
|من بطاقة ضريبة الدخل الخاصة به. |tax due on the supplier as per Qatari law No.21/2009,if the supplier |
| |failed to submit. |
|مادة (18) |Art. (18) |
| | |
|تحرر هذا العقد باللغة العربية يقابلها ترجمة باللغة الإنجليزية ، وفي حالة |This Contract is written in Arabic Language and Translated into English |
|أي خلاف أو منازعة حول تفسير النص تكون العبرة بالنص المكتوب باللغة العربية|Language, in case of any difference or dispute arises in connection with |
|. |the interpretation of the text, the Arabic text shall prevail. |
|مادة (19) |Art. (19) |
|تحرر هذا العقد من ثلاث نسخ أصلية ، احتفظ الطرف الثاني بواحدة منها . | |
| |This Contract is made in Three Original copies, one of which is retained |
| |by the Second Party. |
|عن / For |For / عن |
| | |
| |The Second Party الطرف الثاني/ |
|الطرف الأول / The First Party | |
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