Genre Research Sheet for Task 1 in Film Production TaskInitial Research into film idea/ chosen genreUse research to back up your answers. Film reviews, scripts, surveys, interviews.What is your chosen genre? What do films in your genre usually contain?My chosen genre is action adventure where one or more heroes are thrust into a series of challenges that require physical feats, extended fights and frenetic chases. The plot has twists and turns and moments of peril that the main characters have to survive, while showing grace under pressure. Of course, the narrative is one of GOOD versus EVIL, in which GOOD will eventually triumph. The story and character development are generally secondary to explosions, fist fights and car chases. The genre is closely linked with the thriller and adventure film genres, and it may sometimes have elements of spy fiction and espionage. (Wikipedia)Fast moving plots – which provide plenty of excitement and tensionA recognisable heroic central character Characters that play opposites the key central character e.g. in the form of a relationship hero or in conflict with villain Main character working towards a final goal e.g. seeking treasureUsage of special effectsWhat format do films in your genre usually follow?Exposition – meeting the characters Rising Action – the central conflict is introducedClimax – the climax is tuning point, which marks a changeFalling Action – The major action has happenedResolution – The conflict is resolvedWhat do films in your genre usually look like? Visual style?Include special effects, especially the latter and action set pieces. The visual style is usually single stranded, linear, closed narrative. Set in present day What do films in your genre usually sound like?Fast paced music to go with the action on the screenMusic can create moods and elicit emotions. The music used in action adventure movies can be quick in order to show how intense the actions are. What sort of characters do films in your genre usually have? How are they usually described? Use examples from reviews.Antagonist & ProtagonistA dispatcher – who offers a reward to the hero for completing their questA helper – acts as a sidekick by helping the hero A blocker – the anti hero who tries stopping the hero from completing their questA wise person (Donor) – who gives the hero something e.g. a clue, special equipment which helps them complete their questStrong, intelligent, muscularly, evil, provoking, resourcefuland adventurous. How is a film in your chosen genre usually shot?What filming techniques are used?Camerawork is important when telling the story. It can establish where the scene is taking place, which is present and show clearly how the characters are feeling and their relationships with others.Long shots, mid shots, close ups, over the shoulder shots, POV shots, high angle shots, low angle shots, mid angle shotTrack (following the characters as they are walking), Pan (following characters as they going to or coming from a particular location)How is a film in your chosen genre usually edited?What sort of editing techniques are typically used in your genre?An action adventure film is usually edited by having one or two editors working on the film to make it a sequence. Techniques that are used:Cut, dissolve, wipe, fade (out and in), parallel editing, cross cutting, seamless editingWhich film scripts from your chosen genre did you analyse for your script analysis task?Interstellar The Darjeeling limitedGI Joe RetaliationHarry Potter and the Half-Blood PrinceWhat BBFC rating do films in your genre usually have? Why is this? What rating will your film have and why? Can you give some examples of films in your genre and their rating? Why do they have that rating?Is the content of your proposed idea suitable for your target audience? Why?Critics of Action Adventure argue that such films promote unhealthy attitudes towards violence and that narratives are becoming too dominated by special effects and action sequences. Take for instance, the film Spider-Man received a 12 rating meaning that according to the BBFC people below that age should not see it in the cinema or on video. However, many local councils, which have the final say about who can and cannot see films in cinema in their area, ignored the advice of the BBFC. The 12A certificate was introduced allowing young people to see the film if accompanied by an adult. Examples of films with BBFC rating 12: Ant-ManTerminator Genisys My film would have a rating of 12A due to the fact that in the film it would consist violent weapons and a kidnapped scene where someone is being tied up. My film would be appropriate of this target audience due to the fact that of the content, there is limited violence used and the weapons are not glamorised.Bibliography/ Evidence log:Websites I looked at: I read:FILM MagazineBooks I read:How I gathered my research:Attach any interviews, surveys, focus group videos. ................

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