Earthquake (2)“The earthquake that killed 11 people here was caused by the anti-religious act of a group of Europeans who took off their clothes on top of Mount Kinbalu,” said Deputy Minister Tan Sri. “Whether other people believe this or not, it’s what we Sabahens believe. When the earthquake happened, it was like a proof of our beliefs. It is a sacred (????) mountain and you must think of it seriously,” he said in a meeting with the news to explain the current death number at the Sabah Park building today. “To me, when something like this happens, it shows a clear connection of the European’s actions to the earthquake that has brought so much damage and death,” he said. "The last time we had an earthquake was very long ago. This is more than a coincidence. I think that the spirits were deeply offended by what the Europeans did,” said another local villager who did not want to be named.Earthquake (2)“The earthquake that killed 11 people here was caused by the anti-religious act of a group of Europeans who took off their clothes on top of Mount Kinbalu,” said Deputy Minister Tan Sri. “Whether other people believe this or not, it’s what we Sabahens believe. When the earthquake happened, it was like a proof of our beliefs. It is a sacred (????) mountain and you must think of it seriously,” he said in a meeting with the news to explain the current death number at the Sabah Park building today. “To me, when something like this happens, it shows a clear connection of the European’s actions to the earthquake that has brought so much damage and death,” he said. "The last time we had an earthquake was very long ago. This is more than a coincidence. I think that the spirits were deeply offended by what the Europeans did,” said another local villager who did not want to be named.Title:EarthquakeWhere is it?“it shows a clear connection […] to the earthquake” and “the last time […] is more than a coincidence”Who made it?Deputy Minister Tan Sri and another local villagerWhich fallacy?False CauseWhy is this text a fallacy?They assume that the earthquake was caused by the Europeans because it happened afterwards. They did not look at any other possibilities, just the one action of foreigners and this other event. They did not explain why their beliefs are true, just “this is what we believe.”Why is this fallacy a fallacy?Many events happen all the time. Picking two that happened close together and assuming they are connected means ignoring other possibilities like coincidence and another thing that caused both.Another explanation for the situation:Earthquakes just happen randomly and without any warning. There may be times that people did not respect the mountain and nothing happened and times people did respect the mountain but earthquakes happened anyway.Superstition (2)A “superstition” is a belief that we can control events (which are actually uncontrollable) by following special rules. Some examples are eating rice cakes before a test, carrying a lucky object, and even praying before an event. Gerda Reith talks about superstition as a good idea. “It gives you a feeling of control by making you think you can know what's going to happen next,” she says. “And it also makes you feel lucky. And to take a risk or go into a random situation, you really have to believe in your own luck. In that way, superstition is a very useful way of thinking, because the alternative is to believe that everything is outside of our control. That is thinking, ‘Oh, there's nothing I can do.’ At least superstition makes people do things.”Superstition (2)A “superstition” is a belief that we can control events (which are actually uncontrollable) by following special rules. Some examples are eating rice cakes before a test, carrying a lucky object, and even praying before an event. Gerda Reith talks about superstition as a good idea. “It gives you a feeling of control by making you think you can know what's going to happen next,” she says. “And it also makes you feel lucky. And to take a risk or go into a random situation, you really have to believe in your own luck. In that way, superstition is a very useful way of thinking, because the alternative is to believe that everything is outside of our control. That is thinking, ‘Oh, there's nothing I can do.’ At least superstition makes people do things.”Title:SuperstitionWhere is it?“the alternative is to believe that everything is outside of our control.”Who made it?Gerda ReithWhich fallacy?Either/Or FallacyWhy is this text a fallacy?Reith assumes that there is only one other possibility besides believing in superstition. She does not consider other possibilities or anything in between those two extreme ideas.Why is this fallacy a fallacy?Though there are some times when there are only two options for something, there are usually many other possibilities. When someone ignores some possibilities, they may be ignoring the real one.Another explanation for the situation:Someone could believe in no superstitions and also not think that everything is outside of their control. They might believe that some things are in their control and some are not, and then not worry about the things outside of their control.Anti-Rap (2)There is a group of people who hate rap music and think it is bad for society. They are called the anti-rap campaign. William Bennett is the leader of the anti-rap campaign, and he has had no trouble finding anti-police and anti-women lyrics in rap music. He quotes these lyrics to support his claim that "our civilization is in danger" if we do not stop rappers. Politicians and journalists think the lyrics are so terrible that they rarely ask if he is qualified (??? ??) to talk about these things. Bennett says he is fighting for the morals (??) of America’s youth, but where are his qualifications (??) for arguing against rap music? In the past, he tried to stop funding (??) for the US’s best quality children’s programs, and he has said that “illegitimate” babies (babies from parents who are not married) should be taken away from their mothers and put into orphanages (???). Anti-Rap (2)There is a group of people who hate rap music and think it is bad for society. They are called the anti-rap campaign. William Bennett is the leader of the anti-rap campaign, and he has had no trouble finding anti-police and anti-women lyrics in rap music. He quotes these lyrics to support his claim that "our civilization is in danger" if we do not stop rappers. Politicians and journalists think the lyrics are so terrible that they rarely ask if he is qualified (??? ??) to talk about these things. Bennett says he is fighting for the morals (??) of America’s youth, but where are his qualifications (??) for arguing against rap music? In the past, he tried to stop funding (??) for the US’s best quality children’s programs, and he has said that “illegitimate” babies (babies from parents who are not married) should be taken away from their mothers and put into orphanages (???). Title:Anti-RapWhere is it?2 sentences starting and ending with “where are his qualifications […]put into orphanages.”Who made it?the writerWhich fallacy?Against the PersonWhy is this text a fallacy?Instead of showing how Bennett’s arguments are wrong, the writer just talks about bad things about Bennett. Even if Bennett did do those bad things, it does not mean his rap argument is wrong. The writer does not show any reason why Bennett is wrong about rap except by trying to make him look bad with other things.Why is this fallacy a fallacy?It is a fallacy because it is not talking about the original argument. It changes the topic to talk about the person who made the argument instead of the argument itself. It is not relevant to the actual argument at all.Another explanation for the situation:Maybe Bennett’s ideas about children’s programs and illegitimate babies are wrong but his opinion about rap is true. Just because he was wrong about some things does not mean he is wrong about everything.Julia’s Lesson (2)Julia, right now you are going to school and at school you have to study many things. I don’t know why they want you to learn all of these subjects but they do. Different teachers will say different things about their classes and it is very important that you know what is true about what they say.Julia, at some time, someone is going to tell you that math class actually teaches reasoning. This is a lie. It is told by math teachers, and many other people. Writing is the absolute best type of reasoning. This is a fact. Math is not. I can give you proof of this, Julia. All of the people in my high school who were amazing at math did not know anything about history and could not write a correct English sentence.Julia’s Lesson (2)Julia, right now you are going to school and at school you have to study many things. I don’t know why they want you to learn all of these subjects but they do. Different teachers will say different things about their classes and it is very important that you know what is true about what they say.Julia, at some time, someone is going to tell you that math class actually teaches reasoning. This is a lie. It is told by math teachers, and many other people. Writing is the absolute best type of reasoning. This is a fact. Math is not. I can give you proof of this, Julia. All of the people in my high school who were amazing at math did not know anything about history and could not write a correct English sentence.Title:Julia’s LessonWhere is it?The sentence starting and ending with “All of the people […] English sentence.”Who made it?the writerWhich fallacy?Hasty GeneralizationWhy is this text a fallacy?The writer’s only example is some students in their own high school. They did not look at anyone she did not know, so she is making a big generalization from just a few cases. She also assumes that not knowing about history or having good English skills is the same as not knowing about reasoning. And, she assumes that studying math causes people to be terrible at other subject. All of her assumptions come from one small group that she knew, which she assumes is true for everyone else.Why is this fallacy a fallacy?A few examples do not prove a relationship. There must be many examples that can’t be explained in any other ways and also explain the situation fully. Assuming there is a big pattern from just a small group makes it easy to miss things that show the pattern is wrong.Another explanation for the situation:Maybe the reason the best math students at the writer’s school did not know about English or history is because they likes math more than those subjects and studied math more. They might have very good reasoning skills, but just can’t explain them well in English.Hepatitis Baby (2)Police are still looking for an Australian couple who are hiding after they refused to have their newborn baby vaccinated against hepatitis B, which is a serious disease. The mother of the baby, a four-day-old boy, has had the dangerous virus for several years and her doctors say that the child has a high risk of getting it too, unless he is vaccinated within a few days. The Department of Community Service has gotten a Supreme Court order to force the parents to get their child vaccinated, but they have not been able to find the couple so far.The parents are from Michen Park in Western Australia and they believe that the illness can be cured more easily and effectively than any possible danger from the vaccine. The couple believes that aluminum in the vaccine could cause the baby to have more damage than getting hepatitis B.Hepatitis Baby (2)Police are still looking for an Australian couple who are hiding after they refused to have their newborn baby vaccinated against hepatitis B, which is a serious disease. The mother of the baby, a four-day-old boy, has had the dangerous virus for several years and her doctors say that the child has a high risk of getting it too, unless he is vaccinated within a few days. The Department of Community Service has gotten a Supreme Court order to force the parents to get their child vaccinated, but they have not been able to find the couple so far.The parents are from Michen Park in Western Australia and they believe that the illness can be cured more easily and effectively than any possible danger from the vaccine. The couple believes that aluminum in the vaccine could cause the baby to have more damage than getting hepatitis B.Title:Hepatitis BabyWhere is it?“aluminum in the vaccine could cause the baby to have more damage than getting hepatitis B.”Who made it?the Australian coupleWhich fallacy?Either/Or FallacyWhy is this text a fallacy?The couple thinks there are two possibilities that could happen to their baby: the baby could get the vaccine and become very damaged, or he could not get the vaccine and have a minor illness. They do not realize that there are other possibilities, like the vaccine being totally safe and the disease being deadly.Why is this fallacy a fallacy?Only thinking about two possibilities means that someone might not even consider a possibility that is actually the real one, so this thinking prevents people from being able to even know a real situation.Another explanation for the situation:As the doctors say, the disease is actually very dangerous so if the baby does not get the vaccine he could die. The doctors would not insist on the vaccine if it were more dangerous than the disease, so it is probably completely safe.Australian History (2)Now is the time to teach more history in our schools. When students finish high school, they must have a very good understanding about Australia’s past. Our country has a great history that goes back thousands of years. There were many different Aboriginal cultures in the past that still exist today, even though technology has changed so much. There is also a great history in the events that led to our current state: the situations where people came here from the British Empire and started a new country. Studying our history will cause the young people of our country to be more educated citizens. Studying will help them to know where our nation has come from in the past and how we have come to our place as a modern and liberal democracy.Australian History (2)Now is the time to teach more history in our schools. When students finish high school, they must have a very good understanding about Australia’s past. Our country has a great history that goes back thousands of years. There were many different Aboriginal cultures in the past that still exist today, even though technology has changed so much. There is also a great history in the events that led to our current state: the situations where people came here from the British Empire and started a new country. Studying our history will cause the young people of our country to be more educated citizens. Studying will help them to know where our nation has come from in the past and how we have come to our place as a modern and liberal democracy.Title:Australian HistoryWhere is it?The sentence starting and ending with “Studying our history […] educated citizens.” and again in the sentence starting and ending with “Studying will help […] liberal democracy.”Who made it?the writerWhich fallacy?Circular Argument (twice)Why is this text a fallacy?The writer needs to give a reason why students should study history, but they only explain how studying history makes students know more history. Instead of explaining why, they just explain what studying means.Why is this fallacy a fallacy?Arguments need to give reasons why they are true. If they don’t, they are not good arguments. If the only reason is just repeating the meaning of the word the argument talks about, it is not actually a reason.Another explanation for the situation:Maybe students don’t need to study history because it does not help them in their lives. They might be able to succeed in a “modern and liberal democracy” without knowing how it started.Without Court (2)Apparently, the most powerful “democracy” in the world is throwing away more than 700 years of laws and taking away the rights of non-citizens: their right to be judged by a court (??) before going to jail. In other words, they don’t have to bring you to a court now, they can just throw you in prison forever without even putting you on trial (??) for any crime at all. And what will the result of this be?Western culture will become oppressed (?????). The fact that the US is throwing away these rights is just a powerful country becoming a horrible and controlling country – a horrible and controlling country which has nuclear weapons.Obviously they are not a horrible and controlling country right now, they’re just putting people in jail without following the court system – only small numbers of them, and only foreigners who seem like they have been connected with “bad things.” They still have elections, not really democratic ones, so there is still some kind of choice. Getting rid of these trial rights is only one action, a serious action, but it will be so slow that people will not realize and stop them.Without Court (2)Apparently, the most powerful “democracy” in the world is throwing away more than 700 years of laws and taking away the rights of non-citizens: their right to be judged by a court (??) before going to jail. In other words, they don’t have to bring you to a court now, they can just throw you in prison forever without even putting you on trial (??) for any crime at all. And what will the result of this be?Western culture will become oppressed (?????). The fact that the US is throwing away these rights is just a powerful country becoming a horrible and controlling country – a horrible and controlling country which has nuclear weapons.Obviously they are not a horrible and controlling country right now, they’re just putting people in jail without following the court system – only small numbers of them, and only foreigners who seem like they have been connected with “bad things.” They still have elections, not really democratic ones, so there is still some kind of choice. Getting rid of these trial rights is only one action, a serious action, but it will be so slow that people will not realize and stop them.Title:Without CourtWhere is it?“Western culture will become oppressed.” and the sentence starting and ending with “Getting rid of these […] stop them.”Who made it?the writerWhich fallacy?Slippery SlopeWhy is this text a fallacy?The writer assumes that one problem will lead to a big and terrible conclusion. However, they do not explain how one missing right would cause the whole culture to become oppressed. There are many other things that must happen to create this result, but the writer does not show how they will happen or give any reasons about them.Why is this fallacy a fallacy?Every claim needs evidence to support it and every part of an argument must be linked together or it is not logical. When someone goes to a conclusion without giving strong reasons for every step, they are just making assumptions.Another explanation for the situation:The US may continue to deny people these rights, but that does not mean they will continue to take away other rights. The rest of western culture may continue to have the same freedoms they have had in the past, except for this one big thing. ................

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