
Penfold Case Study – November NewsletterOpen with a thought or observation and address the reader directly…3 – 4 equal sections – each with a subheading (160 WORDS EACH)Clear structureAim for short paragraphs and short sectionsWould Dave say this?Say things simplyDo you ever think about becoming more self-sufficient? There’s something about stepping away from the Grid that appeals to all of us, and we recently helped Mr and Mrs Penfold from Somerset to make the idea a reality. The Penfolds live in the foothills of the Brendon Hills. In September, we installed them a ground mount solar system, Tesla Powerwall 2 and the eddi energy management system. The 4kW ground mount system generates solar energy, which can be stored in the Powerwall for later use. The Tesla Powerwall uses surplus energy from the solar panels to heat the home’s hot water via the eddi, meaning the Penfold household is now largely self-sufficient.Insert image demonstrating this?When we caught up with Mr Penfold about how he’s finding the new system, he said “in just under a month, we’ve used less than one pound’s worth of power from the Grid. Even on a cloudy day, we’re running from the solar and the battery for our everyday energy.” The Penfolds wanted to become as self-sufficient as possible and halve their reliance on their oil-fired boiler. Like many others, they were keen to reduce their reliance on energy companies and liked the idea of creating green energy. Life off the Grid“If people are thinking about solar panel systems, it really does make sense to go for the complete package with the battery and the Edie. Then you can capture what you generate far more effectively and can really be off-Grid a lot of the time. At the moment, we’re running between 97% and 99% off-Grid.” The Tesla app is so useful, as we can monitor our energy use anytime and tailor what we’re using to make the most of our solar power. We quickly got used to working around how the system’s working. On a good sunny day, we can do everything all at once. Dull days can be tailored around the weather, which is incredibly useful. We can manage our energy usage so that we don’t have to go onto the Grid. It’s fun to do, and fascinating to see how it all works. Even on a dull day, by about 5 o clock we’ve generated the surplus to export power onto the Grid. Why Mole Energy?“We’d been thinking about installing solar for a long time, and the green issue is at the forefront of people’s thoughts right now. It’s a great time to do it, and the technology has come on in leaps and bounds. Solar is now well-established, and Mole Energy offer the best products. Looking at other websites, we noticed that it can be difficult to navigate your way through the choices.”We choose to offer a choice of two premium battery storage systems, from Tesla and Sonnen. That means we can feel confident that every system we install will deliver high performance and great quality for years to come. The streamlined choice between two of the battery market’s leaders made the decision process easier for Mr and Mrs Penfold.“The fact that Mole Energy offer high-end products makes a huge difference. The price of the higher end products is not so frightening as we thought it might be, so we can get efficient, high quality products within our budget. We were very pleasantly surprised at what we could actually get for our money, and my neighbour is now thinking of doing the same. We were very pleased with the quality.” The TeamWe were just amazed at how quickly it was all put in, over two days. We are quite out in the hills, so getting here and setting up went amazingly smoothly. The team just got on with it and it was a pleasure working with them. The team were excellent, very helpful, they were able to answer any questions. Before they started, we had the final check to see whether we were happy with the positioning of the panels, the cable etc.14 panelsWhat were your reasons for choosing the system?I suppose we want to be as self-sufficient and as green as possible. We wanted to be as much off-grid as possible, so we’re less reliant on the companies. It’s a nice green thing to do – we’ve got the resources to do it and we decided it was a good thing to do. We’ve got an oil-fired boiler, we wanted to reduce this. Halve our consumption with alternative methods of heating the water. Did you consider solar first and then battery storage – or did you always want both?When Luke came out, we did a little research so we knew about the back up. Luke went through our options very clearly, outlining the advantages of the Tesla Powerwall battery and how it works. We decided to go for the Tesla system, and I’m really glad we did. Early experiences of the system – how are they exceeding their expectations?In just under a month, we haven’t used any power from the Grid – maybe just under a pound’s worth! Even today, when it’s cloudy, we are sunning from the solar and the battery. Includes hot water every day, normal use. The Tesla app is so useful, as we can see exactly what’s going on at all times and tailor what we’re using to make the most of the power. Quickly get used to working around how the system’s working. On a good sunny day, we can do everything all at once. Dull days can be tailored around the weather, which is incredibly useful. We are able to manage it so that we don’t have to go onto the Grid. It’s fun to do, and fascinating to see how it all works. Even on a dull day, by about 5 o clock we’d generated the surplus to export power onto the Grid. It will generate enough through the day. Why now?“We’d been thinking about installing solar for a long time, and the green issue is at the forefront of people’s thoughts at the moment. It’s a great time to do it, and the technology has come on in leaps and bounds. Solar is now well-established, and Mole Energy offer the best products. Looking at other sites, it can be difficult to navigate your way through the choices.”Quality“The fact that you offer high-end products makes a huge difference. The price of the higher end products is not so frightening as we thought it might be, so we can get efficient, high quality products for about the same price. We were very pleasantly surprised at what we could actually get, and my neighbour is now thinking of doing the same. We were very pleased with quality.” What’s the best part?We’re very pleased with how discrete the panels are. We’ve got them in the corner of the garden and they don’t interfere with the views at all, so we’re not really aware that they’re there. This was quite important as we’re out in the hills and we didn’t want to put anything up that would spoil the surrounding environment. The black panels merge into the landscape. Easy maintenance, quiet, Tesla’s very quiet and discreet in our utility room. It fits incredibly well with the Edie. The Edie’s been a real added bonus we didn’t expect. How was your experience with the Mole Energy team and the installation?All the cabling and the installation has been incredibly easy. We were just amazed at how quickly it was all put in, over two days. We are quite out in the hills, so getting here and setting up went amazingly smoothly. The team just got on with it and it was a pleasure working with them. The team were excellent, very helpful, they were able to answer any questions. Before the started, we had the final check to see whether we were happy with the positioning of the panels, the cable etc. My wife said, if she’d have been on her own she’d have been really happy to work with the team. When they installed the Tesla, they set the tablet up and went through the app for us. They handled the whole process from when they arrived through to commissioning. The office are very communicative and friendly. Luke was very clear about our options, setting expectations of the systems. Luke was very upfront and straightforward about what our expectations should be. If people are thinking about solar panel systems, it really does make sense to go for the complete package with the battery and the Edie. Then you can capture what you generate far more effectively and can really be off-Grid a lot of the time. At the moment, we’re running between 97% and 99% off-Grid. When we were first thinking about solar, we picked up one of your leaflets in the Mole Valley store. We looked online, asked people we know and it went from there. In the foothills of the Brendon Hills. Local team alistair.penfold123@ ................

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