Instructions on Assessment:Tesla was ranked by Forbes as the World’s most innovative company in 2015.Tesla Motors is an automotive company, which was established in 2003 by a group of Silicon Valley engineers, including Elon Musk (founder of PayPal). On 7th March, 2019, Tesla Motors signed an agreement with Chinese authorities to build a factory in Shanghai, this factory would be Tesla’s first outside of the US (BBC, 2019). Based on the case of ‘Electric carmaker Tesla entering China’, students are required to produce a 3000 words (+10%) academic report to address the questions below by using relevant academic theory and concepts. Answers MUST be adjusted and supported by sufficient self-collected research data. Reference BBC News (2019), ‘Electric carmaker Tesla has signed an agreement with Chinese authorities to build a factory in Shanghai’. Retrieved from: *Additional suggested resources covering aspects of the case have been posted on Blackboard as a start Please follow all the tips for this assignment beneath each question. PowerPoints have been attached for assistance with theories. QUESTIONSProfessor Dunning (1977) proposed the well-known ‘eclectic paradigm’, including ownership-specific advantages (O); Location advantages (L) and Internalisation advantages (I). Applying OLI framework, and using appropriate analytical tools, critically discuss and answer the following questions: To enter foreign markets, the MNE must possess some sort of ownership-specific advantages. What ownership advantages can give Tesla Motors a competitive advantage over local electric carmakers in China? How can these contribute to Tesla’s success in China? (20 marks)What location-specific advantages is Tesla motivated to exploit from China, and why has Tesla Motors decided to build a factory in Shanghai? (15 marks)How could Tesla Motors effectively internalize their ownership-specific advantages (identified in part a) in China (e.g. protect and use its ownership advantages in the host country)? (15 marks)Tips for this question:Review Dunning’s OLI model (Dunning, 1977, 1981, 1988, 1993), and use relevant academic literature/frameworks (OLI + others) to analyse Tesla’s: ownership advantages, classify Oa, Ot and Oilocation advantages in Shanghai, China – considering both external and internal environment (no more than 5 in total)Internalisation strategy - how to successfully explore/ transfer the identified ownership advantages (identified in 1a) to China (e.g. the relationship between the HQ and subsidiary in China, knowledge transfer, etc.) Considering the importance of informal institutions (e.g. cultures, value and norms) for international business, critically discuss how national cultural differences can bring both barriers and competitive advantages for Tesla Motors operating in China? What cross-cultural management approach should be taken by Tesla to acquire cross-cultural competence when operating in China? (25 marks)Tips for this question: Decide what national culture framework(s) to be applied (e.g. Hofstede) in your assignment when analysing the ‘barriers’ of national cultural differencesDo not forget to analyse how national culture can benefit the organisation to develop its competitive advantages The final sub-question is to discuss how to manage cultural diversity effectively and efficiently? (e.g. develop intercultural communicative competence etc.)Drawing upon relevant academic literature, critically discuss what type(s) of innovation strategy Tesla Motors adapted. What are the benefits and challenges of building a local innovation network in China for Tesla Motors? (25 marks)Tips for this question – Clearly state what innovation strategies Tesla adapt (e.g. open or close innovation; rational, incremental or disruptive innovation strategies etc.) (choose 2-3 if Tesla used different innovation strategies) What types of external ‘innovation’ networks can Tesla possibly establish in China? (choose 2-3)Benefits and challenges of these innovation networks (choose 2-3 for each)The essay should be fully referenced throughout using the APA style of referencing. The APA style (6th edition) of referencing uses the author's name and the date of the publication. In-text citations give brief details of the work you are referring to in your text. References are listed at the end of the text in alphabetical order by the author's name.Trait0 - 2930 – 3940 – 4950 - 5960 - 6970 - 7980 - 100Knowledge and UnderstandingPoor grasp of topic concepts or of awareness of what concepts are.Minimal awareness of subject area.Knowledge is adequate but limited and/or superficial.Sound comprehension of topic.Knowledge base is up-to-date and relevant, but also may be broad or deep.Knowledge and understanding is comprehensive both as to breadth and depth.Exceptional scholarship for subject.Structure and AlignmentFailure to apply relevant skills. Work is inarticulate and/or munication of knowledge frequently inarticulate and/or irrelevant.In the most part, description/ assertion rather than argument or logical reasoning is used. Insufficient focus is evident in work presented.Reasoning and argument are generally relevant but not necessarily extensive. Awareness of concepts and critical appreciation are apparent, but the ability to conceptualise, and/or to apply theory is slightly limited.Higher order critical appreciation skills are displayed. A significant ability to apply theory, concepts, ideas and their inter-relationship is illustrated.A mature ability to critically appreciate concepts and their inter-relationship is demonstrated. Clear evidence of independent thought. Presentation of work is fluent, focused and accurate.Outstanding ability to apply, in the right measure, the skills necessary to achieve highly sophisticated and fluent challenges to received wisdom.SM9633 – International Business and Innovation / Assessment Criteria Trait0 - 2930 - 3940 – 4950 - 5960 - 6970 - 7980 - 100Knowledge and Application of Theory to Produce Analysis to the case (50%)No use of theoretical concepts, framework or theory. Purely historical description. Generic.Sparse or inaccurate use of theoretical concepts, framework or theory. Purely historical description and / or speculation. Mostly general.Minimal use of some single theoretical concepts, frameworks or theory. Some errors in application. Much description and assertion but focusing mostly on the case.Some use of the taught theory, applied with varying skill. Produces acceptable analysis of the case in question but still relies on description.A good use of appropriate theories, sometimes applied together, applied correctly to produce analytical conclusions entirely focused on the case. Very good use of a range of combined theories and concepts, applied well to produce high quality analysis of the case.Excellent use of a wide range of combined theories and concepts, some not taught in the lectures, applied in a sophisticated manner to produce original analysis of the case and beyond.Research of a Case – Quality of the Collected Data and Analysis of the Data in Relation to the Selected Case (50%)Vague and superficial. Irrelevant.Insufficient research has been conducted. Understanding of the case is incomplete.Minimal use of a narrow range of easily available sources with no critical awareness demonstrated eg relies on corporate websites.Some use of a range of different sources to investigate and analyze the case.A good and appropriate use of a range of sources to help explain and analyze the case. Evidence of criticality in the use of information.Very good range of sources used in an intelligent and critical manner to develop a very good analysis of the case.Sophisticated use of a wide range of (types of) sources and some critical appreciation of their value in analyzing the case. ................

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