ACT 7.0 TEST PLANPRC No.:195866Client: DallasPRC Priority: AAA Move ASAP? NObject Name(s): batch_delq_summary_format2.rdf,delinquent_statement_summary_format2.rdfProblem Description: PLEASE CREATE AN ENTITLEMENT TO CONTROL USER ACCESS TO THE PORTFOLIO VIEW SAVE IDS WEBSITE. WHEN THIS ENTITLEMENT IS GRANTED, THE ORACLE USERNAME/PASSWORD SHOULD BE CREATED ON THE PFOLIOUSERS TABLE WITH USER_TYPE = 'O'.REQUESTED BY SHEILA CAMPBELLDeveloper Notes: PRC: 195866System: Dallas web siteSubsystem: View the saved portfolios for Tax officeClient: Dallas Summary:Dallas tax office wants to create an entitlement to control user to view only the saved portfolios by using oracle login credential.Scott suggested another solution by creating a new login page using the oracle login to view the saved portfoliosPurpose:Let the tax office to view all saved portfolios and portfolio detailsRequirements:- We use "PortfolioTaxOfficeUser.class" to validate the portfolio user login.- We use web services to process the requests from "lock_list.jsp" page and "lock_detail.jsp" page- We use "HTML 5 session storage" to store the loaded data for later use- All data in the session storage will be cleared, and the portfolio user will be invalidated when logging out- Login page . Check if the JavaScript is enabled or not. if not, the JavaScript warning window will pop up . The user has to enable the JavaScript to continue . The user has to use the oracle credential to login . "View My Saved Portfolios" button won't be enabled until loign name and password field are filled . Account will be locked for a half of an hour after 8 unsuccessful attempts- Lock list page . If portfolio user is not valid, page will be forwarded to "Login.jsp" page . Show a number of found portfolios . Show all found portfolios in a table with 3 columns ( Save ID, Created On , Description) . Click on "save id" in the "Save ID" column, the portfolio details of "save id" will be showed . "Log Out" button will be used to go to "Login.jsp" page- Lock detail page . If portfolio user is not valid, page will be forwarded to "Login.jsp" page . Show a number of found accounts in the portfolio . Show the Save Id in the first row of the table . Show details of the accounts in the table with 4 columns(Account, Owner Name/Address, Property Address, Amount) . Show the total amount in the last row of the table . "Go Back" button will be used to go to "lock_list.jsp" page . "Log Out" button will be used to go to "Login.jsp" pageTest:- "View My Saved Portfolios" button is only enabled when both login name and password fields are filled- Check if "JavaScript warning window" pops up when JavaScript is disabled- All saved portfolios are showed properly on "lock_list.jsp" page- Try to access lock_list directly. It should be forwarded to "Login.jsp" page- All accounts in the portfolio are showed properly on "lock_detail.jsp" page- Try to access lock_detail directly. It should be forwarded to "Login.jsp" page- Check if the account is locked after 8 unsuccessful attemptsFiled Affected:\\Apollo\web_app_dald\WEB-INF\classes\act\app\portfolio\PortfolioTaxOfficeUser.class\\Apollo\web_app_dald\dallas\vportfolio\Login.jsp\\Apollo\web_app_dald\dal_common\v_portfolio\\\Apollo\web_app_dald\dallas\vportfolio\lock_list.jsp\\Apollo\web_app_dald\dal_common\v_portfolio\\\Apollo\web_app_dald\dallas\vportfolio\lock_detail.jsp\\Apollo\web_app_dald\dal_common\v_portfolio\\\Apollo\web_app_dald\dallas\vportfolio\lock_detail_retrieve.jsp\\Apollo\web_app_dald\dallas\vportfolio\lock_list_retrieve.jspComments:Access the view portfolio login page in dev based on Heather's code reviewTest Plan: Using the link provided above, assign the new task Manage Web Portfolios to a user, then login on the web page above. Verify you can successfully login and view the portfolios. Then, try to login with a user where the new task is not granted. Verify it will not let you view the portfolio information.03905250Manage Web Portfolios and entitlement PORTFOLIO_VIEW_SAVE_ID_ACCESS assigned to user DCSDJavascript enabledTest in CHROME “View My Saved Portfolios” button not enabled when password not entered "View My Saved Portfolios" button is only enabled when both login name and password fields are filledLog in to view saved portfoliosCreate new portfolio user, DCTEST2 and add three test accounts00000634216000000 00000634222000000 00000634378000000 All three accounts are viewable within the portfolio detail tabOpen up new tab and try to access lock_detail.jsp directlyDirects you to the login pageOpen up new tab and try to access lock_list.jsp directlyDirects you to the login pageDisable javascript Error pop upCheck if the account is locked after 8 unsuccessful attempts (lock is done by COMPUTER IP and you have to wait 30 minutes before additional attempt from that IP.Incorrect password attempt 1Attempt 2Attempt 3Attempt 4’Attempt 5Attempt 6Attempt 7 Attempt 8Locks after 9th attemptTest in IE“View My Saved Portfolios” button not enabled when password not entered "View My Saved Portfolios" button is only enabled when both login name and password fields are filledLog in to view saved portfoliosVerify the three accounts added above are viewable in the portfolio detail 00000634216000000 00000634222000000 00000634378000000 Access lock_detail.jsp directly and it takes you to the login pageAccess lock_list.jsp directly and it directs you to the login pageDisable javascript Error pop upCheck if the account is locked after 8 unsuccessful attempts (lock is done by COMPUTER IP and you have to wait 30 minutes before additional attempt from that IP.Incorrect password attempt 1Incorrect password attempt 2Incorrect password attempt 3Incorrect password attempt 4Incorrect password attempt 5Incorrect password attempt 6Incorrect password attempt 7Incorrect password attempt 8Locks after 9th attempt ................

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