
Texas Department of Licensing and RegulationTOWING AND STORAGE ADVISORY BOARD MEETINGTuesday, July 30, 2019 at 10:00 a.m.North Campus Building – 1st Floor Public Meeting Room, Suite 125E 1106 Clayton Lane – Austin, TexasAGENDAIf you are planning to attend this meeting and need auxiliary aids, services or materials in an alternate format, contact the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation at least 5 working days before the meeting date. Phone: (512) 463-6599, FAX: (512) 475-2874, E- MAIL: open.meetings@tdlr., TDD/RELAY TEXAS: 1-800-relay-VV (for voice), 1-800-relay-TX (for TDD.Watch the meeting on TDLR's YouTube channel at – to OrderRoll Call, Certification of Quorum, and IntroductionsTraining for Board MembersOpen Meetings ActPublic Information ActAdministrative Procedure ActApproval of Minutes – November 14, 2018 MeetingPublic Comment**Any person wishing to address the Advisory Board should complete a Public Comment Form and submit it to the Advisory Board Support Staff**Staff Reports – Briefing from staff and discussion:Licensing DivisionStatisticsCustomer Service DivisionStatisticsEnforcement DivisionHighlights of Selected CasesCurrent ProjectsStakeholder Outreach and TrainingEnforcement Statistics on Penalties and TrendsEducation and Examination DivisionStatisticsRegulatory Program Management DivisionProjectsOutreachField Inspections DivisionMost Common Violations Found During InspectionsPersonnel UpdatesInspection Statistics and TrendsExecutive OfficePersonnel UpdatesUpdates from the 86th Legislature, Regular Session 2019Communication Outreach StatisticsDiscussion and possible recommendation regarding proposed amendments at 16 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 85, § 85.10; §85.722(d)-(e); and the proposed repeal of§85.722(g). The amendments and proposed repeal implement House Bill 1140, 86th legislature, Regular Session (2019).Discussion and possible action to recommend approval of updates to the Penalty Matrix for the Towing and Vehicles Storage programsRecommendations for agenda items for next Board meetingDiscussion of date, time, and location of next Board meetingAdjournmentTowing, Storage and Booting Advisory BoardMeeting of July 30, 2019North Campus Building - 1st Floor Public Meeting Room 1106 Clayton Lane, Austin, TexasSummary of MinutesPresiding Officer, Joann Messina, called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.Presiding Officer, Joann Messina, moved to agenda item B. Roll Call, Certification of Quorum, and Introductions. Board members Joann Messina, Thomas Griffin, Jimmy Zuehlke, Amy Milstead, Tasha Mora, James Spears and Jeanette Rash were present. Board member Kyle Jackson was absent. A quorum was present.Presiding Officer, Joann Messina, moved to agenda item C., Training for Board Members. Elizabeth Salinas-Strittmatter provided an overview of the Open Meetings Act, Public Information Act, and Administrative Procedures Act.Presiding Office, Joann Messina, moved to agenda item D., Approval of Minutes - meeting of November 14, 2018. Board member, Amy Milstead, seconded by Tasha Mora, made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. The motion passed with a unanimous vote.Presiding Officer, Joann Messina, moved to agenda item E., Public Comment. The Board heard public comment from Robert Marcotte.Presiding Officer, Joann Messina, moved to agenda item F., Staff Reports - Laura Hernandez, Licensing Manager, provided the Licensing Division report. Tuan Nguyen, Customer Service Manager, provided the Customer Service Division report. Michael Shirk, Prosecutor, provided the Enforcement Division report. Letty Grantham, Program Specialist, provided the Education and Examination Division report. Todd Forrester and Latasha Poland, Program Specialists, provided the Regulatory Program Management Division report. Fernando Reyes, Manager, provided the Field Inspections Division report. Mike Arismendez, Deputy Executive Director, presented the Executive Office staff report.Presiding Officer, Joann Messina, moved to agenda item G., Discussion and possible recommendation regarding proposed amendments at 16 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 85, § 85.10;§85.722(d)-(e);and the proposed repeal of §85.722(g). The amendments and proposed repeal implement House Bill 1140, 86th legislature, Regular Session (2019). Elizabeth Salinas-Strittmatter, General Counsel, and Todd Forrester, Program Specialist spoke on this item. Jeanette Rash, seconded by Jimmy Zuehlke, made a motion to public the proposed amendments to the Texas Register. The motion passed by unanimous vote.Presiding Officer, Joann Messina, moved to agenda item H., Discussion and possible action to recommend approval of updates to the Penalty Matrix for the Towing and Vehicles Storage programs. Michael Shirk, Prosecutor , and Ron Foster, Chief Prosecutor, spoke on this item. Amy Milstead, seconded by Jimmy Zuehlke , made a motion to recommend the updates to the Penalty Matrix with changes moving the improper towing violations to Class B and VSF as it is to the Commission. Thomas Griffin was a nay. The motion was approved with a majority vote.Presiding Officer, Joann Messina, moved to agenda item I., Recommendations for agenda items for next Board meeting. Vehicle Storage Facility rules has been added to the next meeting's agenda.Presiding Officer, Joann Messina, moved to agenda item J., Discussion of date, time, and location of next Board meeting. The next Board meeting was schedule for September 23, 2019.Presiding Officer, Joann Messina, moved to agenda item K., Adjournment. Board member, Jeanette Rash, seconded by Amy Milstead, made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed by unanimous vote. Presiding Officer, Joann Messina adjourned the meeting at 12:35 p.m.Messina, Presiding Officer Towing, Storage and Booting Advisory Board ................

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