As Revised and in Effect on

June 1, 2008

Texas Real Estate Commission P.O. Box 12188, Austin, Texas 78711-2188

(512) 459-6544 1-800-250-TREC (8732)

World Wide Web:

NOTES This publication contains the Commission's Rules in effect on June 1, 2008. Changes are published in the Texas Register through the Secretary of State's Office. The rules adopted by the Texas Real Estate Commission are located in Title 22 of the Texas Administrative Code. Each rule is identified by a section number in the Code (TAC Section). The rules are also divided into chapters relating to different subjects. For example, Chapter 535 relates to the Provisions of the Real Estate License Act. Lengthy rules may be divided below the subsection level using the following structure: ? (section)

(a) subsection (1) paragraph (A) subparagraph (i) clause (I) subclause

For convenience, rules are generally cited to the section level. For example, Subclause II, Clause iii, Subparagraph C, Paragraph 6, Subsection (bb) of ?535.71, which relates to regulations for examinations by computer of approved MCE courses, may be cited as 22 TAC ?535.71(bb)(6)(C)(iii)(II). Unless noted otherwise, the rules were first effective January 1, 1976. References are provided to the statutory provision the rule interprets or implements. Unless a different source is indicated, references are to Chapters 1101 and 1102, Texas Occupations Code.



Table of Contents

CHAPTER 531 CANONS OF PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AND CONDUCT FOR REAL ESTATE LICENSEES ............................................................. 1 ?531.1. Fidelity ............................................................................................ 1 ?531.2. Integrity .......................................................................................... 1 ?531.3. Competency ..................................................................................... 1 ?531.18. Consumer Information Form 1-1 ......................................................... 1 ?531.19. Discriminatory Practices ..................................................................... 1

CHAPTER 533 PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE ......................................................... 3 ?533.1 Definitions. ..................................................................................... 3 ?533.2. Purpose and Scope. .......................................................................... 3 ?533.3. Filing and Notice. .............................................................................. 4 ?533.4. Failure to Answer, Failure to Attend Hearing and Default......................... 4 ?533.5. The Adjudicative Hearing Record. ........................................................ 5 ?533.6. Filing of Exceptions and Replies. ......................................................... 5 ?533.7. Proposals for Decision. ...................................................................... 5 ?533.8. Final Orders, Motions for Rehearing, and Emergency Orders. .................. 5 ?533.20. Informal Proceedings. ....................................................................... 6 ?533.30. Alternative Dispute Resolution Policy. .................................................. 7 ?533.31. Referral of Contested Matter for Alternative

Dispute Resolution Procedures. .......................................................... 7 ?533.32. Appointment of Mediator. .................................................................. 7 ?533.33. Qualifications of Mediators.................................................................. 7 ?533.34. Commencement of ADR. ................................................................... 8 ?533.35. Stipulations...................................................................................... 8 ?533.36. Agreements. .................................................................................... 8 ?533.37. Confidentiality. ................................................................................. 8 ?533.40. Negotiated Rulemaking. .................................................................... 8

CHAPTER 534 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION ........................................................ 9 ?534.1. Charges for Copies of Public Records.................................................... 9 ?534.2. Processing Fees for Dishonored Checks ................................................ 9 ?534.3. Employee Training and Education ........................................................ 9 ?534.4. Historically Underutilized Businesses Program ..................................... 10 ?534.5. Bid Opening and Tabulation .............................................................. 10 ?534.6. Negotiation and Mediation of Certain Contract Disputes ........................ 10 ?534.7. Vendor Protest Procedures ............................................................... 10



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