
Texas Migrant Education Program2020-21 Fidelity of Strategy Implementation (FSI)District:Region:Purposes:To measure the level of implementation of each MEP Strategy listed in the Texas Migrant Education Program (MEP) Service Delivery Plan (SDP).To address the implementation evaluation of the Texas MEP as required by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Migrant Education.To determine the extent to which MEP services are delivered with fidelity.To serve as a self-assessment to guide local MEPs in implementing services in the 4 Goal Areas: 1) Reading, 2) Mathematics, 3) School Readiness, and 4) High School Graduation/Services to Out-of-School Youth (OSY).Directions: For each Strategy, rate your project’s level of implementation during 2020-21. Gather a group of key staff (virtual or face-to-face) to discuss each Strategy. During your discussion, check the strategies/documentation relevant to your project, and cite additional evidence not covered in the rubric. After reaching consensus, check the applicable rating. If a Strategy is not applicable to your project, please place a checkmark in the box and indicate the reason.Ratings are based on a 5-point scale where 1=Not Evident, 2-Aware, 3=Developing, 4=Succeeding, and 5=Exceeding where a rating of Succeeding is considered “proficient”.Submit your completed FSI to TEA by September 15, 2021Questions? Contact Andrea Vázquez, Program Evaluator, META Associates at andrea@ or call (512) 573-7206Goal Area 1: READINGStrategy 1-1Implementation LevelNot EvidentAwareDevelopingSucceedingExceeding1-1 Coordinate/provide supplemental reading instruction to migratory students based on disaggregated results of formal/informal assessments.No provision of needs-based supplemental reading instruction to migratory studentsNo coordination with other agencies/ programsNo student participationNo recordsInadequate provision of needs-based supplemental reading instruction to migratory studentsInadequate coordination with other agencies/ programsMinimal student participationMinimal recordsSome needs-based supplemental reading instruction provided to migratory students Some coordination with other agencies/ programsSome student participationSome recordsSufficient needs-based supplemental reading instruction provided to migratory studentsFrequent coordination with other agencies/ programsFrequent student participationSufficient recordsExtensive needs-based supplemental reading instruction provided to migratory studentsRegular and ongoing coordination with other agencies/programsRegular and ongoing student participationExtensive recordsCheck (√) the ways in which this Strategy was implemented in your project? Attendance checks? Bilingual books? Books? Coordination with community/school resources, supplemental resources? Coordination with teacher(s)? Computerized instruction? Counselor coordination? Curricular modifications/accommodations? Differentiated instruction based on student learning needs? Digital reading resources? Family reading nights? Grade checks? Home visits? Homework dictionary? Individual student plans targeting reading? Leveled reading? Materials/resources to be used in the home? Mentored texts? Migrant para support to students? Migrant support schedules? Migrant tutor? Parent contacts? Parent/teacher conferences? Progress monitoring? RtI model? Special course placements? Student meetings? Summer services? Supplies/materials to support literacy? Technology use/instruction? Tutoring before, after, or during the school day? Vocabulary instructionCheck (√) the documentation that is kept onsite for this Strategy?? Academic improvement plans? Classroom schedules? Enrollment records? Progress monitoring records? Reading assessment results? Reading curriculum documents? School library schedule? Student records showing needs/strengths? Student work? Texas reading standards? Other: ? Other:Cite additional strategies/documentation here:If this strategy is rated “developing” or below, please indicate how you plan to improve the implementation of this strategy in the future:Goal Area 1: READING, Cont.Strategy 1-2Implementation LevelNot EvidentAwareDevelopingSucceedingExceeding1-2 Provide training and support to migratory students on the use of academic tools and resources to increase success in reading.No training/support provided to migratory students on using academic tools and resourcesNo students servedNo recordsInadequate training/ support provided to migratory students using academic resources and toolsLimited number of students servedLimited recordsSome training/ support provided to migratory students on using academic tools and resourcesSome students servedSome recordsSufficient training/ support provided to migratory students on using academic tools and resources Sufficient number of students servedSufficient recordsExtensive training/ support provided to migratory students on using academic resources and toolsExtensive number of students servedExtensive recordsCheck (√) the ways in which this Strategy was implemented in your project? Bilingual books? Books/book distributions? Coordination with teacher(s)? Computerized instruction? Digital reading resources? Grade checks? Guided questions? Home visits? Homework dictionary? Individual student plans targeting reading? Leveled readers? Materials/resources to be used in the home? Migrant para support to students ? Migrant support schedules? Migrant tutor? Progress monitoring? Reading incorporated into Project SMART lessons? Student meetings? Student-led discussions? Summer services? Supplies/materials to support literacy? Technology use/instruction? Tutoring before, after, or during the school dayCheck (√) the documentation that is kept onsite for this Strategy?? Academic improvement plans? Classroom schedules? Enrollment records? Progress monitoring records? Reading assessment results? Reading curriculum documents? School library schedule? Student records showing needs/strengths? Student work? Texas reading standards? Other: ? Other:Cite additional strategies/documentation here:If this strategy is rated “developing” or below, please indicate how you plan to improve the implementation of this strategy in the future:Goal Area 1: READING, Cont.Strategy 1-3Implementation LevelNot EvidentAwareDevelopingSucceedingExceeding1-3 Coordinate/provide professional development [PD] for MEP staff who provide needs-based supplemental reading instruction to migratory students.No PD provided to MEP staff that provide reading instruction to migratory studentsNo coordination with other agencies and programsNo staff participationNo recordsInadequate PD provided to MEP staff that provide reading instruction to migratory studentsLimited coordination with other agencies and programsLimited staff participationLimited recordsSome PD provided to MEP staff that provide reading instruction to migratory studentsSome coordination with other agencies and programsSome staff participationSome recordsSufficient PD provided to MEP staff that provide reading instruction to migratory studentsFrequent coordination with other agencies and programsFrequent staff participationSufficient recordsExtensive PD provided to MEP staff that provide reading instruction to migratory studentsRegular and ongoing coordination with other agencies and programsRegular and ongoing staff participationExtensive recordsCheck (√) the ways in which this Strategy was implemented in your project? AMET Conference? Book studies? EL training to migrant staff? Guidance provided by instructional coaches? Licensed EL teacher? National Migrant Education Conference? Project SMART curriculum training? School year staff development? SIOP training? TMIP training? Training on reading strategies/resourcesCheck (√) the documentation that is kept onsite for this Strategy?? Documentation of local, regional, and state PD? Documentation of staff meetings? Handouts and materials from PD? MEP Staff Survey results? PD agendas and sign-in sheets? PD evaluations? Samples of materials provided at PD? Staff PD needs assessment results? Other: Cite additional strategies/documentation here:If this strategy is rated “developing” or below, please indicate how you plan to improve the implementation of this strategy in the future:Goal Area 1: READING, Cont.Strategy 1-4Implementation LevelNot EvidentAwareDevelopingSucceedingExceeding1-4 Coordinate/ provide support services that address the identified reading needs of migratory students.No needs-based support services provided that address migratory student reading needsNo coordination with other agencies and programsNo recordsInadequate needs-based support services provided that address migratory student reading needsInadequate coordination with other agencies and programsLimited recordsSome needs-based support services provided that address migratory student reading needsSome coordination with other agencies and programsSome recordsSufficient needs-based support services provided that address migratory student reading needsFrequent coordination with other agencies and programsSufficient recordsExtensive needs-based support services provided that address migratory student reading needsRegular and ongoing coordination with other agencies and programsExtensive recordsCheck (√) the ways in which this Strategy was implemented in your project? Coordination with counselors? Coordination with community service providers? Coordination with other school programs (e.g., School Success Program, Title IA, parent involvement, regular summer school)? Coordination with teachers? Field trips/enrichment activities? Food/nutrition? Health services (dental exams, physicals, vision/hearing screening)? Home visits? Materials/resources to be used in the home? Meals/nutrition? Mental health referrals and support? Parent/family communication? Resource booklet of community programs/agencies? Student meetings/support? Supplies/materials? Technology? Translating/interpreting? TransportationCheck (√) the documentation that is kept onsite for this Strategy?? Descriptions of support services? Documentation of coordination activities? Local library schedules? MEP screening logs? Newspaper articles and photos? Phone log? Records of support services received (e.g., transportation, dental, vision/hearing, physicals, meals, RIF books)? Services records/documentation? Student participation records? Transportation and attendance lists? Other: ? Other:Cite additional strategies/documentation here:If this strategy is rated “developing” or below, please indicate how you plan to improve the implementation of this strategy in the future:Goal Area 1: READING, Cont.Strategy 1-5Implementation LevelNot EvidentAwareDevelopingSucceedingExceeding1-5 Collaborate with other school staff to support the identified reading needs of migratory students served.No collaboration with other school staff to support migratory student reading needsNo documentation of collaborationInadequate collaboration with other school staff to support migratory student reading needsLimited documentation of collaborationSome collaboration with other school staff to support migratory student reading needsSome documentation of collaborationFrequent collaboration with other school staff to support migratory student reading needsSufficient documentation of collaborationRegular and ongoing collaboration with other school staff to support migratory student reading needsExtensive documentation of collaborationCheck (√) the ways in which this Strategy was implemented in your project? Coordination meetings? Coordination with TMIP (verbal and written)? Emails/phone calls with teachers/counselors? Review of MSIX records? Student records? TEA website? TMIP trainingCheck (√) the documentation that is kept onsite for this Strategy?? Documentation of coordination? Emails? MEP staff contact logs? MSIX repository/reports? Services records/documentation? Student records? TMIP correspondence and referral lists? Other: ? Other:Cite additional strategies/documentation here:If this strategy is rated “developing” or below, please indicate how you plan to improve the implementation of this strategy in the future:Goal Area 1: READING, Cont.Strategy 1-6Implementation LevelNot EvidentAwareDevelopingSucceedingExceeding1-6 Coordinate/ provide training/ resources to migratory parents on reading strategies for their children.No training/ resources provided to parents on reading strategies No coordination with other agencies and programsNo parent participationNo recordsLimited training/ resources provided to parents on reading strategiesLimited coordination with other agencies and programsLimited parent participationLimited recordsSome training/ resources provided to parents on reading strategiesSome coordination with other agencies and programsSome parent participationSome recordsSufficient training/ resources provided to parents on reading strategiesFrequent coordination with other agencies and programsFrequent parent participationSufficient recordsExtensive training/ resources provided to parents on reading strategiesRegular and ongoing coordination with other agencies and programsRegular and ongoing parent participationExtensive recordsCheck (√) the ways in which this Strategy was implemented in your project? Bilingual books/book distributions? Collaboration with community agencies? Collaboration with Title IA and other district programs? Face-to-face meetings with liaison? Home visits? Home-based information, strategies, and resources for parents? Newsletters? PAC meetings that address reading? Parent education nights? Parent flyers? Parent informational sessions? Parent liaison? Parent liaison call/home visit log? Parent meetings? Parent nights? Parent/teacher conferences? Phone calls? Project SMART parent guides? Reading literacy nights? Resources provided to parents? RIF book distributions? Student performances (e.g., theater, choir)Check (√) the documentation that is kept onsite for this Strategy?? Communication records? Local library schedules? Parent liaison call/home visit log? Parent survey? Parent training evaluations? Parent training materials? Parent training schedules, agendas, and sign-in sheets ? Report cards? Services records/documentation? Schedule of parent/family events? Student progress reports? Other:? Other:? Other:Cite additional strategies/documentation here:If this strategy is rated “developing” or below, please indicate how you plan to improve the implementation of this strategy in the future:Goal Area 2: MATHEMATICSStrategy 2-1Implementation LevelNot EvidentAwareDevelopingSucceedingExceeding2-1 Coordinate/provide supplemental mathematics instruction to migratory students based on disaggregated results of formal/informal assessments.No provision of needs-based supplemental math instruction to migratory studentsNo coordination with other agencies/ programsNo student participationNo recordsInadequate provision of needs-based supplemental math instruction to migratory studentsInadequate coordination with other agencies/ programsMinimal student participationMinimal recordsSome needs-based supplemental math instruction provided to migratory students Some coordination with other agencies/ programsSome student participationSome recordsSufficient needs-based supplemental math instruction provided to migratory studentsFrequent coordination with other agencies/ programsFrequent student participationSufficient recordsExtensive needs-based supplemental math instruction provided to migratory studentsRegular and ongoing coordination with other agencies/programsRegular and ongoing student participationExtensive recordsCheck (√) the ways in which this Strategy was implemented in your project? Attendance checks? Collaboration with district math programs (e.g., Think Through Math, Sharon Wells Pro, Motivation Math)? Coordination with community/school resources and supplemental resources? Coordination with teacher(s)? Computerized instruction? Counselor coordination? Curricular modifications/accommodations? Family math nights? Grade checks? Home visits? Homework dictionary? Individual student plans targeting math? Materials/resources to be used in the home? Math manipulatives? Migrant para support to students ? Migrant tutor? Online math resources/intervention programs? Parent contacts? Parent/teacher conferences ? Progress monitoring? RtI model? Special course placements? Student meetings? Summer services? Supplies/materials to support math? Technology use/instruction? Tutoring before, after, or during the school dayCheck (√) the documentation that is kept onsite for this Strategy?? Academic improvement plans? Classroom schedules? Enrollment records? Math assessment results? Math curriculum documents? Migrant support schedules? Progress monitoring records? Student records showing needs/strengths? Student work? Texas math standards? Other: ? Other:Cite additional strategies/documentation here:If this strategy is rated “developing” or below, please indicate how you plan to improve the implementation of this strategy in the future:Goal Area 2: MATHEMATICS, Cont.Strategy 2-2Implementation LevelNot EvidentAwareDevelopingSucceedingExceeding2-2 Provide training and support to migratory students on the use of academic tools and resources to increase success in mathematics.No training/support provided to migratory students on using academic tools and resourcesNo students servedNo recordsInadequate training/ support provided to migratory students using academic resources and toolsLimited number of students servedLimited recordsSome training/ support provided to migratory students on using academic tools and resourcesSome students servedSome recordsSufficient training/ support provided to migratory students on using academic tools and resources Sufficient number of students servedSufficient recordsExtensive training/ support provided to migratory students on using academic resources and toolsExtensive number of students servedExtensive recordsCheck (√) the ways in which this Strategy was implemented in your project? Calculators and supplies? Collaboration with district math programs? Coordination with teacher(s)? Computerized instruction? Grade checks? Home visits? Homework dictionary? Individual student plans targeting math? Materials/resources to be used in the home? Math manipulatives? Migrant para support to students? Migrant tutor? Online math intervention programs? Progress monitoring? Project SMART curriculum? Student meetings? Summer services? Supplies/materials to support math? Technology use/instruction? Tutoring before, after, or during the school dayCheck (√) the documentation that is kept onsite for this Strategy?? Academic improvement plans? Classroom schedules? Enrollment records? Math assessment results? Math curriculum documents? Migrant support schedules? Progress monitoring records? Student records showing needs/strengths? Student work? Texas math standards? Other: ? Other:Cite additional strategies/documentation here:If this strategy is rated “developing” or below, please indicate how you plan to improve the implementation of this strategy in the future:Goal Area 2: MATHEMATICS, Cont.Strategy 2-3Implementation LevelNot EvidentAwareDevelopingSucceedingExceeding2-3 Coordinate/ provide PD for MEP staff who provide needs-based supplemental mathematics instruction to migratory students.No PD provided to MEP staff that provide math instruction to migratory studentsNo coordination with other agencies and programsNo staff participationNo recordsInadequate PD provided to MEP staff that provide math instruction to migratory studentsLimited coordination with other agencies and programsLimited staff participationLimited recordsSome PD provided to MEP staff that provide math instruction to migratory studentsSome coordination with other agencies and programsSome staff participationSome recordsSufficient PD provided to MEP staff that provide math instruction to migratory studentsFrequent coordination with other agencies and programsFrequent staff participationSufficient recordsExtensive PD provided to MEP staff that provide math instruction to migratory studentsRegular and ongoing coordination with other agencies and programsRegular and ongoing staff participationExtensive recordsCheck (√) the ways in which this Strategy was implemented in your project? AMET Conference? Book studies? Collaboration with the district math program to provide PD, materials, software? EL training to migrant staff? Guidance provided by instructional coaches? Licensed EL teacher? Local summer program training? National Migrant Education Conference? Project SMART instructional materials and videos? School year staff development? TMIP training? Training on math strategies/resourcesCheck (√) the documentation that is kept onsite for this Strategy?? Documentation of local, regional, and state PD? Documentation of staff meetings? Handouts and materials from PD? MEP Staff Survey results? PD agendas and sign-in sheets? PD evaluations? Samples of materials provided at PD? Staff PD needs assessment results? Other: Cite additional strategies/documentation here:If this strategy is rated “developing” or below, please indicate how you plan to improve the implementation of this strategy in the future:Goal Area 2: MATHEMATICS, Cont.Strategy 2-4Implementation LevelNot EvidentAwareDevelopingSucceedingExceeding2-4 Coordinate/ provide support services that address the identified mathematics needs of migratory students.No needs-based support services provided that address migratory student math needsNo coordination with other agencies and programsNo recordsInadequate needs-based support services provided that address migratory student math needsInadequate coordination with other agencies and programsLimited recordsSome needs-based support services provided that address migratory student math needsSome coordination with other agencies and programsSome recordsSufficient needs-based support services provided that address migratory student math needsFrequent coordination with other agencies and programsSufficient recordsExtensive needs-based support services provided that address migratory student math needsRegular and ongoing coordination with other agencies and programsExtensive recordsCheck (√) the ways in which this Strategy was implemented in your project? Coordination with counselors? Coordination with community service providers? Coordination with other school programs (e.g., School Success Program, Title IA, parent involvement, regular summer school)? Coordination with teachers? Field trips/enrichment activities? Food/nutrition? Health services (dental exams, physicals, vision/hearing screening)? Home visits? Materials/resources to be used in the home? Meals/nutrition? Mental health referrals and support? Parent/family communication? Resource booklet of community programs/agencies? Student meetings/support? Supplies/materials? Technology? Translating/interpreting? TransportationCheck (√) the documentation that is kept onsite for this Strategy?? Descriptions of support services? Documentation of coordination activities? MEP screening logs? Newspaper articles and photos? Phone log? Records of support services received (e.g., transportation, dental, vision/hearing, physicals, meals, RIF books)? Services records/documentation? Student participation records? Transportation and attendance lists? Other: ? Other:? Other:? Other:Cite additional strategies/documentation here:If this strategy is rated “developing” or below, please indicate how you plan to improve the implementation of this strategy in the future:Goal Area 2: MATHEMATICS, Cont.Strategy 2-5Implementation LevelNot EvidentAwareDevelopingSucceedingExceeding2-5 Collaborate with other school staff to support the identified mathematics needs of the migratory students served.No collaboration with other school staff to support migratory student math needsNo documentation of collaborationInadequate collaboration with other school staff to support migratory student math needsLimited documentation of collaborationSome collaboration with other school staff to support migratory student math needsSome documentation of collaborationFrequent collaboration with other school staff to support migratory student math needsSufficient documentation of collaborationRegular and ongoing collaboration with other school staff to support migratory student math needsExtensive documentation of collaborationCheck (√) the ways in which this Strategy was implemented in your project? Coordination meetings? Coordination with TMIP (verbal and written)? Emails/phone calls with teachers/ counselors? Review of MSIX records? TEA website? TMIP correspondence and referral lists? TMIP trainingCheck (√) the documentation that is kept onsite for this Strategy?? Documentation of coordination? Emails? MEP staff contact logs? MSIX repository/reports? Services records/documentation? Student records? TMIP correspondence and referral lists? Other: ? Other:Cite additional strategies/documentation here:If this strategy is rated “developing” or below, please indicate how you plan to improve the implementation of this strategy in the future:Goal Area 2: MATHEMATICS, Cont.Strategy 2-6Implementation LevelNot EvidentAwareDevelopingSucceedingExceeding2-6 Coordinate/ provide training/ resources to migratory parents on mathematics strategies for their children.No training/ resources provided to parents on math strategies No coordination with other agencies and programsNo parent participationNo recordsLimited training/ resources provided to parents on math strategiesLimited coordination with other agencies and programsLimited parent participationLimited recordsSome training/ resources provided to parents on math strategiesSome coordination with other agencies and programsSome parent participationSome recordsSufficient training/ resources provided to parents on math strategiesFrequent coordination with other agencies and programsFrequent parent participationSufficient recordsExtensive training/ resources provided to parents on math strategiesRegular and ongoing coordination with other agencies and programsRegular and ongoing parent participationExtensive recordsCheck (√) the ways in which this Strategy was implemented in your project? Collaboration with community agencies? Collaboration with district math department? Face-to-face meetings with liaison? Home visits? Home-based information, strategies, and resources for parents? Newsletters/parent letters? Parent education nights? Parent flyers? Parent informational sessions? Parent liaison? Parent liaison call/home visit log? Parent meetings? Parent nights? Parent/teacher conferences ? Phone calls? Project SMART parent guides? Resources provided to parents? Student performances (e.g., theater, choir)Check (√) the documentation that is kept onsite for this Strategy?? Communication records? Parent liaison call/home visit log? Parent survey? Parent training evaluations? Parent training materials? Parent training schedules, agendas, and sign-in sheets ? Report cards? Services records/documentation? Schedule of parent/family events? Student progress reports? Other:Cite additional strategies/documentation here:If this strategy is rated “developing” or below, please indicate how you plan to improve the implementation of this strategy in the future:Goal Area 2: MATHEMATICS, Cont.Strategy 2-7Implementation LevelNot EvidentAwareDevelopingSucceedingExceeding2-7 Utilize Project SMART when providing summer supplemental services in mathematics to migratory students.No use of Project SMART during the summerNo student participationNo recordsLimited use of Project SMART during the summerLimited student participationLimited recordsSome use of Project SMART during the summerSome student participationSome recordsFrequent use of Project SMART during the summerFrequent student participationSufficient recordsRegular and ongoing use of Project SMART during the summerRegular and ongoing student participationExtensive recordsCheck (√) the ways in which this Strategy was implemented in your project? Attendance checks? Bilingual books? Computerized instruction? Curricular modifications/accommodations? Home visits? Materials/resources to be used in the home? Migrant para support? Migrant tutors? Online math intervention programs? Parent contacts? Progress monitoring? Supplies/materials to support Project SMART? Technology use/instructionCheck (√) the documentation that is kept onsite for this Strategy?? Academic improvement plans? Classroom schedules? Documentation of coordination activities? Enrollment records? Individual student plans targeting math? Migrant support schedules? Progress monitoring records? Project SMART assessment results? Project SMART curriculum/materials? Student records showing needs/strengths? Student work? Other: Cite additional strategies/documentation here:If this strategy is rated “developing” or below, please indicate how you plan to improve the implementation of this strategy in the future:Goal Area 2: MATHEMATICS, Cont.Strategy 2-8Implementation LevelNot EvidentAwareDevelopingSucceedingExceeding2-8 Coordinate/ provide summer supplemental services in mathematics to migratory students who are performing below grade level through remedial mathematics programs.No remedial summer math instruction provided by the MEP and/or other agencies and programsNo student participationNo recordsInadequate remedial summer math instruction provided by the MEP and/or other agencies and programsLimited student participationLimited recordsSome remedial summer math instruction provided by the MEP and/or other agencies and programsSome student participationSome recordsSufficient remedial summer math instruction provided by the MEP and/or other agencies and programsFrequent student participationSufficient recordsExtensive remedial summer math instruction provided by the MEP and/or other agencies and programsRegular and ongoing student participationExtensive recordsCheck (√) the ways in which this Strategy was implemented in your project? ABC Mouse? Attendance checks? Collaboration with Title IA tutorial programs and other year-round intervention programs? Computerized instruction? Cool Math Games? Curricular modifications/accommodations? Education Galaxy? Home visits? Materials/resources to be used in the home? Migrant para support? Migrant tutors? Parent contacts? Progress monitoring? RtI instruction? SIOP instruction? STAAR Ready materials and curriculum? Supplies/materials to support remedial math instruction? Technology use/instructionCheck (√) the documentation that is kept onsite for this Strategy?? Academic improvement plans? Classroom schedules? Documentation of coordination activities? Enrollment records? Individual student plans targeting math? Math assessment results? Math curriculum documents? Migrant support schedules? Progress monitoring records? Student records showing needs/strengths? Student work? Texas math standards? Other: ? Other:? Other:Cite additional strategies/documentation here:If this strategy is rated “developing” or below, please indicate how you plan to improve the implementation of this strategy in the future:Goal 3: SCHOOL READINESSStrategy 3-1Implementation LevelNot EvidentAwareDevelopingSucceedingExceeding3-1 Coordinate with other programs to provide migratory children ages 3-5 (not in kindergarten [K]) with access to school readiness services.No coordination with other programsNo migratory children ages 3-5 (not in K) received school readiness servicesNo recordsInadequate coord-ination with other programsFew migratory children ages 3-5 (not in K) received school readiness servicesLimited records Some coordination with other programs Some migratory children ages 3-5 (not in K) received school readiness servicesSome records Sufficient coordination with other programsMany migratory children ages 3-5 (not in K) received school readiness servicesSufficient records Extensive coordination with other programsAll or nearly all migratory children ages 3-5 (not in K) received school readiness servicesExtensive records Check (√) the ways in which this Strategy was implemented in your project? Coordination with community education? Coordination with Head Start, SPED, Teaching Mentoring Community, and other early learning initiatives? Information about pre-literacy/pre-math programs shared with MEP families ? Meetings with coordinators/staff? Parent flyer? Promoting early learning initiatives through the district? Shared parent meetings and family eventsCheck (√) the documentation that is kept onsite for this Strategy?? COEs? Communication logs? Documentation of coordination? Early childhood participation records? Examples of communication about service coordination? Emails? MEP staff contact logs? MSIX records? Recruiter communication logs? Referral records? Services records/documentation? Student records? Other: ? Other:Cite additional strategies/documentation here:If this strategy is rated “developing” or below, please indicate how you plan to improve the implementation of this strategy in the future:Goal Area 3: school readiness, Cont.Strategy 3-2Implementation LevelNot EvidentAwareDevelopingSucceedingExceeding3-2 Implement the TEA-approved early literacy program (A Bright Beginning [ABB]) for migratory children ages 3-5 (not in kindergarten [K]) that are not served by other programs.ABB not provided to migratory children ages 3-5 (not in K) not served by other programsNo student participationNo recordsInadequate provision of ABB programming to migratory children ages 3-5 (not in K) not served by other programsLimited student participation Limited recordsSome provision of ABB programming to migratory children ages 3-5 (not in K) not served by other programsSome student participation Some recordsSufficient provision of ABB programming to migratory children ages 3-5 (not in K) not served by other programsFrequent student participation Sufficient recordsExtensive provision of ABB programming to migratory children ages 3-5 (not in K) not served by other programsRegular student participation Extensive recordsCheck (√) the ways in which this Strategy was implemented in your project? Activity folders/backpacks/bags? Early learning centers? Early literacy resources? Family resource centers? Home visits? Newsletters? Parent guides? Progress monitoring? Summer services? Technology and websitesCheck (√) the documentation that is kept onsite for this Strategy?? ABB curriculum documents? Attendance lists? Classroom schedules? Documentation of student learning needs? Early literacy assessment results? Enrollment records? Para schedules? Progress monitoring records? Student work? Other: ? Other:? Other:Cite additional strategies/documentation here:If this strategy is rated “developing” or below, please indicate how you plan to improve the implementation of this strategy in the future:Goal Area 3: school readiness, Cont.Strategy 3-3Implementation LevelNot EvidentAwareDevelopingSucceedingExceeding3-3 Provide migratory parents with developmentally-appropriate school readiness resources and strategies.No developmentally-appropriate school readiness resources and strategies provided to parentsNo recordsInadequate provision of developmentally-appropriate school readiness resources and strategies to parents Limited recordsSome provision of developmentally- appropriate school readiness resources and strategies to parentsSome records Frequent provision of developmentally- appropriate resources and strategies to parentsSufficient recordsRegular and ongoing provision of developmentally-appropriate school readiness resources and strategies to parentsExtensive records Check (√) the ways in which this Strategy was implemented in your project? Activity folders/backpacks/bags? Collaboration with local early childhood programs (e.g., TMC, Head Start)? Early learning centers? Early literacy resources for parents? Family resource centers? Home visits? Newsletters? Parent guides? Resources provided by outside agenciesCheck (√) the documentation that is kept onsite for this Strategy?? Communication records? Parent liaison call/home visit log? Parent survey? Parent training evaluations? Parent training materials? Parent training schedules, agendas, and sign-in sheets ? Participation records? Services records/documentation? Schedule of parent/family events? Student progress reports? Other:Cite additional strategies/documentation here:If this strategy is rated “developing” or below, please indicate how you plan to improve the implementation of this strategy in the future:Goal Area 3: school readiness, Cont.Strategy 3-4Implementation LevelNot EvidentAwareDevelopingSucceedingExceeding3-4 Coordinate/provide support services for migratory children ages 3-5 (not in kindergarten [K]) and their families.No support services provided to migratory children ages 3-5 (not in K) and their familiesNo coordination with other agencies and programsNo recordsInadequate support services provided to migratory children ages 3-5 (not in K) and their familiesInadequate coordination with other agencies and programsLimited recordsSome support services provided to migratory children ages 3-5 (not in K) and their familiesSome coordination with other agencies and programsSome recordsSufficient support services provided to migratory children (ages 3-5 not in K) and their familiesFrequent coordination with other agencies and programsSufficient recordsExtensive support services provided to migratory children ages 3-5 (not in K) and their families Regular and ongoing coordination with other agencies and programsExtensive recordsCheck (√) the ways in which this Strategy was implemented in your project? Coordination with community service providers? Coordination with early childhood agencies and service providers? Field trips/enrichment activities? Food/nutrition? Health services (dental exams, physicals, vision/hearing screening)? Home visits? Materials/resources to be used in the home? Meals/nutrition? Parent/family communication? Resource booklet of community programs/agencies? Supplies/materials? Technology? Translating/interpreting? TransportationCheck (√) the documentation that is kept onsite for this Strategy?? Descriptions of support services? Documentation of coordination activities? MEP screening logs? Newspaper articles and photos? Phone log? Records of support services received (e.g., transportation, dental, vision/hearing, physicals, meals, RIF books)? Services records/documentation? Student participation records? Transportation and attendance lists? Other: ? Other:? Other:Cite additional strategies/documentation here:If this strategy is rated “developing” or below, please indicate how you plan to improve the implementation of this strategy in the future:Goal 4: HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION/OSYStrategy 4-1Implementation LevelNot EvidentAwareDevelopingSucceedingExceeding4-1 Coordinate/ provide supplemental instructional services to ensure migratory students are proficient on state assessments.No supplemental instructional services provided to migratory students to support performance on state assessmentsNo coordination with other agencies and programsNo student participationNo recordsInadequate provision of supplemental instructional services to migratory students to support performance on state assessmentsLimited coordination with other agencies and programsLimited student participationLimited recordsSome supplemental instructional services provided to migratory students to support performance on state assessmentsSome coordination with other agencies and programsSome student participationSome recordsSufficient provision of supplemental instructional services to migratory students to support performance on state assessmentsFrequent coordination with other agencies and programsFrequent student participationSufficient recordsExtensive supplemental instructional services provided to migratory students to support performance on state assessmentsRegular and ongoing coordination with other agencies and programsRegular and ongoing student participationExtensive recordsCheck (√) the ways in which this Strategy was implemented in your project? Academic review with student discussion? Collaboration with Title IA for tutorials and remediation programs? Communication with TMIP? Continuous Learning Plans? Counselor visits? Financial support for credit recovery courses? Hands-on science activities to integrate coursework, vocabulary, and lab skills? Laptops and tablets? Monitoring of progress towards completion of state assessments? Online learning opportunities? Referrals for services? STAAR test preparation and administration? TutoringCheck (√) the documentation that is kept onsite for this Strategy?? Academic improvement plans? Attendance records? Classroom schedules? Correspondence with counselor? Daily/weekly schedules? Description of resources provided? Description of services provided? Documentation of instructional services? Enrollment records? Progress monitoring records? Progress reports? Reading assessment results? Reading curriculum documents? School library schedule? Student participation records? Student records showing needs and strengths? Transcripts? Other: ? Other:? Other:? Other:Cite additional strategies/documentation here:If this strategy is rated “developing” or below, please indicate how you plan to improve the implementation of this strategy in the future:Goal Area 4: high school graduation/Osy, Cont.Strategy 4-2Implementation LevelNot EvidentAwareDevelopingSucceedingExceeding4.2 Coordinate/provide support services to migratory students in grades 9-12.No support services provided to migratory students in grades 9-12No coordination with other agencies and programsNo recordsInadequate support services provided to migratory students in grades 9-12Limited coordination with other agencies and programsLimited recordsSome support services provided to migratory students in grades 9-12Some coordination with other agencies and programsSome recordsSufficient support services provided to migratory students in grades 9-12Frequent coordination with other agencies and programsSufficient recordsExtensive support services provided to migratory students in grades 9-12Regular and ongoing coordination with other agencies and programsExtensive recordsCheck (√) the ways in which this Strategy was implemented in your project? Coordination with counselors? Coordination with community service providers? Coordination with other school programs (e.g., School Success Program, Title IA, parent involvement, regular summer school)? Coordination with teachers? Counseling? Field trips/enrichment activities? Food/nutrition? Health services (dental exams, physicals, vision/hearing screening)? Home visits? Materials/resources to be used in the home? Meals/nutrition? Mental health referrals and support? Parent/family communication? Resource booklet of community programs/agencies? Student meetings/support? Supplies/materials? Technology? Translating/interpreting? TransportationCheck (√) the documentation that is kept onsite for this Strategy?? Descriptions of support services? Documentation of coordination activities? MEP screening logs? Newspaper articles and photos? Phone log? Records of support services received (e.g., transportation, dental, vision/hearing, physicals, meals)? Services records/documentation? Student participation records? Transportation and attendance lists? Other: Cite additional strategies/documentation here:If this strategy is rated “developing” or below, please indicate how you plan to improve the implementation of this strategy in the future:Goal Area 4: high school graduation/Osy, Cont.Strategy 4-3Implementation LevelNot EvidentAwareDevelopingSucceedingExceeding4-3 Coordinate/provide migratory student graduation support and advocacy.No provision of graduation support and advocacyNo coordination with other agencies and programsNo student participationNo recordsInadequate provision of graduation support and advocacyLimited coordination with other agencies and programsLimited student participationInadequate recordsSome provision of graduation support and advocacySome coordination with other agencies and programsSome student participationSome recordsSufficient provision of graduation support and advocacyFrequent coordination with other agencies and programsFrequent student participationSome recordsExtensive provision of graduation support and advocacyRegular and ongoing coordination with other agencies and programsRegular and ongoing student participationExtensive recordsCheck (√) the ways in which this Strategy was implemented in your project? Academic review with student discussion? Career exploration field trips, speakers, and classroom activities? College visits? Communication with TMIP? Continuous Learning Plans? Coordination with counselor? Counselor visits? Coursework (e.g., district, online, paper/pencil)? Credit accrual and recovery? Facilitating family/school connections? Graduation conversations/planning? Hands-on science activities to integrate coursework, vocabulary, and lab skills? Home visits? Home-based instruction? Individualized learning/graduation plans? Interviews with OSY to identify needs? Laptops and tablets? Leadership opportunities? Mentors? Monitoring/tracking attendance/academic progress? Online credit accrual programs? Online learning opportunities? Parent meetings/communication? Postsecondary/career conversations? Review of course selections? STAAR test preparation and administration? Summer program summary of student work? Summer programming? TMIP secondary credit workshop? TMIP out-of-state summer MEP contacts? Tutoring Check (√) the documentation that is kept onsite for this Strategy?? Academic improvement plans? Attendance records? CBE exams received from UTCC? Class lists? Classroom schedules? Counselor credit checklist? Correspondence with counselor? Daily/weekly schedules? Description of resources provided? Description of services provided? Documentation of instructional services? Enrollment records? MSIX records? Progress monitoring records? Progress reports? Report cards? State assessment results? Student participation records? Student records showing needs and strengths? Transcripts? Other: Cite additional strategies/documentation here:If this strategy is rated “developing” or below, please indicate how you plan to improve the implementation of this strategy in the future:Goal Area 4: high school graduation/Osy, Cont.Strategy 4-4Implementation LevelNot EvidentAwareDevelopingSucceedingExceeding4-4 Coordinate with receiving state MEP staff on migratory students’ graduation needs/requirements.No coordination with receiving state staff to determine migratory student graduation needs/ requirementsNo coordination recordsInadequate coordination with receiving state staff to determine migratory student graduation needs/requirementsInadequate coordination recordsSome coordination with receiving state staff to determine migratory student graduation needs/ requirementsSome coordination recordsSufficient coordination with receiving state staff to determine migratory student graduation needs/ requirementsSufficient coordination recordsExtensive coordination with receiving state staff to determine migratory student graduation needs/requirementsExtensive coordination recordsCheck (√) the ways in which this Strategy was implemented in your project? Availability of staff with knowledge of student graduation needs during the summer to communicate with receiving state MEP staff? Coordination with TMIP (verbal and written)? Coordination with receiving state MEP staff? District websites? Emails to receiving state MEP staffCheck (√) the documentation that is kept onsite for this Strategy?? Documentation of coordination? Emails? MEP staff contact logs? MSIX repository/reports? Services records/documentation? Student records? TMIP correspondence and referral lists? Other: ? Other:Cite additional strategies/documentation here:If this strategy is rated “developing” or below, please indicate how you plan to improve the implementation of this strategy in the future:Goal Area 4: high school graduation/Osy, Cont.Strategy 4-5Implementation LevelNot EvidentAwareDevelopingSucceedingExceeding4.5 Coordinate/provide needs-based services for OSY with support and advocacy.No needs-based services provided to OSYNo coordination with other agencies and programsNo OSY participationNo recordsInadequate provision of needs-based services to OSYLimited coordination with other agencies and programsLimited OSY participationFew recordsSome needs-based services provided to OSYSome coordination with other agencies and programsSome OSY participationSome recordsSufficient provision of needs-based services to OSYFrequent coordination with other agencies and programsFrequent OSY participationSufficient recordsExtensive provision of needs based services to OSYRegular and ongoing coordination with other agencies and programsRegular and ongoing OSY participationExtensive recordsCheck (√) the ways in which this Strategy was implemented in your project? Coursework submitted/summarized? High school equivalency programs? Instructional materials utilized? Interviews with OSY? Job readiness skills? Laptops and tablets? Leadership opportunities? Mentors? Mileage reimbursement? Online credit accrual programs? Online learning opportunities? Phone calls and emails? Postsecondary/career conversations? STAAR test preparation and administration? TMIP secondary credit workshop? TMPI out-of-state summer MEP contacts? TutoringCheck (√) the documentation that is kept onsite for this Strategy?? CBE exams received from UTCC? COEs? Counselor credit checklist? Correspondence with counselor? Descriptions of opportunities to engage OSY? Description of resources provided? Description of services provided? Enrollment records? Individual contact logs? Individual learning plans? MSIX records? OSY contact logs? Participation records? Progress monitoring records? Progress reports? Record of referred services? Records showing needs and strengths? TMIP summer service report? Transcripts? Other: ? Other:Cite additional strategies/documentation here:If this strategy is rated “developing” or below, please indicate how you plan to improve the implementation of this strategy in the future:Goal Area 4: high school graduation/Osy, Cont.Strategy 4-6Implementation LevelNot EvidentAwareDevelopingSucceedingExceeding4-6 Provide information and resources to parents about graduation requirements and college/career opportunities.No information/ resources provided to parents about graduation requirements and college/career opportunitiesNo recordsInadequate provision of information/ resources to parents about graduation requirements and college/career opportunitiesLimited recordsSome information/ resources provided to parents about graduation requirements and college/career opportunitiesSome records Frequent provision of information/resources to parents about graduation requirements and college/career opportunitiesSufficient recordsRegular and ongoing provision of information/ resources to parents about graduation requirements and college/career opportunitiesExtensive records Check (√) the ways in which this Strategy was implemented in your project? Collaboration with community agencies? College visits? Face-to-face meetings with liaison/MEP staff? Home-based information, strategies, and resources for parents? Home visits? Newsletters? Parent education nights? Parent flyers? Parent informational sessions? Parent liaison? Parent liaison call/home visit log? Parent meetings? Parent nights? Phone calls? Resources provided to parents? Secondary student academic review provided to parentsCheck (√) the documentation that is kept onsite for this Strategy?? Communication records? Parent liaison call/home visit log? Parent survey? Parent training evaluations? Parent training materials? Parent training schedules, agendas, and sign-in sheets ? Participation records? Services records/documentation? Schedule of parent/family events? Student progress reports? Other:Cite additional strategies/documentation here:If this strategy is rated “developing” or below, please indicate how you plan to improve the implementation of this strategy in the future:Goal Area 4: high school graduation/Osy, Cont.Strategy 4-7Implementation LevelNot EvidentAwareDevelopingSucceedingExceeding4-7 Provide PD for MEP staff on services for migratory students in grades 9-12 and OSY.No PD provided to MEP staff on services for migratory students in grades 9-12 and OSYNo staff participationNo recordsInadequate PD provided to MEP staff on services for migratory students in grades 9-12 and OSYLimited staff participationLimited recordsSome PD provided to MEP staff on services for migratory students in grades 9-12 and OSYSome staff participationSome recordsSufficient PD provided to MEP staff on services for migratory students in grades 9-12 and OSYFrequent staff participationSufficient recordsExtensive PD provided to MEP staff on services for migratory students in grades 9-12 and OSYRegular and ongoing staff participationExtensive recordsCheck (√) the ways in which this Strategy was implemented in your project? Book studies? Collaboration with regular counselors’ training? EL training to migrant staff? Guidance provided by instructional coaches? Local summer program training? National Migrant Education Conference? School year staff development? Training on inter/intrastate coordination/TMIP? Training on secondary credit accrual, credit recovery? Training provided by ESCs, TMIP, others? Training provided to counselors on credit recovery, OSY and dropouts, and coordination with TMIPCheck (√) the documentation that is kept onsite for this Strategy?? Documentation of local, regional, and state PD? Documentation of staff meetings? Handouts and materials from PD? MEP Staff Survey results? PD agendas and sign-in sheets? PD evaluations? Samples of materials provided at PD? Staff PD needs assessment results? Other: Cite additional strategies/documentation here:If this strategy is rated “developing” or below, please indicate how you plan to improve the implementation of this strategy in the future:Goal Area 4: high school graduation/Osy, Cont.Strategy 4-8Implementation LevelNot EvidentAwareDevelopingSucceedingExceeding4-8 Provide non-MEP staff with information about MEP services and programs that address graduation and opportunities after high school.No information about MEP services and programs provided to non-MEP staffNo non-MEP staff participationNo recordsInadequate information about MEP services and programs provided to non-MEP staffLimited non-MEP staff participationLimited recordsSome information about MEP services and programs provided to non-MEP staffSome non-MEP staff participationSome recordsSufficient information about MEP services and programs provided to non-MEP staffFrequent non-MEP staff participationSufficient recordsExtensive information about MEP services and programs provided to non-MEP staffRegular and ongoing non-MEP staff participationExtensive recordsCheck (√) the ways in which this Strategy was implemented in your project? Coordination with high school teachers? Coordination meeting agendas/notes? Coordination with TMIP (verbal and written)? Emails/phone calls with teachers and counselors? Financial support for secondary courses leading toward high school credits? Information provided to non-MEP staff on MEP programs and services? TEA website? TMIP correspondence and referral list? TMIP training? Training on credit accrual/credit recovery? Training on inter/intrastate collaboration/TMIP? Training on HEP/CAMP, Close Up, BCLICheck (√) the documentation that is kept onsite for this Strategy?? Documentation of coordination? Emails? MEP staff contact logs? MSIX records? Student records? Other: Cite additional strategies/documentation here:If this strategy is rated “developing” or below, please indicate how you plan to improve the implementation of this strategy in the future: ................

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