
CaseIssueMarbury v. MadisonPres. Adams appointing midnight judges; Pres. Jefferson refusing to deliver the ‘commissions’ (job appointment); concept of judicial review*Miranda v. ArizonaErnesto Miranda committed violent crimes, cops never read him his rights, and Miranda confessed to the crimesGideon v. WainrightGideon was denied his right to a lawyer in a Florida court; jailed for 5 yearsHint: No ‘right’ to a lawyer (WainRIGHT)*Mapp v. OhioCops illegally searched Mapp’s house looking for a fugitive, but instead found illegal pornographyHint: This illegal search case put Ohio on the Mapp*New Jersey v. TLOStudent caught smoking in bathroom; administrator searched her purse and found drug paraphernalia. Legal search?Hint: TLO caught with THCFurman v. GeorgiaFurman ‘accidentally’ killed a homeowner as he was fleeing their house after a robbery and sentenced to deathHint: Furman comes first in the death penalty casesGregg v. GeorgiaYears after the Furman decision, Gregg was sentenced to death after committing murder, but was this contradictory to the Furman decision?Hint: G comes after F (Furman then Gregg)*Plessy v. FergusonPlessy, who was black, sat on a white section of a train and was asked to move. Hint: Plessy (please) go sit in the white sectionBrown v. Board of EdDesegregation of schoolsEngel v. VitalePrayer in public schoolsHint: Engel-AngelTexas v. JohnsonJohnson burned the American flag in protest of the Reagan administration.Swann v. CMSAfter the Brown v. Board ruling, schools were slow to desegregate. Question on whether courts should step in to help enforce this process?*In Re Gault CaseGerald Gault, 15, made a prank phone call to his neighbor. He was arrested soon after and sentenced to 6 years in an alternative school. Parents were never notified of his arrest and he was denied a right to a lawyer. Hint: Gault at fault for making prank phone call*Bethel v. FraserFraser gave inappropriate speech as he campaigned for his friend in a class election; was suspended.Roe v. WadeDoes a woman have a right to an abortion?*Tinker v. Des MoinesStudents wore armbands to school to protest the Vietnam War and were suspended*Hazelwood v. KuhlmeierStudents wanted to print articles in the school newspaper about divorce and teen pregnancy, but principal would not allow it*Vernonia Schools v. ActonDrug testing of student athletes. Students refused to participate, citing that it violated their right to privacy in the 4th Amendment*Univ of Cali v. BakkeBakke was denied admission into the U of Cali Med School and discovered that the University used racial quotas to determine admissions. Can colleges use race as a factor of admission?W. Virgina v. BarnetteAre students required to “salute” the flag during a Pledge of Allegiance?Heart of Atlanta Motel v USThe motel refused to accept black customers. Can businesses choose who they want to serve? ................

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