In 1836 Texas won its independence from Mexico there was ...

Though Texas won its independence from Mexico in 1836, there was still a dispute over the border. Texas claimed that its lands extended all the way to the Rio Grande, while Mexico contended Texas’ borders ended at the Nueces River. In early 1845, Texas decided to join the United States and the annexation was approved by the U.S. Congress. Mexico was not pleased with the annexation and continued to dispute the border. Eventually, both countries sent troops to enforce the borders. I added more information about the Mexican-American war, and tied up the sentences a little. Let me know if this is OK.

In April 1846, hostilities exploded on soil claimed by both of the countries. The war had begun. Almost two years later, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed and resolved the border dispute, giving parts of northern Mexico to the United States. However, the United States suffered a great price. The war had taken the lives of over 13,000 United States Soldiers and had cost over $100 million dollars.

Las Raices Ranch (“The Roots” in Spanish) is named after the Las Raices Creek and is located in northern Webb County in the middle of the “Golden Triangle” an area which is comprised of Webb, Dimmit, and La Salle counties split almost in two by the Nueces River.

Since the early 1990’s the Barrett family has owned Las Raices Ranch and has used it for their hunting getaways. The ranch is XXXX acres with XX buildings, a barn, a cow shed, I don’t know – what else? Tell me more about the buildings on the property here. I'd personally like to know more about the ranch here. What kind of buildings do you guys have? What kind of facilities? I.e. how many people can sleep at the ranch? What kind of lodging do you have? What kind of eating facilities? Basically, I'm looking for something like - sleeping arrangements for 8 people etc. etc. And then I can link the picture of the bedroom that you gave me or the picture of the common areas. Get the idea? To this day, the history of the Mexican-American war is still present on the ranch. An old stage house, built in 1836, still resides on the property. For the first 10 years of the stage’s history, passengers couldn’t be sure if they were riding in Texas or Mexico!

Texas has made itself a reputation as one of the premier destinations for hunters seeking quality whitetail deer at a reasonable cost and comfort level. And Las Raices Ranch has created one of the premier purely native populations of whitetail deer in the state. Due to the success of Las Raices’ game-management program, the ranch now yields more trophy deer than the Barrett family could possibly harvest on their own. With more than 4,000 acres of High-Fenced protein-fed land, the ranch is able to provide excellent quality fair-chase hunts with very high success rates.

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