Geography 11 Study Guide 26-6-2012 - Via Afrika

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Grade 11



General Introduction ............................................................................................ 1

Introduction to geographical skills and techniques................................................ 2

Unit 1 Mapwork skills ........................................................................................... 2

Unit 2 Working with 1:50 000 topographic maps .................................................... 7

Unit 3 Aerial photographs and orthophoto maps .................................................. 11

Unit 4 Geographical Information Systems ........................................................... 14

Unit 5 Using atlases ............................................................................................17

Unit 6 Fieldwork................................................................................................. 19

Questions ......................................................................................................... 20

Topic 1 The atmosphere...................................................................................... 22

Unit 1 The Earth¡¯s energy balance ....................................................................... 22

Unit 2 Global air circulation ................................................................................ 28

Unit 3 Africa¡¯s weather and climate ..................................................................... 40

Unit 4 Droughts and desertification .................................................................... 46

Questions ..........................................................................................................51

Topic 2 Geomorphology ..................................................................................... 56

Unit 1 Topography associated with horizontally layered rocks .............................. 56

Unit 2 Topography associated with inclined rock strata ....................................... 59

Unit 3 Topography associated with massive igneous rocks .................................. 62

Unit 4 Slopes ..................................................................................................... 65

Unit 5 Mass movements and human responses ................................................... 68

Questions ......................................................................................................... 72

Topic 3 Development geography ......................................................................... 80

Unit 1 The concept of development ..................................................................... 80

Unit 2 Frameworks for development .................................................................... 86

Unit 3 Trade and development ............................................................................ 90

Unit 4 Development issues and challenges ......................................................... 95

Unit 5 Role of development aid ........................................................................... 99

Questions ....................................................................................................... 102

? Via Afrika Publishers ? G e o g r a p h y 11 Study Guide eBook


Topic4 Resources and sustainability ................................................................. 109

Unit 1 Using resources ..................................................................................... 109

Unit 2 Soils and soil erosion .............................................................................. 112

Unit 3 Conventional energy sources and their impact on the environment ............ 117

Unit 4 Non-conventional energy sources ............................................................ 121

Unit 5 Energy management in South Africa ......................................................... 125

Questions ....................................................................................................... 128

Exam Papers.....................................................................................................132

Answers .......................................................................................................... 144

? Via Afrika Publishers ? G e o g r a p h y 11 Study Guide eBook

General Introduction

Introduction to our Geography 11 Study Guide eBook

Welcome to the Grade 11 Geography Study Guide. The subject of Geography has

changed considerably over time and it continues to change because it is one of the most

dynamic subjects in the curriculum. The Earth and its atmosphere, the home of

humankind, is changing all the time and that is what makes our subject so special.

This guide must be used in conjunction with the main textbook, as it is a summary of

the main components of the textbook. Geography, like any other subject, does contain

facts which must be understood and learnt, but it also emphasises skills. It is necessary

for the learner to analyse and use these facts to understand phenomena and to try to

solve problems. Our lives depend on the ways in which we treat our environment. Thus,

as citizens of the Earth, we must understand the changes that are constantly taking

place and our own impact on our surroundings.

Geography is all around us at all times. Get into the habit of looking at a city, town,

village, landscape and trying to work out the processes that act on it. Why is that shop

there, why are there so many people there, why is that hill shaped liked that, how is

that river being used? These are the sort of questions that you must get into the habit of

asking yourself and trying to answer. Do this regularly and you will be a much better


Once you have studied the detail in the main textbook, use this guide as a summary.

Concentrate on the key concepts and build your knowledge around them. Do this

regularly and you will develop into a genuine geographer ready to take your place as a

keeper of our vital environment.

? Via Afrika Publishers ? G e o g r a p h y 11 Study Guide eBook



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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