
English A Language and Literature: SL Assessment outlineAssessment componentWeighting.External assessmentPaper 1: Textual analysis (1 hour 30 minutes)The paper consists of two unseen texts.Students write an analysis of one of these texts. (20 marks)Paper 2: Essay (1 hour 30 minutes)In response to one of six questions students write an essay based on both the literary texts studied in part 3. The questions are the same at HL but the assessment criteria are different. (25 marks)Written taskStudents produce at least three written tasks based on material studied in the course. Students submit one written task for external assessment. (20 marks)This task must be 800–1,000 words in length plus a rationale of 200–300 words.25%25%20%Internal assessmentIndividual oral commentary (15 minutes)Students comment on an extract from a literary text studied in part 4 of the course. (30 marks) Students are given two guiding questions.Further oral activityStudents complete at least two further oral activities, one based on part 1 and one based on part 2 of the course. The mark of one further oral activity is submitted for final assessment. (30 marks) 15%15%English A Language and Literature: HL Assessment outlineAssessment componentWeightingExternal assessmentPaper 1: Comparative textual analysis (2 hours)The paper consists of two pairs of unseen texts. Students write a comparative analysis of one pair of texts. (20 marks)Paper 2: Essay (2 hours)In response to one of six questions students write an essay based on at least two of the literary texts studied in part 3. The questions are the same at SL but the assessment criteria are different. (25 marks)Written tasksStudents produce at least four written tasks based on material studied in the course. Students submit two of these tasks for external assessment.One of the tasks submitted must be a critical response to one of the prescribed questions for the HL additional study.25%25%20%Internal assessmentIndividual oral commentaryStudents comment on an extract from a literary text studied in part 4 of the course. (30 marks) Students are given two guiding questions.Further oral activityStudents complete at least two further oral activities, one based on part 1 and one based on part 2 of the course.The mark of one further oral activity is submitted for final assessment. (30 marks)15%15%Japanese A: Literature: SL Assessment outlineAssessment componentWeightingExternal AssessmentPaper 1: Guided literary analysis (1 hour 30 minutes)The paper consists of two passages: one prose and one poetry.Students choose one and write a guided literary analysis in response to two questions.(20 marks)Paper 2: Essay (1 hour 30 minutes)The paper consists of three questions for each literary genre.In response to one question students write an essay based on at least two works studied in part 3. (25 marks)Written assignmentStudents submit a reflective statement and literary essay on one work studied in part 1.(25 marks)The reflective statement must be 300–400 words in length.The essay must be 1,200–1,500 words in length.20%25%25%Internal AssessmentSection 1: Individual oral commentary (10 minutes)Students present a formal oral commentary on an extract from a work studied in part 2.(30 marks)Section 2: Individual oral presentation (10 minutes)Students make a presentation based on two works studied in part 4. (30 marks)15%15%Japanese A Literature: HL Assessment outlineAssessment componentWeightingExternal AssessmentPaper 1: Literary commentary (2 hours)The paper consists of two passages: one prose and one poetry.Students choose one and write a literary commentary. (20 marks)Paper 2: Essay (2 hours)The paper consists of three questions for each literary genre.In response to one question students write an essay based on at least two works studied in part 3. (25 marks)Written assignmentStudents submit a reflective statement and literary essay on one work studied in part 1.(25 marks)The reflective statement must be 300–400 words in length.The essay must be 1,200–1,500 words in length.20%25%25%Internal AssessmentIndividual oral commentary and discussion (20 minutes)Formal oral commentary on poetry studied in part 2 with subsequent questions(10 minutes) followed by a discussion based on one of the other part 2 works(10 minutes). (30 marks)Individual oral presentation (10–15 minutes)The presentation is based on works studied in part 4. It is internally assessed and externally moderated through the part 2 internal assessment task. (30 marks)15%15%Language B (English B / Japanese B): SL Assessment outlineAssessment componentWeightingExternal AssessmentPaper 1(1 hour 30 minutes): Receptive skillsText-handling exercises on four written texts, based on the core.Paper 2 (1 hour 30 minutes): Written productive skillsOne writing exercise of 250–400 words from a choice of five, based on the options.Written assignment: Receptive and written productive skillsInter-textual reading followed by a written task of 300–400 words plus a 150–200 word rationale, based on the core.25%25%20%Internal AssessmentIndividual oral (8–10 minutes)Based on the options: 15 minutes’ preparation time and a 10 minute (maximum) presentation and discussion with the teacher.Interactive oral activityBased on the core: Three classroom activities assessed by the teacher.20%10%Language B (English B / Japanese B): HL Assessment outlineAssessment componentWeightingExternal AssessmentPaper 1 (1 hour 30 minutes): Receptive skills Text-handling exercises on five written texts, based on the core.Paper 2 (1 hour 30 minutes): Written productive skillsTwo compulsory writing exercises.Section A: One task of 250–400 words, based on the options, to be selected from a choice of five.Section B: Response of 150–250 words to a stimulus text, based on the core.Written assignment: Receptive and written productive skillsCreative writing of 500–600 words plus a 150–250 word rationale, based on one or both of the literary texts read.25%25%20%Internal AssessmentIndividual oral (8–10 minutes)Based on the options: 15 minutes’ preparation time and a 10 minute (maximum) presentation and discussion with the teacher.Interactive oral activityBased on the core: Three classroom activities assessed by the teacher.20%10%Economics: SL Assessment outlineAssessment componentWeightingExternal assessmentPaper 1 (1 hour 30 minutes)An extended response paper.Section ASyllabus content: section 1—microeconomicsStudents answer one question from a choice of two.Section BSyllabus content: section 2—macroeconomicsStudents answer one question from a choice of two.Paper 2 (1 hour 30 minutes)A data response paper (40 marks)Section ASyllabus content: section 3—international economics. Students answer one question from a choice of two.Section BSyllabus content: section 4—development economics Students answer one question from a choice of two.40%40%Internal assessmentStudents produce a portfolio of three commentaries, based on different sections of the syllabus and on published extracts from the news media. Maximum 750 words.20%Economics: HL Assessment outlineAssessment componentWeightingExternal assessmentPaper 1 (1 hour 30 minutes)An extended response paperSection ASyllabus content: section 1—microeconomicsStudents answer one question from a choice of two.Section BSyllabus content: section 2—macroeconomicsStudents answer one question from a choice of two.Paper 2 (1 hour 30 minutes)A data response paper Section ASyllabus content: section 3—international economics. Students answer one question from a choice of two.Section BSyllabus content: section 4—development economics Students answer one question from a choice of two.Paper 3 (1 hour)HL extension paperSyllabus content, including HL extension material: sections 1 to 4—microeconomics, macroeconomics, international economics, development economics.Students answer two questions from a choice of three.30%30%20%Internal assessmentStudents produce a portfolio of three commentaries, based on different sections of the syllabus and on published extracts from the news media. Maximum 750 words.20%History: SL Assessment outlineAssessment ObjectiveWeightingExternal AssessmentPaper 1 (1 hour)Source-based paper based on the five prescribed subjects. Choose one prescribed subject from a choice of five. Answer four structured questions.Paper 2 (1 hour 30 minutes)Essay paper based on the 12 world history topics. Answer two essay questions on two different topics. 30%40%Internal AssessmentHistorical investigationStudents are required to complete a historical investigation into a topic of their choice.25%History: HL Assessment outlineAssessment ObjectiveWeightingExternal AssessmentPaper 1 (1 hour)Source-based paper based on the five prescribed subjects. Choose one prescribed subject from a choice of five. Answer four structured questions.Paper 2 (1 hour 30 minutes)Essay paper based on the 12 world history topics. Answer two essay questions on two different topics.Paper 3 (2 hours 30 minutes)Separate papers for each of the four regional options. For the selected region, answer three essay questions.20%25%35%Internal AssessmentHistorical investigationStudents are required to complete a historical investigation into a topic of their choice.20%ESS: SL Assessment OutlineAssessment componentWeightingExternal AssessmentPaper 1 (1 hour)Students will be provided with a range of data in a variety of forms relating to a specific, previously unseen case study. Questions will be based on the analysis and evaluation of the data in the case study. All of the questions are compulsory. The questions test assessment objectives 1, 2 and 3.Paper 2 (2 hours)Paper 2 consists of two sections, A and B. Section A (25 marks) is made up of short-answer and data-based questions. Section B (40 marks) requires students to answer two structured essay questions from a choice of four. Each question is worth 20 marks.The questions test assessment objectives 1, 2 and 3.25%50%Internal AssessmentIdentifying an ESS issue and focusing on one of its specific aspects.Developing methodologies to generate data that are analysed to produce knowledge and understanding of this focused aspect.Applying the outcomes of the focused investigation to provide understanding or solutions in the broader ESS context.25%Group 4 (Biology, Chemistry, Physics): SL Assessment OutlineAssessment componentWeightingExternal AssessmentPaper 1 (45 minutes)30 multiple-choice questions on core material, about 15 of which are common with HL.The questions on paper 1 test assessment objectives 1, 2 and 3.The use of calculators is not permitted.No marks are deducted for incorrect answers.Paper 2 (1 hour 15 minutes)Data-based question.Short-answer and extended-response questions on core material.One out of two extended response questions to be attempted by candidates.The questions on paper 2 test assessment objectives 1, 2 and 3.The use of calculators is permitted. Paper 3 (1 hour)This paper will have questions on core and SL option material.Section A: candidates answer all questions, two to three short-answer questions based on experimental skills and techniques, analysis and evaluation, using unseen data linked to the core material.Section B: short-answer and extended-response questions from one option.The questions on paper 3 test assessment objectives 1, 2 and 3.The use of calculators is permitted. 20%40%20%Internal AssessmentIndividual investigation.This investigation covers assessment objectives 1, 2, 3 and 4.20%Group 4 (Biology, Chemistry, Physics): HL Assessment outlineAssessment componentWeightingExternal AssessmentPaper 1 (1 hour)40 multiple-choice questions on core and AHL material, about 15 of which are common with SL.The questions on paper 1 test assessment objectives 1, 2 and 3.The use of calculators is not permitted.No marks are deducted for incorrect answers.Paper 2 (2 hours 15 minutes)Data-based question.Short-answer and extended-response questions on core and AHL material.Two out of three extended response questions to be attempted by candidates.The questions on paper 2 test assessment objectives 1, 2 and 3.The use of calculators is permitted. Paper 3 (1 hour 15 minutes)Section A: candidates answer all questions, two to three short-answer questions based on experimental skills and techniques, analysis and evaluation, using unseen data linked to the core and AHL material.Section B: short-answer and extended-response questions from one option.The questions on paper 3 test assessment objectives 1, 2 and 3.The use of calculators is permitted. 20%36%24%Internal AssessmentIndividual investigation.This investigation covers assessment objectives 1, 2, 3 and 4.20%Maths Studies: SL Assessment outlineAssessment componentWeightingExternal Assessment Paper 1 (1 hour 30 minutes)15 compulsory short-response questions based on the whole syllabus. (90 marks)Paper 2 (1 hour 30 minutes)6 compulsory extended-response questions based on the whole syllabus. (90 marks)40%40%Internal Assessment ProjectThe project is an individual piece of work involving the collection of information or the generation of measurements, and the analysis and evaluation of the information or measurements. (20 marks)20%Maths: SL Assessment OutlineAssessment componentWeightingExternal AssessmentPaper 1 (1 hour 30 minutes)No calculator allowed.Section ACompulsory short-response questions based on the whole syllabus.Section BCompulsory extended-response questions based on the whole syllabus.Paper 2 (1 hour 30 minutes)Graphic display calculator required. Section ACompulsory short-response questions based on the whole syllabus.Section BCompulsory extended-response questions based on the whole syllabus.40%40%Internal AssessmentMathematical explorationInternal assessment in mathematics SL is an individual exploration. This is a piece of written work that involves investigating an area of mathematics.20%Maths HL: Assessment OutlineAssessment componentWeightingExternal assessmentPaper 1 (2 hours)No calculator allowed.Section ACompulsory short-response questions based on the core syllabus.Section BCompulsory extended-response questions based on the core syllabus.Paper 2 (2 hours)Graphic display calculator required.Section ACompulsory short-response questions based on the core syllabus.Section BCompulsory extended-response questions based on the core syllabus.Paper 3 (1 hour)Graphic display calculator pulsory extended-response questions based mainly on the syllabus options.30% 30%20%InternalMathematical explorationInternal assessment in mathematics SL is an individual exploration. This is a piece of written work that involves investigating an area of mathematics.20%Visual Arts: SL Assessment outline Assessment componentWeightingExternal assessmentPart 1: Comparative study Students at SL analyse and compare different artworks by different artists. This independent critical and contextual investigation explores artworks, objects and artifacts from differing cultural contexts. SL students submit 10–15 screens which examine and compare at least three artworks, at least two of which should be by different artists. The work selected for comparison and analysis should come from contrasting contexts (local, national, international and/or intercultural). SL students submit a list of sources used. Part 2: Process portfolio Students at SL submit carefully selected materials which evidence their experimentation, exploration, manipulation and refinement of a variety of visual arts activities during the two-year course. SL students submit 9–18 screens which evidence their sustained experimentation, exploration, manipulation and refinement of a variety of art-making activities. For SL students the submitted work must be in at least two art-making forms, each from separate columns of the art-making forms table. 20% 40%InternalThis task is internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IB at the end of the course.Part 3: ExhibitionStudents at SL submit for assessment a selection of resolved artworks from their exhibition. The selected pieces should show evidence of their technical accomplishment during the visual arts course and an understanding of the use of materials, ideas and practices appropriate to visual communication.SL students submit a curatorial rationale that does not exceed 400 words.SL students submit 4–7 artworks.SL students submit exhibition text (stating the title, medium, size and intention) for each selected artwork.40%Visual Arts: HL Assessment OutlineAssessment componentWeightingExternal assessmentPart 1: Comparative study Students at HL analyse and compare different artworks by different artists. This independent critical and contextual investigation explores artworks, objects and artefacts from differing cultural contexts. HL students submit 10–15 screens which examine and compare at least three artworks, at least two of which need to be by different artists. The works selected for comparison and analysis should come from contrasting contexts (local, national, international and/or intercultural). HL students submit 3–5 screens which analyse the extent to which their work and practices have been influenced by the art and artists examined. HL students submit a list of sources used. Part 2: Process portfolio Students at HL submit carefully selected materials which evidence their experimentation, exploration, manipulation and refinement of a variety of visual arts activities during the two-year course. HL students submit 13–25 screens which evidence their sustained experimentation, exploration, manipulation and refinement of a variety of art-making activities. For HL students the submitted work must have been created in at least three art-making forms, selected from a minimum of two columns of the art-making forms table. 20% 40%InternalThis task is internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IB at the end of the course.Part 3: ExhibitionStudents at HL submit for assessment a selection of resolved artworks from their exhibition. The selected pieces should show evidence of their technical accomplishment during the visual arts course and an understanding of the use of materials, ideas and practices appropriate to visual communication.HL students submit a curatorial rationale that does not exceed 700 words.HL students submit 8–11 artworks.HL students submit exhibition40% ................

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