Care Givers


Twenty seven hundred years ago our God prepared all of creation, through the Old Testament Prophet Micah, for the long awaited arrival of the Messiah, the Christ child, to be born in Bethlehem. “But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times” (Micah 5:2).

How are your preparations coming along to prepare and celebrate the birth of the Messiah in Bethlehem? And for the New Year of 2017 for that matter?! You have only a few days left. You could go on the web and find such ideas as the Ultimate Christmas Countdown Checklist. However, such sites forgo the most important and meaningful preparation of all – the birth of the one who is “Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Father of Eternity, the Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6).

Such is the focus of the four week Advent season leading up to CHRISTmas - to prepare. Following Advent, the Twelve Days of Christmas (December 25 to January 5) can be used to prepare for the New Year on our journey in the imitation of Christ. So here are three steps you can take to make way for a year of significance in 2017.

1. Make a “to do” list during the Twelve Days of Christmas of what you want to accomplish in 2017.




2. “New Year’s Hope”. Write what you hope 2017 will be like – in your life; your relationships; the kind of world to live in this New Year.

3. Work backwards. Circle those in step 1 that contribute directly to the hopes and longings about your life and the world in step 2. And by all means, as a disciple of Jesus, you need to ask ‘how do these reflect the character and teachings of Christ’?

May 2017 be a meaningful year in which we seek God, seek good, and live (Amos 5).

Merry Christmas and

Happy New Year,

Pr. Will


January 1st


Lector Marlene Freund

Usher Larry Miller

Acolyte Collin Overholt


Chimer Juli Hamilton

Greeters George & Sue Noggle

Lector Mark Hoaglin

Communion Nancy Wolverton,

Jason Stechschulte & __________

Usher Gregory Pancake

Acolyte Kyle Hamilton

January 8th


Lector Carol Lininger

Usher Phyllis Kill

Acolyte Elise Darrigan

Communion Randy Thompson &



Chimer Lori Snyder

Greeters Phyllis Myers &

Michael and Sara Kill and sons

Lector Stephanie Stechschulte

Usher Marc Grubaugh

Acolyte Dierks Knoch

January 15th


Lector Gene Goodwin

Usher Frank Rohrs

Acolyte Evan Sroufe

January 15th (cont.)


Chimer Evan Sroufe


Rick & Cary Roehm & family

Lector Randy Thompson

Communion George Noggle,

Stan Weldy & ____________

Ushers Phil McClure

Acolyte Sam Moonshower

January 22nd


Lector Kathy Van Eman

Usher Kathy Van Eman

Acolyte Maceyn Snyder

Communion ____________ &



Chimer Marcia Weldy


Lance & Amie Moonshower

and family

Lector Marcia Weldy

Usher Kevin Taylor

Acolyte Braelynn Spear

January 29th


Lector Bill Kuhlman

Usher Wayne Kilton

Acolyte Raegan Roehm


Chimer Hilary Arn

Greeters ____________ &


Lector Stan Weldy

Usher Roger Overholt

Acolyte Sydney Rauch



The greeters for the 8:00 a.m. services in January, 2017 are Dennis & Kathy Van Eman.


Address Notification

Please remember to notify the church office if you have changed your e-mail address or phone number, especially if you have given up your land line and switched to your cell phone. St. Mark’s does not give out or sell member’s addresses/phone numbers. The information is used internally to keep you informed.

January 22nd for the February 2017 Messenger. Submit your items on or before the 22nd. Please have your items written/typed before you bring them. Meisa

Our sympathy to Dick & Jo Kirkendall & family on the recent passing of Dick’s brother, Lynn Kirkendall in

Napoleon, Ohio.


Our sympathy to Ron & Sally Blake on the December 1st passing of their granddaughter, Gabriella Alanna Rose Etzler.


Our sympathy to Jane Houg and family

on the Friday, December 2nd passing of her sister, Martha Mansfield.


Our sympathy to Joe & Sherry Fortman and family on the Saturday, December 3rd passing of his father, Frederick Fortman.





Thank you for all the beautiful altar flowers, cards, visits, and your prayers. I truly appreciate them. Thank you Pastor for your visits and giving me communion. God bless you all. Treva Hillery

Thank you to Mary Paxson for the altar flowers that she gave last week in memory of her husband and son Roger & Jeff. The flowers were beautiful. Thanks also to Sharon Blank who faithfully brings me the DVD’s and bulletins of the Sunday services which helps me stay in touch with St. Mark’s. Sincerely,

Marilyn Etzler

Thank you so much for the Mission Investment Fund for Hunter & Gunner. Also, it meant so much that pastor and family were able to come and celebrate after the baptism! Thank you also to the church women for the beautiful blanket. The time and thoughtfulness spent to make that for Gunner means so much! Sincerely,

Dustin, Jennifer, Hunter &

Gunner Burley

Thank you to Rachel Rohrs, Jessica Hardesty, Nicole Baer and Stephanie Stechschulte for baking the pies and chocolate chip cookies for the Thanksgiving Service. It was a wonderful time of fellowship.

Thank you to everyone who signed Christmas Cards for the military. With your kind help and support we were able to send over 350 cards!

Alicia Hickerson

Thank you for Pastor Will’s visits during my recent illness. Sandy Errett was warmly greeted by Zeke when she brought a prayer shawl for me. What a beautiful mixed brown color and just makes you want to snuggle it’s so soft. Also thank you for cards from the women’s circle groups. Yours in Christ,

Pat Leland

Thank you: Your kindness in preparing and serving the wonderful meal after our Dad’s funeral was greatly appreciated. To be able to share a meal with family and friends during this difficult time brought such comfort. Thank you for your thoughtfulness! With sincere thanks, The Dailey Family



Thanks (cont.)

Thank you so much for the time and effort you put into making this another successful year for Operation Christmas Child. We had a total of 1,848 shoeboxes this year, 199 more than last year! We also added three more churches to the generous giving in Van Wert County……God is good, all the time. God bless and have a safe & Christ-filled Christmas,

Denis W. Ellinger

Admin.—West Central Ohio

Youth for Christ

Thank you to Sandra for bringing to my home a prayer shawl in honor of my father’s death (Mr. Donald Lee). I thank your church so very much for your generous donation. Your love and support at this most difficult time was greatly appreciated. It’s wonderful that you have people like Sandra in your congregation that feel so compassionate about grieving people. Bill & Brenda Reichard and

The Donald Lee Family

Special thanks to those who have assisted with this year's Youth Christmas Program: Marcia Weldy - Assistant Director, Rex Arn – Sound, Middle School Students - Choir Chimes, and Amie Moonshower & Joan Holland - Pizza Party after last Friday, Dec. 9th’s rehearsal.

Thank you to Pastor Will for his visits and prayers. Also thank you to Myra Friesner for her visits and to Reesa Rohrs for the beautiful floral arrangement and visits. Thank you to Sandy Errett for visiting while delivering the Sunday bulletins. Thank you to all my church family. Bless you all. Sincerely, Ruth Staley



The St. Mark’s Lutheran Church Scholarship Committee now has made the scholarship applications available. Changes include being renewable. Scholarship renewals are contingent on funds being available after scholarships are awarded to graduating high school seniors. It is important to note the scholarships are funded by monies given to the church and specifically designated for college scholarship. No monies are taken from current offerings. Scholarship guidelines and applications can be picked up in the church office or in the cloak room and will also be available on the church website. **Deadline for submission is January 15, 2017.**

FUMC Food Pantry: A reminder that items are collected the 1st Sunday of every month. The next Sunday for collection is Sunday, January 1st. Some specific items that are always needed are: vegetables, paper products (toilet paper, paper towels, Kleenex, etc.) oil, flour, sugar, spices, etc. Any and all items are greatly appreciated. The Esther Circle delivers in January.


Church Cancellation Information Available

Please be advised, you may listen to the following radio/TV stations for any church service or activity cancellations due to severe winter weather conditions or look on our webpage.

WERT radio1220 (Van Wert)

WKSD radio 99.7 (Van Wert)

WTGN radio 97.7 (Ft. Wayne)

WBCL radio 90.3 (Ft. Wayne)

Channel 15 (Ft. Wayne)

Channel 21 (Ft. Wayne)

Channel 33 (Ft. Wayne)

Channel 6 (Van Wert cable)

Wednesday Evening Cancellations Information

If Van Wert Schools cancel, due to fog, the Wednesday evening youth/kids meetings WILL MEET as planned. If Van Wert Schools cancel or have early dismissal due to ice, snow, etc. then Wednesday evening youth/kids meetings WILL NOT MEET.


Circle Meetings

Ruth-Eunice Circle &

Esther Circle

January 2017



Hospital Reminder

Please call the office with ANY information on hospital emergency visits or admissions.

Yellow Ribbons: There is a display on the bulletin board next to the main entrance. We would like to include the names of our loved ones who are in military service on this board. Please contact the church office (419-238-6336) to have a name listed on the board. Remember to pray for the safe return of our men and women and an end to the war. With HIM all things are possible!


Our sympathy to the family and friends of Donna Kaiser who entered the church triumphant on Thursday, December 15, 2016.


Ash Wednesday Services

12:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. on March 1st, 2017.

Mid-Week Lenten Services on March 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th and April 5th at 12:00 p.m. & 7:30 with suppers prior to 7:30 services.

April 9th—Palm Sunday

April 13th—Maundy

Thursday Communion at

12:00 p.m. & 7:30 p.m.

April 14th—Good Friday

8:00 PM Tenebrae

Service of Shadows

April 16th—Easter Sunday

Services at 7:00 a.m. and

10:30 a.m. with

Breakfast at 8:15 a.m. &

Sunday School at 9:15.


From The Financial Secretary: The 2017 Offering Envelopes are now available in the hallway by the nursery. Anyone who doesn’t find their box and desires to have a set, please contact the church office at 419-238-6336 or Elaine Rhoades at 419-238-4688. The envelopes will be out for pick-up through January. Thank you,

Elaine Rhoades


Brownie Boxes are Delivered!: This year we collected a total of 381 boxes of brownie mixes for the Salvation Army Christmas Baskets for the needy in Van Wert. Thank you to everyone who participated.


Church Security

Just a reminder that if you unlock a door to get into the church please be sure to lock it again when you leave or lock it behind you when you enter the building. Doors have been found unlocked or unlatched quite a few times. Please be extra careful to lock anything you have unlocked.


Preparing for Death: A Resource Guide: Death can be a difficult thing to think about, but being prepared can ease the decision making process during that time. A manual has been prepared by the Health Ministry to assist congregational members in planning for death—their own or that of a loved one. The booklet includes instructions for advance directives, local information, checklist of steps, suggestions for funeral arrangements, forms for biographical information and funeral preferences. Booklets are in the cloak room/ church office.


2016—2017 OFFICERS

President Warren Bowery

Vice-President Randy Thompson

Secretary Nancy Wolverton

Treasurer Marilyn Morgan

Financial Sec. Elaine Rhoades

Asst. Financial Secretary

Kathy Staley

Benevolence Secretary

Dot Burley

Investment Treasurer

Jeff Hanson


Finance Jason Stechschulte

Learning George Noggle

Mutual Ministry Warren Bowery

Outreach Jo Holman

Parish Health Nancy Wolverton

Personnel Lorali Todd

Property Randy Thompson

Scholarship & Memorials

Gary Prill

Service Dennis Wagonrod

Support Stan Weldy

Witness Tedd Humbarger

Worship & Music

Warren Bowery

Youth Kevin Taylor


Wednesday Night Meal Helpers

Jan 4th Nancy Wolverton &

Carol Greulach

Jan 11th Alicia Hickerson &

Kathy Van Eman

Jan 18th Karen Wagonrod &

Rita Adam

Jan 25th Alicia Hickerson &

Sharon Baer

Any questions, please contact Alicia Hickerson at

419-771-0795 or ahickerson55@.


When you receive your weekly envelopes for 2017, one area on the categories for giving has changed. In place of “BENEVOLENCE” the wording will be “MISSION SUPPORT”. This offering, which is unrestricted, supports ELCA missions around the world.


GREETERS NEEDED: We are looking for greeters for the 8:00 AM service for the month of February. If you would like to volunteer, please contact the church office at 419-238-6336.


CALLING ALL ST. MARK’S YOUTH GRADES 7-12!!! Our 2017 MISSION TRIP announcement is coming soon!!! The dates for the trip are July 9th—15th of 2017!! Stay tuned for more information and meeting information dates to be a part of this exciting life changing ministry experience!!


Meals for Motycka’s: This program is currently being organized by Chantal Spoor. If you are interested in assisting with a meal for Carole and her family during her upcoming surgery and recovery, please contact Chantal at 419-203-4053 or by email at 3spoorgirls@. She will be happy to give you the password/sign-up information. She does not wish to publish the password at this time due to previous problems online.


Congratulations to Elizabeth Saunier and Jared Runyon upon the December 8th birth of their son Grayson James.





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