15 French Conversation Examples for Beginners



15 French Conversation Examples for Beginners

Today, you finally learn 15 simple French conversations. In fact, if you print this page and reread (out loud) it every now and then, they'll get stuck in your brain for good.

In this easy French conversation guide, you'll learn:

? How to introduce yourself ? How to ask about plans ? and much more Yes! You'll also get the translations for each one. By the end, you will know 15 French conversations and have plenty of French conversation topics.

By the way, want to speak French with an easy 3 minute lesson?

Then check out FrenchPod101. They have 3-10 minute audio/video lessons that get you speaking and understanding French. So, if you want to speak and learn this language...

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1. Introducing yourself


If you want to introduce yourself in French, then this French conversation is for you.

You'll also learn how to talk about your nationality.

? Bonjour, je m'appelle Robert. Hello, my name is Robert.

? Enchant?e, Robert. Je m'appelle Jill. Nice to meet you, Robert. My name is Jill.

? Quelle est ta nationalit?? Je suis fran?ais. What is your nationality? I am French.

? Je suis am?ricaine. I am American.

2. Talking about weather

People talk about weather all around the world.

So, it's a good French conversation topic to have. And these phrases will help you talk about it.

? Quel temps fait-il aujourd'hui? What is the weather like today?

? Il pleut. It's raining.

? Il fait froid? Is it cold?

? Non, il fait un peu chaud. No, it is a little hot.

3. Talking about plans

Here's a potential conversation in French between two friends. What do friends talk about? Going out, of course!

? Qu'est-ce que tu veux faire aujourd'hui? What do you want to do today?

? Tu veux aller au cin?ma ou au parc? Do you want to go to the cinema or the park?

? Je voudrais voir un film. I would like to see a movie.

? ? quelle heure?


At what time? ? ? treize heures.

At 1:00 P.M. (13:00) ? D'accord. ? bient?t!

Okay. See you soon! 4. Talking about what you are doing

Another good French conversation example. Most of us talk about "what we're doing" with friends quite often. So, you'll need to know this in French.

? Qu'est-ce que tu fais? What are you doing?

? Je regarde la t?l?. Qu'est-ce que tu fais? I am watching TV. What are you doing?

? J'?coute la musique. I am listening to music.

? C'est tout? Is that it?

? Non. J'?tudie les maths aussi. No, I am studying math also.

5. Asking about learning French

And since you're indeed learning French, you should be able to talk about it.

? Tu ?tudies le fran?ais depuis quand? How long have you studied French?

? J'?tudie le fran?ais depuis cinq ans. Et toi? I have studied for five years. And you?

? J'?tudie depuis 2017. I have studied French since 2017.

? Pourquoi ?tudies-tu le fran?ais? Why do you study French?

? J'adore la France. Et le fran?ais est tr?s beau. I love France. And French is very beautiful.

6. More introduction information

In this French conversation example, you'll learn how to talk about age and where you're from.

? Tu viens d'o?? Where are you from?

? Je viens des ?tats-Unis. Et toi? I am from the United States. And you?

? Je viens du Canada. I am from Canada.

? Tu as quel ?ge? How old are you?

? J'ai quarante ans. Et toi?

I'm forty. And you? ? J'ai trente-cinq ans.

I am thirty-five years old. 7. Talking about likes

? Tu aimes les l?gumes? Do you like vegetables?

? Oui, je pr?f?re les carottes et les petits pois. Yes, I prefer carrots and peas.

? Tu aimes les fruits? Do you like fruits?

? Oui, j'adore les fraises et les pommes. Yes, I love strawberries and apples.

? Moi aussi. Les fruits sont d?licieux. Me too. Fruits are delicious.

8. Talking about dislikes

? Tu aimes les l?gumes? Do you like vegetables?

? Non. Je n'aime pas les l?gumes. No. I do not like vegetables.

? Tu n'aimes pas les oignons? You don't like onions?

? Je d?teste les oignons. I hate onions.

9. Ordering food

? Je voudrais un sandwich jambon-fromage. I would like a ham and cheese sandwich.

? Et avec ?a? And with that?

? Je voudrais une salade verte. I would like a green salad.

? C'est tout? Is that all?

? Je voudrais un caf?. I would like a coffee.

10. Shopping

? Un macaron, ?a co?te combien? A macaron, it costs how much?

? Deux euros. Two euros.

? Je voudrais deux macarons, s'il vous pla?t. I would like two macarons, please.

? ?a fait quatre euros.



That will be four euros. ? Voil?.

Here it is. ? Merci.

Thank you. 11. Asking about hobbies

? Qu'est-ce que tu aimes faire? What do you like to do?

? J'aime faire la cuisine et lire. I like to cook and to read.

? Qu'est-ce que tu aimes faire? What do you like to do?

? J'aime jouer aux sports. Jaime le foot et le basket. I like to play sports. I like soccer and basketball.

12. Asking how someone is doing

? Comment ?a va? How are you?

? ?a va bien. Et toi? I doing well. And you?

? ?a va mal. I am doing poorly.

? Pourquoi? Why?

? Je suis triste. I am sad.

13. Asking about classes

? Tu aimes les math?matiques? Do you like math?

? Oui. C'est tr?s facile. Yes. It's very easy.

? Tu aimes la biologie? Do you like biology?

? Non. La biologie est difficile. No. Biology is hard.

? Comment est le prof? How is the teacher?

? Le prof est stricte. The teacher is strict.

14. Booking a hotel

? Je voudrais r?server une chambre. I would like to reserve a room.

? Pour combien de personnes?


For how many people? ? Pour deux personnes.

For two people. ? Avec deux lits?

With two beds? ? Non. Avec un lit.

No. With one bed. 15. Asking directions

? O? est la pharmacie? Where is the pharmacy?

? La pharmacie est pr?s du mus?e. The pharmacy is near the museum.

? ? droite ou ? gauche? To the right or to the left?

? La pharmacie est en face du mus?e. The pharmacy is facing the museum.


These are 15 French conversation examples that beginners should know.

And now, you technically have 15 conversations inside your head. Meaning, you're able to speak and understand a bit of French. Good enough, eh?

For extra French conversation practice, be sure to:

? print this page ? re-read as much as possible to drill the words into your head ? the reading won't take long - maybe 5 minutes max. Also, if you want to "save" this lesson, here's the basic french conversation pdf. Download it and keep it forever.

Finally, if you want some actual French learning resources, then check this out.

? 8+ Best French Textbooks for Beginners

- The Main Junkie P.S. Want to speak French with an easy 3 minute lesson?

Then check out FrenchPod101. They have 3-10 minute audio/video lessons that get you speaking and understanding French. So, if you want to speak and learn this language... Click here to get a Free Lifetime Account at



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