First Word

First Word

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,

and the Word was God. John 1:1

First Baptist Church of Fulton, Missouri

Email: 1baptistfulton@


Children’s Musical

On Sunday, December 18 at 6 pm the First Baptist Church children’s choir, Praise Notes will present “The Perfect Gift” a Christmas Musical-Drama set at Bethlehem Mall and the Star of Wonder Gift Shoppe where you will find a capable staff ready to lend a hand to the customers seeking the “perfect gift.” Weary from travel, three Wise Men who have been following the star, enter the shop seeking special gifts to present to the New King who they believe to be in Bethlehem. Discover through magnificent songs, hilarious humor, and a touching story that Jesus was “The Perfect Gift” from God to the world and the best gift we can give to Jesus is our hearts.


The Music Department of First Baptist Church


“Come! In Grace & Glory”

Sunday Evening, December 11, at 6:00 PM

On Sunday, December 25, we will have the opportunity for our First Baptist Church Family to worship together. Our Sunday morning worship schedule will be worship at 11 am only.

Fridays, December 2, 9,

16 & 23

Monday – Friday,

December 26-30

January 2


December 14, 6:30 pm

-Annual Business Meeting

-Approve Budget

-Approve Committees

Thank you for the wonderful expression of love shown in filling the shoe boxes for “Operation Christmas Child”. There were 209 boxes given from our church family. A total of 893 boxes were collected in our area. Thanks to those who gave monetary gifts to be used to help with shipping and other expenses for this project.

Christmas Eve—

“Candles, Carols, and Communion”

6:00 pm

Bring your family and friends as we think about the real meaning of Christmas on the eve of Christmas.

You are invited

to a retirement party


Murray Buschert

First Baptist Church

Sunday, December 4, 2011

2:00-4:00 pm

It is a time of remembrance for Murray and Barbara to say thank you for the difference they have made in our lives. They have lived out their faith with kindness and care, they have shared their love in so many ways, both big and small. This is a time for us to gratefully say, “THANK YOU.” If you would like to bring a love offering there will be a basket available.




Thursday, December 8 – 5 PM

Come and participate in a great evening as we celebrate this special season of the year. We will have a catered meal. The special feature will be a presentation by Carolyn Miller from Sedalia. She will be displaying men and women’s garments from the Victorian Era to the 1970’s. She will tell, from her life’s experiences, how God can take the old, both good and bad, restore them and make them useful in our Christian walk. It will be a great evening. Cost will be $10.00. Get tickets from Barbara Buschert or Pat O’Rourke.

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering will be taken December 11—8:30 & 11 am services

Church Goal: $7,000


From The Youth Pastor


Jane and I would like to say Thank You for all the cards, notes, and gifts that we received for pastor appreciation. I am very grateful for the opportunity to serve here at FBC with such a supportive church family.

Bible reading plans should be out on the information table by December 4th. Having a guide has really helped me to be disciplined enough to keep reading the Bible consistently. There will be seven different plans to choose from.

Our December schedule for youth is anything but normal; here are the highlights.

The Wednesday Night Buffett will happen on the 7th and 14th only. Fulton schools are out on the 21st and 28th and we will be too.

Sunday Nights in December look like this…

We will have a shortened youth Bible study on Dec. 4th and decorate the youth room for Christmas.

December 11th we will have our regular youth Bible study.

December 18th we will watch the Children’s Choir performance and afterward will have our youth Christmas gift exchange in the youth room.

December 25th and January 1st we will not have a Sunday night youth Bible study.

December 31st we will have a New Year’s Eve youth event starting at 7:00 pm. We will have Pizza, play underground church from 7:30-10:00pm and watch a movie from 10:15 until midnight. Everyone can be picked up between midnight and 12:15am.


Christmas is Here

The Christmas season is always a busy time with family, friends, food, decorations, and shopping, but make sure that you don’t get so busy you neglect your relationship with God. All of our church services and special events are opportunities to draw closer to God and worship him with other like-minded believers. Remember that the reason we celebrate Christmas isn’t Santa Claus, Rudolph, or Frosty, but Jesus Christ. We celebrate the birth of the God-Man, the one who is God in human form, and therefore the one who is able to save us from our sins and bring us to God. Take time amidst your celebrations and festivities to praise God for sending us our Lord and Savior. Take time to tell others the real reason we celebrate Christmas. Finally, take time to serve God and grow closer to him amidst all the busyness. That is the best gift you can receive this Christmas.

Pastor Gary

Thank You!

Thank you to everyone for the wonderful cards, gifts, and words of encouragement we received at the end of Pastor Appreciation Month. We are so grateful to serve in a church that loves us like you do. We praise and thank God for each one of you. Love in Christ,

Pastor Gary, Kristin, and Hayden


Dear Church Family,


Thank you for the prayers, cards and flowers sent when Bill's sister, Dawn, went to be with the Lord.  It has been and will continue to be a rough road ahead as we look to the future and the birth of her first grandson in January.  I take comfort in the fact that as a result of her passing I now know for sure she knew Jesus as her Savior and is spending eternity with Him.

  In His Love,

  Bill, Michele, & Tara Krueger

Dear Church Family,

Jack and I are so blessed to be part of such a caring and loving church family. Thank you so much for your prayers, cards, all the food, the flowers and the visits after my surgery. I cannot even begin to express how grateful we are for all you have done for us during this time. God has been so good to us and we thank Him daily for His love, grace and healing.

With much love and appreciation,

Ann and Jack Ruffel

Dear Church Family,

Thank you for the prayers, visits, phone calls and cards I received during the death of my sister. It was such a comfort to me to know my church family cared so much.

God Bless,

Trellis Blansett

Thanks from the Buscherts

Barbara and I thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for the outpouring of thoughtful cards and gifts. You were all so gracious in your expressions of thanks in the “card shower”.


December 2011


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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