
French Syllabus Madame Susan Duemmelemail: duemmes@Phone: (336 0937-0484Course Overview:French I through IB classes are offered as a World Languages elective fall at Smith High School. The classes range from Novice Low French through Advanced French and each class provides instruction in how to use French in the five modes of communication: Reading, Listening, Writing, Speaking and Conversation, through the framework of culture. Students will be taught vocabulary, grammar and the cultures of French speaking countries around the world. Students wishing to attend a four year college in North Carolina must complete two levels of the same world language.Materials:Binder with filler paper No. 2 pencilsGrading:Your class grade will be made up of the following proficiency tasks and be graded on the following scale (class work and homework are graded on the check system):Reading: 20% 90-100 = A (+)Listening: 20% 80-89 = B (+)Writing: 20% 70-79 = C ()Speaking: 20% 60-69 = D (-)Conversation: 20% Below 60 = F (-)Classroom Rules:Be Respectful. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Listen actively, tolerate differing viewpoints, show interest and caring, and practice common courtesy.Be on time. Be in your seat beginning the warm-up activity when the tardy bell rings.Be prepared. Bring what you’ll need for class to class: book, pen, binder, etc. Be responsible. Do what you’re supposed to do, admit it when you make a mistake, accept the consequences of your actions gracefully and learn from it…then move on.Follow all school rules. You have a handbook to refer to, but if you’re unsure, ASK.Consequences:1st offense = warning2nd offense = reflective assignment3rd offense = hall conference4th offense = call home & take-home reflective essayRepeat offenses after the reflective essay and call home will result in detention, additional calls home, and/or office referrals.Absences/Make-up Work: THE STUDENT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING NOTES AND WORK MISSED DUE TO AN ABSENCE. Please check the absent student pocket chart on the wall for missing work. The student will need to schedule a time to make up any missing tests or quizzes within 3 days of returning to school. Attend tutoring to make up missed work. Missing more than 6 days in a semester will result in an F unless you make up your time after school.Late Work: If a student has a planned absence, please see me beforehand; otherwise, it will be due upon return to school. Points will be deducted for every day assignments are late. If answers are discussed and given in class for an assignment, the highest grade you will earn is a 70%.Tutorials: After school on Tuesday and Thursday from 3:45 until 5:00 with transportation provided. Please let me know in advance if you are staying for tutorial Dear parents or guardians,I always want to be sure that parents and guardians receive the information I send home. Please read the syllabus for my class. Please initial below to indicate that you received and read the syllabus. I will give your student extra credit points for bringing back this signed paper. I also would like to know the best way that you would like me to contact you. You may contact me by calling or texting my Google Voice number at (336 0937-0484 or by emailing me at duemmes@.Thank you very much,Madame Duemmel-171450119380Student Initials00Student Initials1057275128905Parent/Adult Initials00Parent/Adult InitialsPositive Attitude?:Students should try their best to listen, speak, read and write French. Nobody’s perfect! But we can all learn and improve. The goal of French is to be able to communicate through reading, listening, speaking and writing. In order for students to focus and learn, they will be asked to put their phones away during class. 10858506985Parent/Adult Initials00Parent/Adult Initials-1809756985Student Initials00Student InitialsClasswork?: There will be assignments due every week. If assignments are lost, late or incomplete, points will be taken off. Each unit will have a grade for reading, writing, listening and speaking. Online work must also be made up, or it will be a zero. Students can either make it up at home, in the media center, or they can stay at lunch or after school and use a computer.96202541275Parent/Adult Initials00Parent/Adult Initials-23812531750Student Initials00Student InitialsTardies and absences:Students should check the Missed Work bin for any packets or handouts they missed. Material will also be posted online through Canvas. Students should keep up with any notes that they missed. More than 4 tardies: students will be written up and referred to the office, parents will be contacted. More than 4 absences: students will have to stay at lunch or after school and make up time and workYour Student's Name___________________________________ Period_______ Parent or Guardian Printed Name_______________________________________Parent or Guardian Signature____________________________________________Date___________Relationship to the student_____________________Best phone number to reach parent/guardian at_____________________________Best time of the day to contact you_________________________________Best email to reach parent/guardian at____________________________________Would you rather I emailed you or telephoned you? ________________________Anything you'd like me to know or tips you have for what works well for your student?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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