January/February 2019 Dear Pastor and Church Family, Great ...

Serving the Lord in Africa Since 1996

January/February 2019 Dear Pastor and Church Family, Great news! Our waivers have been processed after a six month wait! However, they were released for collection after our visa's expired and our necessary departure. We will be flying back to SA in early February on a 90 day visa. Then I can collect them and see if they have been approved, rejected, or with special further amendments. If approved we can quickly file for the actual work permit. That process is projected to take up to 8-10 weeks, but so was the waivers. We hope it won't take that long again!!! Upon our return to SA Karen will be having cataract surgery on both eyes. This should be a real blessing for her!

I have inserted some pictures and let you see a bit of what the Lord is doing in Pretoria. We started this new church only 18 months ago. This last month was certainly our best month. All our people are up to date about our permit situation and have been praying fervently. The first picture is our men meeting early on Sunday mornings before church and praying that our waivers would be approved and released before Christmas. There were as many as 19 men. What a blessing to hear them claiming the promises of the Word of God and faith in the Lord to answer our prayers.

Last month before our departure was the highest average attendance. We averaged in the mid 40's and our high day was 49 which matched our highest attendance during "Friendship Sunday" last February. As a missionary when you are about to leave the field or shortly thereafter the attendance usually drops dramatically. I believe our folks are in it for the long haul. They've seen the Lord working on our behalf and the devil fighting. They know the Lord rewards faithfulness.

We were very blessed to have the Lord's Supper, baptism service, and a baby dedication the last consecutive three Sundays before we left. Also inserted are a picture of our people during a Sunday morning service and our Bible Institute class held on Tuesday evenings.

Our church is the only Independent Baptist Church in the capitol city of Pretoria. We are certainly in the devils stronghold and the Lord is raising up a church to stand for the truth! Thank you for your continued prayer and support. Thanks also for the Christmas gifts that were given. We hope you have a blessed and fruitful 2019!

Yours In Missions,

Bro. Jerrold Myers


Jerrold & Karen Myers P.O. Box 25287 Monument Park, 0105 Pretoria, RSA ibcpretoria.co.za


Skype # 256-270-0223 (state-side # that rings in us in Africa )

J Cell # +2782 557-5327 mbcwmjgm@


Madison Baptist Church 840 Balch Road, Madison, AL 35758 Phone: 256-830-6224 Pastor: Dr. Mike Allison


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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