20th Century U - Lake Region Union High School

Sociology – 2012/13

Ms. Suarez – Room/X 205


Course Overview

This course will serve as an introduction to sociology, the study of society. The course will challenge students to understand sociological theories, apply them to social problems, and compare cultures so that students may expand their sense of personal and social responsibility. Students will also examine the methods employed by sociologists and the effects of sociological research on cultures, the market and politics. Skills to be developed in this course include, but are not limited to, reading, writing, note-taking, communication, digital citizenship, and critical thinking.

Units of Study

Unit 1: What is Sociology?, Cultural Diversity, Cultural Conformity & Adaptation

Unit 2: Social Stratification and Social Structure

Unit 3: Socializing the Individual, Social Control & Deviance

Unit 4: Gender, Race & Ethnicity and The Adolescent

Guidelines for Success (all rules in the Lake Region High School Handbook apply)

1. Respect the rights of all community members to learn and be safe.

2. Be prepared for class when the bell rings (i.e. on time, in your seat, bring notebook, text, writing utensil, homework, and a pass if you are late).

3. No cell phones, ipods, eating, drinking, or grooming.


1. Absences: If you plan on being absent, you must get your assignment from me before hand and it is due upon your return. If you were absent unexpectedly, you must speak with me the day of your return and you will have one extra day to complete the assignment/s. If you miss this class, but attended other classes (including absences due to extracurricular activities), it does not count as an absence; your work is still due.

2. Tardies: If you are late you must come to class with a pass. Unexcused tardies may result in a detention. Excessive tardiness may result in a withdrawal from class. If you area tardy more than half of the class it will be considered a cut.

3. Unexcused absence/Class cut; You will receive a zero for all work missed, including any quizzes, tests or projects. The first class cut will result in a detention and the second will result in a withdrawal from class.

Cheating & Plagiarism

• A single, or minor, example of plagiarism on a social studies assignment will result (at minimum) in a letter-grade (10 point) reduction of the final grade.

• Multiple examples, or a major plagiarism, will result in a zero, whether on a simple assignment or a complete research project.

• Plagiarism is the use of any information that is copied or paraphrased*from any source, or is not original to the student. Using another person’s words, or reusing your own work from another class or assignment, with the claim or implication that it is original to you and/or to this assignment, is plagiarism. If you are unsure, ask me or another teacher before the assignment is due!


Please refer to your Student Handbook for a detailed explanation of the grading system.

Your quarter grade will be based on the following categories:

• 40% = Summative Assessment = Tests/Projects/Essays/Research (The LRUHS Constructed Response rubric is below; it may be adjusted to include additional standards depending on the topic & project. Alternate rubrics will be handed out upon assignment)

• 60% = Formative Assessment = Assignment, Binders & Quizzes (The lowest quiz grade at the end of each quarter will be dropped & quizzes may be unannounced)

The semester grade will consist of the following: 40% quarter 1 grade, 40% quarter 2 grade & 20% final exam grade.

Sociology Binder Check Rubric

| |1 |2 |3 |4 |

| |(66 pts.)* |(75 pts.)* |(90 pts)* |(95 pts. / 100 if all*) |

|Organization |Disorderly |Insufficient |Clearly |Meticulous |

|Quality & Quantity of |Missing Significant #s|Insufficient, Missing |Neat & Thorough, Only |Neat and Thorough, No Missing |

|Notes |of Assignments |an Assignment or Two |Missing a Few Domain |Work |

| | | |Terms | |

|Review Process |No evidence of review |Insufficient |Mostly Highlight/?s/ |Thorough Highlighted, |

| | | |Research |Categorized, Asks Questions |

|Supplementary Readings |No notations |Insufficient |Sporadically |Appropriately Highlighted, |

| | | | |Circled Vocab, Margin Notes & |

| | | | |Questions |

|Non-Domain Vocabulary |None |2 or Fewer per Reading|3 per Reading |More than 3 per Reading |

* score is based on majority Suarez 09/10

**Binders will be assessed if Formative or Summative Assessment Grade is under 80%.

General Assignment Rubric

| |1 = 64 points (a 1 in any |2 = 76 points (a 1 in any |3 = 90 points (the majority |4 = 100 points (must earn a |

| |row = a 1 for the |row = a 1 for the |column score of 3) |4 in all row categories) |

| |assignment) |assignment) | | |

|Completion of Assignment |¼ or more of the assignment | |One or two portions are |All portions of the |

|(quantitative) |is missing. |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - |missing. |assignment are complete. |

|Knowledge & Comprehension | |Inaccurate information & |Contains important details |Completely thorough & |

|(Use your own words to show | |inappropriate use or lack of|(answers the 5 “Ws”& |accurate & appropriate use |

|what you know) |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - |citation or own words |appropriate use of citations|of citations |

| |- - | | | |

|Analysis, Reflection, &/or | |Lack of evaluation and |The work is analyzed and |Exceptional & thorough |

|Evaluation (How does the | |analysis |evaluated. |thought; |

|fact relate to the topic |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - | | |includes a thorough summary |

|&/or why is the fact |- - | | |statement |

|important?) | | | | |

|Non-Domain Vocabulary (use a| |One or no non-domain words |Two non-domain words are |Three or more non-domain |

|dictionary to define words | |are defined |defined |words are defined or a |

|that are unknown or unclear | | | |thesaurus was used to find |

|to you) |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - | | |new ways to express words |

| |- - | | |you know |

|Neatness & Conventions (use | |Illegible, with paper |Un-typed and appropriate |Typed & excellent control of|

|sentences!) | |fringes or an unlabeled |grade-level control of |conventions. |

| |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - |assignment, messy with |conventions | |

| |- - |limited control of | | |

| | |conventions. | | |

Suarez 07/08

Constructed Response Rubric (Paragraphs & Essays)

Lake Region Union High School – Ms. Suarez

| |1 = 64 points GA |2 = 76 points GA |3 = 90 points GA |4 = 100 points General |Project/Quiz/Test |

| | | | |Assignment Score |Scoring |

|Purpose |No Focus evident. |Focus is implied but not |Focus is articulated |Sophisticated Focus |4 pts. total |

|(focus, topic, | |clearly articulated or |and maintained |that is clearly | |

|hypothesis, thesis, | |maintained. |throughout writing. |articulated and | |

|main idea… ties to a | | | |maintained throughout | |

|conclusion) | | | |writing. | |

|Details |Little or no |Fewer than 3 details |At least 3 pieces of |Sufficiently detailed |2 pts. per piece of |

|(supporting |supporting evidence or|(*per paragraph) |adequate evidence |evidence that clearly |evidence (no more than 6|

|information, |evidence does not |effectively support of |(*per paragraph) |defends the Focus; |pts. total) |

|evidence)) |adequately defend |defend focus |support and defend |effectively elaborated | |

| |Focus. | |focus | | |

|Organization |Paragraph structure is|Attempts paragraph |Effective sentence and|Sophisticated sentence |May result in additional|

| |lacking. |structure with some |paragraph structure |and paragraph structure|reduction of score by 1 |

| | |disorganization/lack of |adequately responds to|includes transitions |– 2 points |

| | |coherence |prompt (i.e. Focus, |and is exceptionally | |

| | | |details, conclusion). |articulated. | |

|Voice and Tone |Student fails to |Student presents a |Student considers |Student creatively |May result in addition |

| |consider audience, |generic response with |writing format, |chooses and effectively|reduction of score by 1 |

| |writing format, or |some consideration of |audience, and |presents audience, |– 2 points or extra |

| |vocabulary; voice and |audience, writing format,|vocabulary that are |writing format, and |credit of 1 point per |

| |tone are not |and vocabulary. |appropriate for the |vocabulary for an |underlined, non-domain |

| |appropriate for the | |assigned writing task |assigned writing task |word. |

| |assigned task | |and grade level. |and grade level. | |

|Conventions (Must be |Poor control of |Limited control of |Appropriate |Excellent control of |May result in additional|

|typed using 12 pt., |conventions or not |conventions |grade-level control of|conventions |reduction of score by 1 |

|Times New Roman Font, |typed | |conventions | |– 2 points |

|double spaced with | | | | | |

|1.25” margins) | | | | | |

LRUHS & Suarez 08/09

*applies to 5 paragraph constructed response essay

Books & Needed materials

Students will be provided with:

Thomas, W. La Verne. 2005. Sociology: The Study of Human Relationships. Austin, TX: Holt,

Rinehart and Winston.

Take good care of your book! Books that have broken bindings, or have writing on, or damage to, their covers, edges or pages, will be considered to be purchased by the student. Books returned in this way will be billed to the student at replacement cost. It is your responsibility to keep your book covered, and in a secure place when not in use. Do not use your book to store papers as this easily breaks the binding – procure a binder!

E-mail Account, Moodle Account and Noodletools Account

You will also need an e-mail account, and will be expected to e-mail work to me on occasion. LR will be providing you with an e-mail account this year; it should be used only for school purposes. Current Event activities will be conducted on Moodle: you will receive an account via LR. You will also set up a Noodletools Account in class.

Students need to provide a binder.

Extra Help

I am more than happy to provide extra help; please do not be afraid to ask. I am available before and after school, 3rd & 6th period, and we have study hall period 5 (Room 212). You may drop in at these times, though I may not always be available; please see me before or after school or after class to schedule an appointment.

(Please return to class and receive a free 4/100 pt. homework grade)

I have read and understand what is expected of a student in Ms. Suarez’s class. I also give Ms. Suarez permission to post pictures of myself/my child on her LRUHS web site.

(teacher’s signature)

(student’s signature)

(parent/guardian’s signature)

⇨ I do NOT give Ms. Suarez permission to post pictures on the Lake Region Web Site.

⇨ We DO have a computer with high-speed internet access at home.

⇨ We do NOT have a computer with high-speed internet access at home.

Parent/Guardian’s E-mail address _________________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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