
English week beginning 2.11.20 Class 2MondayCan I use VCOP and my targets to write a?recount???????????????????????????Can I form my letters mostly correctly???Can I write in sentences????Can I use?time connectives and?co-ordination (e.g.?or / and / but) and some subordination (e.g.?when / if / that / because???Can I use?adjectives,?verbs and adverbs / adverbial phrases???Can I use the present and past tense mostly correctly???Can I write at least half a page???KQ What did you?do in the holidays??What type of writing will we be?doing.?Writing a?recount……?? look at elements of?recount-?look at past tense, time connectives??KQ Who can remind us what VCOP stands for?????Role model writing some sentences?from?one child – make errors for children to correct?Children write big write using VCOP independently.??Remember to try and include 3 of each type of VCOP.???TuesdayNo English (see Maths plans)WednesdayCan I write a poem about Autumn using adjectives to describe what I saw, heard, smelt?and felt????Can I verbally compose a sentence using one?or two?adjectives?to describe Autumn??Can I use an expanded noun phrase and include a verb to describe Autumn??Can I use an expanded noun phrase and include verbs and adverbs to describe Autumn??Recap – KQ. What is an adjective? What does it do??Show PPT and play quick game of ‘describe what you can see’ in the picture using 1,2 or 3 adjectives.?What punctuation do you notice is being used??Ask children to tell me about?yesterday’s?Autumn walk. What did you see / hear / smell / feel???. Why are there only four senses not five??(no taste)As children to write down the?names of things (nouns) they saw / heard / smelt / felt in pencil – then add adjectives in a coloured pencil to describe the things they have listed.?Use?chn’s?ideas to model the beginning of Autumn poem I went on an Autumn walk and?I saw a brown, crunchy leaf??Twirling and whirling?softly?I heard a smoky, burning bonfire?Crackling and sizzling?loudly?I heard the quiet, whistling wind etc.??Children to write own poems then write in writing frames in best handwritingThursdayCan I use adjectives to expand noun phrases?KQ What are adjectives? What are nouns? What does an adjective do to a noun????Class description activity – find adjective to describe a variety of objects – write on whiteboards – discuss which ones are best?????Look at an advert for a house sale – explain that we are going to pretend?Montacute?house is for sale – today we are going to write the?front?page of the advert booklet.??(in resources)Model writing adjective and noun phases together (IWB). What are the nouns to describe the house?eg.?Windows, walls, chimneys….???KQ: how can we describe them?????On whiteboards / scrap paper =-?write noun and brainstorm adjectives around it. Can they think of several good adjectives to describe each noun?????model choosing the four best descriptions to write in their best writing on their house advert leaflet??Eg.?Tall, strong and brick chimneys.??????? Weird, funny and scary gargoyles.??Individually write descriptive?sentences??on?the front cover of their house sale?advert??leaflets??FridayCan I write a descriptive paragraph with adjectives, connectives for reason and correct punctuation???Role model writing the start of a description to go inside the leaflet – model using the noun phrases we came up with.???KQ: can we include the connectives for reason that we learnt before holidays? Because and so????KQ What noun phrases did we expand yesterday? Share some of the adjectives we used.??Look at work where several adjectives are used to describe one noun.?????Explain that today we are going to write the inside of our house advert. It is going to be a description of the house in complete sentences using the description phrases we came up with yesterday.???role model writing a paragraph. Use adjectives, commas to separate adjectives and use because and / or so to give reasons.?? Start with “?Montacute?house is a beautiful, large house made from?hamstone?because it is a strong material….????In leaflet write their descriptions??KQ/afl: have you included your adjectives??????Who managed to include adjectives, connectives and punctuation? ................

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