Unit 10A – Early Medeival Art

Unit 10B – Medieval: Romanesque Revival & Gothic Building Lite

Key concepts

• Romanesque architecture: mighty fortress -reviving the Roman arch

• Interrelationship of church and state in European society

• Pilgrims Progress: Romanesque church design and building projects

• English innovation: the Rib Vault

• Gothic: Building Light and Abbot Suger

• Engineering: the Triumph of Light in Gothic churches

• Pointed Arches, Rib Vaults, & Flying Buttresses


• Church building frenzy – Romanesque & Gothic periods

• Return of large scale stone sculpture in churches

• Growth of city centers; impact of trade

• Influence of Crusades in revival of arts & learning, Universities & study of classics of Greece & Rome

• Functions of medieval luxury arts, sculpture, and painting

Key Artworks & Buildings

• Cathedral of St. James, Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

• Church of San Clemente, Rome ()

• Mont San-Michel, France

• Speyer Cathedral

• Durham Cathedral

• Wiligelmus, Creation & Fall, Modena Cathedral

• Giselbertus, Last Judgment, St. Lazare, Autun

• Christ in Majesty, Church of San Climent

• Mary as Throne of Wisdom/Virgin & Child

• Bayeux Tapestry

• Mouth of Hell, Winchester Psalter

• Hildegard and Volmar, Lieber Scrolls

• St. Denis Cathedral (Abbot Suger)

• Notre Dame

• Chartres Cathedral (Tree of Jesse, Rose of France)

• Salisbury Cathedral

• Saint-Chappelle

• Rotgen Pieta

• Death of the Virgin, Strasbourg Cathedral

• Ekkehard & Uta, Naumberg Cathedral

• Pisa Pulpit, Nicola Pisano

• Anunciation & Visitation, Central Portal, Reims Cathedral

• Queen Blanche of Castile and Louis IX, Moralized Bible

• Windmill Psalter


Chapter 15 & 16

Other Resources:

• Cathedral video by PBS

• Translation of Bayeux Tapestry

• Romanesque vs. Gothic architecture

• (how to read a Gothic cathedral façade)

• Chartres Cathedral stained glass


• Read & outline chapter 15 & 16; print out flashcards

• Comparison chart of Gothic, Romanesque, Byzantine architecture

• Art of the Book Project (combined with Chapter 15)

• Art Talk on assigned Gothic or Romanesque image

• Small group activity: Bayeux tapestry


20% of questions will come from earlier time periods and non western art, such as Chinese, Islamic, African, Ancient Greece & Rome, etc.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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