Constitutional amendments 1-27 pdf


Constitutional amendments 1-27 pdf

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All changes to the United States constitution changes 1-10 | Amendments 11-27 United States Congress initiated and held at the city of New York, Wednesday the fourth of March, a thousand sevight Eighty nine. The conventions of a number of states, having at the time of their adoption of the Constitution, expressed the desire, in order to prevent incorrect interpretation or abuse of its powers, which further declarative and restrictive clauses should be added: and how to extend The trust of the public in the government will be better to guarantee the beneficial extremities of its institution. Resolved by the Senate and House of US representatives, at the Assembled Congress, the two-thirds of both concordant rooms, which the following articles to propose to the legislatures of the various states, such as amendments to the Constitution of the United States, all, or neither of which the articles, if ratified by three quarters of the said legislature, to be valid for all purposes, as part of this establishment; ie. Articles in addition to, and the amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, proposed by the Congress, and ratified by the legislative bodies of the various States, pursuant to the fifth article of the original constitution. Note: The following text is a transcription of the top ten amendments to the establishment in their original form. These amendments were ratified December 15, 1791, and form what is known as the "Bill of Rights". Change the congress will not be law that respects an institution of religion, or to prohibit the free exercise; or embrace the word freedom, or of the press; o the law of the people to meet peacefully and to present a petition to the government for the repair of injustices. Amendment II to well regulated militia, being necessary for the security of a free state, the right of the people to hold and bring weapons, should not be violated. Amendment III No soldier must, in time of peace is aquarished in a house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in order to be prescribed by the law. Modification IV The people's right to be sure in their people, houses, cards and effects, against unjustified searches and seizures, cannot be violated, and no mandate releases, not on well-founded reasons, supported by an oath or statement, and specific description Of the place to search, and people or things to seize. Amendment v No person will be required to respond to a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a complaint or accusation of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the forces of land or sea, or in the militia, when it is In actual service in time of war or public danger; nor any person subject to the same crime to be twice endangered of life or limbs; N? ? must be forced in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor to be deprived of life, freedom or property, without just a right process; N? the private property being taken for public use, without a right compensation. Modification VI in all criminal proceedings, the defendant must enjoy the right to a rapid and public process, from an impartial jury of the State and of the district in which the crime must have been committed, as a district must have been previously established by law, And to be informed of the nature and reasons for the accusation; deal with the witnesses to be paid; To have a mandatory process to obtain testimonies in favor of him, and to have the assistance of a lawyer for the defense of him. Modification vii in a jacket and tie to the common law, where the value in the controversy must be greater than twenty dollars, the right of a trial with a jury must be stored, and no fact judged by a jury, are otherwise reviewed in United States Court, which according to the rules of common law. Change VIII excessive bail is not required, excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments imposed. Edit IX the census in the The Constitution, of some rights, will not be interpreted to deny or unpack other people held by people. Amendment X Un delegated powers in the United States from the Constitution, nor prohibited by the United States, are reserved respectively to the United States, or to people. Amendment XI - Pasted by Congress 4 March 1794. Ratified 7 February 1795. Note: Article III, Section 2, of the Constitution was amended by amendment 11. The judicial power of the United States should not be interpreted to extend to any dress In law or equity, it has begun or prosecuted against one of the United States by citizens of another state, or by citizens or subjects of any foreign state. Amendment XII - Pasted by Congress 9 December 1803. Ratified 15 June 1804. Note: Part of Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution was replaced by the 12th amendment. The voters will meet in their respective states and vote by vote for the vote for the president and vice-president, one of which, at least, will not be a resident of the same state with themselves; They nominate their votes the person voted as president, and in distinct votes the person voted as vice-president, and formulate distinct lists of all the people who voted as president, and of all people voted as vice-president and number of votes For each one, which lists they sign and certify and transmit sealed to the headquarters of the United States government, headed to the President of the Senate; - The president of the Senate, in the presence of the Senate and the Chamber of Representatives, therefore open all the certificates and the votes must therefore be counted; - the person who has the greatest number of votes for the president, will be the president, if this number is the majority of the integer of void voters; And if no person has a lot of majority, therefore by the people who have the highest numbers not exceeding three in the list of those who voted as President, the House of Representatives immediately chooses, from Ballot, the President. But in the choice of the president, the votes are taken by the States, the representation of each state with a vote; A quorum for this purpose consists of a member or members of the two-thirds States, and the majority of all states are necessary for a choice. [And if the Chamber of Representatives does not choose a president whenever the right of choice must donate on them, before the fourth March following March, then the vice-president act as president, as in the event of death or other constitutional disabilities of the President . -] * The person who has the greatest number of votes as vice-president, will be the vice-president, if this number is the majority of the entire number of venated voters, and if no person has the majority, therefore by the two highest numbers of the list , the Senate chooses vice-president; A quorum for the purpose is composed of two thirds of the entire number of senators, and the majority of the entire number is necessary for a choice. But no constitutionally unopened person for the president's office is eligible for that of the United States Vice President. * Replaced by section 3 of 20 ? ? Amendment. Amendment XIII - Pasted by the Congress 31 January 1865. Ratified 6 December 1865. Note: Part of Article IV, Section 2, of the Constitution was replaced by the 13th amendment. Section 1. N? the slavery nor the involuntary service, except as a punishment for the crime of which the part has been duly condemned, exist in the United States, or in any place subject to their jurisdiction. Section 2. The Congress has the power to enforce this item from the appropriate legislation. Amendment XIV - Pasted by Congress 13 June 1866. Ratified 9 July 1868. Note: Article I, Section 2, of the Constitution was amended by section 2 of the 14 ? ? Amendment. 1. All nate or naturalized people in the United States and subject to jurisdiction jurisdiction They are citizens of the United States and the state in which they reside. No state must carry out or apply any law that compensated for the privileges or immunities of US citizens; N? of any state will deprive any person in life, freedom or property, without just a law process; Nothing to any person in his jurisdiction the parity of protection of the laws. Section 2. The representatives will be divided between the different states based on their respective numbers, counting the entire number of people in each state, excluding unpacked Indians. But when the right to vote in any election for the choice of voters for the President and Vice-President of the United States, representatives at the Congress, the executive and judicial authorities of a state, or members of the legislature itself, ? It is denied to any of the male inhabitants of that state, being twenty-one years of age, * and citizens of the United States, or in any abbreviated way, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation in it ? It is reduced to the percentage that the number of such male citizens will give birth to the entire number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in that state. Section 3. Can not be senator or representative at the Congress, or elector of the President and VicePresident, or to hold any office, civil or military, dependencies of the United States, or in any state, which, having previously assumed an oath, As a member of the Congress, or as a US officer, or as a member of any state legislator, or as an executive or judicial officer of a state, to support the US establishment, are engaged in an insurrection or Revolt against the same, or given help or comfort to their enemies. But the Congress can from a vote of two thirds of every home, remove this disability. Section 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for the payment of pensions and generosities for services to suppress insurrections or rebellions, should not be questioned. But nor the United States nor a State assume or pay any debt or obligation supported in the aid of insurrection or rebellion towards the United States, or any complaint for the loss or emancipation of any slave; But all these debts, obligations and complaints take place illegal and free of vacuum. Section 5. The congress will have the power to enforce the provisions of this article with appropriate legislation. * Changed by section 1 of amendment 26. Modification XV - approved by the Congress on 26 February 1869. Ratified on 3 February 1870. Section 1. The right of US citizens of voting should not be denied or limited by the United States or by Any status for reasons of race, color, or previous served condition - Section 2. Congress will have the power to enforce this item through adequate legislation. Edit XVI - approved by the Congress on 2 July 1909. Ratified on 3 February 1913. Note: Article I, Section 9, of the Constitution was amended by amendment 16. The Congress will have the power to impose and income taxes Collect, regardless of the derivative source, without breakdown between the different states, and without regard to any census or enumeration. Change XVII - approved by Congress on 13 May 1912. Ratified on 8 April 1913. Note: Article I, Section 3, of the Constitution was amended by amendment 17. The United States Senate will be composed of two senators for Every state, elected by the people of the same, for six years; And every senator will have a vote. The voters of each state will have to have the requisites required for voters of the numerous branch of most state legislatures. When vacant in of a state in the Senate, the executive authority of this state releases the elections to cover these seats: provided that the legislator of a state can authorize the executive of the same to proceed with provisional appointments until people people The vacancy for election while the legislator can direct. This amendment is not as interpreted to influence the election or term of any senator chosen before it becomes valid as part of the Constitution. Amendment by XVIII - Pasted by the Congress of 18 December 1917. Ratified on 16 January 1919. Injury from amendment 21. Section 1. After a year from the ratification of this article the manufacture, sale or transport of intoxicating liqueurs inside, Import into or exporting the United States from the United States and the whole territory subject to the jurisdiction of them for beverage purposes is prohibited. Section 2. Congress and various states have the concrete power to enforce this item from the appropriate legislation. Section 3. This article is inoperative unless it has been ratified as amending the constitution by the legislatures of the various States, as required by the Constitution, within seven years from the date of the presentation referred to in this Congress. Amendment XIX - Pasted by Congress 4 June 1919. Ratified on 18 August 1920. The law of US citizens to vote is not denied or abbreviated by the United States or from any state due to sex. The Congress has the power to enforce this article from the appropriate legislation. Amendment XX - Pasted by Congress 2 March 1932. Ratified on 23 January 1933. Note: Article I, Section 4, of the Constitution was amended by section 2 of this amendment. Furthermore, a part of the 12th amendment was replaced by section 3. Section 1. The terms of the president and vice president end at noon on 20th day of January, and the terms of the senators and representatives at noon of 3D Day of January, of the years in which these terms would have ended if this article had not been ratified; And the terms of their successors will then begun. Section 2. The Congress is assigned at least once in each year, and this meeting will start at noon of January 3D day, unless they are by law named a different day. Section 3. If, at the time set for the beginning of the president's mandate, the Chaucer elected is dead, the elected vice-president will become President. If a president has not been chosen before the time set for the beginning of his term, or if the chairman elected was not able to qualify, then the elected vice-president should act as a president until a president is qualified; And the Congress can with regard to the case in which a president elected nor a vice president will have qualified, declaring that he acted therefore as president, or the way one who must act is selected and that person acts accordingly up When a president or vice president has qualified. Section 4. The Congress can provide for the case of the death of any of the people from which the House of Representatives can choose a president whenever the right of choice has told him about them, and for the case of the death of any Of the people from which the Senate can choose a vice-president whenever the right of choice must have donated it to them. Section 5. Sections 1 and 2 take effect on the 15th day of October after the ratification of this article. Section 6. This article is inoperative unless it has been ratified as amendment of the constitution by the legislatures of the three quarters of the different states within seven years from the date of its presentation. Amendment XXI - Pasted by the Congress February 20, 1933. Ratified 5 December 1933. Section 1. The eighteenth article of amendment to the United States Constitution is repealed. Section 2. Transportation or import to any state, territory or possession of the United States for delivery or use in it. There are liqueurs In violation of laws, it is prohibited. Section 3. This article is inoperative unless it is either They were ratified as amendment to the Convention Conventions in various States, as required by the Constitution, within seven years from the date of submission of this document to the members of the Congress. Edit XXII - approved by the Congress on 21 March 1947. Ratified 27 February 1951. Section 1. Nobody can be elected to the office of president more than twice, and no person who held the position of President, or acted as president, For more than two years of a term at which some other person has been elected president is elected to the office of president more than once. But this article does not apply to any person who holds the position of president when this article was proposed by the Congress, and does not prevent any person who can be the charge of president, or at a chairman's quality, during the period by Which this article becomes operational from the charge of President or Quality of President during the rest of this term. Section 2. This article sanct? ? will not have been ratified as amendment to the constitution by the legislators of three quarters of the various states within seven years from the date of its presentation to the States by the Congress. Modification XXIII - approved by the Congress on 16 June 1960. Ratified on 29 March 1961. Section 1. The district which constitutes the headquarters of the US government appoints in the way that the Congress can direct: a number of vice voters and vice president equal to the total number of senators and representatives of the congress to which the district would have the right if it were a state, but in any case not exceeding the least populous state; They will be in addition to those appointed by the States, but they must be considered, for the purposes of the election of the President and the Vice President, to be voters appointed by a State; And they meet in the district and carry out these functions as required by the twelfth edit article. Section 2. The Congress will have the power to enforce this item through adequate legislation. Change XXIV Approved by the Congress on 27 August 1962. Ratified on 23 January 1964. Section 1. The law of citizens of the United States to vote in any primary election or other for the President or Vice President, for voters for the President or The vice president, or for the senator or representative to the Congress, cannot be denied or limited by the United States or in any state due to the failure to pay taxes or other taxes. Section 2. The Congress will have the power to enforce this item through adequate legislation. Modification XXV - approved by Congress on 6 July 1965. Ratified on 10 February 1967. Note: Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution was influenced by the modification 25. Section 1. In the event of removal of the President from the charge or of the His death or resignation, the vice president will become President. Section 2. Every time there is a vacancy in the position of Vice President, the President will appoint a vice president who will come into office at the time of confirmation from a majority vote of both rooms of the congress. Section 3. Every time he transmits president to the President Pro Tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the Chamber of Representatives a written declaration that he is able to exercise the powers and duties of his office, and until he transmits them one Written declaration on the contrary, the powers and functions are taken by the Vice President as a Functional President. Section 4. Every time the vice president and a majority or the main officials of executive departments or any other Congress organism can by law provide, transmit to the President Pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the Chamber of Representatives their written declaration that the President It is able to exercise the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President immediately assumes the powers and duties of the charge of acting president. Subsequently, when the president transmits transmits President Pro tempore of the Senate and the Rapporteur of the Chamber of Representatives His written declaration that does not exist the incapacity, will resume the powers and duties of his office unless the vice president and the majority of the main officials of the executive department or another Body as the Congress can provide for the law provide, transmitting within four days at President Pro Tempore of the Senate and the speaker of the Chamber of Representatives of their written declaration that the President is not able to download the powers and duties of his office . Additional Congress will decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for this purpose if not in session. If the congress, within twenty-one days after receiving this last written statement, or, if the Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after the Congress is required to assemble, determines two thirds votes of both houses that The President is not able to download the powers and duties of his office, the vice president will continue to download the same as the President of Acting; Otherwise, the president will take up the powers and duties of the office of him. Amendment by XXVI - Pasted by Congress 23 March 1971. Ratified 1 July 1971. Note: Amendment 14, Section 2, of the Constitution was amended by section 1 of 26 ? ? Amendment. Section 1. The right of US citizens, who has eighteen years of age or higher than voting is not denied or abbreviated by the United States or from any state due to the eth. Section 2. The Congress has the power to enforce this item from the appropriate legislation. Amendment XXVII - Originally proposed on September 25, 1789. A ratified on 7 May 1992. No law, which varies compensation for the services of senators and representatives, until an election of representatives should have intervened. Home ||. Treated ||. Search ||. Links links.

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