Sociology Journals:

|Africa Journal |

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|Age |

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|Age & Ageing |

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|Ageing International |

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|Ageing & Society |

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|American Journal of Economics and Sociology |

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|Annual Review of Law and Social Science |


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|Armed Forces & Society |

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|Berlin Journal of Sociology |

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|Body & Society |

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|British Journal of Sociology |

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|British Journal of Sociology of Education |

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|Brooklyn Journal of Social Semiotics Research |

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|Canadian Journal of Sociology |

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|Canadian Journal on Aging |

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|Canadian Review of Sociology-Revue Canadienne De Sociologie |

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|Cepaos Review |

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|City & Community |

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|Comparative Studies in Society and History |

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|Contemporary Sociology-A Journal of Reviews |

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|Contexts |

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|Critical Sociology |

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|Cultic Studies Journal |

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|Cultural Dynamics |

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|Cultural Sociology |

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|Cultural Studies |

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|Current Research in Social Psychology |

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|Current Sociology |

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|Demography |

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|Deviant Behavior |

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|Discourse & Society |

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|Economic Sociology |

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|Economic and Social Review |

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|Environment and Behavior |

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|Ethnic & Racial Studies |

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|European Journal of Sociology |

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|European Sociological Review |

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|European Societies |

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|Essex Human Rights Review |

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|Families in Society |

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|Family Process |

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|Family Relations |

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|Family Therapy |

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|Florida Atlantic Comparative Studies Journal |

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|FQS – Forum: Qualitative Social Research |

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|Gender & Society |

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|Global Ageing |

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|Global Networks - A Journal of Transnational Affairs |

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|History and Theory |

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|Human Ecology |

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|Human Ecology Review |

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|Human Studies |

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|Identity: An International Journal of Theory and Research |

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|International Journal of Aging and Human Development |

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|International Journal of Comparative Sociology |

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|International Journal of Health & Social Behavior |

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|International Journal of Intercultural Relations |

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|International Journal of Mass Emergencies & Disasters |

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|International Journal of the Sociology of Law |

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|International Review of Sociology –Revue Internationale de Sociologie |

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|International Social Science Journal |

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|International Sociology |

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|International Studies in Sociology of Education |

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|Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion |

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|Journal of Aging and Social Policy |

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|Journal of Aging Studies |

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|Journal of Black Studies |

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|Journal of Contemporary Ethnography |

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|Journal of Family Issues |

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|Journal of Health and Social Behavior |

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|Journal of Homosexuality |

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|Journal of Interpersonal Violence |

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|Journal of Leisure Research |

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|Journal of Marital and Family Therapy |

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|Journal of Marriage and Family |

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|Journal of Mathematical Sociology |

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|Journal of Social and Personal Relationships |

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|Journal of Social Issues |

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|Journal of Social and Political Thought |

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|Journal of Social Structure |

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|Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare |

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|Journal of Sport & Social Issues |

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|Journal of Studies on Alcohol |

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|Journal of the History of Sexuality |

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|Journal of Urban Affairs |

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|Journal of Women and Aging |

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|Journal of World Systems |

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|Journals of Gerontology Series B, Psychological Sciences and Social Science |

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|Language in Society |

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|Law & Society Review |

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|Leisure Sciences |

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|Media Culture & Society |

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|Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences |

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|Men and Masculinities |

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|Populations and Development Review |

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|Population Bulletin |

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|Population Studies |

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|Politics & Society |

| |

|ProtoSociology |

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|Public Opinion Quarterly |

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|Qualitative Sociology |

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|Race & Class |

| |

|Radical Pedagogy |

|Rationality & Society |

| |

|Research on Aging |

| |

|Review of Religious Research |

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|Rural Society Journal |

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|Rural Sociological Society |

| |

|Rural Sociology |

| |

|Sex Roles |

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|Signs |

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|Social Biology |

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|Social Security Bulletin |

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|Social Forces |

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|Social Indicators Research |

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|Social Psychology Quarterly |

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|Social Research |

| |

|Social Science Quarterly |

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|Social Science Research |

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|Social Service Review |

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|Social Text |

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|Society |

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|Society and Mental Health |

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|Society & Natural Resources |

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|Sociological Focus |

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|Sociological Forum |

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|Sociological Inquiry |

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|Sociological Methodology Journal |

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|Sociological Methods & Research |

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|Sociological Perspectives |

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|Sociological Quarterly |

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|Sociological Research Online |

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|Sociological Review |

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|Sociological Spectrum |

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|Sociological Theory |

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|Sociologus |

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|Sociology |

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|Sociology of Education |

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|Sociology of Religion |

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|Sociology of Sport Journal |

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|South Atlantic Quarterly |

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|Southern Rural Sociology |

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|Studies in Family Planning |

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|Symbolic Interaction |

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|Teaching Sociology |

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|The American Sociologist |

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|The Edwardsville Journal of Sociology |

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|The Gerontologist |

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|The International Journal of Aging and Human Development |

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|The Sociological Review |

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|Theory and Science |

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|Urban Studies |

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|Work & Occupations |

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|Work Employment and Society |

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|Youth & Society |

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