
MMI3033 | DESIGN PROJECTMEDIA INNOVATIONDELTA 2009/2010SITUATION ANALYSISBRAND : 99SPEEDMART?Mohamad Azri bin Haji Ahmad (1061108397)Amir Majdi b. Kassim CHAPTER 1Problem Statement1. PROBLEM STATEMENTRetail store is a place where almost everyone got their own need by going there and purchase the things that they wanted to, regardless of age and which background that they came from, retail store is surely one of the places that they will surely go to in buying their personal needs. 99Speedmart? is one of the retail store that is up and running in Malaysia. Not many Malaysian knows about 99Speedmart? that offers far cheaper price compared to any other retail stores in Malaysia. Furthermore, 99Speedmart? is also a brand that can be consider young compared to any other brand in Malaysia. With limited stock of product line and also small stores, the chances of people going there are limited compared to bigger retail stores. In addition, it still does not have many outlets through out Malaysia.This situation analysis will then be focus on how to make the best approach to the audience out there by telling them the existent of 99Speedmart? and the special things about the brand, or in other word to maximize the advertising on the brand. At the same time, it will also help in boosting the sales of 99Speedmart? as being one of Malaysian based retail store. The studies will also be include the solving of issues, background research, methodology on how the research is being conducted, studies on the competitors, SWOT analysis and in the end, the solution.1.1 Mission and AimTo study on the market situation of 99Speedmart? retail store plus to come out with the best strategic approach related to advertising and promotion of 99Speedmart?.1.2 Objectivei.To study the growth and issues related to retail store industry.ii.To analyze the target audience and the relation between them and 99Speedmart?.iii.To understand the competitors of 99Speedmart?.iv.To learn and understand the brand of 99Speedmart?.v.To come with solution that helps in promoting 99Speedmart?CHAPTER 2The Industry2 THE INDUSTRY2.1History and Development of Retailing IndustriesThe history of retailing begins even in the early age of civilizations where groups began to trade with one another. The origin of this kind of act by human civilization in formally unknown but a lot of research on it has been made and assumptions and explanations had been given.If we go back in time, in the ancient world of retailing are mostly consist of trading goods with one another. In example, a person trades his goat with someone in order to get a bag of rice. This will then soon act as a tradition where people start to do this as their daily activities. The earliest traders as known by the history were Cretans Traders. Cretans are known for their skills and their willingness to sail far across the world, bringing some trading goods so that they can trade it with other civilizations from another part of the world. They flourished for 2000 years, their Golden Age and their culture influenced other great trading civilization within that particular of time.More in the early stage of retailing, Phoenicians are also famous for their trading skills. They created a rich sea-trading empire which spanned the world that we known today. Within that particular time, they were famous for having lots of trading ship that sailed across the world full with goods. Same as The Cretans, the also managed to achieve their Golden Age for having great benefits from trading that they have done.Furthermore in the history of retailing, from the Cretans to Phoenicians, then came the Roman empires. The Romans are also known for their huge success in the history of retailing. Romans are the on who established a sophisticated form of retailing that are being used till today. They are the one who start opening small shops within the multiple areas of their small city area, so that people can easily get reach of their personal needs from the small yet convenient retailers. In addition, history of the ancient ruins also indicates that the world’s first department store was in Rome. But unfortunately, with the fall of this empire, the development of retailing is buried, temporarily.After the fallen of the Roman Empires, in the 12th century artisan and tradesman form an organization in ‘guilds’ and begins to open small shops. ‘Guilds’ are known to part of the important of a city and town life. They are the one who helped in gaining the social and economic advantages in a civilization. In addition, ‘Guilds’ are also something similar to a brotherhood that helps each other from the political viewpoint in managing the way of retailing that has survived and still maintaining the world economy until today.Furthermore, in America, American Retailing institutions originated after 1850. By that time, general stores are the only retailer that is available. This is because during that particular of time mostly Americans lived on farms and were sufficient. So there were no big retailing stores were build within that particular of time. After the year of 1850, the economy are more stabilized and that were the time where bigger retail store were open. In example, Richs is one of the early retailing stores that were established in Atlanta back in 1867. In addition, Macy’s, who sells daily apparels can be traced back in the early of 1858.2.1Retailing in MalaysiaHistory of retailing in Malaysia is not much different compared the one known from the history. It begins with trading between peoples, small shops were open later on to fulfilled the need of people and later came the huge retail stores in the major cities in Malaysia. Here, international retailers play an important role in strengthening the economy of Malaysia. The competitive landscape in retailing in Malaysia remains highly fragmented, with the presence of small and independent players spread out across the country. In example, The Store Corp Bhd and Parkson Corp Sdn Bhd is some of the early retailers here in Malaysia.In 2008, retailing grows steadily even when the economy were affected by the global economy slowing down. Within that particular time, the increased of urbanization lead to more retail stores were opened and this time they are more focused on the urban area, where the consumer are near to it so that it will be more convenient for the consumer to go and buy their personal needs. The insight on Malaysia’s retailing development also proved that store-based retailing here in Malaysia achieves a better performance compared to others.2.1The Statistics of Global Retailing IndustryCourtesy of Moody’s Investors ServiceThis statistics provide detailed guidance on Moody’s approach to rate retail sector globally. Figure 1 : A bar graph indicates on Global Retail IssuerFigure 1.1 : Final Weighting Rating ScaleFigure 1.1 : Global Retail Industry Ratings – Selected Benchmark Retail IssuersFigure 1.2 : Weighting Factors and Rating ScoresFigure 1.3 : Overall Weighting Rating ScoreFigure 1.4 : Rating Grid MappingFigure 1.5 : Observations and OutliersCHAPTER 3The Company3 THE COMPANY03206753.1 IntroductionFigure 1 : Market Segmentation of 99Speedmart?As shown above is the market segmentation for 99Speedmart?. 99Speedmart? is under the category of retail store that has been establish many years ago. At the same time, being in a category of mini market, 99Speedmart has many outlets in the area of Klang Valley and also the federal territory of Kuala Lumpur. In addition, this company is a single ownership company. It means that it is own by a single owner, which is Lee Thiam Wah, The CEO of 99Speedmart?.3.2 The HistoryBack in time in the year of 1987, 99Speedmart? was known as ‘Kedai Runcit Hiap Hee’. It was open in residential area, which is in the area of Jln. Tepi Sg. Selangor so that many people around that area can easily go there and buy their personal needs. Lee Thiam Wah, The CEO of 99Speedmart? sees that, opportunity in going further in retailing business is there. Hence, he keep on going enlarging his small mini markets so that more product can get in and consumers can have a variety of selection on the product line.In 1992, the know ‘Kedai Runcit Hiap Hee’ changes their name to ’99 Mini Market’ in the area of Klang, Utama. This is the beginning of revolutionary steps of this company because during this particular time, this company is starting to get peak in sales. More to it, this company are slowly starting to change the way it look, the way of managing the company and even to the little, they have air conditioner applied in the outlets. This will is not only a step of trying to lure the customer to their mini market hence to give the consumer the feeling of comfortable while doing a little grocery shopping at their mini market.In the year of 2000, the name ‘99Speedmart’, registered company came true as this company yet steps into improvising their company background and style. As time goes on, they have already open 164 outlets through out the Klang Valley with their slogan ‘Near ‘n’ Save’. This slogan basically means that, 99Speedmart? is near and you don’t have to travel far in buying your daily needs hence, saving you expenses.3.3 Product Brand InvolvesHere is some of the product brand are being sell in 99Speedmart?All the above is some of the company that are selling their product in the store of 99Speedmart?. As a mini market, daily needs that are being supply by the big brand are vital in order to keep 99Speedmart? fully equip with all the high demand products.3.4 Operation99Speedmart? are open from 10am and closed in 10pm in the evening. The outlets of 99Speedmart? are equip with staff that can handle the outlets and served as to fulfill their customers need. For you information, each outlets are equip branch manager, storekeeper, cashier and also cleaner.As for the supply of the product, 99Speedmart? practice the culture of cutting cost as much as they can in order to get the cheapest offered price for consumers. Below is a figure of how they supply their product to each outlet:Figure 1 : Supply ChainReferred to the figure above, why do 99Speedmart? have this kind of ways in distributing the supply to all of its outlets is because by doing so, it helps in reducing the logistic cost. This is because, if the supplier supplied all the product to every outlets, the cost of logistic will be increased. More from figure as shown above, another reason in cutting the cost is by having a warehouse. In business, buying products in bulk is cheaper compared buying in small quantity. According to Mr. Yong, Trainer of 99Speedmart?, he said with warehouse you can buy product in bulk and at the same time you can discount price from the supplier. Hence, they only need to pay a single logistic trip, which is from the supplier to the warehouse to the supplier instead of paying the logistic trip to all outlets. If that happens, it will be costly.Furthermore, 99Speedmart? is having 3500 store keep unit (SKU), compared to other store for example 7 Eleven, they have only 1500SKU in every outlets. This means that in every outlets of 99Speedmart? there are over 3500 products being sold in range of groceries to drinks and even basic wear like slippers. 3.5 AwardsFigure 1 : Awards that has been wonAs shown above, 99Speedmart? is an awards winning mini market. 99Speedmart? has won ‘Brand Impact Award’ in the year of 2008 and also “Best Mini Market Award” in the year of 2009. The awards was given by Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri (KPDN) for their successful year in being the best mini market among them all in the same category. With both of this awards, it shows that 99Speedmart? is already far ahead in being the best mini market in Malaysia.3.6 Organization ChartFigure 1 : The Organization of the Company3.6 Financial MattersFinancial matter for each and every company is always private and confidential matter. As for this section, in order to respect 99Speedmart?, only the overview of the financial matter will be shown.99Speedmart? is among the fastest growing mini market in Malaysia. Over 164 outlets are open up until today and more will be up later. According to one of the staff of 99Speedmart?, cost that they need to spend in setting a new outlets is over RM200k and this only the applied to the appearance of the outlets, or in other products are not included. If product is counted in with the cost of setting up a new outlets, the total for an outlet would be RM500k.More on financial matters, the income from every outlet can reach up to RM450k monthly. So, annually every outlet will get income over RM5.4mil. But after all, this is not the amount that 99Speedmart? as their income. This is because, 99Speedmart still need to pay the suppliers, logistic and others. According to the staff of 99Speedmart?, they will only get roughly around 6%-7% of income in every money they gain.In Addition, 99Speedmart? make sure the customer are being put first in every way they can. So, by following this rule and by getting the low reselling price, 99Speedmart had to reduce the money that they have allocate for advertising in order to be use in any other section. So this is the lead factor that 99Speedmart? are far less being known by people because there were no advertisement are made to promote the company. As this happened, they are more depending on the consumers to spread the news to other consumers.3.7 PRODUCT LIFECYCLEFigure 1 : The Product LifecycleCHAPTER 4Product Comparison4 PRODUCT COMPARISONIn this chapter is the overview of product comparison.MILOFigure 1 : Taken from 99Speedmart?Figure 1 : Taken from CarrefourThe one that was taken from 99Speedmart are sold for RM23.99 compared to the are being sold in Carrefour which is RM24.90, plus this is the season where Carrefour are on sales but still 99Speedmart? are way cheaper.MINYAK CAP BURUHFigure 1 : Taken from 99Speedmart?Figure 1 : Taken from CarrefourThe price is appear to be the same which is RM13.35 per bottle both in 99Speedmart? and also Carrefour.HUGGIES DIAPERSFigure 1 : Taken from 99Speedmart?Figure 1 : Taken from CarrefourHere certainly 99Speedmart? offers the consumer far lower price compared to one that are being sold in Carrefour. 99Speedmart? are selling for RM35.99 but as for Carrefour, they are selling it for RM39.90, and that is almost RM5 extra.CHAPTER 5Consumer and Target Audience5 CONSUMER AND TARGET AUDIENCE99Speedmart? target audience is basically a residential area. According to Mr. Yong, Trainer in 99Speedmart? says that why are they targeting on residential areas is because it is easy for the consumers. At the same time, it is also significant with their slogan which is ‘Near ‘n’ Save’.With this technique of doing a business, consumer got the full benefits when the went to 99Speedmart. Near, cheap in price, less congested, great environment is among the factor why consumers would love to go to 99Speedmart?.5.1 DemographicAge : 25-35Gender : Both male and femaleEthnicity : AllEducation level : AllAllowance : Less than RM1500Geographical Location : Urban and Sub-urban5.2 PsyhcographicPersonality : Serious, caring, well-behaved, perfectionistAttitude : determined, focus, calmLifestyle : Standard society who care about the flow of their money especially in buying their daily needs.Perception : To take life as a serious matter and they believe that lacking control of cash flow is not good at all. In addition, they also care about the quality of a product that they spend the money on.Learning : A society that is easily influenced by friends, media or trend. Family members can also be one of the factor.Motivation and needs : The need in going through their daily lifestyle with all the items that they needs in order to go through their normal daily life.CHAPTER 6The Competitors6.0 THE COMPETITORS6.1 Direct competitors6.1.1 My MydinThe business started in the East Coast in 1956 and since then, the business has expanded to other states as well as to the capital, Kuala Lumpur in 1989 when Dato’ Ameer Ali bin Mydin started a new outlet at Jalan Masjid India, Kuala Lumpur.MYDIN’s currently has 42 outlets nationwide including 5 Mydin Mart franchise and 2 Hypermarkets. The stores are located all over the Klang Valley, Terengganu, Kota Bharu, Seremban, Nilai, Johor, Alor Setar, Melaka, Penang, Pahang and Kelantan. The 2 Hypermarkets are located at USJ, Subang Jaya and Kuala Terengganu.MYDIN has a strategic advantage over retailers as it sources directly from the manufacturers and purchases in bulk which enables them to get special discounts from the manufacturers, thus rendering it possible to fulfill its business philosophy of selling to its customers at wholesale prices. Its customers include end-users, wholesalers and petty traders. MYDIN sources its merchandise both locally and from other countries including Bangladesh, China, France, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Korea, Pakistan, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates and United Kingdom.Figure 7.1 Mydin LogoSimilarity: The Company retails household groceries and food lines.Strength: MYDIN’s currently has 42 outlets nationwide including 5 Mydin Mart franchise and 2 Hypermarkets.Weakness: Workers are totally outsiders (not Malaysian) 7.1.2 Econsave The history of Econsave began from a wooden sundry shop in Port Klang more than 50 years ago. Through years of hard work and perseverance, adapting constantly to the changes in the retail scene, Econsave has emerged as one of the largest retailers in MalaysiaIn the home state of Selangor, Econsave has the largest and most extensive network of branches in all the main towns in Selangor, unmatched by any other supermarket / hypermarket operators. Working hand in hand with Econsave means that your products will potentially reach the four million consumers in Selangor, one of the most affluent segments of the Malaysian population. In addition, Econsave has a strong presence nationwide and is constantly looking for new opportunities in Malaysia. Figure 7.2 The Econsave LogoSimilarity: The Company also retail household groceries and food lines.Strength: The largest and most extensive network of branches.Weakness: Hard to find the things as the store is too big and it is not in a good arrangement.7.1.3 KK supermartKK Supermart in 2001 with an initial capital of RM60, 000 to rent a shoplot in Kuchai Entrepreneurs’ Park and purchase computers and products. Owned and operated by KK Supermart Holdings Sdn Bhd, the chain currently comprises 35 outlets, of which one is in Kuching and the rest in the Klang Valley and Selangor.Recession or not, people are still buying their daily necessities, says founder and CEO Datuk Dr Douglas K.K. Chai, who also attributes it to the location of the outlets in housing areas as shoppers need not travel far to buy what they need on a daily basis.It is a 24-hours mini-supermarket chain venture abroad on domestic front which planned to expand the chain to the potential markets like Myanmar, Bangladesh and India due to huge population. Figure 7.3 KK supermart LogoSimilarity: The Company also retail household groceries and food lines.Strength: There are many outlets within the area so everyone can go and shop there.Weakness: Expensive than the other supermarket.7.2 Indirect competitors7.2.1 7-Eleven 7-Eleven? Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. is the owner and operator of all 7-Eleven? outlets in Malaysia. It is the pioneer and largest 24-hour convenience store operator in Malaysia. Incorporated on June 4, 1984, 7-Eleven? Malaysia has made its mark in the retailing scene and have been a prominent icon for over 20 years.Each of the stores carries over 2500 products, including its proprietary Slurpee? and Big Gulp?. It offers diversified products and merchandise ranging from fresh food; household needs to mobile phone reload cards. 7-Eleven? stores also provide a variety of services, from photo copying to fax and even courier services. With over 1000 stores, it still have on-going plans to expand its network of stores nationwide to reach out to more customers while continuously introducing new and innovative products and services to meet the customers’ requirements. Figure 7.4 7-Eleven LogoDifference: They open their stores 24 hours and the product lines mostly in lower volume and focusing high profit to cover their operation of 24 hours. 7.2.2 Giant HypermarketThe Giant store brand was founded by the Teng family as a simple grocery store in one of the suburbs of Kuala Lumpur in 1944. Its mission was to offer a wide variety of food products at the lowest possible prices. As its reputation grew, so did its business.Dairy Farm, which acquired Giant in 1999, recognized that the key to Giant's success had been its ability to continuously offer value for money products. It retained this core principle even as it began transforming Giant into a national and international brand.In 1999, the first Giant Hypermarket store opened in Shah Alam, Selangor. By 2006, the company had grown to operate a total of 86 hypermarkets/supermarkets in Malaysia with outlet size ranging from the 350,000 sq ft (33,000 m2) hypermarket in Shah Alam to the 11,000 sq ft (1,000 m2) supermarket in Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur. The chain also includes 6 stores in Singapore and 17 hypermarkets in Indonesia. Giant hypermarkets offer a wide range of local merchandise, such as fresh local fruits, vegetables, and seafood within a wet market environment.On March 22, 2008, the first Giant Hypermarket in Brunei Darussalam was opened on Gadong A, Brunei-Muara.Figure 7.5 Giant LogoDifference: They run their own franchise hyper market and their product lines are in high volume, using many man powers to handle the big stores, and also focusing high profit to cover the electricity, man powers and store rent. 7.2.3 Carrefour The number one retailer in Europe and the second-largest retailer in the world. In Malaysia, Carrefour is a leading hypermarket chain selling a wide range of household grocery products ranging from frozen goods and fresh products to textiles, garments and shoes, as well as electrical goods such as home kitchen items and audio-visual appliances. Carrefour is widely recognized as a convenient one-stop shopping centre that caters to a mix of consumers from housewives to students and working professionals. It respects its customers' freedom of choice through the variety of its store formats and the diversity of the products and brands they sell. It further enhances this freedom by providing thorough objective information. In addition, it gives consumers the freedom to buy at prices consistent with their purchasing power. It also provides the largest possible number of people with the opportunity to purchase consumer goods. Furthermore, it empowers our employees to take initiative and give them the freedom to act as entrepreneurs. Figure 7.6 Carrefour LogoDifference: Wide chain hyper market selling wide range of household products in high volume, with high man power so they target high profits to cover man powers costs, electricity and rCHAPTER 8Research Finding8 RESEARCH FINDING8.1 MethodologyFor this research, surveys, questionnaires and interviews related to the topic , which is 99Speedmart? has been conducted in other to get finding of the research. As for the surveys and questionnaires, Google Docs has been used in order to create the online surveys form () and distribute it to target audience. With this, they can easily get access to it and do the survey easily and shortly. Another method in research finding is with the method of interviewing consumers who visit 99Speedmart?. We documented the short and interview session with the consumer with video camera in order to fulfill the requirement in getting the result. This interviewing session happens at one of the outlets store of 99Speedmart?. In addition, we also interviewed one of the staff of 99Speedmart?, Mr. Yeong (pangkat) and it was on 25th November 2009, at 99Speedmart? Headquarters , Klang.8.2 Survey and Questionnaires ResultsFigure 1 : Pie Chart of genderFrom the chart is shows that almost 72% of males answered the survey compared to female which is only 28%.Figure 2 : Pie Chart of ageFrom the pie chart above, it show that 62% who answered this survey is between the age of 18-23.Figure 3 : Pie Chart of raceFrom the pie chart above, it shows that 87% of Malays who answered this survey compared to others which is 8% for Chinese, 2% of Indian and 3% for others.Figure 4 : Pie Chart of Marital StatusFigure 4 shows that most of the most of the people who answered the survey is single, 56% and 37% in a relationship, 5% married and 2% divorced.Figure 5 : Pie Chart of Occupation Status84% who answered this survey is student and followed by othersFigure 6 : Pie Chart of Monthly IncomeFrom the pie chart above, it shows that 44% 200-800 in monthly income answered this survey and followed by 32%, 200 and below of monthly income.Figure 7 : Pie Chart of trips per week went to mini marketFrom the pie chart above, almost 56% went 1-3 times to a mini market, followed by 3-6 times per weeks that is only 32%.Figure 8 : bar Graph of what are the thing that people consider in going to a mini marketAs shown in the bar graph above, near to 50 people who answered this survey said that price is the most important thing that they consider in going to a mini market. Followed items variability and also the distance that they need to travel in order to get there.Figure 9 : Pie Chart of have they heard about 99Speedmart??The pie chart above shows that almost 91% of people who answered this survey knows about 99Speedmart?, compared to 9% who have no clue of what 99Speedmart? is.What they think about 99Speedmart??Here is the top 3 answers of good response and bad response from the people who did this 3 Good Response :‘The service quite slow but the items at the mart quite cheap & variety. For me it more convenient plus it more nearer to my house. so it much easily for me to buy groceries items. Keep it up!!’“Variability items in one mini market, save time & cost. affordable price.”“Some items are price cheaper than other places and you don't need to buy certain items in bulk to get a cheaper price.”Top 3 Bad Response :“Only went in once...the vegetables all not fresh, dah busuk...very messy and a bit rundown.”“I don't really like the ambience of the store.”“I’ve been to Sri Kembangan, few days ago for the first time. I think they should put more groceries and make it even cheaper.”Figure 10 : Graph Bar of ways people know about a good mini marketFrom the graph bar above, it shows that more than 50 people who did this survey agree that by people reviews is the way for them to know about a good mini market, followed by Newspaper that falls in the 2nd place.8.3 An Interview with a Staff of 99Speedmart?20574003749675Figure 1 : Mr. Yong Eng Kwang, Training Manager, 99Speedmart?Mr. Yong Eng Kwang is one of the staff in the headquarters of 99Speedmart?. He is the one who trained new comers of the company in example the new staffs so that he will exposed them with what 99Speedmart? is all about.An interview session with Mr. Yong lasted about an hour and a half in a meeting room of the headquarters of 99Speedmart?. There are a lot of things that we talked and one of the most important thing is the background of 99Speedmart?. More to this, he spend his time telling us the origins of 99Speedmart? from being a single shops until what we have known today with many outlets that scattered all over Klang Valley and also within the federal territory of Kuala Lumpur.Furthermore, we also did interviewed him regarding the cheap price that they offered in all of their outlets in order to get more audience to come to their store and buy their product line. He said that, “buying in bulk always help in reducing the price”. This is the method that are being used by 99Speedmart?, they bought products from supplier in bulk and store it in their warehouse and at the same time they are the one who distribute all the products to each outlets. Hence, save a sum of money in area of logistic.As from us, we appreciate the time and the information that he gave us during the interview session plus we would also love to say thank you to 99Speedmart? in a whole for having us there with them. It was a great experience in knowing how 99Speedmart? works in delivering good service to their target customers.27432003302008.4 Interview with the visitors of 99Speedmart?2540031751143000290830388620029083013716001365252514600208280Figure 1 : Visitors of 99Speedmart?Here are the samples of questions that were asked :How many times per week did you go to 99Speedmart??What are the things that brings you to 99Speedmart??How do you know about 99Speedmart??What are the things that you normally bought here in 99Speedmart??Question 1 :Most of the consumer that has been interviewed by us said that weekly they went to 99Speedmart? almost 3 to 4 times. Mostly they will spend around 30 minutes in order for them to search the product that they wanted and to make a purchase on certain products. In addition, they also said that the key factor on how many times of them coming to 99Speedmart? is mainly depends on the product. In example, if the quantity of rice in their home almost depleted, they will then make their way to 99Speedmart? to make a purchase on more rice, so that they will have a sufficient amount of rice supply in their home.Questions 2 :From the interview session that we did with the visitors of 99Speedmart?, the things that lured them in coming to 99Speedmart? are mostly because of the price. As well all know, budget is the most important thing in buying daily needs. Without the proper planning of budget, it could be troublesome for people who are getting low income monthly. Furthermore, 99Speedmart? provide far lower price compared to their competitors. This is due to the buying in bulk system that is implemented as we were told by Mr. Yong. Other reasons for that brings them to 99Speedmart? are the environment of the outlets itself. On shelves product that are being arranged accordingly is also one of the factors. It somehow create the easy feeling for customers to come to 99Speedmart? and make a purchase on the items that they need.Question 3 :From the interview session that has been done on the visitor of 99Speedmart?, mostly they knew about 99Speedmart? is through mouth to mouth basis. This means that words of people talking about the benefits in buying from 99Speedmarts? are spread from a person to another person via talking with each other. Question 4 : There are lots of products available in 99Speedmart?. The most bought things and also the reason for them to visit 99Speedmart? again the basic household items. In example rice, baby milk, diapers, detergent and others. This is some of the most bought items in 99Speedmart?. They said that compared to any other mini markets or hypermarkets, all the items that they normally bought are appeared to be expensive. Hence, 99Speedmart? is the place that they have choose in order to buy their basic daily needs.8.5 Interview with the outlet staff of 99Speedmart?Figure 1 : Outlet staff of 99Speedmart?As shown in the picture above is Mr. Chee, he is the storekeeper of 99Speedmart? outlet based in Puchong Perdana. His age is 33 and as one of the staff of 99Speedmart?, he himself prefer to buy his daily needs here at 99Speedmart?. Below is some of the question that were asked during the interview session :When is the peak time where 99Speedmart? are filled with customers?Tell us a brief detail of you in becoming one of 99Speedmart?.What are the most bought items here in 99Speedmart??The AnswersQuestion 1 :According to Mr. Chee, in his experience working in one of the outlets of 99Speedmart?, he knows when is the peak time of 99Speedmart? outlets that will be filled with customers. According to him, times after working hours is the most filled time for 99Speedmart? outlets. Add on to that, he said that it is normal because after office hour, between 5pm to 7pm customers will be back from work and on the way back before the reached their home, they can straight away go to 99Speedmart? and make a purchase on the item that they need. After that, their customers can continue their journey back home with all the items that they need.Question 2 :Mr. Chee has been working with 99Speedmart? for months. According to him, 99Speedmart? is a good place to do a part-time job. This is because 99Speedmart? had never encountered any problems even of the economy is in a slummed. More from him, it is a good place for youngsters who having problem in searching for job since the company, 99Speedmart? are focused on getting local manpower for all their outlets.Question 3 :After months of experience in handling customers who visits 99Speedmart?, Mr. Chee said that items that are normally bought by customers is basically the daily used items such as diapers, milk, cigarettes and rice. All this items are sold with cheaper price compared to their competitors. He believe that is the major factor that lead customers made a purchase on such items.TABLE OF CONTENTCHAPTER 1 : PROBLEM STATEMENT2: Mission and Aim : ObjectiveCHAPTER 2 : THE INDUSTRY52.1 : History and Development of Retailing Industries2.2 : Retailing in Malaysia2.3 : The Statistic of Global Retailing IndustryCHAPTER 3 : THE COMPANY 12: Introduction : The History: Product Brand Involves:Operation: Awards: Organizations Chart: Financial Matters: Product life CycleCHAPTER 4 : PRODUCT COMPARISON 22CHAPTER 5 : CONSUMER AND TARGET AUDIENCE275.1 : Demographic5.1 : PsychographicCHAPTER 6 : THE COMPETITORS306.1 : Direct Competitors6.2 : Indirect CompetitorsCHAPTER 7 : RESEARCH FINDING427.1 : Methodology7.2 : Survey and Questionnaires Result7.3 : An interview with a staff of 99Speedmart?7.4 : Interview with the visitors of 99Speedmart?7.5 : Interview with the staff outlets of 99Speedmart? ................

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