With Sections on Diagnosing Oral Lesions and Post ...

August 2015 ? Volume 73 ? Supplement 1


with Sections on Diagnosing Oral Lesions and Post-Operative Medications

Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery


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Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Editor-in-Chief Editors Emeriti

Associate Editor Section Editors

James R. Hupp

Daniel M. Laskin Leon A. Assael

Thomas B. Dodson

John H. Campbell Dentoalveolar Surgery

Michael S. Block Implants

Edward Ellis III Craniomaxillofacial Trauma

Editorial Board

Eric R. Carlson Surgical Oncology and Reconstruction

Shahrokh C. Bagheri Scott B. Boyd Stephanie J. Drew Elie M. Ferneini David E. Frost Leonard B. Kaban

International Editorial Board

Continuing Education Statistical Reviewer Managing Editor Publisher

Asri Arumsari - Indonesia Peter Brennan - United Kingdom Nardy Casap - Israel Lim Kwong Cheung - Hong Kong Ann C. Collins - Australia Kyung-Wook Kim - Korea Reha Kisnisci - Turkey Mohammad H.K. Motamedi - Iran

Charles N. Bertolami

Sung-Kiang Chuang

Carmen E. Hupp

Elizabeth Perill

Jeffrey D. Bennett Anesthesia/Facial Pain

M. Anthony Pogrel Pathology

Michael Miloro Craniomaxillofacial Deformities/ Cosmetic Surgery

Janie Dunham News J. Michael McCoy Samuel J. McKenna David H. Perrott Faisal A. Quereshy C. Randolph Todd Trevor E. Treasure Brent B. Ward

Kenichiro Murakami - Japan Alexander D. Rapidis - Greece George K. B. Sandor - Finland Darryl Tong - New Zealand Corrado Toro - Italy Jia Wei Zheng - China

Michele Willmunder Journal Manager

August 2015 ? Volume 73 ? Supplement 1


with Sections on Diagnosing Oral Lesions and Post-Operative Medications

Editor: James R. Hupp, DMD, MD, JD

Officers Trustees


William J. Nelson, DDS President

Louis K. Rafetto, DMD President-Elect

Douglas W. Fain DDS, MD, FACS Vice President

Brett L. Ferguson, DDS Treasurer

Eric T. Geist, DDS Immediate Past President

Robert C. Rinaldi, PhD, CAE Executive Director

Steven R. Nelson, DDS, MS Speaker, House of Delegates

Victor L. Nannini, DDS Trustee, District I (Northeastern)

Vincent E. DiFabio, DDS, MS Trustee, District II (Middle Atlantic)

J. David Johnson, Jr., DDS Trustee, District III (Southeastern)

Paul M. Lambert, DDS Trustee, District IV (Great Lakes)

B.D. Tiner, DDS, MD, FACS Trustee, District V (Midwestern)

A. Thomas Indresano, DMD Trustee, District VI (Western)


Sections I, II and IV James R. Hupp,1 DMD, MD, JD

Section III

Edward Ellis III,2 DDS, MS James R. Hupp,1 DMD, MD, JD

1 Founding Dean and Professor of Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery School of Dental Medicine, East Carolina University

2 Professor and Department Chair, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, School of Dentistry, University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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