Basics of Islam NotesQuestionChoice 1Choice 2Choice 3The story begins 7th CE when the angel Gabriel appeared toAbrahamJesusMuhammadMuhammad’s society was intenselyMonarchicalTribalDemocraticMuhammad’s hometownMedinaJerusalemMeccaMuslims believe that God sent Muhammad as the finalProphetSon of GodTeacherThe Quran is written from the Point of View ofGodPeopleAngels__ are the basic acts considered obligatory (at least by Sunnis)The 5 PillarsSacramentsFoundations1st is the Shahada or the profession ofLoveWarFaithThe Arabic word for god isG-dAllahZeus2nd is the Salat orWorshipPrayerHymns3rd is the Sawm orFastingFeastingCelebration4th is the Zakat orCharity workAlmsgivingSinging5th is the Hajj orPilgrimageChristmasAdorationLike Christianity and Judaism, Islam has a __ called shariaBibleLawHolidayMuhammad’s belief that the Quraysh tribe dislikedMonotheismPolytheismAtheismIn Medina, the Islamic community started to look more like a(n)ChurchEmpireCultWhen Muhammad died, the first caliph wasAbu BakrMuhammad IIAladdinThe disagreement over who would become caliph led toWar2 SectsRevolutionThe first four caliphs became known as the ___ caliphsBadControversialRightly GuidedIt’s commonly said Islam spread by the sword, unless you areThe MongolsThe MongolsThe MongolsMany thought the successes of Islamic empires was because ofGodEmpiresArmiesBasicsIslam is the largest religion in the world with over followers. Islam means “” & followers are called Muslims, meaning “” Believe it was??over years ago in ,Arabia.Believe? there is only , The word for God is .God sent to mankind to teach them?how to live?according to His law, including . They believe that the was .Their holy book is the? WorshipWorship in a :Meaning Jumu’ah: : worship of a?mosque?and?Muslim?community among? Muslims.? : Ritual before prayerThe Five Pillars The five that Muslim must satisfy in order to live life.Shahada: Salat: Zakat: : Pilgrimage to Sawm: Holy DaysTwo Festivals set down in the Qur’anEid ul Fitr?End of , end of fasting begins at the first sighting of the The first celebrated by the? ?after the victory of a battleCelebrated by Time of Eid ul AdhaCelebrates willingness to sacrifice son Reminds Muslims of their willingness to . Meat is shared with family and distributed to Sharia Law regulating the daily lives for Muslims: Intended to ensure that all Muslims Comes multiple sources including the?(the Muslim holy book), the (sayings and conduct of the prophet Muhammad) and??(the rulings of Islamic scholars).Food Laws: (allowed) & (banned) All is halal. Only meat killed and the appropriate are said at its death or at the time of eating Cannot eat any food that has been , products, meat with from it; drink In cases of , may eat available, even pork, rather than suffer also need to be Halal JihadLiterally means “,” three typesA believer's to live out as well as possibleThe struggle to : the?struggle to , with force if necessary“”= struggle Giving up smoking.Cleaning the floor of the?mosque.Taking part in Muslim community activities.Working for social justice.Forgiving someone who has hurt them.Learning the?Qur'an?by heart or engage in other religious study.Overcoming things such as anger, greed, hatred, pride, or malice.What can justify Jihad as Holy War? The Qur'an is clear that is always the cause:Self-defenseStrengthening Protecting the of Muslims to their faithProtecting Muslims against , maybe overthrowing a tyrannical ruler who breaks an oathPutting A a Jihad if the intention is to:Force people to to Islam other nations to colonize them for economic gainSettle Demonstrate a Hijab Hijab is an Arabic word meaning “”Principle of and includes as well as for .Observe the hijab in front of they could theoretically . Not in front of their .Not in front of other Muslim , is debate about .Modesty rules are open to a wide range of interpretations:Wear garments that only expose their eyes. Cover except their face and hands. or their cleavage Niqab: the piece of face Considered , NOT 1132211762000 ................

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