
LATINO QUESTIONSWhich statement concerning Latino families is true?a. Familism is a defining characteristic of Latino families. Question 2 Government-supported child care isd. common in most countries, but is not provided in the United StatesQuestion 3 Jimmy goes to a party with his college buddies and has six beers in a row. Jimmy’s behavior would be best classified as c. binge drinking.Question 4 Alfalfa and Darla are married and have decided not to have any children. They should expect to c. be viewed negatively, especially by women. Question 5 Which of these would be properly classified as a macro-level reason for divorce? d. different cultural valuesQuestion 6 Which married couple is most likely to get divorced? c. Beavis and Madonna, who are American Question 7 Oscar is very worried about losing his job. Felicia feels comfortable that her job is completely secure. It is likely that Oscar isa. less wealthy than Felicia. Question 8 Ken and Barbie are sexually active singles who are discussing the idea of moving in together. They are definitely contemplating c. cohabitation. Question 9 The greatest worry of most adoptive, foster, and stepparents is that the adoptive child in their life will b. fail to bond with them. Question 10 Which statement best describes familism? c. family needs are more important than individual needs Question 11 If there were a phrase that would describe Stacy, it would be “laid-back.” She rarely gets frustrated or angry, could care less about “climbing the corporate ladder,” and is satisfied taking “life as it comes.” Stacy is best described as exhibiting b. Type B behavior. Question 12 Occupational burnout comes from an excessivea. feelings of exploitation. Question 13 When Bundy applies for a job as a shoe salesperson, he is told, ”Right now we are only hiring females.” This is an example of b. gender discrimination. Question 14 Dylan has been divorced for five years, but still is preoccupied with his former spouse, has not developed any new friendships, and is an emotional mess. Dylan is best described as having a “divorce ____.” b. fixation Question 15 Who is most likely to experience burnout? c. Tom, who is a psychologist Question 16 Which might best be characterized as a “trial marriage?” c. premarital cohabitation Question 17 Jim believes that he can improve his financial situation by getting a second job. Jim is exercisinga. primary control.b. secondary control.c. implicit stereotyping.d. skill acquisition.Question 18 In 1997, a 63-year-old woman gave birth to a baby that was conceived through d. in vitro fertilization.Question 19 Pay equity specifically involves equal pay for b. equivalent jobs. Question 20 Stereotypes c. are not used by intelligent people. Detail Required: LOW; Urgency: LOW natalia040406 (Offline) -- 37 Accepts / 39 Answered Questions (1 Open) Time Left: 4 days and 11 hours Status: Awaiting Customer Action Value: $20 Source: Web Info Request3/24/2012 at 2:58 AM (1 hour and 25 minutes and 18 seconds later)Hello, I would be happy to help you with this assignment. When do you need these answers? If I've helped, please click ACCEPT so that I can get credit for my work. This is informational only and is NOT legal advice. There is no attorney-client relationship. You are advised to consult an attorney in your state for specific legal advice. Kennedy (Online) What's This?HomeworkExpert's JURIS DOCTORATE with UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COLLEGE OF LAW was verified on or about 9/1/2009 by a leading third-party verification service. Click here to view the Terms of Service section on verifications. 99% Positive Feedback220 Homework Accepts Advanced Degree Degree in Science, 5 yrs--Math tutor, BA--Soc.Studies, 15 yrs. exp--Gov't work Reply3/26/2012 at 12:37 AM (1 day and 21 hours later)I need them answer by Friday March 30 please. natalia040406 (Offline) -- 37 Accepts / 39 Answered Questions (1 Open) Click here to view the Terms of Service section on verifications. Reply3/26/2012 at 1:36 AM (58 minutes and 36 seconds later)Top of Form21. Troy and Helen are both 55 and have been married for 20 years. However, they have grown apart, are “emotionally divorced,” and essentially live as housemates. Troy and Helen are best classified asa.married singles.b. empty nested.c.being in part-time cohabitation.d.being in a substitute marriage.22. Al and Peg are a typical American couple who have cohabitated for many years. If they later marry each other, they are likely to be _____ than other married couples that did not cohabitate.a.less at risk for divorceb.wealthierc.more religiousd.less happy23. Expression of negative emotions toward a spouse is positively correlated witha.early divorce.blater divorce.c.marital satisfaction.d.expression of positive emotions.24. Which statement by 25-year-old Flossie, who is typical for a person of her age, is most likely false?a.“I am as strong as I will ever be.”b.“I am a lot less coordinated than I used to be.”c.“My hearing is not quite as good as it used to be.”d.“My height has likely reached its peak.”25. As a typical wife, Edith would shocked to see her husband Archiea.mowing the lawn.b.scrubbing the toilet.c.changing engine oil in their car.d.painting the outside of their house.26. The fact that Molly’s spatial performance has declined while her verbal abilities have improved is support for the notion that intelligencea.is conventional.b.has interindividual variability.c.is multidirectional.d.is a life-span construct.27. Which least exemplifies the early stage of most marriages?a.husband and wives sharing activitiesb.husbands being very concerned with their wives maintaining close ties with friendsc.global adoration of their spouses qualitiesd.first marital stress involving monetary matters28. In the United States, _____ is the least popular form of cohabitation.a.part-timeb.limitedc.substitute marriaged.premarital29. Katie and Rob are seeing a marriage counselor, Dr. McMurray, to ask her advice about how to save their relationship. Dr. McMurray tells them that the reason they are having trouble is because “neither of you perceive that you are getting as much out of the relationship as you are putting into it.” This statement indicates that Dr. McMurray is a proponent ofa.homogamy.b.cohabitation.c.exchange theory.d.the family life cycle.30. Which best describes the findings from most longitudinal studies of personality stability?a.Personality traits are fairly stable across adulthood.b.Individuals become more psychopathic with age.c.Personality traits at age 20 predict virtually nothing at age 60.d.Individuals become more extroverted and open to experience with age.31. As a typical American male, which of Todd’s reasons for filing for divorce would be the most typical?a.“I hate my in-laws.”b.“My wife is one of those Women's Lib’ers.”c.“I drink too much.”d.“My wife had an affair.”32. Sheena is struggling to develop her math skills. She’s improving, but has a long way to go before she masters them. This process would be best described asa.skill acquisition.b.postformal thinking.c.implicit stereotyping.d.optimal level of development.33. Which best describes a stress-related appraisal?a.a decision as to whether an event may be too much for you to handleb.the emotion one feels after failing to deal with stressc.using an effective stress-reducing strategyd.losing your job34. Which of Deanna’s statements indicates that she is definitely experiencing “battered woman’s syndrome?”a.“I just killed my husband.”b.“I cannot escape this abusive relationship.”c.“I often hit my husband.”d.“I am sometimes afraid of my husband.”35. Tim is in a terrible bind. He has promised his son that he would go to his concert but is unexpected now expected to meet a job candidate at the airport at the same time. Tim is experiencinga.a glass ceiling.b.occupational priorities.c.career plateauing.d.work-family conflict.36. When discussing his new girlfriend, Mickey says, “I can tell her everything about myself.” Mickey clearly feels _____ toward his girlfriend.mitmentb.passionc.infatuationd.intimacy37. Mick has structured beliefs about females that seems to come into play in his interactions with women without him even realizing it. What term best describes this phenomenon?a.personal control beliefsb.reflective judgmentc.scenariod.implicit stereotyping38. For which occupation would you expect the least stress-related health problems?a.social workerb.CEO of a computer companyc.truck driverd.waiter39. Which of the following would best reflect a life story goal of communion?a.being a powerful CEOb.winning a Nobel prizec.natalia040406 (Offline) -- 37 Accepts / 39 Answered Questions (1 Open) Click here to view the Terms of Service section on verifications. Reply3/26/2012 at 1:36 AM (21 seconds later)Top of Form21. Troy and Helen are both 55 and have been married for 20 years. However, they have grown apart, are “emotionally divorced,” and essentially live as housemates. Troy and Helen are best classified asa.married singles.b. empty nested.c.being in part-time cohabitation.d.being in a substitute marriage.22. Al and Peg are a typical American couple who have cohabitated for many years. If they later marry each other, they are likely to be _____ than other married couples that did not cohabitate.a.less at risk for divorceb.wealthierc.more religiousd.less happy23. Expression of negative emotions toward a spouse is positively correlated witha.early divorce.blater divorce.c.marital satisfaction.d.expression of positive emotions.24. Which statement by 25-year-old Flossie, who is typical for a person of her age, is most likely false?a.“I am as strong as I will ever be.”b.“I am a lot less coordinated than I used to be.”c.“My hearing is not quite as good as it used to be.”d.“My height has likely reached its peak.”25. As a typical wife, Edith would shocked to see her husband Archiea.mowing the lawn.b.scrubbing the toilet.c.changing engine oil in their car.d.painting the outside of their house.26. The fact that Molly’s spatial performance has declined while her verbal abilities have improved is support for the notion that intelligencea.is conventional.b.has interindividual variability.c.is multidirectional.d.is a life-span construct.27. Which least exemplifies the early stage of most marriages?a.husband and wives sharing activitiesb.husbands being very concerned with their wives maintaining close ties with friendsc.global adoration of their spouses qualitiesd.first marital stress involving monetary matters28. In the United States, _____ is the least popular form of cohabitation.a.part-timeb.limitedc.substitute marriaged.premarital29. Katie and Rob are seeing a marriage counselor, Dr. McMurray, to ask her advice about how to save their relationship. Dr. McMurray tells them that the reason they are having trouble is because “neither of you perceive that you are getting as much out of the relationship as you are putting into it.” This statement indicates that Dr. McMurray is a proponent ofa.homogamy.b.cohabitation.c.exchange theory.d.the family life cycle.30. Which best describes the findings from most longitudinal studies of personality stability?a.Personality traits are fairly stable across adulthood.b.Individuals become more psychopathic with age.c.Personality traits at age 20 predict virtually nothing at age 60.d.Individuals become more extroverted and open to experience with age.31. As a typical American male, which of Todd’s reasons for filing for divorce would be the most typical?a.“I hate my in-laws.”b.“My wife is one of those Women's Lib’ers.”c.“I drink too much.”d.“My wife had an affair.”32. Sheena is struggling to develop her math skills. She’s improving, but has a long way to go before she masters them. This process would be best described asa.skill acquisition.b.postformal thinking.c.implicit stereotyping.d.optimal level of development.33. Which best describes a stress-related appraisal?a.a decision as to whether an event may be too much for you to handleb.the emotion one feels after failing to deal with stressc.using an effective stress-reducing strategyd.losing your job34. Which of Deanna’s statements indicates that she is definitely experiencing “battered woman’s syndrome?”a.“I just killed my husband.”b.“I cannot escape this abusive relationship.”c.“I often hit my husband.”d.“I am sometimes afraid of my husband.”35. Tim is in a terrible bind. He has promised his son that he would go to his concert but is unexpected now expected to meet a job candidate at the airport at the same time. Tim is experiencinga.a glass ceiling.b.occupational priorities.c.career plateauing.d.work-family conflict.36. When discussing his new girlfriend, Mickey says, “I can tell her everything about myself.” Mickey clearly feels _____ toward his girlfriend.mitmentb.passionc.infatuationd.intimacy37. Mick has structured beliefs about females that seems to come into play in his interactions with women without him even realizing it. What term best describes this phenomenon?a.personal control beliefsb.reflective judgmentc.scenariod.implicit stereotyping38. For which occupation would you expect the least stress-related health problems?a.social workerb.CEO of a computer companyc.truck driverd.waiternatalia040406 (Offline) -- 37 Accepts / 39 Answered Questions (1 Open) Click here to view the Terms of Service section on verifications. Reply3/26/2012 at 1:37 AM (48 seconds later)39. Which of the following would best reflect a life story goal of communion?a.being a powerful CEOb.winning a Nobel prizec.a life-long loved.being your own person40. How has the median age of first marriage in the United States changed from 1970 to 2006?a.It has dropped about 4 years.b.It has remained constant.c.It has risen by about 4 years.d.It has risen by about 8 years.41. How is gender related to caring for an aging parent?a.a son is typically responsible for careb.a daughter is typically responsible for carec.gender matters but which provides care varies by cultured.gender does not influence who provides care42. Based on the research findings of the Srivastava (2003) study of the Big Five, you would be most accurate in predicting that women's scores on _____ tend to _____ as they age.a.extroversion; increaseb.conscientiousness; decreasec.neuroticism; decreased.openness; increase43. The initial stage in friendship development is calleda.buildup.b.continuation.c.acquaintanceship.d.deterioration.44. Intellectual multidirectionality is based on the premise thata.no two people develop the same way intellectually.b.there is more than one kind of intelligence.c.most aspects of intelligence cannot be modified.d.with age, some aspects of intelligence improve while others may decline.45. Who would Erikson say is most capable of true intimacy?a.Cindy, who is over-dependent on her boyfriendb.Burt, who will go out with different people, but finds it scary to go out with someone more than a couple of timesc.Aileen, who has a clear sense of identityd.Harrison, who is 16 years old46. Helen has reached a point where she relies on the logical opinions of her professors to determine where she should stand on different issues. Helen is most likelya.at the end of her college career.b.in the middle of her college career.c.at the beginning of her college career.d.a returning adult student.47. Getting a more extensive education is one benefit ofa.the reasonable person standard.b.the glass ceiling.c.role conflict.d.changing occupations.48. Compared to 1970, the number of cohabitating couples in the United States had _____ by the year 2000.a.decreased significantlyb.decreased slightlyc.increased slightlyd.increased significantly49. What statement indicates that a couple is considering a “covenant marriage?”a.“We must both convert to the same religious faith before marriage.”b.“Before getting this divorce you should expect to wait through a 2-year separation period or prove that I am having an affair.”c.“This is a much easier route than the traditional 'no-fault' divorce.”d.“Remember that this is being done knowing that this will benefit the children.”50. Exercisea.is not related to physical health.b.can significantly slow the aging process.c.is beneficial to health but does not affect the aging process.d.should be avoided by people over 50 years old.natalia040406 (Offline) -- 37 Accepts / 39 Answered Questions (1 Open) ................

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