
TEAM FILES-632460-541020004248150-161925Total land area:?11,712,434 sq miles (30,335,000 sq km)Total population:?831 millionNumber of countries:?53Largest country:?Algeria 967,493 sq miles (2,505,810 sq km)Smallest country:?Seychelles 175 sq miles (455 sq km)Largest country population: Nigeria 120 millionLargest lake:?Lake Victoria, Kenya/Tanzania/Uganda 26,560 sq miles (68,880 sq km)Longest river:?Nile, Uganda/ Sudan/Egypt 4,160 miles (6,695 km)Highest point:?Kilimanjaro, Tanzania 19,341 ft (5,895 m)Major desert:?Sahara DesertLargest island:?Madagascar 229,355 sq miles (594,180 sq km)400000Total land area:?11,712,434 sq miles (30,335,000 sq km)Total population:?831 millionNumber of countries:?53Largest country:?Algeria 967,493 sq miles (2,505,810 sq km)Smallest country:?Seychelles 175 sq miles (455 sq km)Largest country population: Nigeria 120 millionLargest lake:?Lake Victoria, Kenya/Tanzania/Uganda 26,560 sq miles (68,880 sq km)Longest river:?Nile, Uganda/ Sudan/Egypt 4,160 miles (6,695 km)Highest point:?Kilimanjaro, Tanzania 19,341 ft (5,895 m)Major desert:?Sahara DesertLargest island:?Madagascar 229,355 sq miles (594,180 sq km)left129654[Grab your reader’s attention with a great quote from the document or use this space to emphasize a key point. To place this text box anywhere on the page, just drag it.]00[Grab your reader’s attention with a great quote from the document or use this space to emphasize a key point. To place this text box anywhere on the page, just drag it.]TEAM FILE: AFRICATHE SITUATIONAfrica is the second largest continent in the world. It makes up about a fifth of the world's land. It is surrounded by large areas of water. There are 54 countries in Africa, and 14.7% (1.216 billion) of the world's population lives there. It is the continent where the first humans evolved.Africa is now in a bad way. It is by far the poorest continent on Earth and it has a lot of problems that need fixing. It has worse technology, political development, human well-being and economic power. Africa is the least economically developed continent and there are lots of opportunities for quick economic growth that will help improve the lives of African people. Africa’s history is a story of being taken advantage of by European countries in earlier centuries. The political situation that they left behind is not good either. Africa has a lot of natural and human resources and if it can harness them, it will be able to solve its Earth Challenges. THE EARTH CHALLENGESCROP FAILUREAfrica has such hot weather and poor soil that their crops are dying regularly, meaning there is no food to eat. For more information: The problem:Until this Earth Challenge is solved, one of Africa’s farms will not produce any food. Ideas for solving this Earth Challenge:To solve this problem, Africa will need to solve at least two of these problems that are making their crops fail:weather is too hotseeds are low qualitythe ground is too hardthere is a lot of plant disease right1951500-9525-44767500DEBT CRISISAfrican economies have a serious debt problem. They have been borrowing money from other continents and from the World Bank, in order to build infrastructure to improve their economy. However, they have not been able to pay the money back quickly enough.For more information: The problem:Africa must pay $2 billion to the World Bank each dayAfrica must pay $2 billion to Europe each dayAfrica must pay $2 billion to North America each day472349936019200The total debt that Africa owes to each of these countries is $10 billion to each of the World Bank, Europe and North AmericaIdeas for solving this Earth Challenge:will you end up paying back all the money or think up some other way to pay them back?WARLORDSAfrica has many warlords who have taken control of some of the governments’ military units. One of the military units is secretly controlled and financed by the Iranian government (a country in Asia), and another is secretly controlled by a faction who is sympathetic with the aims of the terrorist group “Anonymous”.For more information, here is some examples of African warlords: The problem: One of Africa’s soldiers is controlled by Asia (led by secret powers in Iran)One of Africa’s soldiers is controlled by Anonymous4855210762000-552203-57595300DECOLONISATIONUntil about 1950, a lot of countries in Africa had been conquered by European countries and were still controlled by them. This has meant that a lot of Africa’s natural wealth (like gold, diamonds etc.) has been stolen by Europe. It also means that African countries have not been able to develop as much technology as some richer continents. For more information: The problem:Continued corruption means that all African resource production is reduced by 25% (steel, energy, food)Ideas for solving this Earth Challenge:Africa wants Europe to give it these things to pay it back for the time that it was under colonised European rule:$50 billion0-4937760049314108826500Europe must build Africa one mine and one farmSOUTH AMERICAN CHEAP COMPUTERSAfrica is poor and so it buys its computers from South America instead of from other more expensive continents. Recently though, South America has raised the prices of its computers to the same as they are everywhere else. This makes it hard for Africa to buy these important pieces of technology.The problem: Africa must give $5B to South America each turn for the extra computer costs until it deals with this problemIdeas for solving this Earth Challenge:48553624879400How can Africa get the computers it needs without paying this extra money?-616688-70174900DROUGHTDrought is when there is lower than average rainfall for a long time. Sub-Saharan Africa is experiencing an extreme drought. It is hurting farming and making famine conditions in Africa.The problem:Africa’s drought is producing a famine. It is losing 200m tons of food per game day. 3886200-14432Total land area:?16,838,365 sq miles (43,608,000 sq km)Total population:?3.81 billionNumber of countries:?48 (including Russian Federation)Largest country:?Russian Federation (Asian section) 5,065,471 sq miles (13,119,582 sq km)Smallest country:?Bahrain 239 sq miles (620 sq km)Largest country population:?China 1.3 billionLargest lake:?Caspian Sea 143,205 sq miles (371,000 sq km)Longest river:?Yangtze, China 3,965 miles (6,380 km)Highest point:?Mount Everest China/Nepal, 29,035 ft (8,850 m)Major desert:?Gobi Desert, MongoliaLargest island:?Borneo 292,220 sq miles (757,050 sq km)00Total land area:?16,838,365 sq miles (43,608,000 sq km)Total population:?3.81 billionNumber of countries:?48 (including Russian Federation)Largest country:?Russian Federation (Asian section) 5,065,471 sq miles (13,119,582 sq km)Smallest country:?Bahrain 239 sq miles (620 sq km)Largest country population:?China 1.3 billionLargest lake:?Caspian Sea 143,205 sq miles (371,000 sq km)Longest river:?Yangtze, China 3,965 miles (6,380 km)Highest point:?Mount Everest China/Nepal, 29,035 ft (8,850 m)Major desert:?Gobi Desert, MongoliaLargest island:?Borneo 292,220 sq miles (757,050 sq km)-62864-45720000TEAM FILE:ASIATHE SITUATIONAsia is the largest continent on Earth. It is in the northern hemisphere. Asia is connected to Europe in the west. Together, Asia and Europe are called Eurasia. Some of the oldest human civilizations began in Asia, such as Sumer, China, and India. Asia was also home to some large empires such as the Persian Empire, the Mongol Empire, and the Ming Empire.It has many different cultures that make it up. It has started to become very powerful in modern times, and is beginning to take over from North America as the world’s most powerful continent. It has always had a large population but it is now growing quickly. As its economy has improved, lots of people have been brought out of poverty, but it has also had a negative effect on the economy of Asia. Asia is a continent full of promise but also full of difficult issues.THE EARTH CHALLENGESTHE PALESTINIANSIsrael and the Palestinians are both fighting over a piece of land – it is the piece of land in the Southwest of Asia, just beside its border with Africa. Palestine needs Asia to give up some of its land so that the Palestinians can have a homeland. In the meantime, as Israel is part of Asia, it continues to fight the Palestinians.The problem:Each day, Palestine and Asia must have a battle of one land unit (Palestine) vs. two land units (Asia) until they come to an agreementAsia must also have two battleships stationed beside the Palestinian area so they cannot smuggle any more weapons into the area they controlIdeas for solving this Earth Challenge: 4851400146262right14504600this problem can only be solved when the Palestinians have their homeland set up as an independent country. -6927-44334500CONFRONTATION WITH NORTH AMERICANorth America has been the strongest military power in the world for the past 100 years. Now Asia is becoming increasing powerful and North America is not happy about it. They seem like they are going to fight unless they come to some kind of arrangement. An important part of their confrontation is that they are both paranoid that the other side is going to use their large military.The problem:5 soldiers, 1 battleship and 1 jet from both Asia and North America are fighting. They must fight to the death until this challenge is solved.4785360200025right19604400Ideas for solving this Earth Challenge:Neither side will be willing to negotiate peace unless they have equal total military forces. You can’t just say “we declare peace”. You need to explain why the two continents want peace.FARMING AFRICAWhen Asia developed so quickly in the twentieth century, it destroyed a lot of its land in the process. A lot of its farmland is now too polluted to use. It has now started buying land in Africa from corrupt officials and building farms there. This is stopping Africa from being able to build farms on its own land.For more information: The problem:Asia must build a farm in Africa every day, up to 4 farmsFor every two farms that Asia builds in Africa, Africa loses one farmright20383500Ideas for solving this Earth Challenge: Asia must decontaminate its own land so it can use it for farming. The cost will be at least $40B, depending on what method they use. .-28576-51655000ARMENIAN GENOCIDEIn 1915 about 1.5 million Armenians (a place in modern day Turkey, in Asia) were murdered. The modern country of Turkey now wants to consider itself part of Europe, but it refuses to recognise that this massacre ever happened. Until this happens, Asia puts sanctions on Europe.For more information: The problem:Asia loses $5B per day (to the Vault) because of the reduction in their economy due to the sanctions they have against EuropeEurope loses $5B per day (to the Vault) because of the reduction in their economy due to the sanctions they have against Asiaright15023000Ideas for solving this Earth Challenge: the modern Armenians (in Asia) want recognition of the massacre and they want a meaningful memorial site createdHACKINGNorth America has accused Asia of hacking into their government’s computers. Asia thinks that it is secretly Anonymous doing it. Until this gets sorted, North America will not trade with Asia.For more information: The problem:Asia loses 15M tons of steel, 10GW of energy and 50M tons of food per day because it can’t trade with North AmericaIdeas for solving this Earth Challenge:482287517025600how can Asia convince North America that they aren’t doing the hacking? Can they find out who is really doing it?-74428-64858600TSUNAMIThere was a huge undersea earthquake in the Indian Ocean. It resulted in a tsunami. A tsunami is a series of massive waves. It has wiped out whole communities in Banda Aceh in Indonesia. The area is devastated, and disease has broken out in the area, which has no electricity, fresh water or food supplies.The problem:The tsunami is destroying buildings. Lose 1 building per game day (chosen by Fate)48273271452300-67652-50482500TEAM FILE: ANONYMOUSTHE SITUATION4524375112395An emblem commonly associated with Anonymous. The "man without a head" represents leaderless organization and anonymity.Formation: 2004.Virtual communityVoluntary associationPurposeAnti-cyber-surveillanceAnti-cyber-censorshipInternet activismInternet vigilantism00An emblem commonly associated with Anonymous. The "man without a head" represents leaderless organization and anonymity.Formation: 2004.Virtual communityVoluntary associationPurposeAnti-cyber-surveillanceAnti-cyber-censorshipInternet activismInternet vigilantismAnonymous is a group of anonymous online activists. They are known for protests about being allowed to say whatever you want. They often protest against political corruption and censorship. “Anonymous” is the name of an international group of ‘hacktivists’ – computer hackers who use their computer skills to try and change the world in a certain way. They operate mostly online and can attack government computer systems and interrupt economies with computer viruses. They want the world to be a safer, more equal place. They have a manifesto (a public list of goals) and will do anything in their power to achieve their goals.THE EARTH CHALLENGESANONYMOUS MANIFESTOAnonymous has a manifesto. To solve this Earth Challenge, all of the things on Anonymous’ manifesto must be achieved.The problem:Anonymous are a terrorist organisation who will not stop until all the things on their manifesto are doneTo solve this Earth Challenge:All these manifesto items must be done:Every continent team except Africa must agree to give $2 billion every day to the UN so that the UN can spend it on helping the poor in the worldThe two richest teams must agree to give $25 billion to the two poorest teams (they want the world to be more equal between rich and poor)right108651000-52387400COMPUTER VIRUSAnonymous have invented a virus that can damage the world’s military systems. Unless their manifesto is met, they will be using their computer virus to mess up the military capabilities of other teams.For more information: The problem:The computer virus can control military equipment. Each day, Anonymous must move 5 military pieces to a different part of the world they choose478366716150200To solve this Earth Challenge: The Anonymous manifesto items must be completedDIRTY BOMBAnonymous has secretly bought a “dirty” nuclear bomb from North Korea. It is a nuclear bomb in a suitcase. They are threatening to use it to blow up a major city unless they are given $25 billion to help fund their organisation.For more information: The problem:Anonymous have a small nuclear bomb that they can secretly place anywhere in the world at any time and blow up everything in an 8cm radiusright31305500To solve this Earth Challengeonce you’ve managed to scare someone into giving you $25 billion, you will deactivate your bombELECTROMAGNETIC PULSEAn electromagnetic pulse is an intense burst of energy. It cuts the electricity after one has been unleashed. The governments of the world have been trying to destroy you, so they launched an electromagnetic pulse at your secret base.521589022606000The problem:You can’t use any of your threats like viruses or bombs until you have got your electricity put back on. You have to deal with this challenge first. 307239615240000-66675-45720000TEAM FILE: OCEANIATHE SITUATION3609975217170Total land area:?3,285,048 sq miles (8,508,238 sq km)Total population:?30.4 millionNumber of countries:?14Largest country:?Australia 2,967,892 sq miles (7,686,850 sq km)Smallest country:?Nauru 8 sq miles (21 sq km)Largest country population:?Australia 19.5 millionLargest lake:?Lake Eyre, Australia 3,700 sq miles (9,583 sq km)Longest river:?Murray-Darling, Australia 2,330 miles (3,750 km)Highest point:?Mt. Wilhelm, Papua New Guinea 14,794 ft (4,509 m)Major desert:?Great Victoria Desert, AustraliaLargest coral reef:?Great Barrier Reef, Australia 1,242 miles (2,000 km)00Total land area:?3,285,048 sq miles (8,508,238 sq km)Total population:?30.4 millionNumber of countries:?14Largest country:?Australia 2,967,892 sq miles (7,686,850 sq km)Smallest country:?Nauru 8 sq miles (21 sq km)Largest country population:?Australia 19.5 millionLargest lake:?Lake Eyre, Australia 3,700 sq miles (9,583 sq km)Longest river:?Murray-Darling, Australia 2,330 miles (3,750 km)Highest point:?Mt. Wilhelm, Papua New Guinea 14,794 ft (4,509 m)Major desert:?Great Victoria Desert, AustraliaLargest coral reef:?Great Barrier Reef, Australia 1,242 miles (2,000 km)Oceania is the continent made of Australia plus Papua New Guinea, New Zealand and lots of Pacific Islands. Oceania is the least powerful of the continents in EarthCraft to start with, but it still has a lot of influence and can make a big difference in the game. Oceania was originally populated by indigenous people, and then lots of people from Europe colonised the area. Oceania is very spread out continent with a small population. THE EARTH CHALLENGESSPACE JUNKThere are thousands of pieces of space junk orbiting Earth. Old satellites that have stopped working are just left to orbit Earth rather than being disposed of safely. This means there is a lot of space junk that might crash into the International Space Station or satellites at any time. The United Nations has said this space junk must removed. The best place to allow it to crash land is in the desert in Australia.For more information: The problem:Every day, a big load of space junk crashes into Australia. This might hurt the structures in Australia. Each day roll a 1D6, if it is a 1 or 2, Australia loses one structure (Australia chooses which)To solve this Earth ChallengeHow can you get rid of the space junk?475826727029900right27031100 -58709-45298500DESTRUCTION OF INDIGENOUS CULTURESOceania is a continent with a lot of proud indigenous cultures. A few centuries ago, settlers from Europe started arriving and colonised the land in Oceania. Unfortunately, they took this land from the indigenous cultures and in many cases killed them (on purpose or by accident). This has mean that in a lot of countries in Oceania there is a division between indigenous people and the descendants of the colonisers. Also, the indigenous people say that the resources in the land, such as steel, belong to them, and they are taking steps to stop the government mining it.For more information: .The problem:Indigenous groups are taking the government to court to say that they are owed some of the money from the mines that have been set up on land that was previously owned by them. Until this court case has been dealt with, Oceania’s mines will only produce half the normal steelIdeas for solving this Earth Challenge: how are you going to pay back the indigenous people for what was stolen with them? What agreement will you come up with that they agree to? The United Nations will be representing the indigenous people for this challenge.49109173013300BREAKAWAY COUNTRYPeople from a small island to the north of Australia wants to split away from Papua New Guinea and form their own country. This island has an important oil reserve underwater near it, and it wants this oil for itself and does not want to share it with the rest of the continent. 498094023050500The problem:One of Oceania’s oil wells is not producing any oil because the separatists are taking the oil for themselves.The separatists have their own small army (two soldiers) they want to use to start their own countryThese soldiers will attack any military unit that comes near itIdeas for solving this Earth Challenge: Oceania will need to somehow deal with the separatists request to stop trying to form their own country485140026581400They will also need to deal with the separatists’ soldiers21265-92503300UNEQUAL TRADE DEALS521589033972500526923036131500Trade is when groups sell things to each other. Sometimes a trade deal is unfair – one group does much better than another out of the deal. Oceania has lots of trade deals with the continent of Asia. These trade deals help the Asian continent but not Oceania as much. For more information: The problem:485965538169400Oceania must give Asia $10 billion every day. This is the unfair trade deals that Asia benefits from Ideas for solving this Earth Challenge: How can you make trade fairer between Asia and Oceania? What can you get from Asia to make it fairer? STOLEN HEAD51930302286000Europe colonised Oceania. They killed a lot of the original inhabitants, such as the Aborigines of Australia and the Maori of New Zealand. They also took back some important cultural artefacts. The problem: Europe has a large head from a dead body of an Aboriginal man. It is acting as a monument for them. They earn $10B per day in tourism from having it there48092367622600Ideas for solving this Earth Challenge: The artefact is Aboriginal and Indigenous Australians want it backBUSHFIREBushfires are more common because of climate change, which reduces the amount of rain and makes the temperature hotter. Bushfires are ravaging Australia..The problem:473265539814500Bushfires are burning your buildings. Lose one building per game day (chosen by Fate).0-45719900TEAM FILE: NORTH AMERICATHE SITUATION2524125150495Population:?more than half a billion people!Land Mass:?24,680,330 square kilometres (or 95,29,130 square miles). This is the third largest continent after?Asia?which takes the gold medal for size while?Africa?that takes the silver.Countries:?23Highest Peak:?the USA’s?Denali?rises to 6,168 metres (20,237 feet) above sea level.Largest Lake:?Lake Superior is 82,100 square kilometres (31,700 square miles) in area, about the same size as the country of Panama. It’s the largest lake in the world!Longest River:?The?Mississippi River?is 5,960 kilometres (3,700 miles) long.Smallest Country (by land area and population):?St Kitts and Nevis, a two-island nation in the Caribbean.Biggest Country (by land area):?Canada?is close to 10 million square kilometres in size. The?UK?could fit inside its borders forty times over!Largest Nation (of people):?the USA is home to almost 312 million, more than half of the population of North America.Languages:?English, Spanish and French are most commonly spoken. In the Canadian state of Quebec four of every five people speak French at home.00Population:?more than half a billion people!Land Mass:?24,680,330 square kilometres (or 95,29,130 square miles). This is the third largest continent after?Asia?which takes the gold medal for size while?Africa?that takes the silver.Countries:?23Highest Peak:?the USA’s?Denali?rises to 6,168 metres (20,237 feet) above sea level.Largest Lake:?Lake Superior is 82,100 square kilometres (31,700 square miles) in area, about the same size as the country of Panama. It’s the largest lake in the world!Longest River:?The?Mississippi River?is 5,960 kilometres (3,700 miles) long.Smallest Country (by land area and population):?St Kitts and Nevis, a two-island nation in the Caribbean.Biggest Country (by land area):?Canada?is close to 10 million square kilometres in size. The?UK?could fit inside its borders forty times over!Largest Nation (of people):?the USA is home to almost 312 million, more than half of the population of North America.Languages:?English, Spanish and French are most commonly spoken. In the Canadian state of Quebec four of every five people speak French at home.North America is a large and powerful continent. It has a strong economy and a lot of military power. It has been the most powerful continent on Earth for the last 100 years or so. Now other continents, especially Asia, are becoming more equal with North America. North America has a very advanced economy, but this might not last forever. Social problems are making life difficult in North America. It also has enemies in other continents because of its warlike past, particularly in South America and Asia. North America will need to learn how to live without being the strongest continent if it is to have a future.left-37994900THE EARTH CHALLENGESNUCLEAR MELTDOWNNorth America gets 10 gigawatts of its energy from nuclear power. However, a nuclear power plant on the eastern coast of North America has gone into meltdown. This is extremely dangerous.For more information, here is an example of a similar meltdown that occurred: 478917011366500The problem:Until this is solved, North America cannot move any military material within 5cm of the eastern coast (or across it) of North America. The nuclear waste coming out of the power plant will spoil 10% of all food in the world each day from day 3 onwards if it is not dealt with.North America cannot get its electricity from nuclear power any more as people are scared there will be another meltdown. This means North America must pay $5B per day to Asia to buy natural gas to burn to use as electricity.Ideas for solving this Earth Challenge:right8942200North America must somehow stop it from leaking radiation. You must design a solution for this. This will cost at least $30B.North America must not use nuclear power.North America must pay $5B per day to Asia. -90055-44334500UNEMPLOYMENTThe economy in North America has been strong for a long time, but it is starting to weaken. Now, poorer countries are taking jobs from North American companies because they cannot compete with places that pay lower wages. For more information: The problem:Each day, North America must pay $5B to Africa and $5B to Asia.485394028702000This represents the money that North America would have earned but is now being earned in these poorer areas.Ideas for solving this Earth Challenge:The US must invent 3 new industries (i.e. three completely new things you can have for a job) CONFRONTATION WITH ASIANorth America has been the strongest military power in the world for the past 100 years. Now Asia is becoming increasing powerful and North America is not happy about it. They fight until they come to an agreement. Both sides are worried the other side is going to use their military power against the other..The problem:5 soldiers, 1 battleship and 1 jet fighter from both Asia and North America are on their border fighting. They must have a full battle with all of these pieces.right444500Ideas for solving this Earth Challenge:Neither side will be willing to negotiate peace unless they have equal total military forces. If this can be arranged, the two sides might be able to make a peace treaty. You can’t just say “we are at peace”. You need to give a reason why the two continents would actually make peace-31898-71238000480695022288500RADICAL ACTIVISTS FROM SOUTH AMERICASouth America has been unhappy with North America for many decades. In the past, North America has militarily interfered with South America, and there are a lot of people in South America who are unhappy about it and who want revenge. They have sent secret activist military forces to attack North American structures.The problem:Each day, roll a 1D6. If a 1 or 2 is rolled, a structure has been destroyed by South American activists (South America chooses which).Ideas for solving this Earth Challenge:how can you stop the South American radical activists wanting revenge? Can you destroy the activists or do you need to make an agreement with them?4847065582600right698500FOREIGN SPACE BASENorth America uses a space base in the desert in Australia (in Oceania) to launch its spaceships up to the moon. They don’t pay Oceania anything for this. Oceania is threatening to shut down the base unless they get something in return.The problem:479287833134300Oceania will close down North America’s space base on Day 3 (and their astronaut dies) unless they get something in returnIdeas for solving this Earth Challenge: How can you help Oceania out so that they will let you keep your space base there? HURRICANE HORATIOA hurricane is a type of storm called a tropical cyclone, which forms over tropical or subtropical waters. A hurricane called Hurricane Horatio has developed in the Caribbean Ocean and is now moving across North America.5109845-63500The problem:The hurricane is destroying buildings and harming military units in its pass. Every game day roll 1D6. 1=soldier destroyed. 2= factory destroyed. 3 = mine destroy. 4 = oil well destroyed. 5-6 = farm destroyed. 473265531782500left-46422800TEAM FILE: WORLD BANKTHE SITUATION4564958157191FormationJuly 1944TypeInternational organizationLegal statusTreatyPurpose/focusCreditingMembership186 countriesPresidentJim Yong KimMain organBoard of DirectorsParent organization: World Bank GroupWebsite 1944TypeInternational organizationLegal statusTreatyPurpose/focusCreditingMembership186 countriesPresidentJim Yong KimMain organBoard of DirectorsParent organization: World Bank GroupWebsite World Bank is a bank that was set up by the UN to provide loans to developing countries so they can improve their economy. The World Bank’s official goal is to reduce poverty. They also try to help countries who have problems with their debts. The World Bank starts off with a lot of money, but don’t start with anything that can earn them more money. The World Bank has an interest in the financial activities of all the teams in the world. DUTIESEveryone must submit a budget form to the World Bank for checking every day. The World Bank must make sure that their maths is correct. If any continent is losing money, they should help fix the problem or give them a loan (which must be paid back with 10% interest). The World Bank is in charge of the Vault – the store of the world’s money – this is separate to the World Bank’s own budgetThe World Bank has several items for sale (they must put the money in the Vault)-31531-37994800THE EARTH CHALLENGESGLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISISLots of countries have been overvaluing the price of their economy for many years. Now it has become so bad that a global financial crisis (GFC) is about to happen, unless the World Bank can help everyone to avoid it. The problem behind the GFC is that each continent has said that its economy is stronger than it actually is. Every continent team has lied and said that it has 10% more cash, oil and steel than it really does.For more information: The problem:Starting on day 3 each team will lose 25% of its cash reserves every round until this problem can be solved. (World Bank must remind people of this when they’re doing their budget and supply forms)To solve this Earth Challenge:right10401700The World Bank must convince every continent team that they need to correctly calculate their economy. Everyone will have to agree to drop their reserves down to the correct amount, going down by 10% -34636-49876400PRICE AGREEMENT ON A COMMODITY50209455715000World commodities like food, oil and steel don’t have fixed prices, so continents trade for them differently each time. The World Bank wants a price agreement for these three important products.The problem: The World Bank must oversee every trade until a fixed price is agreed upon.right1862300Ideas for solving this Earth Challenge: All must agree on a fixed cash price for food, steel and energy. MOON PROFIT SHARINGThe World Bank thinks it is unfair only some countries get profits from mining the moon. It thinks these should be shared.The problem: The World Bank requires each team moon mining to give them $5B each time they mine the moon.right46302900Ideas for solving this Earth Challenge:How can you convince all the groups with astronauts to share their moon mining profits? STOCK MARKET CRASHA stock market crash is when investors lose confidence in the market and start selling stocks. This reduces the prices of all the shares. As panic sets in, stock prices get lower and lower. When stocks drop in price, people and governments lose lots of money. The problem:473265539814500All continents lose $2B every game day.-27709-42949100TEAM FILE: SOUTH AMERICATHE SITUATION4121150143510 Population:?about 390 million, but that’s only half the amount that live in?Europe.Land Area:?17,815,420 square kilometres (6,878,570 square miles) or 12% of the world’s land area.Countries:?12Highest Peak:?Cerro Aconcagua?is located in?Argentina?and rises to 6959 metres (22,832 feet) above sea level.Largest Lake:?Lake Titicaca, on the border of?Peru?and?Bolivia.Longest River:?The?Amazon?is 6,516 kilometres?(3,825 miles) long, it’s the second longest river in the world.Smallest Country (by land area and population):?Suriname, which could fit into Brazil 50 times over!Biggest Country (by land area and population)?:?BrazilLanguages: Portuguese and Spanish are the most common languages but in Brazil 180 languages are spoken00 Population:?about 390 million, but that’s only half the amount that live in?Europe.Land Area:?17,815,420 square kilometres (6,878,570 square miles) or 12% of the world’s land area.Countries:?12Highest Peak:?Cerro Aconcagua?is located in?Argentina?and rises to 6959 metres (22,832 feet) above sea level.Largest Lake:?Lake Titicaca, on the border of?Peru?and?Bolivia.Longest River:?The?Amazon?is 6,516 kilometres?(3,825 miles) long, it’s the second longest river in the world.Smallest Country (by land area and population):?Suriname, which could fit into Brazil 50 times over!Biggest Country (by land area and population)?:?BrazilLanguages: Portuguese and Spanish are the most common languages but in Brazil 180 languages are spokenSouth America is home to a party-loving, vibrant group of communities. It has a troubled history, with wars of independence against the Europeans who colonised it, and against its powerful and war-hungry northern neighbours in North America. South America is a large continent with a mixture of indigenous people and descendants of European colonists, mostly from Spain and Portugal. It has a lot of social problems like crime, corrupt politicians and weak economies. South America has a lot of potential but it is not being used well as it could be. THE EARTH CHALLENGESREDUCED RIVER FLOWS A lot of the electricity in South America is produced from hydroelectricity, where electricity is created by water falling over a turbine. The Amazon River, the longest and most important river in South America, is where a lot of this electricity is created. Unfortunately, lots of poor farmers have been moving into the Amazon rainforest and cutting it down to start farms on. They have been diverting the water from the Amazon River to use for farming. Now there isn’t enough water flowing into the hydroelectric power plants at the end of the river.The problem: Not enough electricity generation means that South America’s economy cannot run properly.Each day, South America must choose to eitherlose $15B orlose 20 gigawatts of energyIdeas for solving this Earth Challenge: Is there some other way that South America can produce electricity?485203533591500right70230031898-58479100DEFORESTATIONThe Amazon Rainforest is a very important forest for the health of the planet. There are so many trees in the forest that it soaks up a lot of carbon dioxide pollution and produces lots of oxygen for animals and humans to breathe. Without it, the climate will heat up a lot and people will suffer more from pollution. Poor people from South America are cutting down the rainforest and turning it into farms because they have run out of land to farm elsewhere.For more information: The problem:485140048739100South America is being forced to pay the UN $5B every day because they are destroying a forest that is important for the whole world. All the other continents are forcing South America to do this with the hope that the UN might be able to use the money to fight climate change.Ideas for solving this Earth Challenge:To stop the rainforest being cut down, South America will have to close down two of its farms in the forestThink of a way to stop people cutting down the forestPOLITICAL INTERFERENCE FROM NORTH AMERICANorth America has interfered South America for years. A lot of companies from North America make money in South America. But South America thinks this is unfair because it drains money out of the continent.48641009842500The problem: South America must give North America $10B each turn. This is the profit North American companies make in South America.Ideas for solving this Earth Challenge: How can you stop North American companies from taking money out of South America? Using force or by negotiating?476338618072400-95693-49973000HAWAIIAN ARTEFACTSome Hawaiian cultural artefacts washed up on a beach in South America. South America does not want to return them, because they are still angry at how North America has treated South America in the past.The problem:485140038078900 South America has a large Hawaiian artefact. It is a monument for them, so they earn $10B per day from tourismIdeas for solving this Earth Challenge: Will you give the artefact back? Why? 13855-430876400DECOLONISATIONSpain and Portugal conquered South America in the 1500s from the civilisations (Aztec and Inca) that already lived there. They stole their land and killed many of their people. Now South America wants Europe to pay for the damage they didFor more information: The problem:South America has taken Europe to the UN about this issue and Europe must pay South America and the UN $5B each per dayIdeas for solving this Earth Challenge:479171047244000right46799500 South America wants Europe to pay for expensive indigenous cultural education centres in both Europe and in South America. It will need to include education and exhibits on native language, music, art, religion and social practices.-116958-51036300LANDSLIDESLandslides happen when rain floods land and makes the ground unstable. There have been massive rains around Rio Di Janeiro, the capital city of Brazil, the largest country in South America. The problem:473265539814500The landslides cause random damage. Every game day roll 1D6. 1 = factory destroyed. 2 = lose $10B. 3 = lose 1 military unit. 4 = lose 200 food. 5 = lose 30 steel. 6 = lose 20 energy.TEAM FILE: UNITED NATIONSTHE SITUATION4599248115050Headquarters: New York City (International territory)Official languages: Arabic Chinese English French Russian SpanishType:Intergovernmental organizationMembership: 193 member states2 observer states00Headquarters: New York City (International territory)Official languages: Arabic Chinese English French Russian SpanishType:Intergovernmental organizationMembership: 193 member states2 observer statesThe United Nations (UN) is an international organisation that was set up after World War Two. It was created to promote world peace. The United Nations usually gets its funding from all the continents in the world all paying some money each (like a tax). Its main goals are to promote peace, enhance the economies of the world, improve social wellbeing in all continents, promote international justice (it has an international court where continents can be taken to court), help the poor, and promote culture worldwide.DUTIESThe UN has very important duties. Log any negotiations or treatiesAll international treaties must be given to the UN after they have been written up, agreed to and signed by all the people necessary. The UN keeps these negotiations and treaties so that groups can refer to them if there is ever a future disagreement.Enforce rules“Interpol” earns money for the UN by handing out finesRecord reserves“World Trade Organisation” records any changes to reserves on the whiteboardTHE EARTH CHALLENGESDISARMAMENT511429030924500One of the UN’s most important goals is to promote world peace. This is difficult to do with so many military units in the world. The UN also wants to completely get rid of all nuclear weapons.For more information: The problem: There are too many military units and nuclear bombers in the world.Ideas for solving this Earth Challenge:48176602111700 The UN must get the total number of military units in the world to less than 40. It must also get rid of all nuclear bombers. MONUMENTSThe UN believes all continents should have impressive monuments in their continent. 48574859525000The problem:Every team that hasn’t built a monument yet must pay $1B per day to the UNIdeas for solving this Earth Challenge: How are you going to convince every continent to build a monument? RICH VS POOR517398022352000There has been a big divide in history between the rich continents, Europe and North America, and everyone else. The UN wants to correct this problem. For more information: The problem:Unfair trade deals mean that Africa must pay Europe and North America $2B each per day.Ideas for solving this Earth Challenge:right29407100Europe and North America must agree to either a large lump sum payment, and ongoing daily payment, or buy some structures for the poor continent of Africa.MALARIAMalaria is an infectious disease caused by a parasite: it is spread by the bite of an infected mosquito. People catch malaria when the parasite enters the blood. The parasite causes a deadly infection which kills many people each year.The problem:473265539814500Every game day roll 1D6. Spend that time $5B dealing with malaria.21265-56352600TEAM FILE: EUROPE3400425409575Population:?about 740 million. That’s sounds a lot but there are five times that number of people living today in Asia!Land Area:?9,908,600 square kilometres (or 3,825,730 square miles) – it’s about a third of the size of?Africa.Countries:?46 countries (of which 27 are members of the European Union or EU).Highest Peak:?Mount Elbrus?in?Russia?stands at 5,643 metres above sea level.Largest Lake:?Lake Ladoga in north western Russia has an area of 17,700 square kilometres (6,800 square miles).Longest River:?The Volga River in Russia is 3,530 kilometres (2,193 miles) long.Smallest Country (by land area and population):?Vatican City is a tiny country within the?Italian?city of?Rome. The Pope, the leader of the worldwide Catholic Church, lives here along with its 800 other citizens.Biggest Country (by land area):?the?Russian Federation?is the biggest country by land area, not just in Europe but across the whole world!Languages:?there are more than 200 different languages spoken in Europe. The EU recognises 23 languages that are in common use amongst its member countries, where two of every three Europeans live.00Population:?about 740 million. That’s sounds a lot but there are five times that number of people living today in Asia!Land Area:?9,908,600 square kilometres (or 3,825,730 square miles) – it’s about a third of the size of?Africa.Countries:?46 countries (of which 27 are members of the European Union or EU).Highest Peak:?Mount Elbrus?in?Russia?stands at 5,643 metres above sea level.Largest Lake:?Lake Ladoga in north western Russia has an area of 17,700 square kilometres (6,800 square miles).Longest River:?The Volga River in Russia is 3,530 kilometres (2,193 miles) long.Smallest Country (by land area and population):?Vatican City is a tiny country within the?Italian?city of?Rome. The Pope, the leader of the worldwide Catholic Church, lives here along with its 800 other citizens.Biggest Country (by land area):?the?Russian Federation?is the biggest country by land area, not just in Europe but across the whole world!Languages:?there are more than 200 different languages spoken in Europe. The EU recognises 23 languages that are in common use amongst its member countries, where two of every three Europeans live.THE SITUATIONEurope is the continent on the Western edge of the largest landmass on Earth. Despite its small size, it is extremely powerful and rich because it has been ahead of other countries in technology for centuries. It became powerful by taking advantage of other parts of the world. THE EARTH CHALLENGESANTI-IMMIGRATION RIOTSBecause Europe is such a rich continent, lots of people from other places want to live there. People from Africa and Asia have been moving into Europe. A lot of European people are not happy about this and they are rioting.For more information: The problem:Anti-immigration riots have turned violent. Every day roll 1D6. On a 1 or 2, one European soldier dies or structure is destroyed (Europe chooses).Ideas for solving this Earth Challenge:486092531559500Make agreements with Asia and Africa to stop people coming across the borders. They will want something in return. 12700-46037500TERRORISMEurope has been involved in a lot of wars and has many enemies. A few years ago, Europe was heavily involved in wars in the Middle East (part of the Asian continent) and a lot of the people there are still very angry with them for that war. Some of them secretly enter Europe and carry out terrorist attacks as revenge.For more information: The problem:Every day, roll a 1D6, if it is a 1, 2 or 3, one military unit from Europe is destroyed by terrorists (Asia chooses).Ideas for solving this Earth Challenge:48507651270000right2095500either make some agreement with Asia to say sorry and compensate them for what Europe did in the past or Defeat all the terrorists.533844525717500TRADE WAROceania’s two biggest countries, New Zealand and Australia, used to sell all their farm products (wheat, wool, meat, milk etc.) on the European market and make lots of money. However, Europe has put a 10% tariff (like an extra tax on products coming in to your economy) on goods from Oceania. This means that Oceania don’t make good money from selling their products to Europe any more. There has been an incident on the oceans. A battleship from Oceania was escorting farm product shipments to Europe and was going to try and force Europe to buy them without the tariff. Instead, Europe has sent a battleship to destroy it.For more information: The problem:Oceania and Europe are fighting a war with battleships. If either stop fighting, the other can destroy all their battleships without rolling any dice.Ideas for solving this Earth Challenge:right2159000Europe and Oceania must come to some kind of agreement that deals with the problems: Oceania wants to be able to sell its farm products to Europe without a tariffEurope wants the tariff on there so that Europeans will buy farm products from Europeans themselves. You can’t just sign a treaty saying you are at peace, you must say why they have made peace.-42530-51036300RUBBISH IN THE NORTH ATLANTIC GYREA gyre is a big vortex in the sea where ocean currents swirl in large circles. The North Atlantic gyre is a circular current that goes around the Atlantic, the big ocean between North America and Europe. Unfortunately, it is full of rubbish.For more information: The problem:every boat in the gyre must roll 1d6 every day – if they get a 1 or 2, the boat is sunk from crashing into rubbish in the gyreEurope and North America both lose 50M tons of food per day as their food trading is so inefficientIdeas for solving this Earth Challenge:How are you going to clean up the rubbish patch? 489623422634100BRAIN DRAIN / BRAIN GAINThe Palestinian cause is being hindered by a lot of their most talented people leaving and moving to Europe, instead of staying in Palestine and helping create their homeland. The people are lured to Europe by its higher wages, more jobs, and better standards of living.For more information: The problem:Palestine won’t have the well-trained people they need to set up their homeland unless they stop this ‘brain drain’. Ideas for solving this Earth Challenge:477520024553300Europe needs to stop the best people leaving Palestine.-31898-51036300FLOODSA flood is an overflow of water on land which is usually dry. Sometimes a water resource (river, lake or pond) gets flushed with too much water. Unusually heavy rain sometimes causes floods. When there is too much water, it may overflow beyond its normal limits. This water then spreads over land, flooding it. There have been heavy rains in Europe and floods from the overflowing rivers are causing a lot of damage.The problem:473265539814500Floods are causing random damage across Europe. Every game day roll 1D6. 1 = lose $20B. 2 = lose 300 food. 3 = lose two military. 4 = lose 1 building. 5 = lose 20 steel. 6 = lose 30 energy. -135713-44544500TEAM FILE: GREENPEACE4233545413385Type: NGOFounded: 1971 in Vancouver, CanadaHeadquarters:Amsterdam, Netherlands (international)Key people: Kumi Naidoo, Executive DirectorArea served: WorldwideFocus:Environmentalism, peaceMethod: Direct action, lobbying, research, innovationVolunteers: 15,000Website: 00Type: NGOFounded: 1971 in Vancouver, CanadaHeadquarters:Amsterdam, Netherlands (international)Key people: Kumi Naidoo, Executive DirectorArea served: WorldwideFocus:Environmentalism, peaceMethod: Direct action, lobbying, research, innovationVolunteers: 15,000Website: THE SITUATIONGreenpeace is an international charity changing attitudes and behaviour, to protect the environment and to promote peace by:Changing how we produce energy to fight climate change.Defending our oceans by challenging wasteful and destructive fishing, Protecting the world’s remaining ancient forestsWorking for disarmament and peaceCampaigning for sustainable agricultureAll Greenpeace actions are based on a common set of values and should therefore be: nonviolent, independent and international. Greenpeace earns $10B per turn in donations.THE EARTH CHALLENGESCLIMATE CHANGEThe single biggest problem on Earth is the amount of pollution humans are creating. This is causing the climate to change in dramatic ways. Until humankind can deal with its addiction to pollution, Earth will suffer from climate change: sea levels will rise, storms will destroy things and the temperature will rise and rise.For more information: The problem:Every day, roll 1D6. If it is a 1, one structure from the most powerful continent (decided by Greenpeace) is destroyed by a freak weather event.right000Ideas for solving this Earth Challenge: Earth must completely stop using oil to produce energy. -27710-48490800LOSS OF BEESEurope has been polluting from factories for centuries. It has also been cutting down forests to make cities bigger and make more room for farmland. This has meant a lot of species are going extinct. One species is needed for farming to continue: bees. Bees pollinate plants. Without bees, there will not be any new plants to farm. Bees have been killed in large numbers because most farmers use pesticides to kill bugs that also accidentally kill bees.For more information: The problem: 474091025786800The lack of bees is impacting Europe’s farms. Until this Earth Challenge is solved, Europe’s farms only make 100M tons of food per turn, not 150MIdeas for solving this Earth Challenge: How can you stop bees from dying? What is killing them? Can we stop doing whatever it is that kills them?THE ENDANGERED BLUE FOXThe Blue Fox lives in an environment that has many military and polluting structures in it. Unless these are removed, the Blue Fox will go extinct. The problem:If the Blue Fox has any units or structures within 5cm of it in any direction by day 3, it will go extinct.Ideas for solving this Earth Challenge:474133331305500Clear the Blue Fox’s habitat. It costs $2B to move structures. -7315-486461 00 CHERNOBYLIn 1986, a nuclear power plant in Europe (in Chernobyl, Ukraine) blew up, causing massive radiation to leak out. It has been cleaned up quite badly and still leaks radiation today. Unless it is properly cleaned up there will be very negative consequences.For more information: The problem:485290127495500Every day roll 1d6. Whatever number it is, that team loses 200M tons of food to radiation poisoning. (1 = Africa, 2 = Asia, 3 = Europe, 4 = North America, 5 = South America, 6 = Oceania)Ideas for solving this Earth Challenge:How are you going to stop the explosion site from leaking radiation? MOON MINING BANGreenpeace doesn’t like moon mining. It thinks that the material brought back from the moon has harmful chemicals in it. The problem:Greenpeace wants all moon mining to stop and for all astronauts to come back to Earth safely.Ideas for solving this Earth Challenge:492277418727400How can you convince all the teams with astronauts to stop moon mining and to bring their astronauts back to earth? 0-489098 00 OIL SPILLThe pollution of the environment with crude or mineral oil or their by-products is called an oil spill. Oil from ships and oil tankers can spill onto the sea water and pollute the water. Oil poisons and harms the aquatic organisms and sea birds. The fur of sea mammals and the feathers of sea birds can be damaged by the oil. There has been an oil spill by BP (British Petroleum) in the Caribbean Sea, and it is leaking lots of oil.The problem:The oil spill is costing money. Roll 1D6. 1-3 = North America loses $10B. 4-6 = South America loses $10B48552101745670010633-608182300TEAM FILE: PALESTINETHE SITUATION4356735136525Status: Partially recognized state, UN observer stateRecognized by 136 UN member statesProclaimed capital: Jerusalem Administrative center: RamallahLargest city: Gaza CityOfficial language: ArabicArea Total: 6,220 km2 (2,400 sq mi)Population: (2014 estimate) 4,550,368Density: 731/km2 (1,893.3/sq mi)GDP Per capita: (2008 estimate) $2,90000Status: Partially recognized state, UN observer stateRecognized by 136 UN member statesProclaimed capital: Jerusalem Administrative center: RamallahLargest city: Gaza CityOfficial language: ArabicArea Total: 6,220 km2 (2,400 sq mi)Population: (2014 estimate) 4,550,368Density: 731/km2 (1,893.3/sq mi)GDP Per capita: (2008 estimate) $2,900Palestine is a small area on the eastern border of the Mediterranean Sea. The area is important for a lot of groups because it is strategically placed near three continents – Africa, Asia and Europe. It is officially part of the continent of Asia, but some people call this area the “Middle East”. Palestine is the historical homeland of the people now known as the Palestinians. It is also the historical homeland of some other peoples. The Jewish people now have a country called Israel which is just beside Palestine. Israel is also in Asia. Palestine is a sacred place for three different religions – Christianity, Islam and Judaism. The Palestinians are a group of Muslim Arab people who have been living in the area for centuries. In the twentieth century, some of their land was used to create the country called Israel, and the two groups have been in conflict ever since. Sometimes, Israel builds houses on what the Palestinians say is their land. Sometimes the Palestinians fire bombs into Israel. The conflict continues… Some information about it can be found here: THE EARTH CHALLENGESFINDING A HOMELAND514604053911500The main goal for the Palestinians in EarthCraft is to find a homeland that they can live in forever without worrying about another country taking over their land or attacking them. They want an official country called “Palestine” to be set up in this area. They are a very poor people and have often looked to other continents to help them with money for their people to survive. The Palestinians do not currently have enough farmland to feed their people, so this must be fixed straight away. The problem:The Palestinian people do not have an official homeland or country to live in, they are currently living in Asia, beside Israel, but they aren’t being allowed to control their own land.Ideas for solving this Earth Challenge:The resources needed for the Palestinians to set up their new country are:$30 Billion20M tons of steel20M gigawatts of energyOne soldier, one jet and one battleshipan agreement with Asia (where Israel and Palestine are located) that they will give up the land where Palestine is)right1718900all teams must agree to recognise Palestine as an official independent country 10160-49445800CONFLICT WITH ISRAELThe Palestinians and Israel are at war. Palestine is losing this war because Israel has many more military units and a much stronger and larger economy. The problem:Each day, Palestine and Asia must have a battle of one soldier (Palestine) vs. two soldiers (Asia) until they come to an agreement. Ideas for solving this Earth Challenge:Negotiate a ceasefire between the Palestinians and IsraelRemember that for Palestine to have a secure homeland they need one land unit, one sea unit and one air unit, so if they lose their one current land unit in war, they will need to train another one. 47066208699500-6667515938500EXTREMISMAs well as the war, a small group of Palestinians are unhappy about the failed attempts to make peace and create a homeland. They do not think that peace negotiations will work, and so they are instead waging another war, a guerrilla war (a war where one side is just a small group of soldiers) against Israel. For more information: 4762548162979300The problem:Palestinian extremists will not allow a ceasefire with Israel. If Palestine loses all its military units, the extremists will train another unit (for free) and the war with Israel (controlled by Asia) will continue.Every day roll 1D6. If it is a 1 or 2, Palestine trains a secret soldier and places it anywhere in Asian territory and attacks the nearest military unit.Ideas for solving this Earth Challenge:How are you going to stop these extremist people from fighting? Why are they fighting? What might make them stop? -138223-45720000EARTHQUAKEAn Earthquake (or quake or tremor) is the shaking of the surface of the Earth. Earthquakes can be extremely violent or so slight that they only register on instruments. They are caused by sudden movements of the Earth's tectonic plates. There has been a series of violent earthquakes in Palestine, as it has been found to be on a faultline. The problem:485521065849500Earthquake tremors are causing damage. investors are not willing to put money into helping set up Palestine up as an independent nation. Until you can make Palestinian buildings more earthquake proof, you cannot solve any of your other challenges. THE FATESTHE SITUATIONThe Fates have lots of important jobs:Run the game and make up new rules when they’re neededDecide if teams have met their Earth Challenges and keep track of how many have been metHelp when teams are disagreeingDeal with inventions:Are they actually possible?Have they been well-researched?Have they provided a drawing for it?What costs must they pay? Make the costs realistic, they should be similar to the kinds of things that already have prices…SHARED EARTH CHALLENGESThese challenges are run by Fate but must be solved by the players. These challenges only start on Game day 2 and 3, so if the game is won before that, these challenges don’t get used.PIRATESAlong two important shipping lanes, pirates have started boarding ships and stealing cargo from boats. This is costing the continents involved a lot of money.The problem:Starting on Day 2: In the sea just south of Singapore and in the Persian Gulf there are 4 pirates. Until these pirates are dealt with, Asia, Africa, North America and South America lose $5 each game day.How to solve this Earth Challenge:Deal with or defeat all of the pirate ships.ALIEN INVASIONIntelligent life has found us, and it is warlike. Spaceships have appeared out of nowhere intent on attacking Earth’s civilizations.The problem:Starting on Day 3: 6 alien spacecraft appear in various different areas at the same time (decided by Fate). They will attack the nearest military forces until all are killed, they will then try and control great cities and send resources back to their home planet.How to solve this Earth Challenge:The aliens must be dealt with or defeated. They operate as if they were jets, but they don’t need to wait to attack or at borders.ALL EARTH CHALLENGESCHALLENGE NAMENEGATIVE EFFECTHOW SOLVED?DONE?AFRICACrop FailureOne farm not producingSolve 2 of: hot weather, bad seeds, hard ground, plant diseaseDebt Crisis$2B a day ($15B max) to WB, EU, NARepay debt or have it wipedWarlords1 soldier controlled by Asia, 1 controlled by AnonymousDefeat soldiers or regain control of themDecolonisation10% less resource productionEU pay $50B and one mineSA Cheap Computers$5B to SA each turnFarming deal?DroughtLose 200m food / dayANONYMOUSAnonymous ManifestoWill use dirty bomb and virusAll must give $2B a day to UN, 2 richest teams must give $25B to two poorest teamsComputer VirusCan move 5 military pieces of other teamsMust obey manifestoDirty BombCan secretly place nuke Be given $20BElectromagnetic PulseMust be solved firstASIAThe PalestiniansFight 1 Palestine v 2 Asian soldiers (ongoing). Must deploy 2 battleships to Palestine coastCeasefire. Set up Palestinian homeland.Confrontation with NAFight 5 soldiers, 1 battleship and 1 jet (for at least 1 day)Have equal total military forces.Farming AfricaAsia must build farms in AfricaSolve contaminated Earth ECArmenian Genocide$5B per day to EuropeBuild memorial siteHackingLose 10M tons of steel a dayConvince NA they aren’t hackingTsunami1 building destroyed per dayEUROPEAnti-immigration RiotsEU gains 10M people from both Africa and Asia. Soldier dies on 1 in 1d6 rollMake agreements with Africa and Asia. TerrorismMilitary unit dies on 1 in 1d6 rollStop / arrest terroristsTrade WarBattleship battle with Oceania (ongoing)Trade agreement with OceaniaNorth Atlantic GyreBoats in gyre roll 1d6 – sink on 1 or 2. EU / NA lose 50M tons of food per day.Clean up gyre.Brain Drain / Brain GainPalestine losing people, can’t solve homeland EC.Stop people leaving PalestineFloodsRandom damage: Lose money, resources, military, buildings.GREENPEACEClimate changeIf 1 on 1d6, one structure is destroyed.All must stop using oilLoss of BeesEU farms only produce 100M tons of food per dayStop bees going extinct. Increase bee numbers.Endangered Blue FoxExtinct if anything within 5cm of it by end of day 3Clear Blue Fox’s habitat. Chernobyl1d6 roll. One team loses 150M tons of foodClean up Chernobyl with invention (cost at least $30B)Moon mining banEveryone must stop moon mining and bring astronauts homeOil spillNA or SA lose $10B per game dayNORTH AMERICANuclear MeltdownCan’t move military within 5cm of eastern coast. NA pays $5B per day to Asia for natural gas.Cover up power plant. Stop using nuclear power.UnemploymentPay 5% income to Africa and 5% to Asia.Invent 3 new industriesConfrontation with AsiaFight 5 soldiers, 1 battleship and 1 jet (for at least 1 day)Have equal total military forces.Radical Activists from SA1d6 for each structure type. 1 = structure destroyedNA must negotiate agreement. SA will want something in return.Foreign Space BaseOceania will close down US space base by day 3 unless deal reached.Make a deal with Oceania about moon income.Hurricane HoratioDestroying military or buildingOCEANIASpace Junk1 on 1d6 destroys structureGet space junk downDestruction of Indigenous CulturesMines at 50%UN court case. Reward for giving up land.Breakaway CountryOne oil well not producing. One soldier to fight.Deal with separatists. Deal with soldier.Unequal Free Trade DealsGive Asia $10B per day.Negotiate a deal with Asia.Stolen HeadEurope making $10B a day from head.Get head back.BushfireLose 1 building / dayPALESTINEFinding a homelandNo homeland.$30B, 10M steel, 20M gigawatts energy, 1 soldier, 1 jet, 1 battleship. Agreement with Asia. Recognition from all teams.Conflict with IsraelFight v Asia – 1 soldier vs. 2 soldiers (ongoing)Ceasefire.ExtremismFree soldier each time they all die.Deal with extremists or no peace with Asia.EarthquakeCan’t solve other challenges until this dealt withMake buildings earthquake proofSOUTH AMERICAReduced river flows25% income loss or use 15M gigawatts of e up with a way to increase river flow.Deforestation$5B a day to UN.Close two farmsPolitical Interference from NAGive $10B a day to NAAgreement with NAHawaiian ArtefactMakes $5B a day as monumentGive back artefactDecolonisationEU must pay UN and SA $5B a day each.Create indigenous cultural education centre.LandslidesRandom damage: buildings lost, military lost, resources lostUNDisarmamentToo many military units.Reduce total number of military units to 40 or less.MonumentsTeams pay $1B to UN if they don’t have a monument.All teams to build a monument.Rich vs PoorAfrica pays $2B to EU and NA each dayEnd this deal and get EU and NA to start paying Africa something.MalariaLose 1D6 x $5B per day.WORLD BANKGlobal Financial CrisisFrom day 3, all lost 5% cash reserves every dayConvince all teams to cut all reserves by 5%Price Agreement on a CommodityNo fixed prices for commodities.Fixed price for food, steel, energyMoon Profit SharingPay WB $2B each time moon mining works.Agree to share moon profits.Stock Market CrashAll continents lose $2 per dayRUN BY FATESPiratesAsia, Africa, NA and SA losing $5B / dayDefeat them allAliensAliens attacking random teams.Defeat or communicate with them ................

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