The U.S. Bill of Rights - St. Louis Public Schools

The U.S. Bill of Rights


? 1787 ? Constitutional Convention

? Constitution written ? Much debate b/w Federalist & Anti-Federalists

? 1788 ? Constitution was ratified ? 1789 - George Washington was

inaugurated President ? 1791 ? Bill of Rights ratified

The Bill of Rights

? Amendments 1 ? 10

? The Bill of Rights is the list of rights protected by the Constitution in the first ten amendments.

? A bill of rights is list of rights.

? amendment = a change or addition to the constitution

1st Amendment

? The 1st Amendment guarantees freedom of religion, speech, the press, assembly, and petition.

? This means that we all have the right to: ? practice any religion or no religion ? to speak freely ? to assemble (meet) / to peacefully protest ? to address the government (petition) ? to publish newspapers, TV, radio, Internet (press)

2nd Amendment

? The 2nd Amendment protects the right to bear arms.

? This means we have the right to own a gun.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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