Bill of Rights Project - Tumwater School District

Bill of Rights Project


The purpose of this assignment is for you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of our constitutionally guaranteed rights and how these rights have evolved through 200 years of judicial interpretation to their present form. Most of what you do will be self-directed. Assistance from the instructor will be available as needed.


• You will be working individually or in a team as directed. You will be expected to plan, develop and present an informative and educative lesson/presentation about one or more of the freedoms addressed in the Bill of Rights. You will be assigned your topic by lottery. The primary source of information will be the text The Bill of Rights a Users Manual by Linda Monk. Each team will be provided a copy and you will utilize this as the core of your lesson.

The format for your lesson presentation should generally follow these guidelines:

1.) The presentation should be no longer than 7 minutes in length.

2.) The presentation must include the following elements:

• An introduction that defines the amendment.

• An Overview or Review of the current situation. What do the courts have to say about the right today? Find current (last 40 years) Supreme Court cases about your amendment.

• Historical Background. Why was the amendment first needed? Include Court cases that illustrates how the current situation came about over time.

• A conclusion that discusses what Future Challenges or changes might occur that could impact the amendment. Are there new technologies or ideas that could impact the way the right has been viewed?

3.) You may use PowerPoint to share notes and outlines of your lesson.


Appropriate dress: as always, coming dressed for the occasion shows prior planning and is proper presentation procedure.

Always use notes: again this shows preparation and will help you stay on track.

Eye contact and strong voice: this will help make the audience focus on what you have to say.

Slow down: the tendency is to speak too fast. Slowing down will create more impact and get you more time on the clock.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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