Electronic Users’ Bill of Rights



1. Use the following website to gather information about the Electronic Users’ Bill of Rights:

2. Create a one-page flyer that highlights the key principles of the Electronic Users’ Bill of Rights.

Flyer Specifications:

• The purpose of the flyer -- to explain to others the rights and responsibilities of citizens in the electronic community -- should be easily discernable.

• Include information from Article 1 and Article 2 of the Bill of Rights (pay particular attention to issues such as safety, security, ownership, and privacy).

• Do NOT copy and paste information! Summarize information using your own words.

• Add an appropriate title.

• Include the name of the man responsible for proposing the Electronic Users’ Bill of Rights, the name of the university with which he is affiliated, and the date of the proposal.

• Format attractively – use such enhancements as text treatments, borders, word art, clipart, etc.

• Use correct grammar and spelling.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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