
5060950-332740GRADE00GRADE-495300-59436000 Colegio Real de Panamá 12th Grade: The Use of Language in Logic -176530195580Name_________________________ Number: _____ Score: ___ / 50Date: ____ /____/ 2020 Professor: Yiannis Gleglés00Name_________________________ Number: _____ Score: ___ / 50Date: ____ /____/ 2020 Professor: Yiannis GleglésCircle the right answer (1 point each)1. The logical connectedness of “MRI scans of the brains of 10 patients with bipolar disorder and an equal number of volunteers without the condition showed that in those with bipolar disorder, the loss of grey matter was greater than in the control group. We may conclude that the loss of brain tissue is what causes bipolar disorder” is A) strong B) weak C) failed 2. The logical connectedness of “Many athletes use sports as a quick way to escape poverty. Therefore, poverty is a social problem” is A) strong B) weak C) failed 3. The logical connectedness of “Merkin, the Subway Slasher responsible for the murders of 17 people last summer, is now in prison. All mass murderers write best-selling books after they're sent to prison. So Merkin will write a best-selling book” is A) strong B) weak C) failed 4. The logical connectedness of “Since the space outside earth is vast, there are a lot of space tourists” is A) strong B) weak C) failed 5. The logical connectedness of “No airline has been lowering its fares over the past ten years. North American Air Link is an airline. Thus North American Air Link has not been lowering its fares over the past ten years” is A) strong B) weak C) failed 6. The logical connectedness of “We are told by politicians that immigration is very beneficial to the host state. But this must be false. After all, some very prosperous states maintain restrictions on immigration” is A) strong B) weak C) failed 7. “All experimental tests performed so far on the effectiveness of this drug show that patients experience a remission of the disease” bears on: A) logical connectedness B) evidential support C) linguistic merit D) rhetorical power E) a combination of two or more of these 8. “Orthodontists apply mechanical orthotics to the teeth to straighten them. Since Nigel is an orthodontist, it follows that he applies mechanical orthotics the teeth to straighten them” bears on: A) logical connectedness B) evidential support C) linguistic merit D) rhetorical power E) a combination of two or more of these 9. “The Crystal Network’s guest speaker made persuasive gestures while reading a speech that was beautifully phrased” bears on: A) logical connectedness B) evidential support C) linguistic merit D) rhetorical power E) a combination of two or more of these 10. “The guru convinced me by his powerful chants and enthusiastic teachings” bears on: A) logical connectedness B) evidential support C) linguistic merit D) rhetorical power E) a combination of two or more of these 11. “Look at this photograph: it shows that she was at the scene of the crime” bears on: A) logical connectedness B) evidential support C) linguistic merit D) rhetorical power E) a combination of two or more of these 12. “Making the right gestures’ bears on: A) logical connectedness B) evidential support C) linguistic merit D) rhetorical power 13. “Being a premise of an argument” bears on: A) logical connectedness B) evidential support C) linguistic merit D) rhetorical power 14. “Being a conclusion of an argument” bears on: A) logical connectedness B) evidential support C) linguistic merit D) rhetorical power 15. “Having no grammatical errors” bears on: A) logical connectedness B) evidential support C) linguistic merit D) rhetorical power 16. “Wearing the exactly appropriate outfit for the occasion” bears on: A) logical connectedness B) evidential support C) linguistic merit D) rhetorical power 17. The standard, direct use of “We must face the facts and stop looking the other way” is, A) informative use B) directive use C) expressive use 18. The standard, direct use of “I’m shocked to learn that these employees actually start work when overtime kicks in” is, A) informative use B) directive use C) expressive use 19. The standard, direct use of “Now the U.S. dollar is weaker than the Euro” is, A) informative use B) directive use C) expressive use 20. The standard, direct use of “How nice it would be to take a vacation this year!” is, A) informative use B) directive use C) expressive use 21. The standard, direct use of “Our country has always been a haven for immigrants fleeing oppression” is, A) informative use B) directive use C) expressive use 22. The standard, direct use of “That nitwit's trombone-playing is driving me bananas!” is, A) informative use B) directive use C) expressive use 23. The standard, direct use of “Ban the teaching of creationism in our schools” is, A) informative use B) directive use C) expressive use 24. The standard, direct use of “Make check or money order payable to Pacific Gas & Electric” is, A) informative use B) directive use C) expressive use 25. The standard, direct use of “Hydrogen is the lightest element” is, A) informative use B) directive use C) expressive use 26. The standard, direct use of “What a relief to have that exam over with!” is, A) informative use B) directive use C) expressive use 27. The standard, direct use of “I hate that after releasing the hostages, that ruthless dictator now looks like a good guy: compassionate, tolerant, and humane” is, A) informative use B) directive use C) expressive use 28. The standard, direct use of “Inflation will continue for at least six months” is, A) informative use B) directive use C) expressive use 29. The sentence type of “Be careful not to mention politics around Uncle Arthur” is, A) declarative B) interrogative C) imperative D) exclamatory E) more than one type 30. The sentence type of “This onion and cream cheese casserole tastes awful!” is, A) declarative B) interrogative C) imperative D) exclamatory E) more than one type 31. The sentence type of “Wasn't Kaiser Wilhelm II the last German emperor?” is, A) declarative B) interrogative C) imperative D) exclamatory E) more than one type 32. The sentence type of “Mayor Bloomberg was once a Democrat. Isn't that unbelievable?” is A) declarative B) interrogative C) imperative D) exclamatory E) more than one type 33. The sentence type of “Your cousin Egbert talks a lot of nonsense” is, A) declarative B) interrogative C) imperative D) exclamatory E) more than one type 34. The sentence type of “Have you heard that we're having a quiz in class next week?” is, A) declarative B) interrogative C) imperative D) exclamatory E) more than one type 35. The sentence type of “Camels are not frequently seen in Antarctica” is, A) declarative B) interrogative C) imperative D) exclamatory E) more than one type 36. The sentence type of “No members of the Rockefeller family are impoverished” is, A) declarative B) interrogative C) imperative D) exclamatory E) more than one type 37. The sentence type of “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” is, A) declarative B) interrogative C) imperative D) exclamatory E) more than one type 38. Which direct speech act could “I’m so happy that you quit smoking!” be used to perform? A) informative B) directive C) expressive D) commissive 39. Which direct speech act could “This conduct will only bring shame on your family” be used to perform? A) informative B) directive C) expressive D) commissive 40. Which direct speech act could “Are some US students currently receiving training at the Latin American Medical School in Havana?” be used to perform? A) informative B) directive C) expressive D) commissive 41. Which direct speech act could “I promise to return your book in good conditions” be used to perform? A) informative B) directive C) expressive D) commissive 42. Which direct speech act could “Please treat your pets in a more humane way” be used to perform? A) informative B) directive C) expressive D) commissive 43. Identify the sentence type and possible indirect use of “It is outrageous that my employers give employees a penalty for every sick day they take, and that three penalties means a sanction” be used to perform? A) informative B) directive C) expressive D) commissive 44. Which direct speech act could “How proud your parents would be if you start earning a living!” be used to perform? A) informative B) directive C) expressive D) commissive 45. Which direct speech act could “Let’s behave like civilized, mature adults” be used to perform? A) informative B) directive C) expressive D) commissive 46. Which direct speech act could “Under this capitalist system, I feel hopeless – as if I have no future” be used to perform? A) informative B) directive C) expressive D) commissive 47. In “When governments are allowed to die a lingering death, politics smells bad” language is used A) Literally B) Non-literally 48. In “Women are two of the six finalists in the international piano competition being held in San Francisco” language is used A) Literally B) Non-literally 49. In “Sport should cut its coat according to its cloth. Cyclists are only the most visible because that sport is trying to clean up its act, unlike most others” language is used A) Literally B) Non-literally 50. In “Entertainers have become a new class of royalty demanding ever greater tribute from their subjects. Brand endorsements are now necessary if these maharajahs are to meet their financial demands” language is used A) Literally B) Non-literally ................

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