The Byzantine Empire and Emerging Europe

NAME ______________________________________ DATE _______________ CLASS _________

Vocabulary Activity

The Byzantine Empire and Emerging Europe

netw rks

Content Vocabulary

Directions: Answer each of the following questions. Include in your answers the vocabulary words in parentheses.

1. The word procurator is related to the word procure, which comes from a Latin word meaning "to take care of." What did a procurator take care of? (procurator) ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

2. Explain the difference between the clergy and the laity in the Christian church. (clergy, laity) ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

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3. How and why had the practice of monasticism changed by the time of Benedict? In addition to becoming a missionary, what other responsibilities could a monk fulfill? Which of these roles did a nun share? (monk, monasticism, missionary, nun) ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

4. What is the literal meaning of the word wergild? Explain the functions of the wergild and the ordeal in Germanic law. (wergild, ordeal) ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

5. What was the Byzantine emperor Leo III's position on icons? How did the argument that icons led to idolatry contribute to the growing split between the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Western Catholic Church? (icon, idolatry) ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

6. The word patriarch comes from the Latin word pater, which means "father." What was a patriarch in the Byzantine state? What was his role in relation to the emperor? (patriarch) ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________

NAME ______________________________________ DATE _______________ CLASS _________

Vocabulary Activity Cont.

The Byzantine Empire and Emerging Europe

netw rks

Directions: For each word in the left column, write the letter of the correct definition in the right column. (plague, bishopric, inflation, abbess)

___ 7. plague ___ 8. bishopric ___ 9. inflation ___ 10. abbess

a. a rapid increase in prices b. a group of Christian parishes; diocese c. the head of a convent d. an epidemic disease

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Academic Vocabulary

Directions: Complete each sentence with the best choice from the word list below. (transformation, legal, ensure, conversion, pursue, military)

transformation legal





11. After a series of civil wars, the Roman Empire was stabilized by a __________________ government whose soldiers kept order in the land.

12. The first Christian monks were hermits who left civilization behind in order to __________________ a spiritual life.

13. The teachings of Jesus called for an inner __________________ in people's spiritual lives.

14. The spread of Christianity throughout Europe was made possible by the efforts of monks, who worked to bring about the __________________ of non-Christians, especially the Germanic peoples.

15. To keep the power of German nobles in check, Charlemagne sent messengers--the missi dominici--to the local districts to __________________ that the counts were obedient to the king.

16. Emperor Justinian's most important accomplishment was to simplify a huge archive of Roman __________________ materials.

NAME ______________________________________ DATE _______________ CLASS _________

Vocabulary Activity Cont.

The Byzantine Empire and Emerging Europe

netw rks

Directions: Write S in front of each word that is a synonym (a word with the same or nearly the same meaning) of the listed word and A for each word that is an antonym (a word with an opposite or nearly opposite meaning). (excluded, enormous, collapse, structure)

17. excluded

___ integrated ___ rejected

___ barred

___ incorporated

___ prohibited

___ included

18. enormous ___ minute

___ miniature

____ huge

___ tiny

___ gigantic

___ colossal

19. collapse

___ breakdown ___ dissolution

___ restoration

____ renewal

___ disintegration

___ crash

20. structure

___ chaos

___ random

___ arrangement

____ order

___ grouping

___ disorganization

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