C229: Task 1Robyn LeonardoWestern Governors UniversityDate(A)Time Log- See attachment in Taskstream Your time log will be submitted via Qualtrics found under the task directions in Taskstream. After you complete the time log, you will enter your WGU email address and receive an e-mail of your time log from Qualtrics.. Please copy the time log to a Word doc or PDF and save. If you are a RN-BSN student in any state but California, you will need to digitally sign your form and add your RN license number. For California, students please follow time log instructions in Taskstream. The contact information needs to include name, address/phone number or e-mail. The last column in the time log is relevance to topic. Please provide information from a primary prevention perspective to explain why this interview/site visit was appropriate to your topic. The time log is a separate download in Taskstream with your task 1 APA paper. Please note *Interviews of one hour or less are acceptable, any interview listed above one hour will be returned. You may document other time spent during a field activity above the one-hour interview time on the next entry. Please use site visit, tour of the facility or assessment of educational materials to capture the remainder of the field activity time if applicable.Social Media Campaign(B) Problem DescriptionInclude all the following:· ??????The primary prevention topic: Prevention of overweight and obesity through healthy nutrition and physical activity· ??????Target population (e.g., those affected the health concern) Focusing on Children, Adolescents and Young adults· ??????Population size 442,179 people · ??????Demographics (e.g., county, city town) Tulare County is by land mass one of the largest counties in California. Tulare County is located in the Central Valley, halfway between Los Angeles and San Francisco along Highway 99. This highway is one of the most important trucking routes on the West Coast. Tulare County is home to eight incorporated cities, and 71 unincorporated communities. The County has a total area of 4,839 square miles and is mostly rural in nature. Roughly half this land mass consists of public lands, such as Sequoia National Park and Kings Canyon National Park, the Giant Sequoia National Monument and the Sierra National Forest. The median age of our County residents is just 28.5 years old - one of the youngest regional populations in California. Many of our rural communities should be considered prime development areas for agriculturally-related service commercial businesses. · ??????Area Size The County has a total area of 4,839 square miles and is mostly rural in nature. Roughly half this land mass consists of public lands, such as Sequoia National Park and Kings Canyon National Park, the Giant Sequoia National Monument and the Sierra National Forest· ??????Physical and Social Environment (summary of your windshield survey assessment)(C1) Health Inequity/DisparityIdentify specific data to support the health inequity/disparity conclusion· ??????Discuss the primary community and prevention resources currently in place to address the health concerns.· ??????Discuss the underlying causes of the health concern.Health inequities are imbalances of service, physical/environmental/social conditions and resources within your community experienced by community members. Think about your general population and population(s) at risk related to your health concern. Are all groups in your community the same? Are there populations in the community who are unable to access services or goods or healthy physical/social environments? What kinds of barriers are preventing them? Education (health literacy)? Lack of public access? Lack of income? Lack of transportation? ?Lack of health insurance? Misaligned public funding or policy? Geography or environment? Cultural traditions or behaviors? Other social determinants of health? These inequities may not be apparent to you until you are well into logging your hours but you should be vigilant and looking out for these gaps in your community services and resources and other health determinants throughout your field experience.???????A health disparity is the statistical manifestation of these health inequities. As defined by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), “Health disparities are differences in the incidence, prevalence, mortality, and burden of diseases and other adverse health conditions that exist among specific population groups in the United States.”(C2) Primary community and Prevention Resources???????What are the primary community/prevention resources you found in your community? Why are they important to your primary prevention topic?(C3) Underlying Causes???????What are the risk factors concerning your primary prevention topic to the community/population? What would happen if nothing were done to address this issue? Why is it important? What factors need addressed to prevent the risk factors?Mock Example (Do not use the examples, your paper will be returned to you)??????? “Tobacco use contributes to acute and chronic health conditions such as heart disease, stroke, and various pulmonary problems. ?The focus of prevention should be education on those factors that can occur when an individual continues to smoke as well as the effect of second hand smoke. ?If there is no prevention methods to decrease tobacco use, the outcome will be higher morbidity/mortality rates within a population due to acute and chronic disease caused by tobacco use. ?Furthermore, prevention of tobacco use is a key factor that may decrease hospital costs and lower morbidity rates…keep writing….(D) Evidence-Based Practice (Lesson 4 in your Cos)???????Identify data about your primary prevention topic from the local (county), state, and/or national level. Mock Example“It is well-known that creating a smoke-free environment encourages abstinence from smoking. This method may assist the smoker to quit or abstain from smoking as well as promote the use of preventive assistance such as patches, gum, or other treatment methods. According to the CDC, an average of 34,000 deaths from heart disease and 7,300 deaths from lung cancer occur due to secondhand smoke each year. Furthermore, over two million nonsmokers have died from heart problems associated with second hand smoke since 1964 (CDC, 2017). Support programs to assist with behavioral changes is another evidence-based practice (EBP) method to curtail smoking. Elimination of disparities for tobacco treatment, including for those with mental health disorders, promotes cessation of smoking or keep individuals from starting the habit (CDC, 2009). (D1) Identification of Data???????Include data at the local, state, and national level and compare the levels. ?Discuss your findings. (This may be repetitive if you have addressed this in the previous section of your paper).(E1)Social Media Campaign ObjectiveMock Example??????? Educating middle-school children on the dangers of smoking to include effects of smoking associated with heart and lung diseases by June of 2017 using a phone app with games and other technology to enhance student participation in the program. The rate of smoking among adolescents will decrease by 10% in the first year, and by 20% by the second year of the campaign.??????? Recommend two population-focused social marketing interventions to improve the health message related to your chosen primary prevention topic.(E2)Social Marketing InterventionsMock Example???????Collaborating with a technology expert to create a YouTube video. There will be a direct link on the app for education purposes on effects of smoking and give methods to abstain from beginning to smoke.(E2a) Rationale???????Discuss how your social media campaign interventions support the objective.(E3) Social Media Platforms???????Include the social media platforms you will use to promote your campaign (may be a repeat of what you have listed, but be specific and discuss how the platforms are useful to obtain your objective).(E3a) Benefits of Social Media Platforms???????Detail the benefits of each chosen platform relevant to supporting preventative healthcare.(F) How the Target Population will Benefit from My Health Message(G) Best Practices for Social Media???????Detail best practice for implementing the types of social media tools for healthcare marketing. Discuss how the social media you have chosen would be the best option for your community; e.g., reaches the most people, is attractive to the young, is one of the most effective methods, etc.(H1) Stakeholder Roles and Responsibilities???????Identify the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders relevant to the implementation of the social media campaignMock Example???????For the social media campaign on tobacco use, I would need to meet with a technology expert for assistance with developing a phone app with links to YouTube. ?I will ,meet with school officials, such as the school superintendent, principal, and faculty who teach middle school to discuss policy and procedure on promoting the social media campaign…keep writing….(H2) Potential PartnershipsBe specific as to potential public and private partnerships that are relevant to aiding in the implementation of your social media campaign. (You may need community support as well as stakeholder support).Mock Example???????“…form a partnership with the local healthcare providers such as physician groups or hospitals as they have greatest potential to provide useful input, funding and referrals to the campaign”…keep writing….(H3) Implementation Timeline???????Include specific timelines for implementing your social media campaign.Mock Example???????“Week one, attend a meeting with school officials to introduce the idea of an app for education on smoking effects” When would you plan to reach your objectives? When would you plan to do different nursing interventions? When would you expect results?(H4) EvaluationMock Example??????? After a period of time such as six months or one year we would re-survey using the same format and the same questions as the initial Survey Monkey () with a few adjustments such as “do you use the phone app” as opposed to “would you use” with a comparable population. Once I receive the data, I will analyze and compare trends…keep writing….(H4a) Measurable ToolsMock Example???????“… measure the success of this objective by comparing pre-campaign data statistics with post-campaign survey statistic”…keep writing….(H5) Cost of ImplementationMock Example???????The associated cost for the campaign includes salaries for work hours allocated to planning, implementation, and evaluation. ?More specifically work hours such as time spent on meetings, surveys, special events, informational classes and administration of social media content…keep writing….(I)Reflection on Social Media Marketing???????How will your social media promote a healthier population?(I1)Reflection on Future Nursing Practice???????Reflect on how your social media campaign can apply to future nursing practice. How might you use this for future healthcare events? How might you use your campaign for future health promotions? How might it expand in influence and impact nursing in general?ReferencesCenters for Disease Control and Prevention. (2015). The CDC guide to strategies to decrease ?????smoking in the community. Retrieved from ???????? you download your Time Log as a PDF?Did you acknowledge sources, use in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized?Did you demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission? ................

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