NAME ...

NAME _____________________________________________________ DATE_______________ CLASS______


Write ALL of your answers in your OWN words.

Complete the tasks in ANY order that you choose.


You will begin by learning how to identify stars by their magnitude (brightness), color, and temperature, and spectral class. 


Use the Stars: Lights in the Sky (celestial-objects/stars.html) and write out the answers to the following questions on the sheet of paper provided to be turned in.

1. Name the brightest star in the known universe. _____________________________

2. What is its magnitude?  ________________________

3. Are the brightest stars low magnitude or high magnitude? ______________________________ 

4. Make a top 10 list of the names of the 10 brightest stars in the known universe and their magnitudes.  ()

|Star |Magnitude |

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5. Design a colored diagram on your paper that displays the colors of the hottest and coolest stars. Label the spectral classes (O, B, A, F, G, K, M) appropriately under each star color in your diagram as well as the temperature.

PART 2: Use your chart and the H-R diagram to answer the following questions.

7. - What color is the brightest star?____________________________ 

8. - What color is the coolest star?  ____________________________ 

9. -What color is our sun?  ____________________________ 

10. -What spectral class of stars is the hottest?  ____________________________ 

11. -What spectral class of stars is the coolest?  ____________________________ 

12. - What spectral class is our sun? ____________________________ 


Continue to read on to the section: A Nuclear Fireplace about NUCLEAR FUSION in the Stars: Lights in the Sky paper. The picture there shows how stars take hydrogen and changes it to helium to make energy in the star.  Your task is to design a 3-D model of this nuclear reaction with clay. Place these on a piece of paper and label the names of the elements and draw arrows showing the progression of the reaction.  Each Person needs to complete their OWN paper. BE PREPARED TO EXPLAIN THE PROCESS!



Draw and label a diagram of the life of an AVERAGE STAR and the life of a MASSIVE STAR in the space below:


Star Name

Type of Star

Spectral Class


Claim to Fame



Now check out the All Star Line Up choose 1 of the stars. ( Organize the information provided about your chosen star into FOLDABLE of your choice. Be creative with your organization!! You MAY NOT chose the same star as any other person at your table. Use your OWN words; do not copy information from the paper.

INCLUDE: Name, type of Star, spectral class, distance from earth, size, claim to fame, magnitude, where and when to see it and diagrams.



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