The Crucible and Final Culminating Projects Hopefully you have learned by now that literature is not meant to be explored in isolation, and a book is never simply a book. As we begin the final part of the year, we will do so keeping the essential questions for the year in mind: How can art, specifically literature, be used to oppress, resist or free? How can we use our knowledge to make a difference? The final culminating project for this English Literature course will begin as we study the messages found in The Crucible. Each smaller assignment will connect to a final and larger overall project that will be shared at the end of the school year – in only a matter of weeks! Researchan example of a modern day witch hunt: “a broad tide of hate and punishment based on myth, fear, and/or the lack of knowledge/ignorance. There are still some instances where witches are still being “hunted” and persecuted, but this might also apply to modern day “witches”: people who are targeted or blamed unjustifiably. ORYou can research an example of some type of injustice, mistreatment, killing, discrimination, etc, of a group of people because of intolerance, ignorance and the fear of not knowing or understanding. You should choose a topic that is not already widely studied. Your research should include: 3 – 5 credible sources Should provide insight into the topic, hate crime, event etc that you have chosen to study Explain and reveal key and pertinent information Some Examples of Modern – Day Witch Hunts The Salem Witch Trials (literal)McCarthyism (hunt for communists) Witch – hunt for witches in India (literal) The removal of Mexican immigrants from Utah Written Summary Explaining Research After you have conducted your research, each member of your group will write his or her own summary of the research. The written summary should include the following:an explanation of the modern day witch – hunt (e.g who is involved, any historical background, how the “hunt” is being or was carried out, and why this is happening) Then the latter half of the written summary should discuss connections to the The Crucible and the Salem Witch Trials. Connections might include motives (why they happened), any similarities, character similarities or connections in theme, etc. Present Your Information through Performance ?Because this unit of study is a play, you will be required to present your information creatively through some type of performance. It should be live, creative, and it must teach your audience about the issue. Your classmates and an outside visitor will complete an assessment on your performance. Your performance might include those detailed in the list below (and these are just suggestions, please be creative). Please make sure that your performance idea is approved. skitsdramatic monologuesspeeches creative documentaries ?Please come dressed in characters or attire that are relevant to your research. Create a campaign to end the intolerance, crime, or witch - hunt you must present the knowledge of your issueyou must engage the school communityyou must also engage different levels of people (think of different age groups and people belonging to varying social statuses)you must engage in the media in some way (many of you may decide to use social media in some way)you must design some type of result and work to meet it (this is completely open, but this should be something that is action – oriented and sustainable) Option B: For this part because this is the culminating project is to devise a campaign that is designed to end, eradicate, or bring news to an issue in your country. The sky is the limit for the ways that you might decide to create a campaign. Definition of Witch Hunts the act of unfairly looking for and punishing people who are accused of having opinions that are believed to be dangerous or evilthe searching out and deliberate harassment of those (as political opponents) with unpopular views Written Summaries will be in APA format on Monday, April 11thPresentation Performances begin the week of April 18thWe can keep the April 26th date as a day to showcase your campaigns and action plans ................

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