
Women in Housing and FinanceBoard of DirectorsJob DescriptionBOARD OF DIRECTORSConsists of President, President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate Past President, General Counsel, and eight members elected by the membership or appointed by the President or Board of Directors. Term of Office2 years Job SummaryAll directors share responsibility for the programs and fiscal integrity of the Association. The directors provide planning and guidance for WHF, institute and maintain its policies, assist in securing the financial resources required to sustain the organization, actively promote its members in the fields of housing and financial services while retaining a focus on its women members. The Board of Directors also promotes WHF members through the presentation of topical programs and opportunities in housing, financial services, professional enrichment, and leadership enhancement and the opportunity to meet with government and private sector leaders in these areas.Group ResponsibilitiesParticipate in establishing the policies and goals that guide WHF’s future.Approve meeting minutes.Approve financial reports.Approve annual budget.Address grievances.Fill vacancies on the Board of Directors by appropriate vote.Annually approve an election slate.Make all decisions related to WHF’s policies, image, goals and finances.Review and approve Bylaws amendments.Represent WHF at events and programs.Individual ResponsibilitiesAttendance at all the meetings of the full Board of Directors to the extent practicable. (If a member fails to attend these meetings regularly, then the Board of Directors may remove her/him from the Board of Directors).Actively work toward the success of a campaign to increase awareness of WHF.Actively contribute to the success of WHF programs and projects by providing input, encouraging contributions, assisting in sponsorship efforts, and attending related programs and events.Attend all meetings and events of WHF to the extent practicable.Time requiredBoard of Directors meetings.Attendance at WHF events and programs.Women in Housing and FinanceBoard of DirectorsJob DescriptionPRESIDENTTerm of OfficeOne yearJob SummaryChief Executive Officer of Women in Housing and FinanceResponsibilities? Serve as Chair of the Board of Directors.? Preside over all meetings of WHF, including board of directors meetings, and any specialmeetings.? Preside over the general operations of WHF.? Appoint all non-elected positions, including WHF Foundation appointed board members and WHF committee chairs and vice chairs, standing and ad hoc.? Oversee Board Members’ Responsibilities.? Oversee strategic planning.? Have the power to sign/co-sign checks.? Execute contracts on behalf of WHF.? Assure regular communications with all members of the board of directors.? Attend all meetings and events of WHF to the extent practicable.? Serve as WHF spokesperson as needed.? Perform other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors.? Remain on the Board of Directors for one year following term as President, during whichtime he/she is responsible for insuring a smooth transition with the incoming President.Time required? Board of Directors meetings.? Other committee meetings as required.? Attendance at WHF events and programs.Qualifications? Member in good standing of WHF.? Succession from President-Elect is preferred.Women in Housing and FinanceBoard of DirectorsJob DescriptionPRESIDENT-ELECTTerm of OfficeOne yearResponsibilities? Member of the Board of Directors.? ?Assist President in overseeing Board Members’ and Committee Responsibilities.? Attend all meetings and events of WHF to the extent practicable.? Assume the duties of the President in his/her absence.? Serve as WHF spokesperson as needed.Perform other duties as assigned by the President and/or Board of Directors.Oversee committee that plans annual symposium.Time required? Board of Directors meetings.? Other committee meetings as required.? Attendance at WHF events and programs.Qualifications? Member in good standing of the WHF.? Succession from Vice President is preferred.Women in Housing and FinanceBoard of DirectorsJob DescriptionVICE PRESIDENTTerm of OfficeOne yearResponsibilities? Member of Board of Directors.? Chair a committee. ? Attend all meetings and events of WHF to the extent practicable.? Perform other duties as assigned by the President and/or Board of Directors.Time required? Board of Directors meetings.? Other committee meetings as required.? Attendance at WHF events and programs.? Qualifications? Member in good standing of WHF.? Prior service on a committee is preferred.Women in Housing and FinanceBoard of DirectorsJob DescriptionTREASURERTerm of OfficeTwo yearsJob SummaryChief Financial Officer of Women in Housing and FinanceSpecific Responsibilities? Member of Board of Directors.? Supervise all receipts and disbursements.? Present regular financial reports to Board of Directors.? Oversee annual budget preparation.? Coordinate the review and approval of the operating budget on a semi-annual basis.? Review and make recommendations for the approval or disapproval of proposed spendingagreements submitted by committee chairs.? Review and approve or disapprove invoices submitted for payment.? Have the power to sign/co-sign checks.? Attend all meetings and events of WHF to the extent practicable.? Oversee annual tax preparation, with assistance of WHF staff.? Secure the services of an independent auditor to review the financial records, with assistanceof WHF staff.? Perform other duties as assigned by the President and/or Board of Directors.Time required? Board of Directors meetings.? Other committee meetings as required.? Attendance at WHF events and programs.? Budget preparation.? Financial report preparation.Qualifications? Member in good standing of the WHF.? Prior service on a committee is preferred.Women in Housing and FinanceBoard of DirectorsJob DescriptionSECRETARYTerm of OfficeOne yearJob SummaryChief Communications Officer of Women in Housing and FinanceSpecific Responsibilities? Member of Board of Directors.? Oversee the recording of meeting minutes and prepare for release to board promptly after each board meeting.? In conjunction with the management company, track attendance at Board meetings.Attend all meetings and events of WHF to the extent practicable.? Perform other duties as assigned by the President and/or Board of Directors.Time required? Board of Directors meetings.? Other committee meetings as required.? Attend WHF events and programs.? Meeting minute preparation.Qualifications? Member in good standing of WHF.? Prior service on a committee is preferred.Women in Housing and FinanceBoard of DirectorsJob DescriptionIMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENTTerm of OfficeOne yearJob SummaryAdvisor to the President.Specific Responsibilities? Member of Board of Directors.? Attend all meetings and events of WHF to the extent practicable.? Perform other duties as assigned by the President and/or Board of Directors.? Chair Nominating Committee.Time required? Board of Directors meetings.? Other committee meetings as required.? Attendance at WHF events and programs.Qualifications? Member in good standing of the WHF.? Previous service as President.Women in Housing and FinanceBoard of DirectorsJob DescriptionWHF BOARD LIAISON TO WHF FOUNDATIONTerm of OfficeOne yearJob SummaryBoard Liaison between Women in Housing and Finance and WHF FoundationSpecific Responsibilities? Member of Board of Directors.? Act as Liaison between WHF Board of Directors and WHF Foundation Board of Directors.Time required? WHF Board of Directors meetings.? WHF Foundation Board of Directors meetings.? Other committee meetings as required.? Attendance at WHF events and programs.? Reports on WHF Foundation activities to WHF Board and on WHF activities to the WHF Foundation Board.Qualifications? Member in good standing of WHF.? Prior service on a committee is preferred.Women in Housing and FinanceBoard of DirectorsJob DescriptionGENERAL COUNSELTerm of OfficeOne yearJob SummaryGeneral Counsel of Women in Housing and FinanceSpecific Responsibilities? Member of Board of Directors.? Maintain WHF legal/corporate records, with assistance of WHF staff.? Advise Board in legal matters.Time required? Board of Directors meetings.? Other committee meetings as required.? Attendance at WHF events and programs.Qualifications? Member in good standing of WHF.? Prior service on a committee is preferred.? Currently in legal profession.WHF Foundation Board of Directors Job Description Board of Directors The Board of Directors is fixed by resolution of the Board of Directors but shall consist of an odd number not less than three or more than fifteen. A number of Directors equal to one less than a majority of the number of Directors comprising the Board of Directors as of the date of election shall be elected; the remaining number of Directors shall be appointed by the president of WHF. Term of Office: Elected – 2 years Appointed – all 2 years, but one 1 year Qualifications: ? Member in good standing of the WHF. ? Prior service on a committee is preferred.Job Summary: All directors share responsibility for the programs and fiscal integrity of the Foundation. The directors provide planning and guidance for the WHF Foundation which promotes WHF members to dedicate their resources and knowledge to help women and their families in the Washington, DC metropolitan area by providing charitable services and educational activities primarily in the fields of housing and finance. Group Responsibilities: ? Participate in establishing the policies and goals that guide the WHF Foundation’s future. ? Approve meeting minutes. ? Approve financial reports. ? Approve annual budget. ? Address grievances. ? Elect WHF Foundation Executive Committee. ? Fill vacancies on the Board of Directors by appropriate vote. ? Make all decisions related to the WHF Foundation’s policies, image, goals and finances. ? Represent the WHF Foundation at events and programs. ? Support efforts to raise funds to support the Foundation’s mission. Individual Responsibilities: ? Attendance at all the meetings of the full WHF Foundation Board of Directors. A valid excuse provided to the WHF President in advance of the meeting will result in an excused absence for the member . ? Actively serve on one standing WHF Foundation committee. ? Make at least one personal financial contribution annually to the WHF Foundation. ? Actively work toward the success of a campaign to increase awareness of WHF and the WHF Foundation. ? Actively contribute to the success of WHF Foundation programs and projects by providing input, encouraging contributions, assisting in sponsorship efforts, and attending related programs and events. ................

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