How Did the Treaty of Versailles Help Cause World War II?Hooking During what years was world war I fought? When was the Versailles Treaty signed?When and in what American newspaper did the cartoon appear?How many years after the signing of the Versailles Treaty was this cartoon published? How many years before the outbreak of WWII?Based on what he is wearing on his head who does the person in the cartoon represent? What is the person crawling out of?What is the main idea of the Cartoon?Background Essay Questions What were the years of World War I?What were the military and civilian death totals in World War I?What were the main causes of World War I?Why were the German people not prepared to accept the harsh peace terms of the Versailles Treaty? Who were the three government leaders that shaped the Versailles Treaty and what country did each represent?What was Germany’s role at the Versailles conference?How did the goals of Georges Clemenceau and Woodrow Wilson differ?What was the concern of the English Treaty representative George Maynard Keynes? Define these Terms:Mustard gasCombatants CarnageWestern FrontEastern FrontLeague of Nations Document ADocument Analysis What territories did Germany lose due to the Treaty of Versailles?East Prussia remained a part of Germany. What might the loss of the Polish Corrido and Danzig have been especially difficult?In losing territory, what critical resources did Germany give up?How does Hitler Suggest Germans should respond to the Versailles Treaty?How can you use this document to explain how the Versailles Treaty helped cause World War II?Document BDocument AnalysisWhat is the total number of German military troops allowed by Article 160 of the Versailles Treaty?How does Article 160 define the role of the army?Which of the countries in the cartoon image has the largest combined army reservists and peacekeepers? What is implied by the imagery showing the chain held by the large figure representing France? How does this image suggest German politicians and citizens might have felt about their military security compared to that of their neighbors?How can you use this document to explain how the Versailles Treaty helped cause World War II?Document CDocument Analysis What are reparations?When was Germany required to pay for World War I?When were the reparations payments set to begin and what was the date by which they were required to be fulfilled?In 1929, what was the reduced amount of reparations Germany was required to pay? In German gold marks? In 2010 UD dollars?How can you use this document to explain how the Versailles Treaty helped cause World War II?Document DDocument Analysis What is the main idea of article 231 of the treaty of Versailles?According to historian Laurence Moyer, how did Germans feel about the Treaty of Versailles?According to Moyer, why did many Germans Admire Adolf Hitler?How can you use this document to explain how the Versailles Treaty helped cause World War II?What is the Question Asked by this Mini DBQ? Rewrite in your Own wordsUsing the clues from the Mini-Q Questions, think of possible categories to support the Question. Beneath theBoxes Write the Document and supportive details as to why it supports that category Write a working thesis: (form an opinion about the question being asked and write a statement/sentence to argue it) ................

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