

The Origins of the American High School, William Reese (1995), New Haven: Yale University Press

Jefferson’s Children, Leon Botstein (1997), New York: Doubleday

The New American High School, David Marsh & Judy Codding (1999), Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press

Re-Creating Schools: Places Where Everyone Learns and Likes It, Charles Meyers & Douglas Simpson (1998), Thousand Oaks: Corwin.

Horace’s School: Redesigning the American High School: Theodore Sizer (1992), Boston: Houghton Mifflin

The good high school: Portraits of character and culture. S. L. Lightfoot, (1983). New York: Basic Books.

The failed promise of the American High School, Angus, D. L. & Mirel, J. E. (1999). Teachers College Press: New York, NY.

Restructuring Schools for Collaboration, Diana Pounder (1998). SUNY Press

Teacher Mentor: A dialogue for Collaborative Learning, Peg Graham et al (1999). Teachers College Press

A Place Called School, John Goodlad

The End of Education, Neil Postman

Savage Inequalities, Jonathan Kozol

Paideia Proposal, Adler

Teaching gap. Best ideas from the world’s teachers for improving education in the classroom. James Stigler, James Hiebert, Free Press 1999.

Shaking up the school house. Phillip Schlechty, Jossey-Bass, 2001

Possible Lives. The promise of public education in America. Mike Rose, Houghton Mifflin, 1995.

The exemplary high school. Paul George, Kenneth McEwin, John Jenkins, Harcourt College, 2000.

Horace’s hope. What works for the American high school. Theodore Sizer, Houghton Mifflin, 1996.

A simple justice. The challenge of small schools. William Ayers, Michael Klonsky, Teachers College, 2000.

Welcome to our World. Realities of high school students. Robert Gilbert, Mike Robins, Corwin, 1998


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