Screen Reader friendly

Screen Reader friendly Royal Court Theatre and Kudos Fellowship application form (5 pages)NAME:ADDRESS:POSTCODE:TELEPHONE NUMBER:EMAIL:DATE OF BIRTH:NEXT OF KIN (PLEASE PROVIDE NAME AND TELEPHONE NUMBER):Please use this page to tell us about a TV show that has inspired you and why you think it is such an important medium.Please use this page to tell us why this opportunity would be life changing. What have been the barriers so far?Please include here a short reference from an artistic colleague in theatre, film or TV who has engaged with your writing.Please state who this reference is provided by:The next part of the form is for statistical purposes only and does not constitute part of your application.How do you identify?Male Female Other You answer is:Are youAsian or British Asian[please delete as appropriate]Asian – BangladeshiAsian – Indian Asian – PakistaniAsian – ChineseAny other Asian background. Please state:Dual Heritage [please delete as appropriate]Asian and WhiteBlack African and WhiteBlack Caribbean and WhiteAny other mixed background. Please state:Black or Black British[please delete as appropriate]Black – AfricanBlack – Caribbean Any other Black background. Please state:White British [please delete as appropriate]White IrishAny other White backgroundPlease specify: ___________Prefer not to sayOther. Please specify:Do you consider yourself disabled?Yes No Your answer is:Do you have any access requirements? YesNoYour answer is:If yes, please state your needs here:How did you find out about the Fellowship? Royal Court Website Kudos press release Social Media Outreach ActivityWord of Mouth Your answer is:If none of the above, please state here:What area are you applying from? Scotland N.Ireland WalesLondon England (North/Midlands)England (South West)England (South East)Your answer is:Would you like to join the Royal Court Theatre’s mailing list?Yes NoYour answer is: ................

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