The Pigman by Paul ZindelOn a piece of loose-leaf, write: The Pigman: Chapter 1. Before you begin reading, look up the following vocabulary words and write definitions or synonyms.sophomoregestapo avocationsupercolossal commemorativeAs you read, annotate (ask questions and make comments about what you are thinking as you read). After you finish reading the chapter, complete the questions using good sentences. 1. Before chapter one begins we read “The Oath”. This gives the reader important information. What is the setting of the story? Who are the main characters? How old are the characters? (approx.) What type of story is this going to be?2. “The good author catches the interest of the reader with a strong opening which arouses curiosity, introduces at least one main character, establishes setting, and generally fixes the tone of the book. If he/she has interested you with the first few pages, you will probably read on.”Was Paul Zindel successful in the opening six pages of The Pigman? If so, why? Be specific in answering.Finally, be prepared to discuss the following questions with your teacher and other students:1. Briefly describe the following: Bathroom Bomber, Supercolossal Fruit Roll.2. How is John’s cursing problem solved?3. Why do they call Miss Reillen the “Cricket”? ................

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