
Study Guide – Unit 2 Test: Energy and Cell TransportENERGYPHOTOSYNTHESIS:Goal: to use sunlight energy to make glucose Location: chloroplastGlucose (food) is made out of carbon from carbon dioxide CO2 gas from the air. Formula: CO2 + H2O + sunlight O2 + C6H12O6 Photosynthesis comprises of 2 reactions: Light -dependent reaction and Light Independent Reaction (Calvin Cycle)028575000KNOW the diagram below!!!Light Reactions: take place in Thylakoid membranes (granum/grana): produces chemical energy (ATP) to power Calvin CycleCalvin Cycle: uses energy from light reaction to fix CO2 into a glucose molecule.CELLULAR RESPIRATION:Goal: Breaks down glucose to release ATP (chemical energy)Location: MitochondriaFormula: C6H12O6 + O2 CO2 + H2O + ATPCellular Respiration is comprised of 3 reactions: Glycolysis, Krebs Cycle (Citric Acid Cyle), ETC (Electron Transport Chain)-317501778002H2OO2322CO202H2OO2322CO2KNOW the diagram below!!! Oxygen is used in ETC and split into water Glycolysis: glucose is broken downProducts of Krebs: 2 ATP +CO2Products of ETC: 32 ATP + H2OTotal number of ATP from 1 glucose: 3625273024892000** How do Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration relate? **Processes are interdependentThe products of photosynthesis are the reactants of respirationFlow of energy: Photosynthesis stores (sunlight) energy. Respiration releases (chemical) energy (ATP)FERMENTATION: Goal: Breaks down glucose to release ATP in anaerobic environments (in the absence of oxygen)* Glycolysis happens in Fermentation and Cellular Respiration. Depending on the presence of oxygen, eukaryotes can do either cellular respiration (oxygen is present) or fermentation (oxygen is not present). Prokaryotic cells don’t have a mitochondria, so they can only make ATP via fermentation.Location: cytoplasm 2 Types: Lactic Acid FermentationAlcoholic FermentationIn Animal cells In yeast cells and bacteriaReactants: glucoseReactants: glucoseProduct: Lactic acid + 2 ATPProduct: Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) + 2 ATP + CO2CELL TRANSPORTHomeostasis: The cell membrane is selectively permeable therefore it controls what substances go into and out of the cell. This property allows it to contribute to homeostasis, which is state of equilibrium for the optimal functioning of the cell. When a cell is placed in a hypotonic solution, the cell swells (and could burst)When a cell is placed in a hypertonic solution, the cell shrinks (and could plasmolyze)When a cell is placed in isotonic solution, the cell doesn’t change shape (is in homeostasis)Passive Transport:Osmosis is the movement of water through the membraneWater moves from High to Low concentration (diffusion)Diffusion is the movement of any molecule from high to low concentrations Osmosis, Diffusion, Facilitated Diffusion are all passive (no energy required)Facilitated Diffusion involved a carrier or channel protein but no energy is requiredActive Transport: requires energyExamples: endocytosis (membrane extends to bring in large amount of solids or liquids)Exocytosis (membrane extends to release large amount of solids or liquids).Some materials (ions and large molecules such as glucose) are transported via a protein but also need energy All forms of transport through the membrane contribute to Homeostasis4572003619500 ................

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