Habits of Mind Song

Habits of Mind Song

(To the tune of Jingle Bells)

Habits of Mind are ways

In which we can behave

When we don’t know what to do

And we want to find a way.

Fertile questions we learn to ask (Asking good questions)

And using all our senses (Gathering data using all our senses)

We gather information

To find solutions to our questions – oh!


Habits of Mind, Habits of Mind

Habits are the way

We can learn to think and act

At home and school and play – ay!

Habits of Mind, Habits of Mind

Habits are the way

We can learn to think and act

All throughout our day!

When we make ourselves

Clearly understood (Communicating Clearly)

And strive for accuracy (Striving for accuracy)

To become all that we should

Learning from experience, (open to continuous learning)

Using what we know (Applying past knowledge to new situations)

We create something wonderful (Creating, innovating and imagining)

And into intelligent thinkers grow – oh!


Venturing out to take good risks (Responsible risk taking)

Is sometimes hard to do

But thinking interdependently (Thinking Interdependently)

Will give support to you.

We learn about ourselves and friends

When we listen with empathy (Listening with empathy and understanding)

And thinking about our thinking (Metacognition)

Deep in our hearts we’ll see - oh!


Persisting means never giving up (Persisting)

And trying different ways

We learn to be more flexible (Thinking flexibly)

And efficacious in our ways

Taking our time to work things out (Impulse management)

Can be really cool. (Finding humour)

Being intrigued by the world around us (Responding with wonderment and awe)

Makes life exciting and joyful – oh!


Lyrics by Cathy Marks – Balwyn Primary School © Cathy Marks 2004


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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