
AMB339Media Planner 1 Role DocumentAshleigh GomezN8808961Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1.0 Introduction PAGEREF _Toc325541168 \h 32.0 Swot analysis PAGEREF _Toc325541169 \h 43.0 Competitive media evaluation PAGEREF _Toc325541170 \h 74.0 Media Objectives and Strategy PAGEREF _Toc325541171 \h 93.1 Media Strategy PAGEREF _Toc325541172 \h 93.2 Evaluation plan PAGEREF _Toc325541173 \h 105.0 Budget PAGEREF _Toc325541174 \h 126.0 Schematic PAGEREF _Toc325541175 \h 14Appendix one PAGEREF _Toc325541176 \h 15Appendix two PAGEREF _Toc325541177 \h 16Appendix three PAGEREF _Toc325541178 \h 177.0 References PAGEREF _Toc325541179 \h 181.0 IntroductionNature's own have recently introduced a new product, Curumin & Glutathione (Appendix 1) that will be released in late 2016. Nature's own have spent a great deal of time developing this product with unique ingredients that competitors have yet to use. The client has indicated they want an advertising campaign to reach their target demographic (women and men ages 50-55) in a highly competitive market. They client have given a $1.8 million budget, with a $200,000 budget for production costs. Key consumer insights developed from the team suggested that consumes see joint pain as strictly a physical pain, which should therefore be treated with physical means. The target market aren’t linking that the best way to manage health issues is a combination of supplements, a good diet and exercise. The single-minded proposition developed from this is 'joint pain management begins on the inside'. From these insights, a creative approached was developed. The 'big idea' is to 'Ease the daily grind". More specifically, the tag line reads: “Manage joint pain from the inside, out.” The creative strategy is to represent problem areas of the body (Tibia, Humorous, Elbow etc.) and animate them with different personalities. They will be in a setting similar to the movie 'Inside-Out' and the TV series 'The Office'. From this the different characters of the body will be placed in settings where two parts will be in conflict, playing on the 'joint pain' idea. This approach was taken because it was found in primary research, surveys and interviews that the target demographic has an aversion to advertisements that are historic, but rather like fun, light-hearted advertisements that involve honesty and humour. Research from the second media planner indicated that the media channels that were most relevant to the target market were Metro TV, Radio, Outdoor and digital platforms. The following report will give an insightful look into the complementary supplement industry, giving a detailed SWOT analysis. There will also be a break down of nature's own biggest competitors, which will help understand past and present advertisement and whether they were successful or not. The media objectives and strategy will be given in a detailed breakdown. Lastly, the budget and schematic are given with a brief rationale. The second media planner will be exploring the media channels, analysing the target market and doing the digital media considerations. 2.0 Swot analysisNatures own are close to being in its 40th year of operation. Their current place in the market means that appropriate advertising is vital to changing their position in the market. Natures own is the 'longest established vitamin brands in Australia and remains based in Virginia, Brisbane, with a world-class centre for quality, manufacturing and research’ (Natures own, 2016). The SWOT analysis below explains the internal and external factors that could affect nature's own ability to achieve their goals for the upcoming campaign. InternalStrengthsWeaknessesNew website design has results in a 34% increase in page visits and decreased bounce rate.It is an Australian owned company, which makes it more trustworthy in the consumers eyesOffers an incredibly diverse group of products to match all kinds of needsQuality checks as often as 15 minutes to ensure their products are of the highest possible quality for the consumersLeading edge laboratoriesManufacturing facility in QLDHigh customer loyalty among repeat customersSales of vitamins and dietary supplements grew by 19 per cent in 2013Has strong advertising(Nature's own. 2016) (The Guardian. 2015)Not the strongest company among the competition.Struggles to remain unique in its ingredientsThe Complementary Medicines Industry Survey 2014 revealed that 83 per cent of complementary medicine companies are expecting to grow their business over the next three years. (2014)According to the Global Competitiveness Report 2013-2014, one of Australia’s disadvantages for remaining competitive within global markets is the “burden of government regulation”. (2013)57% of businesses agreed that length of time it takes for new substances to gain approval is too long and cumbersome, with all thinking it is a big implement on their business.ExternalOpportunitiesThreatsIncreased interest of Vitamins in Asia, specifically china. This could create creating a market opportunity.Expanding into other international marketsPercentage of Australians taking complementary medicines has grown to 75%, meaning a bigger market leading to more profit. There is an ageing population and increase in chronic disease, which means more opportunities for complementary medicinesThere is a Growing awareness of the importance of preventative health and wellbeing among the target audienceHealth practices are still focused on the treatment of disease as opposed to its prevention and the optimisation of health. These respondents feel there is a need to increase recognition of the role of complementary medicines in public health policy and preventative health.(CMaustralia. 2013) (AFR, 2015)(Global competitiveness report, 2013)Competitors continue to grow at an alarming rateBlackmore’s continues to reign as market leader. (AFR, 2015)Competitors are further along in the movement with international growth.The medical community who accuse the industry of selling products for the gullible without strong evidence that they work. This can create controversy around complementary medicines and could turn people of buying them. (The Guardian. 2015)3.0 Competitive media evaluation'The vitamins and supplements industry is big business in Australia, worth an estimated $1.5bn each year; an overwhelming majority of Australians now count themselves as customers of this industry" (A, Rourke. 2013). "A decade ago, around 50% of Australians took complementary medicines, including vitamins, minerals, traditional medicines, herbs, aromatherapy and homeopathic products, according to a study done in South Australia. Now the figure could be as high as 75%" (A, Rourke. 2013). This particular industry is full of very closely competing brands. According to competitor research, Nature's own biggest competitors are Swisse and Blackmore’s. 'The Swisse brand, a privately owned Australian venture, is the rising star, with sources predicting the brand to spend around $50m (or approximately 30% of its revenue) on marketing and in-store promotions. Swisse has a legion of sports personalities and Hollywood names such as Nicole Kidman and Ellen DeGeneres promoting its motto: “Live healthy, be happy.” It has grown 380% in the last four years and is expanding rapidly at home and abroad '(The guardian. 2013). According to the Nielsen research group, Swisse increased its media spend in 2012 by 54% compared with the previous year. It reflects the growth in advertising in the vitamins and supplements category generally (2013). Swisse's latest advertising venture captures 'Australian cricketing great and long-time Swisse ambassador Ricky Ponting taking viewers back to basics in the suburbs of Melbourne, reflecting on "all the little things" that go into achieving success in a new film written and directed by Gen C. The campaign is film based with traditional, digital and social media to support' (Campaign brief, 2016).According to the Australian financial review, Blackmore’s, one of Australia's biggest vitamin and natural health foods groups, has experienced an extraordinary rise in its share price up 150 per cent?to $87.96 this calendar year, Making it Natures own biggest competitor. (2015). 'Blackmore’s has an unblemished record of quality and market-leading innovation. For the past three years, the company has been awarded Australia’s “most trusted vitamin and supplement brand” by a poll conducted by Readers’ Digest. The credibility and trust in the Blackmore’s brand is its competitive advantage in this industry (J, Hopkins. 2015). Blackmore's further proves its competitive advantage by having steady expansion strategies into international markets, more specifically Asia. 'Blackmore’s Chief Executive Christine Holgate provides evidence of this is in its third quarter 2015 report, where he announced, “Notwithstanding weakness in Thailand, and the benefit of a weaker AUD, the Asian business delivered an impressive 43% increase in sales compared with the previous corresponding period.”'(Fool, 2015). Campaign brief describes Blackmore’s latest advertising campaign as being 'an extension of the 'Be a Well Being' brand platform and centres on the premise that food is a powerful way to reach optimal nutrition, providing a natural way to nourish the body and achieve wellbeing. The campaign offers fun and smart ways to add an extra nutritional boost to daily meals through the use of Blackmore’s Super foods' (2016). The Media channels being used to project this campaign are 30 second TV spots, with digital and social media as support.4.0 Media Objectives and StrategyThis adverting campaign aims to achieve the media objectives of Reaching 65% of men and women aged 50 to 55 years old at least five times across a three-month schedule between July and September using a pulsing strategy, to ultimately achieve a higher frequency over a shorter period of time. A frequency strategy was chosen for a multitude of reasons. Firstly, The competitors are using a higher frequency to reach in the same segment of the market. Additionally, Nature's own product differentiation is low from that of competitors, each of the competitors has very similar products, which can make it difficult for a new consumer from the target market to choose a particular brand (E, Lowe, 2016), Finally, because the length of the campaign is limited to three months, this means that Nature's own needs to gain a significant reaction within a limited timeframe (L, Khadir, 2012). In relation to the timing aspect, the winter months of July, and September were specifically chosen for the campaign. This is because the Product is in relation to join pain and it is proven that join pain because a more predominate issue in colder weather (ABC, 2015). 3.1 Media StrategyOver 55% of Natures own sales volume is derived from Females aged Between 25-54. The main goal of this campaign is to change the consumer’s perception into understanding that managing joint pain is a process that includes diet, exercise and a natural health supplement. Specifically, the objective is to increase brand awareness and consumer engagement amongst the target audience by 15% across the chosen platforms, leading to a 3% increase in sales. This will be achieved through distributing the advertising campaign through Metro TV, Radio, Outdoor and digital channels. The campaign will be three months long launching in July with TV and Radio as a starting point. Metro TV will be launched in all major states with more tarps going into Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. The level of tarps distributed is appropriate for not only the frequency goal, but also for a new campaign launch to revitalise an established brand. Media schedule includes ads on stations most relevant to the target audience. TV will run every week for July to start the campaign off with a bang. Similarity, Radio will be launched in all Major states; launching promotional campaigns on the stations most relevant to the target market. The spots per week per station reflect the frequency goals. Radio will run every week through July, with it pulsing every second week through July and September.The plan was to run digital and outdoor as TV and radio began to die off. Digital will begin starting from the end of July and pulse throughout to the end of September. The first part of digital, social media, will run for three weeks straight with 1 week break between on Facebook, YouTube and Google +. The second part, news sites and entertainments sites will run on the same schedule as social media. Out of home is the last media choice, with billboards coming into play at the end of August. Choosing a light coverage for all states, Billboards will run for one lunar period throughout the month of September. The end of September concludes the three-month Nature's own campaign. The schedule chosen for this campaign has been in conjunction with the second media planner’s media choices and research. 3.2 Evaluation planA media evaluation plan has also been set in place to measure the success of the chosen media channels. Firstly, the Digital channels will be measured with different metrics. YouTube 'has built in analytics to see how an ad performs. This also allows for adjustments to the advert to see which strategy works best' (Youtube.2016). Facebook will use a like to comment ratio to evaluate success. Similarly, Google plus, newsrooms and other entertainment sites usually have their own analytics installed to measure the amount of traffic coming through their websites. To measure the success of billboards, 'Australians first national industry-wide measurement system for out of home will be used. It enables a vastly more accurate measuring system aligning itself with online, TV and Radio. It covers all major outdoor environments including roadside, railway/bus stations, buses/trams, airports and shopping centres. The system, called MOVE, utilizes a new audience measurement currency to Australian media known as Likelihood To See (LTS). This means that only those people from among the chosen demographic who in all probability saw the OOH advertising campaign are included in the audience measurement results' (Outdoor Australia, 2016).TV will be evaluated by the ratings. 'Rating analysis is the chief way of determining how many people actually had their television sets turned to the right channel when your spot was running. Other small ways to track include monitoring website traffic, interviewing potential buyers and tracking sales and enquiries to see how effective your ad has been' (Ozyaser, H.?2016). Radio is evaluated in the same way, by how many people are tuning in at the time the ad is played, as well as monitoring the website, sales and potential buyers. 5.0 BudgetThe budget assigned to this campaign by Sanofi was $1.8 million with a separate $200,000 assigned for production costs. The budget method that was used was the top-down method. 'Senior management develops a high-level budget for the company. Once the top-level numbers are created, amounts are allocated to individual functions or departments that must create a detailed budget with their allocation' (Chron. 2015). Because of the limited time for this budget, Top down budgeting saved time and would be the most relevant budgeting method to use for this advertising campaign. Appendix two shows in detail how the budget was broken down in terms of calculations. The budget was then broken down between the chosen media vehicles. Figure 1 below displays how the budget was allocated to each media type. Metro TV used the most money from the budget with out of home coming in second. Metro TV was allocated the most amount of money because of the expensive costs, as well as the amount of time the target demographic spends watching metro TV. Out of home and digital are nearly on par with costing’s, with radio coming in last slightly. Figure oneFigure two gives a visual representation of the money allocated to each state. Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane used the most money, as they are high-populated metro locations, with Adelaide and Perth with significantly less percentages. Figure 26.0 Schematic The media objectives and strategy described the campaign as pulsing for three months over the winter months of July, August and September. Winter was specifically chosen because colder weather may not make joint pain worse, but people believe that it makes it harder to manage the symptoms of joint pain. (ABC, 2015) Because the advertising campaign is being launched in a short peak time of the year, A pulsing strategy was chosen. Additionally, pulsing has the advantage of combining both continuity and flighting approaches. (Boundless, 2016)Appendix two shows a detailed schematic of the scheduling for the natures own campaign. From this, it is obvious that radio and TV have strong starts in the campaign as they both run for at least 4 weeks straight. TV dies of after 5 weeks but radio will pulse every second week till mid September. Billboards timing is at the end of the campaign to reinforce the message. This is only a short sting of one month. Digital will pulse throughout the campaign in three-week blocks. Appendix oneCurcumin (also known as turmeric) is a natural anti-inflammatory used osteoarthritis. A member of the ginger family, it has been used as a traditional remedy for thousands of years. (Sanofi Brief, 2016).11430018542000-91440045720000Appendix twoMedia Schematic.Appendix threeDetailed budget and schematic can be seen from the second excel attachment. 7.0 ReferencesAFR (2016) Swisse wellness sale. AFR. Retrieved on 3rd may 2016 from Australia (2016) MOVE audience measurement. Billboards Australia. Retrieved on 5th may 2016 from . “Media Types and Scheduling.”?Boundless Marketing. Boundless, 20 May. 2016. Retrieved 21 May. 2016 from? Brief (2016). Swisse and Ricky Ponting. Campaign Brief. Retrieved on 1st may 2016 from Brief (2016).Blackmore’s says get more from your food in new campaign for Super foods range via The Monkeys. Campaign brief. Retrieved on 2nd may 2016 from Brief (2016). Swisse celebrates twenty years of tennis star Lleyton Hewitt in new campaign via Noisy Beast. campaign Brief. Retrieved on 2nd may 2016 from (2016) TV advertising. Chron. Retrieved on 15th may 2016 from . (2014). In good health. Complementary medicines Australia. Retrieved on 5th may 2016 from , J (2015) One big reason to incest in Blackmore's limited. Fool. Retrieved on 3rd may 2016 from Lowe, E. (2016) How to Identify a Target Market and Prepare a Customer Profile. edwardlowe. Retrieved on 16th may 2016 from Meikle, L (2016). Blackmore’s Inspires Australians To Get More From Their Food With New Super foods Campaign Via The Monkeys. Bandt. Retrieved on 3rd may 2016 from . (2016). Consumer confidence report. Neilson. Retrieved on 1st may 2016 from Rourke, A. (2013) Vitamins take Australia. The Guardian. Retrieved on 5th may 2016 from (2015) Ricky Ponting: success and 'all the little things'. Swisse. Retrieved on 2nd may 2016 from au/blog/ambassadors/december-2015/ricky-ponting-success-and-all-the-little-thingsVagg, M (2015) Does cold weather make Arthritis worse? Abc. Retrieved on 5th may 2016 from ................

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