
?Home learning grid for school closure Primary 327.4.20Writing ReadingNumberRainbow writing: this 30 second clip is from the ‘La Luna’ trailer. Write down what happens in the trailer using simple ‘grey’ sentences. Try to include everything that happens in the trailer e.g. A shooting star flew through the sky. It landed on the moon’s surface.Challenge yourself to add colour to your sentences:Add powerful verbs in redA shooting star hurtled through the sky.Add describing words in purpleA shooting star hurtled through the inky, night sky.Add interesting openers in orangeAll of a sudden, a shooting star hurtled through the inky, night sky.There’s a word document called ‘Openers’ on the P3 class page that shows examples of interesting openers you could use to improve your sentences.Not every sentence needs an interesting opener or needs to include all three colours. Your target is to have colour in every sentence you’ve written. A good aim would be to include two colours in each sentence.We know that reading looks a bit different just now, but we hope you are enjoying the opportunity to read or re-read some books you might have at home. Remember there are also lots of opportunities to listen to fantastic books online too, just follow the links below. Task – Can you create a character profile about a chosen character from your book. Draw a picture of them and add information about them around the image. Think about their likes, dislikes, hobbies, personality traits etc. You can also search for free audible books at: Or you might choose to listen to an author reading an Online Read Aloud: (month access for each class)Let’s remind ourselves about telling the time. Have a look for all the clocks in your house. What do they look like? Are they all different? Ask an adult to help explain the differences. Can you play a game to remember how to tell the time? Please use time worksheets available on Twinkl (KS1) and TopMarks.The game below can be set at different levels to practise telling the time: of the day:See the picture at the end of this document and try including each of the questions in your number of the day poster. Choose a two or three-digit number that challenges you. Mrs Lake kindly made us examples. You can see them below too. You can also login to SumDog with your username and password.Remember the maths home learning wall in your homework jotter also provides extra activities. Your homework jotter might be a good place to record some of your maths work.SpellingTalking & ListeningMaths/NumeracyList 11: awUse your spelling grids to practise your spelling words. If you have completed all the activities, you can start a new sheet and keep record of them.This is the last list on your current spelling sheet. You will get a new set of spelling lists next week. This would be a really good time to revise all the spelling patterns on this sheet. You could play some spelling games, get a family member to test you or try look, cover, write, check to test yourself. You can also log in to Sumdog and go to the ‘spelling’ section to practise your spelling words too.This week’s task is linked to whatever book you have been focusing on as your reading this week. Once you have completed the book, or at least a few chapters roll a dice to generate questions about it. Share your thoughts and answers with someone in your family to show your understanding. Have a listen to some of your favourite authors using the following link. There are loads to choose from so maybe start with an author you are familiar with. Mr Hunter suggested we make a timetable to help us develop a routine. Here is Ms Gladstone’s:Can you create your own to help you develop a routine? Remember you can make it as detailed as you want, with times or maybe you want to use morning, afternoon and evening to split it. You can colour code the different days of split the weekend up with the week.Attached below is an activity page you might wish to complete first.Something fun!Problem to solve!IDL Theme/ProjectWe hope that you are having lots of fun choosing activities which you enjoy in your free time. We have included some fun things that you might want to do at home below.Start your own project: think of something or someone that really interests you. On an A4 sheet of paper or on your laptop or iPad create your own project. We had a lovely email about one of the P3 children who created her own project on lemurs. It was fantastic and now she knows lots of fun facts about lemurs. You might choose to write about a famous inventor, someone in your family, a pet or an animal, you might choose to research a country or city. Watch your favourite movie and think of an alternative ending and draw or write about it. Have a look through old photos with a member of your family, talk about and share the memories that you have. Create a quiz and arrange a family quiz with your family at home or online. Play a board game that you have at home or create your own. If you create your own, you will need to write instructions and rules so that others can join in. We hope that these ideas have given you some inspiration. There may be other things that you might do for fun like baking, playing an instrument, helping with the gardening, telling jokes, the list is endless!! All we ask is that you make sure that you have some fun whatever you choose to do and try and include others if you can. Maths word problems and riddles: Order the four numbers from smallest to largest:17576809144030 ones0030 ones4419611092202 tens002 tens16802105207000375285514350037719019050001756410793751 hundred001 hundred424180800107 ones007 ones16910052222500What is the sum of these two numbers?14992621710081 ten and 5 ones001 ten and 5 ones14723441176960012600617100822 ones0022 ones6314113125200 and Complete the final calculation. 1327785152400375285142875 + = 16134683544450375285102235386080560070+ = 11134683564135+= ?Apples are sold in bags of 5. Tim buys 6 bags of apples. He uses 8 apples to make a pie. How many apples does Tim have left?I am a three digit number. My tens digit is five more than my ones digit. My hundreds digit is eight less than my tens digit. What number am I?Find answers to these at the end of the grid, no peeking!Elements of Art-Shape:Geometric shapes are shapes you know the names of and recognise from maths; square, triangle, semi-circle, heart etc. Have a look around your house and find as many shapes as you can.We can see lots of shapes in nature. These are often called organic shapes. Some organic shapes include fruit, leaves, trees etc. There’s a poster on the P3 page showing some examples to help.If you go on a walk for your daily exercise or have access to a garden look around and go on a scavenger hunt for organic shapes. You could take a picture of some of the organic shapes you see on your walk or draw them when you get home. This activity can also be done by looking out of the window if you can’t get outdoors. 9747251270001263659525000Look at the clouds in the sky. Do some of the clouds look like animals or people?Here’s a picture taken on my daily walk. I think this cloud is in the shape of a dog’s head. Do you agree?Choose 3 random items in your house and place them in front of you. By really focussing on the shape and size of each object draw the outline of the objects. You can add in some details when you’re done. Remember, the focus is on the shape you are drawing. Matisse was an artist known for his use of colour and both geometric and organic shapes in his artwork. Have a look at some of his artwork on this website and look for different shapes in his work. Create your own collage inspired by Henri Matisse.Religious & Moral EducationModern LanguagesArt/Music/Drama/If you go on to the P3 page on the school website you will see that we have had a lovely response from Aaron House Care home. Please read through this response and think about how your act of kindness has made a real difference during this difficult and uncertain time. We would like you to write about how this response makes you feel. Please write the reasons why you feel this way and note down any particular parts of the response which made you feel that way. Can you think of any other acts of kindness that you could do this week? Write them down and keep a note of all the random acts of kindness you have done this week and the random acts of kindness others have done for you. In class we have been learning the Spanish words for the following:School itemsEmotionsDays and months ColoursNumbersAccess some activities to revise these on the following app Challenge for this week: There are lots of rainbows popping up around the city to celebrate all our amazing key workers. Can you create your own Spanish rainbow this week? Draw a rainbow and label each of the colours in Spanish. Use this song to help remind you of all the colours! If you feel a bit rainbowed out then you could always label a rainbow you have already made or create a song to help you remember the colours in Spanish. Don’t forget you can use Linguascope and choose what you want to learn at: Your password is in your Learning Pack. MusicWrite a short song about one of the following topics:FriendsSummerSchoolHome learningA good idea is to choose your topic first. Then make a list or mind map including lots of words and memories that pop into your head about that topic. This will make it easier when you start to write your song.We spent some time in class studying how to rhyme when we wrote poetry. A lot of songs use rhyming words at the end of sentences. Can you include rhyming words in your song?If you’ve written your song and don’t know how you’d like to sing it, choose one of your favourite songs and sing along to that music using your own lyrics. Or be creative and make up your own tune. You might even choose to rap what you have written!Health & WellbeingSciences/TechnologiesQuestions We are building up lots of different activities that you can do, and we think it is important that you have a choice and can decide which activities you would like to do so please choose from the following activities: 5-a-day Fitness: Username: SPSE1Password: kcm9l7i8Select Year 3 When you log-in to 5-a-day Fitness please select Year 3. You will then be taken to a screen which has Fitness options and a relaxation option called Time-2-Chill, there are also options for other languages and we might ask you to try one in Spanish in the coming weeks but not just yet. Please choose an option from the Fitness section. If you hover over the option, before clicking it will tell you the difficulty level. You might want to start at a lower level and work your way up, it is your choice. There are also different types of dance to choose from for example you might choose pop, funk or the Charleston. We would also like you to try out the Time-2-Chill options. These are short two-minute sessions and allow you some time to relax and breathe. Cosmic Kids Yoga video to do at home: Continue to complete the Five-Minute Move with the Body Coach Joe Wicks each day: Make your own circuits at home or try different movements on your walk, you might choose to jog, skip, run or hop. Make sure that it is safe and that you have adult supervision and permission.Planet Earth – Biodiversity and InterdependenceDuring this term of p3 the science focus will be on planet earth, looking particularly at living things. Watch Brainpop Jr Clip – Food Chain select the Make-A-Map activity from the icons below the movie. Use images, key words and the other tools provided to create a food chain mind map. Screen shot/grab your finished map if you can’t print it.P3A - Aisling.Rogerson@sciennes.edin.sch.uk P3B - Emma.Kidd@Sciennes.edin.sch.uk Alison.Mackintosh@sciennes.edin.sch.ukP3C - Daryl.Gladstone@sciennes.edin.sch.uk Sophie.1.Mitchell@sciennes.edin.sch.uk Joanna.Lake@sciennes.edin.sch.ukMaths Riddle Answers: 7 ones, 2 tens, 30 ones, 1 hundred. 4. 22 apples left37 5. 194 (this was a tricky one!!)6 ( the circle = 3) ................

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