English 9 – Quote Integration

Quote Integration – How can I fluently integrate quotes in my essay?

In order to use quotes effectively in your writing, you must correctly and fluently integrate the quote into your writing.

The following examples from Yukio Mishima’s novel The Sound of Waves demonstrate the correct and incorrect ways to integrate quotes.


| |Quotes should never stand alone in your writing, |When integration is attempted but is not fluent, |Quotes that are correctly and fluently integrated|

| |they must always be integrated. Quotes that are |the writing can be awkward and irregular. Quotes |into your writing enhance your arguments and lend|

| |not integrated into your writing look like this: |that are “awkwardly” integrated look like this: |solid support to your analysis. Quotes that are |

| | | |correctly and fluently integrated into your |

| | | |writing look like this: |

|Example #1: |Yasuo Kawamoto is an arrogant character who craves|Yasuo Kawamoto is an arrogant character who craves |Yasuo Kawamoto is an arrogant character who |

|Narrative/descriptive Quote |power. At nineteen years old, he is the president|power. At nineteen years old, he is the president |craves power. At nineteen years old, he is the |

| |of the Young Men’s Association on the island and |of the Young Men’s Association on the island and he|president of the Young Men’s Association on the |

| |he uses this position to demonstrate the power |uses this position to demonstrate the power that he|island and he uses this position to demonstrate |

| |that he possesses. “Young as he was, he already |possesses. Yasuo’s arrogance is shown when “Young |the power that he possesses. Although still |

| |knew the secret of giving himself importance, and |as he was, he already knew the secret of giving |young, Yasuo “already knew the secret of giving |

| |he always came late to their meetings” (22). |himself importance, and he always came late to |himself importance, and he always came late to |

| | |their meetings” (22). |their meetings” (22). |

|Example #2: |At the conclusion of the novel, Terukichi realizes|At the conclusion of the novel, Terukichi realizes |At the conclusion of the novel, Terukichi |

|Dialogue Quote |that Shinji is worthy of Hatsue’s love and of the |that Shinji is worthy of Hatsue’s love and of the |realizes that Shinji is worthy of Hatsue’s love |

| |Miyata family name after Shinji’s heroic |Miyata family name after Shinji’s heroic |and of the Miyata family name after Shinji’s |

| |performance on the Utajima-maru. |performance on the Utajima-maru. Terukicki said |heroic performance on the Utajima-maru. |

| |“ ‘The only thing that really counts in a man is |this to the mistress of the lighthouse, “ ‘The only|Terukichi acknowledged this in speaking to the |

| |his get-up-and-go . . . And that’s what he’s got –|thing that really counts in a man is his |mistress of the lighthouse when he said, “ ‘The |

| |Shinji – get-up-and-go’ ” (175). |get-up-and-go . . . And that’s what he’s got – |only thing that really counts in a man is his |

| | |Shinji – get-up-and-go’ ” (175). |get-up-and-go . . . And that’s what he’s got – |

| | | |Shinji – get-up-and-go’ ” (175). |


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