PDF Effectiveness of School Rules and Regulations in Enhancing ...




REG. NO. 1019884

A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Master of Education in Educational Administration and Planning DEPARTMENT OF POST GRADUATE STUDIES FACULTY OF EDUCATION THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF EASTERN AFRICA

JULY 2013

DECLARATION I, the undersigned, declare that this is my original work and to the best of my knowledge, it has never been submitted to any other college or university by anyone else for an academic credit. All information from other sources has been duly acknowledged.

Signature: _____________________ Date: _____________________ Sr. Ndeto Anna Maria Reg. No. 1019884

This thesis has been submitted for examination with our approval as university supervisors.

Signature: _________________ Date: _________________ Supervisor: Sr. Dr. Elizabeth Nduku

Signature: _____________________ Date: _____________________ Supervisor: Dr. Susan Macharia



This research was aimed at studying the effectiveness of school rules in enhancing discipline in public secondary schools in Kangundo Division, Machakos County, Kenya. The study sought to establish the extent to which students were involved in the formulation of school rules and regulations in public secondary schools in Kangundo Division; the extent to which students were involved in the implementation of school rules and regulations to enhance discipline in secondary schools in Kangundo Division; the issues arising from school rules and regulations in secondary schools in Kangundo Division; the attitude of teachers and students towards rules and regulations in secondary schools in Kangundo Division; challenges arising in enforcing the existing school rules and regulations in secondary schools in Kangundo Division and to recommend measures that should be taken to improve on the existing rules and regulations in secondary schools in Kangundo Division. A descriptive survey design was used to examine the effectiveness of school rules in enhancing discipline. The target population for this study consisted of all public secondary schools in Kangundo District. The sample frame included seven (7) public secondary schools, one hundred forty (140) students, twenty one (21) student leaders, twenty one (21) class teachers, seven (7) deputy head teachers and seven (7) head teachers. The study instruments were questionnaires for students, class teachers and Deputy Head Teachers and interview guides for Student leaders and Head Teachers. The research instruments were reviewed for validity by various groups of people who included the researchers peers and supervisors at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa. Reliability of questionnaires was measured by Pearsons Correlation Coefficient which was computed with the help of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Descriptive analysis such as frequencies and percentages were used in data presentation. The findings of the study revealed that students were not adequately involved in the formulation of school rules and regulations though they were highly involved in the implementation of the same. The findings further revealed that students were positive about school rules and regulations. They were willing to embrace them and seemed to recognize their intrinsic value in day to day life and discipline enhancement. The researcher recommends affirmative policy formulation to provide/encourage use of student friendly disciplinary measures like guidance and counseling by expert. The ministry of Education should expand its spheres of coverage to incorporate school principals in addressing the challenges faced in enhancing student discipline. School management should organize seminars and forum for students on the importance of obeying rules and regulations. In such a workshop, teachers and other experts can share with students on real life experience on the obedience of rules and regulations.


DEDICATION I dedicate this work to my beloved parents Mr and Mrs David Ndeto for their great love, constant support and tireless dedication to my initial formation. I dedicate it to my brothers and sisters who greatly contributed to my life and growth. This work is also dedicated to all The Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, who are educators and strive to mould young girls and boys, that through effectiveness of school rules and regulations, proper discipline may be enhanced in all Institutions.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost special thanks to God Almighty for His goodness to me without whose Grace and Blessings it would have been difficult for me to complete my studies. I thank Him for the good health He granted me during my studies. I am very grateful to Sr. Marie Jacqueline Githire who gave me the opportunity to pursue my studies while she was the Regional Superior. I do appreciate all the support accorded me; moral, spiritual and financial by the Institute of the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of Christ. My special thanks go to my parents Mr. and Mrs. David Ndeto and all my family members for their encouragement and support during my studies at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa. My sincere appreciation goes to my University Supervisors, Sr. Dr. Elizabeth Nduku and Dr. Susan Macharia for their guidance, patience, encouragement, suggestions and valuable contributions. Their competence and commitment in reading, critiquing and willingness to assist me were very instrumental in the realization of this work. I also owe a lot of gratitude to all my lecturers and fellow students in the Department of Post Graduate Studies in Education. Lastly, I wish to extend my sincere gratitude to all who contributed in any way towards my academic achievement. To all of you, I say God bless you.



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