
SCIENCE LESSON PLAN 2017-18CLASS: 8TH STANDARDTeacher Name : UNIT?NAME: Natural resourcesObjectives:DATE:?From?----------?to?---------The meaning of natural resources.The importance of natural resources.Differences between living and non-living resources.The need for conserving non-renewable resources.The biological need of water.The ill effects of excessive use of chemicals in agriculture.Classification and importance of natural resources.Total Periods: 3Month : JULY5E Learning?competenciesLearning?assistedActivitiesLearning?aidsEvaluationDate?whenActivityConductedTeacher’sSelfintrospectionTechniqueToolEngageThe meaning of natural resources.ImportanceMotivating the students by showing images of nature and Giving the meaning and importance of Environment.Images and videos of natureObservationObservation LISTExploreLiving and non-living resources.Renewable and non-renewable resources.Differentiating between living and non-living resources.Identifying the Renewable and non-renewable resources.Geographical images of differences in nature.List of Renewable and non-renewable resources.ObservationObservation LISTExplainWaterForestWild lifeFossil fuelsMineral resourcesMaking the list of wastage of water in daily life.Discussion about Importance of forest.Listing out the wild life animals.Explaining about Fossil fuels and its effects.Videos / pptPicture ColleagueDiscussionCheck listExpandConducting Essay competition about Importance of water or "Zerotolerance for illegal wildlife trade”Guidance of teacherActivityEssay WritingEvaluationUNIT?NAME:Our environmentObjectives:DATE:?From?----------?to?---------Importance of water for existence of life.Role of water bodies in maintaining ecological balance.Importance of photosynthetic algae in primitive earth.Need of interactions between living organisms.Energy flow in an ecosystem.Total Periods:7Month : JULY5E Learning?competenciesLearning?assistedActivitiesLearning?aidsEvaluationDate?whenActivityConductedTeacher’sSelfintrospectionTechniqueTechniqueEngageMeaning of environmentMain components of EnvironmentAtmosphereLithosphere BiosphereDiscussing about objects in environment by showing them.Discussing about main components of Environment.Photo galleryobservationExploreImportance of water for existence of life.Role of water bodies in maintaining ecological balance.Biosphere Explaining importance of water by visiting water bodies. Visit to Aquarium, ponds etcDiscussing about interrelation and interactions between living organisms.Aquarium, ponds etcobservationCheck listExplainComponents of EnvironmentBiotic and a bioticEnergy flow in an ecosystem.Food ChainEcological Pyramid Biomagnifications.Collecting the examples for aquatic ,terrestrial & human made eco system.Drawing food chain along with images.Creating the Ecological Pyramids Discussing about biomagnifications.Photo gallery of eco system of EnvironmentFood ChainModels of Pyramid of natureDiscussionCheck listExpandVisit a nearby pond ecosystem. List the biotic and abiotic factors.Writing essay about effects of water scarcity. Guidance of teacherVisitEvaluateSUBJECT TEACHER’S SIGN PRINCIPAL’S/H.M SIGN\UNIT?NAME:Structure of atomObjectives:DATE:?From?----------?to?---------? Postulates of Dalton’s theory.? J.J. Thomson’s experiment and discovery of electrons.? Properties of cathode and anode rays? Rutherford’s model of an atom.? Neil’s Bohr model of an atom.? Fundamental particles and their properties.? Atomic number and atomic mass.? Meaning of isotopes.Total Periods:6Month : JULY5E Learning?competenciesLearning?assistedActivitiesLearning?aidsTechniqueToolDate?whenActivityConductedTeacher’sSelfintrospectionEngageFundamental quantitiesMeaning of atomMaking list of different elements used in daily life.Asking questions about Fundamental quantitiesIn them.Showing different elementsobservationExploreFundamental particlesPresence of +ve and –ve charged particles in atom.J.J. Thomson’s experimentRutherford’s experimentLearning about cathode rays by doing experiments.Listing out properties of proton.Listing out properties of fundamental particles by observing .J.J. Thomson’s and Rutherford’s experiment (Video)Discharge tube experimentPPT/videoActivityexperimentExplainNeil’s Bohr model of an atom.Atomic number and atomic mass.Understanding the Neil’s Bohr model by drawing the figure.Writing the Atomic number and atomic mass of given elements.Making the list of p,n,e of different elements.Creating different atoms by PhET simulation.PhET simulationDiscussionCheck listExpandMaking of charts of Construction of Atoms Doing Activities Models of AtomsGuidance of teacherModel makingProject workEvaluateSUBJECT TEACHER’S SIGN PRINCIPAL’S/H.M SIGN\UNIT?NAME: Atoms & MoleculesObjectives:DATE:?From?----------?to?---------? Atomic Mass and relative atomic mass.? Molecules of an element & of a compound.? Molecular mass, relative molecular mass & gram molecular mass.? Avagadro number & mole concept.? Calculation of number of moles in a gram mass of a substance.? Estimation of amount of elements required for chemical reaction.? Valence electrons & Valency.Total Periods:6Month : JULY5E Learning?competenciesLearning?assistedActivitiesLearning?aidsTechniqueToolDate?whenActivityConductedTeacher’sSelfintrospectionEngageMeaning Atomic mass.Atomic number of different elements.Students will define atomic mass by their pre-knowledge.(recall)Listing out the atomic number of different atoms.Chart of different elementsObservationObservation listExploreUsing C12 as ideal quantity.Relative atomic mass.Relative molecular massGram molecular mass.Formulating and explaining the relative atomic mass.Formulating and explaining the relative molecular mass and gram molecular mass.Solving the problemsQuestion CardsQuestionersCheck listExplainConcept of mole Importance of gram molecular mass.Valency of an elementDefining the mole Calculating the mole number of given mass of atom.Calculating the gram and molecular mass of elements.Calculating the Valency of an atom by using its atomic number of given elementImage of Avogadro and Lord Kelvin.List of valency of Elements.DiscussionCheck listExpandMaking chart relative molecular mass. Collecting the information about Avagadro and lord Kelvin. Relative molecular mass chart.Guidance of teacherActivityProject workEvaluateSUBJECT TEACHER’S SIGN PRINCIPAL’S/H.M SIGN\UNIT?NAME:Study of cellsObjectives:DATE:?From?----------?to?---------? The major parts of a cell.? The role of each organelle of a cell.? The structure and function of chloroplasts andmitochondria.? Differences between a plant cell and an animal cell.? The role of diffusion and osmosis in the functioning of a cell.? The skill of draw the diagrams of plant and animal cells.Total Periods:7Month : JULY5E Learning?competenciesLearning?assistedActivitiesLearning?aidsTechniqueToolDate?whenActivityConductedTeacher’sSelfintrospectionEngageMeaning of living and non living organism.Properties of living and non living organism.Difference between living and non living organism.Listing out the properties and difference of living and non living organism by using pupils pre-knowledge about the surrounding objects. Photo gallery ObservationExploreMeaning of cellProminent parts of cellTypes of cellKnowing the different parts of cell with the help of picture of cell.Photo gallery ObservationCheck listExplainStructure and functions of parts of the cell.Difference between plant and animal cells.With the help of PPT / Video writing the function of different parts and structure.Observing the cell in biology lab with the help of microscope.Drawing the plant and animal cells.PPT / VideoDiscussionCheck listExpandCreating charts representing the function of parts of the cell.Creating chart of differences between animal and plant cell.Guidance of teacherActivity Project workEvaluateSUBJECT TEACHER’S SIGN PRINCIPAL’S/H.M SIGN\UNIT?NAME: Classifi cation of living organismsObjectives:DATE:?From?----------?to?---------? The need for the classification of living organisms.? The efforts of scientists in developing systematic classification.? The evolutionary basis of classification.? The diversity in the living organisms and the fundamental similarities in the life forms.? The skill of drawing the diagrams of organisms such as bacterium, euglena, paramecium, mushroom.Total Periods: 8Month : JULY5E Learning?competenciesLearning?assistedActivitiesLearning?aidsTechniqueToolDate?whenActivityConductedTeacher’sSelfintrospectionEngageMeaning of biology.Sections of Biology.The similarities and vividness among the living organisms.Categorizing the living organisms by showing picture of animals and plants.Discussing about Sections of Biology.Picture cards PPTPhoto galleryObservationObservation listExploreClassification of living organisms.Purpose of ClassificationListing out the points which are reasons for classification of living organisms by showing plants and animals.Photo gallery of different animals and plantsDiscussionCheck listExplainContributions of scientists to classification of living organisms.Binomial nomenclatureSystematic positionTypes of classificationAppreciating the Contributions of scientists to classification of living organisms in proper steps.Listing out the binomial nomenclature of different living organisms.Creating the chart showing classification depending on position of human ,plants and other animals.Picture of Scientists PPTObservationObservation listExpandVisit to different forests and observing the types of animals and plants and classifying them.Guidance of teacherActivityEvaluateSUBJECT TEACHER’S SIGN PRINCIPAL’S/H.M SIGNUNIT?NAME:The world of microbesObjectives:DATE:?From?----------?to?---------? The meaning of microorganisms.? To record observations made using microscope.? To compare the characteristics of different groups ofMicroorganisms.? The skill of preparing microscopic slides.? Need for hygiene.Total Periods: 4Month : JULY5E Learning?competenciesLearning?assistedActivitiesLearning?aidsTechniqueToolDate?whenActivityConductedTeacher’sSelfintrospectionEngageMeaning of micro organisms.Introduction of microscope and how to record the observation.Knowing the meaning of microorganism by observing the different pond water in microscope.Explaining about parts and functions of microscope and how to use.Microscope.Pond waterObservationDiscussionObservation listExploreSituations when the microbes are observed and lived.Types of microbes and their characteristicsExplaining the situations when the microbes are observed by showing photo paring the different types of microbes.PPTPhoto galleryObservationObservation listExplainDiseases caused by microbesNeed for hygiene.Discussing about diseases caused by microbes with the help of doctor.Giving reasons of need for hygiene.Seminar by doctorPhoto galleryDiscussionCheck listExpandCreating slides of groups of microbes.Visiting to hospital.Guidance of teacherActivityProject workEvaluateSUBJECT TEACHER’S SIGN PRINCIPAL’S/H.M SIGNUNIT?NAME: Describing motionObjectives:DATE:?From?----------?to?---------? Distinction between distance travelled and displacement.? Definition of the terms speed, velocity and acceleration.? Distinction between uniform and non-uniform velocity? Graphical representation of velocity and acceleration.? Solving numerical problems on velocity and accelerationTotal Periods: 4Month : JULY5E Learning?competenciesLearning?assistedActivitiesLearning?aidsTechniqueToolDate?whenActivityConductedTeacher’sSelfintrospectionEngageMotions State of restRelative motionGuide students to observe the moving objects and still objects.Discussing the experience of a person sitting in the train and explaining relative motion.Class room equipments.ObservationDiscussionObservation listExploreDistance DisplacementExplaining the distance and displacement with the help of Daily life examples.Discussing the problems on distance and displacement.Daily life examples.DiscussionCheck listExplainSpeed.VelocityAcceleration Uniform and non uniform motion.Equations of motionGraphs Formulating the speed and velocity with the help of distance and displacement.Making out the difference between Speed and VelocityDefining and formulating the acceleration.Giving examples for Uniform and non uniform motion.Problems on Equations of motion and representing them in graph.Photo gallery /VideosQuestion cardsObservationDiscussionSolving the problemObservation listCheck listProblem solvingExpandDrawing the Velocity –time and distance time graphGuidance of teacherActivitySolving the problemProject workProblem solvingEvaluateSUBJECT TEACHER’S SIGN PRINCIPAL’S/H.M SIGNUNIT?NAME: Force and Newton’s laws of motionObjectives:DATE:?From?----------?to?---------?Effects of force? Distinction between balanced and unbalanced forces? Definition of the term momentum? Newton’s laws of motion? To solve numerical problems? A few illustrations for inertia? Illustrations for the second and third laws of motionTotal Periods: 4Month : JULY5E Learning?competenciesLearning?assistedActivitiesLearning?aidsTechniqueToolDate?whenActivityConductedTeacher’sSelfintrospectionEngageMeaning of forceExamples for ForceEffects of forceDiscussing the forces which are responsible for movement of the body.Explaining the force responsible for moment of ball in different games.Discussing the effects of force on objectsClass room equipments.ObservationDiscussionObservation listCheck listExploreDistinction between Balanced and unbalanced force.InertiaListing out different Balanced and unbalanced forces.Exploring the effects of inertia.BallPendulum ActivityExperiment ExplainNewton’s 1st lawNewton’s 2nd lawNewton’s 3rd lawApplicationsMeaning of momentum Knowing about Newton’s 1st law and Newton’s 2nd law by conducting different activities.Finding out the application of laws in our daily life by different examples.Meaning of momentum and examples for 3rd law.Daily life application of 3rd law.Coin and glass experiment.Balls having different mass.Momentum model.Balloon and plastic stickActivityExperiment ExpandCollecting the Daily life application of all laws.Practice the problems on 2nd law.Working Model for 3rd law. Guidance of teacherActivitySolving the problemProject workProblem solvingEvaluateSUBJECT TEACHER’S SIGN PRINCIPAL’S/H.M SIGNUNIT?NAME: Energy and its formsObjectives:DATE:?From?----------?to?---------? Definition of the of terms force and work? Definition of the of terms potential energy, kinetic energy and power? Examples for potential energy and kinetic energy.? Distinction between potential and kinetic energy.? About the conversion of energy from one form to another.? Law of conservation of energy.Total Periods: 5Month : JULY5E Learning?competenciesLearning?assistedActivitiesLearning?aidsTechniqueToolDate?whenActivityConductedTeacher’sSelfintrospectionEngageLaws of MotionInertia and forceEffects of forceRecalling the Laws of motion learnt in previous class.Discussing about force and Inertia.Discussing the effects of forceChart of newtons laws of motionObservationDiscussionObservation listCheck listExploreMeaning of force and workKinetic energyPotential energy.Defining the force and work.Finding out the relation between force and work by examples.Examples for kinetic energy and potential energy.Formulating the K.E and P.E and solving the problems Photo gallery /VideoChart of formulas of KE and P.EObservationObservation listExplainRelationship between mass ,velocity and K.ERelationship between mass ,height and P.EChange of energy from one from to another.Unit of energy.Explaining the relationship between mass, velocity and K.E by doing experiment.Explaining the relationship between mass, height and P.E by giving examples.Formulating law of conservation of energy.Examples of change of energy from one from to another.K.E experiment.Spring , Rubber band etcPPt/VideoActivityExperiment.ExpandWorking model of potential energy. Guidance of teacherActivityProject workEvaluateSUBJECT TEACHER’S SIGN PRINCIPAL’S/H.M SIGNUNIT?NAME: Chemical reactions and their typesObjectives:DATE:?From?----------?to?---------? Differences between physical and chemical changes.? Different types of chemical reactions.? Writing equations for different types of chemical reactions.? Writing and balancing chemical equations.Total Periods: 8Month : JULY\5E Learning?competenciesLearning?assistedActivitiesLearning?aidsTechniqueToolDate?whenActivityConductedTeacher’sSelfintrospectionEngageMeaning of Chemical reactions.Physical change.Discussing about chemical and physical change by showing raw fruit and ripen fruit, or by showing rusted iron.Giving examples for chemical and physical change in daily life.Ripen fruit, Rusted ironObservation DiscussionObservation listCheck listExploreCharacteristics of physical ChangeCharacteristics of Chemical ChangeChemical equationsParts of the chemical equations.Symbols used in chemical equations.Balancing the chemical equations.Listing out the Characteristics of physical Change by doing activities (melting of ice, bulb, Magnetization of iron)Listing out the Characteristics of Chemical Change by doing activities (Burning of paper, Heating the magnesium ribbon) Making the list of different chemical equations.Explaining about parts of the chemical equations by taking different examples and use of symbols in equation.Balancing the chemical equations by different reactions.Chart of chemical reactionsObservationObservation listExplainTypes Of Chemical ReactionsRedox reactionEffects of oxidation reactions in daily life.Differentiating the types of chemical reaction by doing experiments and listing out the difference in them.Explaining about redox reaction by giving examplesExplaining about Effects of oxidation reactions by taking daily life examples.Chemical experimentsActivitiesActivityExperimentsExpandCollect information about1) Photolytic reaction 2) Enzymatic reaction3) Catalytic reactionGuidance of teacherActivity Project workEvaluateSUBJECT TEACHER’S SIGN PRINCIPAL’S/H.M SIGNUNIT?NAME: Chemicals in our daily lifeObjectives:DATE:?From?----------?to?---------? Chemicals used in our daily life.? Compounds containing chlorine and sulphur.? Laboratory preparation of chlorine and sulphur dioxide.? Properties and uses of chlorine and sulphur dioxide.? Manufacture and uses of baking soda.? Uses of soaps and detergents.Total Periods: 7Month : JULY5E Learning?competenciesLearning?assistedActivitiesLearning?aidsTechniqueToolDate?whenActivityConductedTeacher’sSelfintrospectionEngageChemicals used in our daily life.Making the list of chemicals used in our daily life.Salt , sodaObservationObservation listExploreChemical and physical properties of chlorine and sulphurDiscussing about physical properties of chlorine and sulphur by taking example of onion, garlic and crackers and there smell.Making the list of Chemical properties by doing activities.onion, garlic and crackersActivities.DiscussionActivityCheck listExperimentsExplainManufacturing of chlorine and sulpher.Uses of chlorine and sulpher di oxides.Manufacturing of soaps and detergents.Uses of soaps and detergents.Knowing about manufacturing techniques of chlorine and sulpher in lab.Preparing soap in lab.Listing out the advantages and disadvantages of soaps and detergents. Lab /ExperimentsActivityExperimentsExpandPreparing the chart of manufacturing of chlorine gas.Collecting more information about Carl whilhelm scheel.(Assignment)Library ,Guidance of teacherActivityProject workEvaluateSUBJECT TEACHER’S SIGN PRINCIPAL’S/H.M SIGNUNIT?NAME:Objectives:DATE:?From?----------?to?---------Total Periods:Month : JULY\Sl.NoLearning?competenciesLearning?assistedActivitiesLearning?aidsTechniqueToolDate?whenActivityConductedTeacher’sSelfintrospection\UNIT?NAME:Objectives:DATE:?From?----------?to?---------Total Periods:Month : JULYSl.NoLearning?competenciesLearning?assistedActivitiesLearning?aidsTechniqueToolDate?whenActivityConductedTeacher’sSelfintrospection\UNIT?NAME:Objectives:DATE:?From?----------?to?---------Total Periods:Month : JULYSl.NoLearning?competenciesLearning?assistedActivitiesLearning?aidsTechniqueToolDate?whenActivityConductedTeacher’sSelfintrospection ................

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