Read Aloud

If you’re reading this, you already know that 15 minutes of reading aloud to a child every day can make a lifetime of difference. But we know from our surveys that most people don’t know this critical information. We’d like *you* to change that. How? Host a Community Influencer Event:Step One: Go to and download our Community Influencer Event toolkit — and any of the other posters, bookmarks, and handouts that catch your eye. This toolkit will help guide your event.Step Two: Gather the people who get things done in your community. Sometimes, it helps to serve food. (We like brownies!)Step Three: Recruit your guests to become ambassadors for the 21-Day Challenge. Arm them with materials, or point them to our online resources. Step Four: Ask them to sign up to be a Read Aloud Partner, and show off our awesome posters, bookmarks, handouts, and social media posts. Make sure they follow us on Facebook at ; Instagram at ; and Twitter at . What? A cookie exchange. A movie screening. A book swap. A birthday party. It does not need to be fancy. It can be in your living room. It can be in your classroom. It can be a side note to an event you are about to host. The message is what’s important!For example, a community screening of an upcoming documentary about early childhood development called No Small Matter was the perfect setting for a recent influencer event in Milwaukee. No Small Matter deals with big questions in early childhood development in the US. While this message was being broadcast by the movie, we took the opportunity to talk to the gathered community leaders about the importance of reading aloud, and encourage people to commit to the 21-Day Challenge.You can, too.Why? We need you!Read Aloud 15 MINUTES depends on partners like you to spread our message. We provide the materials; you provide the megaphone. You can spark the movement to make reading aloud every day the new child-rearing standard. Host a Community Influencer Event today! Contact Kendle Bryan, Director of Partnerships, for more information at kendle@ or (703) 408-0677?. ................

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